"...Dad, what's the best way to kill an Leviathan"
Younger Solan asked. He sat Infront of his old home, his father eating a stew carefree watching the bright sun slowly sinking beneath the horizon before them.
"...Best way?"
Solan's father thought to himself, deeply in his own mind thinking of the best possible way to answer. Ever since young Solan knew that his father wasn't. the very smartest guy when it came to answer seriously, He was a reckless man that longed to see the decaying corpse of a Leviathan he'd hunt, a rather barbaric guy in other words.
Solan watched his father thinking, his eyes gleaming with curiosity as one day he too wanted to become an prideful Anax hunter.
"You seem pretty interested son" His father said with a knowing smile.
"Of course! One day I will also become a hunter like you and lead my own crew!"
He yelled, his eyes gleaming of excitement and determination, having dream such as his, he would require information and advice. And if there was one person he could get all of that from it would be his father who had sailed the seas for several decades.
"Well... Usually you'll have to form strategies depending on how the Leviathans acts, like its movements, body parts and most importantly... how it feels".
"How it feels? What do you mean?"
"...I'm speaking about how it is, in most cases Leviathans we face are often aggravated and want to kill us at any moment... but rarely sometimes they can even be scared or sad".
"What? Leviathans have feelings?" Solan asked with an raised eye brow by his father's info.
"...I don't know, Its just my theory... At the end of the day they are just Leviathans and we are humans... Me personally, I like to face them head on!"
"Head on... Are you planning on dying and leaving me behind?" Solan said furiously with a visible pout on his face.
"...N-No, I didn't mean it like that...".
"What I'm saying is, the fastest way to kill a Leviathan if you don't care about strategy or advantages... Is to face it head on!"
"...He's so weird...". Solan thought to himself before watching his father continuing to munch on his stew.
Solan snapped back to the present day, opening his eyes he found himself deep in the water. He could see the wide silhouettes of the admiral fleets above him casting a dark shadow above him. looking below his feet's he took note of the dark water, an almost endless void of nothing. He could probably continue sink forever and he still wouldn't hit the sea-floor.
Solan heard the vibration in his surroundings. His body dinging from the cry of the 'Silver-back'. Looking over his shoulder he saw the full view of his target, a long slender body with heavy armor plated above it that seemed impregnable. Long dorsal fins from face down to the tip of his shark like tail to move like leaf in the wind.
It was circling into Solan. Gripping his spear with two hands he floated firmly, his muscles tensing under the pressure. The 'Silver back' was staring right back at Solan, almost like it was judging him.
Moments after circling It swam flawlessly through water rushing towards Solan with its gaping mouth with sets of jagged teeth's.
Solan's green eyes shone brightly before his vessel started radiating aura. Using his telekinesis skill he dodged swiftly to the side barely escaping its razor fangs.
Circling Solan once more it cut through the weight of the sea. Solan prepared for the impact and as he dodged it he pierced his spear into its armored skin attaching to it like a unwanted parasite.
"...Got it!" Solan thought to himself before the 'Silver back' started rushing in an greater speed then before.
Barely holding onto the spear Solan thought of an idea. But he'd would need the help of a certain friend.
Back up on the surface the crew was looking down at the sea with silence by the bow of the ship.
A casual member looked around at the silent tension between the crew.
"...Hey, you think Solan got eaten u-"
Before he could finish his sentence the Silver back Leviathan appeared before them. This time with Solan holding onto it with his spear.
"Oh... He's alive!" the casual member remarked.
"Are you alright Solan!" Sarah shouted concerned yet shocked towards the direction of where the silver beast was going.
"Does it seem that he's alright admiral!? He's going rodeo on a Leviathan!" Fehler told just as shocked as everyone.
"...I have a plan everyone must go into deck immediately! We cant do anything with this mist around us! Take this!"
Solan unsheathed his jade dagger on his waist, throwing towards Sarah's direction as it went flying towards their ship.
