Chapter 17: The local enemy

Solan sat on his bed within his own cabin. Wearing a simple black shirt and soft pants giving him nice feel of warmth. Sitting with his legs crossed he was meditating silently, his eyes closed and his breaths short and slow.

"...Tch, damn voices...". he muttered under his breath visibly irritated.

During his growth the last years he was to realize that his vessel wasn't the funniest thing to possess. Growing older the echoes had kept getting louder and clearer, every time he closed his eyes he would see previous memories of curse-bearers doing hideous things to people. He had no choice but to accept it despite never getting used to it. 

'My control under the resurgence vessel have been improving... I've even gotten the hang of new vessel that belongs to the 4th curse bearer originally. The ability to reinforce different body parts with an layer of plated Exo-skeleton' 

'I've tested it in the past, I've had that mad researcher Trevon do all kinds of tests on me... I told him about my ability when i turned 9 because Lumine was insisting on it, though I regret it just a tiny bit I've gotten all kind of advantages from it. Trevon have made me artifacts to have my vessel under better control... I myself also taken a liking into creating things with machinery... The mechanisms are very interesting to say the least' 

Solan thought to himself. before opening his eyes and he felt like just resting, falling onto the soft pillow. With his arms spread out, he reached to his right where the desk was standing and grabbed a necklace, it was his family picture. his father standing proudly behind his mother holding baby Solan in heavily wrapped cloth. 

"...No matter how I look at it... Don't I look too much like my mother who've I've never met...".

As the thoughts dwelled deeper into his mind he couldn't help but fall asleep shortly after.


"...Hey look, its the marines...". 

On the streets the atmosphere was tense. Locals sweating and being nervous with the marine soldiers in on their ground. Or... it couldn't be called ground thinking how Sera's harbor was a town on-top of a wooden platform right above the sea. 

"...The locals sure aren't very fond of us...". 

Solan said to another fellow soldier walking beside him. A young man in his seemingly mid-twenties. Wearing the white uniform of the marine complimenting his lean build, his brownish hair was in a slick back and his facial appearance could undoubtedly attract the ladies. 

"..Hah, forget about them... they aren't even worth my sight...". The man spoke with arrogancy. 

His name is Fehler and he's one of the lighting division's greatest warriors. He has been serving under Solan's master since she started her career as an admiral. Also being the only man within division excluding Sarah and Solan to have an Leviathan-slayer. 

And just taking a look there were no mistaking that he came from the mainland.


After walking for a short while they'd arrive Infront of a a small stall, the vendor man seeing them the two he gulped. Of course, there was one man who looked like your average marine with that arrogant expression and another one wearing a black silk veil covering his face.

"What are you selling?" Solan asked, his voice was monotone. Despite approaching the vendor it sounded like he didn't even care at all let alone care about his existence. Fehler was gazed away giggling to himself. 

"W-Well I sell freshly picked fruits from Antor Dammen...". 

"Antor dammen? as in the island located west for the Asmor seas?". 

"S-So you've heard of it? H-Hah I'm honored that an prideful marine like you know of my town". The vendor's nervousness was almost plausible, no matter what anyone who spoke with Solan would be drowning themselves in sweat. 

"...Of course, Antor dammen is known to be the hometown of the anax crew 'the Sentinels'. Their the legendary fleet under the order of captain 'Cain Verdanski'". 

"Ah Yes of course... The marines are well known with him...".

Cain Verdanski, he is a legendary captain who leading a crew of strong hunters from all across the seas. He is known for his vigorous and leadership that gathered the hunters under him, not only that but he was famous for having an unusual vessel. Instead of killing an Leviathans he had made a peaceful contract with a mythical elder-beast given the name 'Nokken'. But that wasn't the only reason he was well known within the marines.

"I'll have a three of those red apples...". Solan pointed out in the casket.

The vendor quickly made his request and wrapped them up in a brown-paper bag and handed it over to Solan shortly after paying 30 Dol.

Walking away Fehler was still giggling from the past interaction.

"...Your way too scary with the helmet and you speak like you've killed people, so you should drop it..". Fehler remarked. 

Solan had made a deal with lumine a few years ago. He had to cover his face since his identity had to be kept hidden. To be honest Solan didn't really know why except that it was orders by her. And as for how he spoke... Seeing dead people every time he closed his eyes things were bound to change. 

"...It was an order by Lumine.. and it helps with the voices...". Solan said continuing walking forward. 

"...Voices... Right, this kid's mental". Feher thought to himself. 


"Hey! watch out!" A kid shouted bumping into them pacing right before them. 

A boy wearing worn clothes and holding a bag of something. 

"H-Hey stop that boy!" Two local guards shouted. 

"...Ah, that a thief". Was Solan's thought. a kid wearing worn clothes, running away from guards and holding a bag which is obvious stolen. What else could it possibly be?

"...Don't bother with that... Its not our job...". Fehler said wanting to continue walking back towards their ship. 

"...Are we not marines? We are supposed to instill the law onto thief's like him..". Solan said before raising his arm just slightly. 

The child thief that was running suddenly felt a vibrational daze around his body before freezing completely, not letting him move at all it was like he was chained to the air somehow. The guards arrived before pinning the kid onto the ground.

"You damn punk!" one of them yelled angrily.

"We've already warned you several times!". The other one said.

"Release me you bastards!" the kid said trying to fight back. 

"...We wont let you go with a mere warning this time-".

"..Excuse me gentlemen...". 

Solan said approaching the scene. The two locals noticed the masked man in the marine uniform before saluting him.

"We salute to the master of Soldat!" 

"...Your respect is accepted... Though tell me what's going on here...". 

"Ah, Its nothing like a prideful marine as yourself should worry about... This kid's a well known thief around this part... We've warned him many times before but he never listen to us...". The guard said before pinning the boy down even harder irritated.

"...What did he steal this time?" 

"...A bag of bread it seems...". The standing guard said looking through the paper bag. 

"A bag of bread....". 

Solan stared at the boy. He was well educated in the poverty across the islands in Endeia. Many children were often abandoned or left to be taken care by others due recklessness of sailors indulging in one-night stands with local women or their parents died out in sea by an leviathan and left the children all alone often with nobody to take care of. It was similar to how Solan's father had recklessly died trying to hunt leaving nobody to take care of him. 

"Take this... hand it to the vendor he stole it from It should compensate for the kid's faulty behavior...". 

Solan said before handing them a few gold coins, shaped circular with a small hole in the middle. 

"I-Imperial Dol?!" One of the guards thought baffled.

"S-Sir, this is way more then enough-".

"...Just take it... I don't want to waste my time here any longer...". 

"...A-Alright then...".

The guard said standing up letting the kid go with the bread. 

Solan turned back to Fehler

"...Lets continue...". 

Before they walked off the kid stood behind them bowing down in respect.

"..Thank you sir!" 

"...Don't thank me, Your situation was similar to mine... Find a place where you can work. then you can thank me". 

"Yes!" the kid said before running off.

"...Why did you even bother...". Fehler said a bit tired.

Solan remembered to the days he stayed on his home island after his father passed away. The villagers didn't like Solan or his father because they were of the Anax. Being a poor town they could barely support with resources for his father's crew. After him and his crew's death nobody came to help Solan. He ended up stealing food himself and even the rowboat he used to hunt down the mud-cat. 

"...I'm too tired to talk... The sun is making me sweat under my uniform...". 

Solan remarked. Luckily when he used his telekinesis everyone watching didn't notice it. He could hide it to a certain extent. His true vessel still unknown to the world except for those close to him.