In the midst of the sea. The two reinforced marine vessel were seen anchored a kilometer away from the island with a small village and a small population. It had a big jungle around the town and a very circular gulf in which the dock was currently at.
There report went about a silver colored leviathan that had been causing havoc in the south beneath harbor city Sera. According to the witnesses it had heavy silvered plated armor on-top of its back which were told to be impregnable, a long slender serpentine body which made it almost impossible to hit with your average long range weapons.
Sarah sat in her captain's cabin, sitting on her royal chair of red cushions until a scout from her division arrived.
"..Admiral... We've arrived back from the island...". He said bowing down in respect.
"...What did you guys learn?"
"...Admiral Benedict spoke with the locals, and from what they said... The Silver Leviathan we're after is supposedly residing within the greater valley to the south from the island here". He spoke, informative.
'...The greater valley... Its an old passage way from between the Muno seas and the Dregmor seas. A natural made stone valley where all type of ships used to sail through until a five decades ago when a mercenary crew found a better route instead going through the valley".
leaving the place alone ever since then... It would make sense if an Leviathan would inhabit that place..". Sarah contemplated to herself, thinking of all the logical reasons why.
"I see, Then tell the rest of the crew and admiral Benedict that we'll depart in an hour...".
"Yes ma'am, I'll do". The scouts-man was about to take his leave before Sarah spoke again,
"...What is it of Solan and commander Fehler".
"..They're at the local town I think".
Both Solan and Fehler was taking a stroll through the old looking stone road. It wasn't the cleanest road Solan had seen. Tangled in long veins of leave threads, the path was rocky and maintained. Wooden houses with leaf roofs appeared every now and then.
"This place creeps me....". Fehler said, displeased in his expression as always.
"...You've said that to almost every island we've travelled too in the past 8 years that we've been together". Solan said, monotonic yet with a slight amusement.
'From what I've experienced the last years is that the mainland people sure from Daimon despise everything that isn't their homeland. Daimon is a huge island with an population of estimated 120.000 Thousand citizens. Its a higher monarchy with its emperor at the peak, nobles and government officials in the middle and then there's the normal farmers and workers in the lower rank".
"...During the time I've spent in Soldat, I've felt like every mainland person is like you Fehler".
Fehler smirked with his usual arrogant smirk.
"Nobles like me we're raised like that ever since we're born... Many of us descends from mercenary ancestors who gained their wealth... We're very prideful of our family, that's all there is to it". Fehler explained.
"For example, my ancestor's used to serve on the Anax ship 'Dawn of stars' and found their success there, eventually they settled down in Daimon to create a home".
Solan was half listening to what he was saying, His words going through one ear and the other.
In Solan's eyes, the mainland people were nothing but cowards hiding behind the walls of their home. Fehler and other nobles Solan knew who served on Soldat's were an exception, because at-least they were trying to make a name for themselves instead of living their life's under their family's wealth.
A big bulky man across from them were walking towards their direction, carrying two huge wooden bucket of water in both hands. Just by looking at him it was obvious to tell that he was among the locals on the island. A plain brown tee with slight threading under his collar, plain simple pants and a rope functioning as a belt.
"...Oh? you guys must be the esteemed marine... I thought the rest of you guys left already".
He said with an genuine smile. The way he spoke showed his oblivion to the ranks and world of the current time. The island didn't seem to get loads of visitors by looking at the un-maintained road and heavily tight jungle.
"..We're just taking a stroll around the island, it should be half an hour until we depart...". Solan told.
"...I see, well I'm off deliver water to my wife and son before they die of hydration haha!" The man walked off past them with a smile.
Just as he passed Solan and Fehler, Solan suddenly heard the loud echoes going inside his head. He knew it wasn't because of lack of his helmet.. but.. the man himself.
Solan turned to the man fast,
"..Wait sir!"
He grabbed onto the man's shoulder and the local was slightly surprised by his sudden touch.
"Hm?" he uttered.
"...By any chance... Do you know what the curse of Pierre is?" Solan asked out of the sudden, his voice holding a slight desperation. He was sure that this man had to be connected of his power somehow.
