Chapter 16: Standing above everyone!

There were a lot of whispering amongst the crowd, the marine appearing out of nowhere usually meant bad things would happen. 

"What is the marine doing here?"

"...Do you think they're here to collect taxes?"

It was a common thing to be uncomfortable when the marine appeared. Due to the recent corruption many people across Endeia had bad experiences with them in the past. The marines were people of mainland and the same people viewed the islanders as barbarians and peasants.

"Make way for Admiral Kesak and the Lighting division!" One of the marine soldiers shouted. Dressed in mostly white and black scheme their uniforms always stood out when they were somewhere. 

A woman with a stern look displaying her authority. She through the crowd with a white heavy coat above her shoulders, a blade equipped on her waist and had quite the beauty that some men would fawn over.

Muro was surprised by her appearance, her long luscious dark hair and dark eyes were overly familiar.

"...She's of Sindra descent?" Muro thought shocked. 

Klein's expression remained grim as he noticed the other person walking beside her.

"...That's him... The one they all talk about... Solan the Leviathan hunter"

There was a taller figure walking by Kesak's side. A head taller then her wearing the marine's usual uniform except he wore more heavy clothing. It was easy to tell that his body was well built, wide broad shoulders fitting into his attire, wearing a silver helmet and a black veil under.

"...Tch, just what could they possible be doing here...". Klein muttered under his breath.

Suddenly a older man with a thick beard and a chubby form hurried through the crowd arriving Infront of admiral Kesak. 

"..I-I salute to the master of soldat...". He bowed down in respect with a very obvious sweating face. 

Admiral Kesak just silently stared at him before telling him

"...Raise your head, your greeting is accepted". Her voice was strict and cold, sending a slight shiver through the man. 

"..I am the mayor of Sera's harbor... I-If I may ask what could be the pleasure of having thee admiral of the Lighting spear here in a small humble harbor?" 

The mayor's nervousness was almost laughable, you could see the constant sweating from his face.. if he continued sweating like this he could probably lose a few pounds within 'morning's arrival.

"...We've been tasked to hunt down a problematic leviathan residing further south to Sera... We're here to make preparation knowing this place is well known for its supply for hunting... You can make the preparations right?" She answered him her cold tone not wavering at all. 

"Y-Yes of course! I'll have my workers get ready immediately!" The mayor said. 

Suddenly amongst the crowd one of the scarlet harper's member shouted out the following.

"More hunting!? the marines have already hunted enough Leviathans!"

"Yeah! Leave the hunting for the Anax hunters!" another man shouted amongst the crowd. 

Sarah turned to the person who shouted first with his expression knowing.

"...Judging by how you speak i can only presume that your of an Anax faction...". She replied to him. 

"...The Marines have left almost no Leviathans left in Endeia for us to hunt! its not your job to do the hunting!" 

Sarah stood composed despite the angry hunters. 

"...I wont engage in a long arguments so I'll tell everyone the truth... Up to recently the marines have been developed better technology to hunt down the beasts who once threatened our shores... The Anax order is getting outdated, your weapons and tactics are getting rusty due to the constant evolution of the leviathans...". She spoke in a monotone way that took talking back as a 'no'.

"...Our tactics and weapons is what makes us an proud anax hunter! our ancestors have fought for centuries to make what we are-!.

"...This is not centuries ago, this is the present... If you want us to stop then the Anax better adjust to the world we live in today..". She spoke already irritated. 

It became silent, she spoke with the truth... but still, The Anax legacy was something great... and they would never yield to corrupted bastards from the mainland.

"...The marines can return to the mainland and fuck themselves!"

"Everyone hates the marines!"

"you guys are nothing but money hungry barbarians!" 

The crowd was getting heated and furious until Sarah started chuckling a bit silencing everyone.

"...Barbarians? If something's barbaric... Its the anax hunters who believe dying in the hands of a lowly beast is a suiting end for their lives...".

Sarah had insulted the very existence of the Anax hunters. Dying fighting a leviathan was one of the most prideful things that could ever happen to an hunter. And Sarah had insulted that very saying. 

"...The marines are nothing!" A boy stepped from the crowd, his expression displaying fury. 

"..J-Jimo!?" His father Muro thought, noticing that his son beside him had went off. 

"...If it wasn't for the Hunters the marines would've been destroyed a long time ago!" He shouted angry facing admiral Sarah head on.

"...This boy got guts..". Sarah thought to herself almost amusing.

Another man was rushing through the crowd and grabbed onto his son the moment he could.

"A-Admiral... Please forgive my son!" His father's voice was concerned and worried, despite all outrage amongst the people gathered heading head on with an admiral was the same as a death sentence. 

"...N-No dad-!" His father kept his mouth closed, not wanting to escalate the already bad situation his son had gotten himself into.

"This is my son's first time here in Endeia, he don't know about the etiquette of the higher anarchy...". he bowed down nervous.

Sarah raised her eyes in curiosity, this man was familiar.

"...Your of Sindra descent I presume?" She asked her voice knowingly.

