"...Hey? Did you hear that!"
A member said standing by the railing looking into the water beneath them.
"...Just be quiet already, Its just stones falling into the water... This place is old and looks like its gonna fall apart soon...". A fellow member stood beside him, annoyed by his colleague's paranoia.
"...Hey! You two! Get back to work already!" Fehler shouted from the bridge, watching everyone who was slacking off.
"Sorry sir!" The two guys said in unison saluting him before running off.
Fehler turned to admiral Sarah who stood beside him before saying.
"...Admiral, do you know how long until we arrive at the end?"
"...It'll be 2 hours at least, this corridor is long... and from what I remember we'll be able to move more freely from the tight space...".
The heavy mist was giving them a big disadvantage, they could barely see anything except the towering mountain walls on each side of deck just barely scratching the reinforced hull. As for the members most of them were anxious and suspicious of the mist.
"Hey! the mountain walls disappeared!" Everyone turned to see the space and now it was just mist surrounding them from all direction.
"This was the space I talked about...".
'The valley starts with a small cramped space, in the middle of the valley appear a jagged circular oasis of some kind, There were at least enough space for the other division to sail beside them'.
Solan stood by the deck with other soldiers, each one holding a spear in hand by the railings. Staring into the calm sea he didn't feel good about this, it had been awfully quiet for a while. Though the voices kept pinging inside his mind.
The sky division's ship slowly made its way beside the Lighting division and Benedict shouted out from his own bridge, his loud rough voice echoing towards the lighting division.
"Admiral Sarah! Our scouts have confirmed that the area has a huge space, There's no threat of crashing into any mountain walls from here on!"
Sarah stood firm and replied loudly back making sure he'd hear her through the heavy mist. They could barely see the sky division's ship through the mist, only the faint sound of their fleet sailing beside them.
"Hey? Did you hear that?" The same member from before said scared.
"..Your at it again! Its just your imagination-".
"Be quiet....". Solan interrupted, his hand raised telling them to keep silent.
He heard it too, and from his years of experience it was no simple stone falling into the water. It was the sound of something re-surfacing and drifting through the waters Infront of them.
Sarah who walked down towards the deck noticed Solan's gesture. His face was serious and focused on what was before them.
"...Solan, are you getting anything?"
Solan kept silent, despite the silence on the outside his voices was screaming inside of him. Everyone watched Solan expecting information, it was well known among the division that he had exceptional hearing and smelling.
'Back when the island I used to live on thrived with animals my father would take me out to hunt. He taught me that listening was the most important skill to have. If you could hear an deer passing by you'd find your target immediately and follow it... We spent hours just sitting in the middle of the forest trying to listen to nature's voice'
"Solan~ Solan~"
Solan turned to the crew fast before shouting
"Its beneath us!"
Before the members could process what he was saying the ship suddenly started to shake chaotically.
The ship lost its balance, almost like it went flying for a second. The members lost their footing from the sudden shake and tripped down on the wooden floor.
"W-What was that!" A man shouted in confusion.
"...What do you think! Its a damn leviathan attack!" Fehler shouted.
"..Are you alright Solan!" Sarah asked concerned, seeing how Solan was still on the floor trying to stand.
"...Y-Yes, I'm fine" He got up before gazing towards to the mist before them.
Solan could hear the voices pinging more constantly then ever. It served as a warning... that they were no Infront of a Leviathan.
"Everyone get to your posts immediately! We're facing a Leviathan!"
Everyone scatted across the deck, getting into their positions. Some securing the sail, soldiers loading their rifles pointing directly at the calm sea before them.
"...." I
it was silent on the deck, the loud thud that had almost made them collide with the sky division beside had disappeared. being as silent as a mouse the crew's anxiousness was growing.
"...the Leviathan... its hiding from us" Solan said to himself but loud enough for Sarah to hear his remark.
"Is everything alright! Your ship suddenly moved closer to us!" Benedict shouted from his own fleet. Now being closer with them you could see the opposite crew, they all seemed to be on guard too.
"..Hah, We'll have to fight in this damned area? We're super lucky" Samira smirked unsheathing her sword.
The loud cry of a leviathan echoed between the two ships. It was obvious they were facing what they were after. Just a moments after its cry one of the crew members saw something in the distant charging straight towards the ship. The only thing visible was an armor of some kind above the water.
The ship went flying to the right of where the sky division was, their hulls colliding with each other.
Solan rushed towards the railing looking to where it had hit. A visible crease on the metal hull displayed the Leviathan's ferocious strength.
A moment after looking the loud sound of something re-surfacing again appeared.
"...Shoot the flares!"
The members responsible for the task did as Solan said. Shooting 6 red flares emitting a huge light into the misty air. The waters around them turned red, similar to a sea of blood.
"...There! Look over there!"
Infront of the two ships stood a leviathan, its head and body poked through the water. A Leviathan twice the size of their galleon, a long slender body resembling of a snake. Its back was heavily armored by some kind of refined exo-skeleton, Its teeth were razor sharp like it could easily bite an big ketch in two.
The crew was horrified by the view before them, the Leviathan had two golden eyes shining brightly similar to how the sun reflected in the seas of Endeia.
[Higher-Leviathan: Silver-back]
Sarah spoke in the middle of the silent moment.
"Prepare the cannons to port immediately! Don't panic! We've done this for 8 years! This is nothing but another Leviathan we've been tasked with" She spoke clearly and professional, trying to relief the fright out of her members.
Many got their composure back and locked in in too their task. Loading the cannons with specialized Anti-Leviathan shells they were ready to be given sign whenever.
The silver beast charged at them again.
"...Turn the ship starboard! Aim at the beast!"
The fleet slowly turned to its left, slowly but surely the cannons were in range of the Leviathan's path.
Sarah raised her hand in the air.
A barrage of heavy cannons were flying through the air aiming directly towards the charging beast which seemed to be in some kind of hurry.
The canon shells hit everywhere, some missing throughout the waters around it, but surely there were 3 which hit its silver plated armor.
Some of its armor were shattered completely which made them relieved. But looking closer they realized it had extra beneath the exo-skeleton. The members loaded the cannons again sending out another barrage of balls some hitting again, but the beast wasn't slowing down... In fact it was getting faster again.
"Brace yourself!"
The members ducked and held onto the floor of the ship before it was hit again with powerful force.
Solan stood firmly holding onto the railings. To fight an Leviathan under these circumstances was nothing but a death sentences. The flares would eventually run out which meant he would have to take every chance too get to damage the 'Silver back'
"Its has fast movements, and a sturdy body at that, what a lucky combo we've come across". Solan said before running towards the bow of the ship.
"S-Solan! Where are you going!?"
'The only way to fight a Leviathan is to go head on against it!" Jumping off the ship he dropped down into the misty water with a spear in hand.
"S-Solan!" Sarah shouted terrified by his decision.
The members ran towards the railing to see what was to come of Solan.
"...Hah! That punk really jumped into the water! He's crazier then I thought!"
Benedict said laughing hysterically hitting his leg repeating.
"This isn't the time to laugh Sir.Benedict!"
Samira shouted furious at his carefree attitude at the current situation. Samira turned to their own crew before telling everyone to get in position, they would need to assist the Lighting division even if was just a tiny bit.
She knew how the lighting division usually operated, a crew of skilled leviathan experts that could adapt to a leviathan's tactics after minutes of encountering it. They were crazy that was the best word to explain it.
Especially with Solan's amusing goal to kill every Leviathan in sight... She knew that he was some type of crazy... but not to this extent!