The man confused, like Solan had spoken about something absurd. The local tilted his head not sure of what he was talking about.
"..P-Pierre's curse? Never heard of it"
Solan released his grip before saying
"Ah... Forgive me, Just forget about my nonsense". His voice turning monotonic again.
The local walked off again with the two heavy buckets in hand waddling away. Fehler turned to Solan with an raised eyebrow, he had never seen Solan act like it for as-long they've been together.
"...What was that about?" Fehler asked almost suspicious.
"Forget I said anything... Lets return to the ship...".
Solan said walking away immediately, not taking any questions from Fehler at all.
[3 hours later]
"We're here.... This is the great valley...".
All of the members on the two ships stood by the fences, looking up in awe. Before them stood two huge jagged mountains, the peak almost seemingly reaching the blue sky. Infront of them stood a long corridor between the two mountains, a valley like it had been almost cut in half. It was a stunning yet terrifying view.
"...Raise the sails up a bit, we need to go slow through the corridor... Its too tight for two galleons to ship beside each other...". Sarah said stoic, her expression was serious and left no mischief or jokes on deck any longer. They'd arrived at their final destination and it now it they would have to act professional.
"You heard the admiral! raise the sails!" Fehler shouted across deck.
The men got on the work immediately. Securing the ropes of the mast the lighting division entered first with the sky-division following right behind. Entering the valley the air was tighten up in a heavy mist which left no vision Infront of them. All they'd have to do was sail straight forward.
Solan who stood on the front deck seemed to be on guard watching the silent water beneath them.
"...The Exit of the corridor will lead us to the Dregmor seas, we wont know if we'll meet our esteemed Leviathan at the end or during our stroll through here, Make sure all the spearmen stay by the railings, the cannons will obviously not work in a tight space like this". . Fehler spoke professional to the men gathered around deck.
'Listening in, Solan was slightly impressed by Fehler's character. Yes, maybe he could be a pathetic man who spoke pridefully about his status as a noble acting like he owned the world. But when it came get in character for the mission he was probably the most refreshing dude Solan know.
"This place gives me the creeps!" Samira said standing on the bridge observing the eerie surroundings.
Benedict laughed at her remark. The sky division didn't really go deep into these kind off Leviathan task, seeing how his own crew also seemed creeped out by the surrounding and odd silence he glanced at Samira before telling her
"...Don't worry, Its not like a Leviathan will attack us in these circumstances... This corridor is too tight for it too appear anywhere. Our target is said to be at the end of the valley... and even if things were to go wrong.. We have the almighty lighting division with us who've been hunting Leviathans ever since they were established!".
Samira huffed, she knew off Sarah's talent for leadership and her absurd lighting vessel. After all Samira had grown up with Sarah during the time she used to live in the mansion with them. But things didn't feel to right, it was silent... almost too silent, the only thing she'd hear was the rock surrounding the valley falling down into the waters every now and then.
Samira leaned into the fence of the bridge, her face leaning into the supporting hand she thought to herself.
"...Its been a while since I've seen auntie Sarah in action... and that boy, I wonder how true the stories are about him". She huffed yet another time.
The usual headache appeared once again.
"...No? out of all time it could've appeared. Ever since that damn bitch broke my helmet these echoes have been constantly been occurring every now and then". Solan muttered to himself irritated.
--Step, Step, step--
"Everything alright Solan?" Sarah approached from behind.
"...Yes, Its just the curse going at it again...".
Sarah was a bit concerned for Solan, but her face didn't admit it as they were currently on duty needing to prepare for the worst.
"Don't worry Solan... I'll have Sir Trevon prepare a new one for you when we get back".
"...Yeah if we make it back" Solan smiled jokingly.
"...We'll make it back... Just like we've doing for the last 8 years...". Sarah replied back with a smirk.
"...Anyways, the spear crew need all the help they can have...".
Solan turned his body around, saluting her slightly before walking past her.
"...On my way admiral" he sighed taking his leave