"..Y-Yes admiral... we are merchant travelers, we just arrived a few days ago". The father said, still seemingly nervous. 

"...What part...".

she asked, her tone slightly softened but her expression still displeased by his son's behaviour. It felt nice to meet someone from her homeland knowing they shared probably many things in common.

"...Piromach is our hometown, its a small island in the corner of the Uachi region". 

"...Piromach? I've heard of it before, you guys produce high quality rice...".

Muro was a bit stunned, to think an high ranking admiral like her would know of his small hometown. 

"...Y-Yes, we've come here to Sera to sell them...".

Sarah took another look at his son, still a bit displeased by his behaviour but would have to let it go eventually because she was getting tired of standing in the middle of the street, all attention on her. 

"I see, I will let off your son with a warning...".

"T-thank you admiral!"

"...I'll have my subordinates check your wares tomorrow... If its really the rice that the Piromach produces, I'll pay a good sum for them...".

"Yes of course... It will be an great honor for me and my members...". He bowed down in respect.

"...Alright now... I'll have to continue... We are on a mission...". she said before signing for her soldiers behind her to continue marching.


"Huff I'm tired....". 

Sarah said throwing off her coat before settling down on her captain's chair inside her cabin. The cabin was dimly lit with lanters and her wooden desk had only smaller weapons like daggers and guns. The travelling the last 8 years had made her body sore and stiff. 

"...That kid looked like the opposite of you when you were a little child... Solan"

Sarah said lightly smiling turning her gaze towards Solan who was unclipping his helmet by the door frame of the cabin. 

"...What is that supposed to mean?" 

Solan asked annoyed knowing where she was getting at. Finally putting his helmet to the side he turned to Sarah. His face had matured and changed quite drastically, a sharper jaw-line that could be seen as impressive, his skin had turned darker due to the constant hunting under the bright sun and his once dark black eyes were now turned into an jade like color. 

"...Back when you were a child you were always so cold! like the average clique main-characters you read in the fantasy books!" 

"...Main character? It seems to me that you've been reading to much Sarah".

Solan spoke, his voice was deeper, adding a more soothing sound to it. 

The last 8 years, Solan and his master had dedicated more work to hunt leviathans under the order of Lumine. Solan was 16 now, soon turning 17 soon he was known across the sea as 'The' Leviathan hunter. 

He had been training everyday the last 8 years, wanting to one day be at the same level as his master Sarah. He had researched more about his vessel and found out many bewildering facts during that time. 

"...Anyways, how has the vessel been doing you? still vomiting blood?" she asked teasingly, wanting to get a reaction out of him. 

"...My vessel is under control, like it's always been...". he answered simply,

Living with Sarah for 8 years had made him used to her constant banter and teasing of hers. She would always try to joke around but never found any success at all.

"..Hah, You haven't changed at all...". She huffed in annoyance. 

Solan sat down on the couch Infront of her desk, leaning into the soft cushion behind him. Every once in a while it felt heavenly to just rest and sit on the couch doing absolute nothing. 

Solan thought back to the commotion earlier today after their arrivalHe had learnt early on that the hunters despised the marine. Knowing that he wanted to become even more hated by them. In his perspective the hunters he once looked up were more barbaric if you looked at it closer, using old outdated weapons. Their faces was always covered in injuries and screaming for another hunt to begin so they could end their idiotic lifestyle. 

No matter what, they were barbaric people. 

"Anyways... Our mission is still Infront of us, in two days time we'll have to travel down further south to meet up with admiral Benedict and his fleet...".

Solan looked at Sarah, a bit displeased to know that they'd have to team up with another division. It wasn't just the fact they'd have to split the spoils.. the worst part was that lady Samira was onboard their ship.

The daughter of Joseph Kritanta, a woman who have kept annoying Solan during his time in Soldat. In other eyes she was admired and lusted for due to her unimaginable beauty... But in his eyes she was nothing but a crazy maniac who had delight in killing humans. Something that even Solan who possessed a death vessel got shivers from. Just thinking about her made his body itch. 

"...What's the report on the Leviathans? The real culprit of this case..". 

Solan said looking at Sarah with curiosity. He had been on many hunting missions before but this case was rather special. Especially with two great admirals joining forces to hunt it down. 

"Its name is Tessa, a silver scaled leviathan that has the form of an serpentine almost. Its been the cause of 5 wreckages the last 4 months... No one knows where it appeared from except that its lusting for human flesh".

"..that's creepy...": 

"We'll just have to prepare in that case"

Solan said knowing that he still had time until then. In the meantime he woul have to continue his own training in his room, 'bonding' with his vessel. 

"...I'll be heading down to my room..."

He said standing up from the couch and putting on his white cloak since the weather was breezing especially being in a town in the middle of the sea. 

"See you tomorrow master" 

He waved her off before closing the door behind him leaving Sarah to continue with her own things.

Her gaze softened up with a slight frown, face palming the center of her temple. 

"...He might've think that hes grown... But in my eyes your still the same child that I saw that day...".