"...Tell Samira to cut her own wrist and use her vessel!"
He shouted before the Leviathan re-surfaced beneath the misty waters taking Solan with it. S
Staring down at the jade dagger Sarah was slightly confused by what Solan was trying to get at.
"…Cut her wrist?"
As she continued holding the dagger she felt a familiar sensation coursing through her hand. She saw the dagger outlined in a sea-green aura which could only belong to Solan himself.
"…The dagger… It's imbued with his vessel" she muttered under her breath.
She turned up and got another look of the current surroundings.
"…Samira... Vessel… Mist….". A light bulb appeared above Sarah's head, starting to realize the keywords. She smiled amusingly to herself, she felt humored despite the dire situation they were facing.
"…That boy, He's insane" She huffed to herself.
Turning her face back to the crew her expression got serious and her grip on the jade dagger tightened.
"…Everyone onboard, seek cover beneath deck! Its an order from Solan!" She shouted clearly in a professional tone meaning she was dead serious.
The crew responded immediately and didn't question it, one by one they entire crew was beneath deck hiding.
Sarah turned to Fehler and said "Commander Fehler, lets head out to the sky-division's fleet".
"What's happening there?" He asked confused.
"We need to give this to Samira" as she showed him the dagger.
"Cant this beast stay still for once!"
Underwater Solan was fighting for his life. The Silver back continuously tried to shake him off his body, jumping up from the water moving like there were no tomorrow. Solan held the spear tightly
"What about this!"
Injecting the spear with his vessel the vessel started roaring in pain. It was working and Solan decided to inject more of his vessel into the attached spear.
"..Its working!"
But before he realized it a sudden vibration came out the Leviathan's body kicking him off his body, It was similar to the voices in his head, except that there a plinging in his ear. Solan had studied the marine animals for a long time and realized the silver back was capable of echo-location. Being close to it could destroy his eardrums or even worse... kill him instantly since the human body couldn't tolerate such a loud sound.
"Shit... Its going to fuck me up now...". Solan told himself watching the Silver back rushing towards him with its mouth open for devouring.
"...I don't even got a weapon... My spear is stuck on its back...".
"Look beneath you Solan~" The voices spoke to him again. he was confused but could only listen as that was probably the last thing he'd ever do.
"...The abyss is staring at you~"
Confused by its words he looked under his fleets staring at the endless void beneath him. There... was a pair of... white serpentine eyes staring from the darkness. he was startled, was it another Leviathan? He would probably die two times now was his first thought.
"...The abyss has taken a liking to you... It want to give you one of its toys...".
"W-What? The abyss?" Solan was puzzled, The abyss wanted to give him something? He'd never heard of the abyss being some kind of intellect thing.
'Ever since the Leviathans appeared thousands of years ago, faraway travelers and mercenaries used to refer the endless water as the abyss, In other words a concept of an never ending void hiding in the sea. A place where sailors from old time believed you would go in the afterlife.
The silver eyes in the dark faded into the void before a blue sparkle appeared from the darkness. In just a sudden moment a long trail of blue charged Solan at an inhumane speed that he'd never ever witnessed coming at him like a meteorite.
"...W-What the-!"
As the Silver back closed in on Solan and was about to devour him the mysterious blue light hit the jaw of the beast knocking it almost out cold judging by its reaction.
Turning to the blue light, his eyes widened. Before him levitated... a stone tablet of some kind. It had several chains around, like it was concealing whatever was within. On the corner of the tablet was a green emerald shining brightly. It slowly made its way towards Solan and he was startled by its sudden movement.
Solan wasn't sure if he should grab it, but his body was tingling. It felt like his body wanted to get closer to the book and before he knew it he moved by himself. Once he got the hold of the chained tablet he heard the roar of the silver back from above.
"...Shit, I forgot...".
Remembering his current situation he moved out of the way of the charging Leviathan again with his vessel. He was hoping that Sarah had finished what he had told her because he really was going to die at this rate.