Chapter 32: The Sapphire star, pt.2

Walking down a long track through the forest, the path was jagged with old stone marbles, bush making a stretching wall throughout the path. 

The only source of light was Solan's lantern he hold up, shining brightly creating a silhouette on the surface of the trees before him.

"I should probably get back at the manor"

Solan huffed to himself, stretching his body due to the continues sitting.

"It was said this old path used to lead to the old base of the marine, I've explored the island since I came here"

Taking a look at the cracked stone ruins appearing occasionally. 

Solan had been exploring Soldat ever since he arrived. Wherever he would go he would see signs of old buildings that were centuries old, hinting that there was a longer history to Soldat. 

'There's no old base... I can only imagine that it was destroyed at some point'

Was Solan's thought about the matter.

Speaking with grandmaster Lumine she gave no space for answers, telling him that the history was forgotten. 

-Step, step-

Walking further down the jagged path he arrived at old staircases leading from the forest down town.

The sound of drunkards being more louder then ever hinted that he getting closer to the city. 


Shortly after walking down to the end of the stairs he was met with a dark alley. Walking through the bright line at the end shone heavily.

He equipped his silver helmet on before exiting the alley.

Looking out to the open street there were drunkards holding ale in hand, ranging from travelers, merchants and anax hunters too. 

Having a good time Solan decided to let them be. Their loud voices and shouts were assisting with the voices 

"Hey! Hand me another one will'ya!"

"Give back my money you damn thief!"

People were speaking here and there. Solan's head was hurting, a headache running through him despite his suppressing helmet.

It wasn't the vessel getting out of control, it felt familiar that's why they were starting to mutter things he'd never heard.


A noise hit Solan's head like how a towerman hits the morning hardened metal bell. It was irritating and being unnecessary at the current moment.

'This is why I'm never out this late' Solan said holding his palm above his temple. 

It was getting warm throughout his body, a heat penetrating through his body like an reverse umbrella.

"...Nightlife, it hasn't changed at all since Glava the unfortunate died... People still are going out drinking themselves until complete waste".

Solan leaned his back first to the wall behind him. Trying to breath calm, inhaling for a few seconds and then exhaling for the same amount of seconds.

Doing it on repeat the voices got calmer by the second, it wasn't complete silent but it was to a degree that Solan could continue on with his day. 

"Huff, Its better now...".

Walking out of the alley Solan stumbled a bit before straightening his back.

The drunkards taking notice of him went a bit silent.

"A-Ah, that guy... He's a high ranking officer ain't he?"

"Be quiet, I hear marine guards who are patrolling the streets during these hours normally corner drunk people for money".

"Tch- Corrupted bastards"

they were talking behind his back. It was reasonable of course, Solan himself had witnessed his own members do similar things that he'd considered corrupt. As in craving free food from the foreign vendors or forcefully taking stuff from travelers playing it off as a payment for being allowed to have their stall established for the duration of the festival.

'I know why its been like this, Sarah told me that its been like this with the lower ranked marines long before she herself joined them'

Similar to how Fehler comes from a prideful family in the mainland, the same cant be said for the other marines. Most of the soldiers are sons or daughters of barons who lives in the country sides of Daimon. 

having many children is a common traditional fact for them, whenever the heir has been chosen what could happen with the rest of the kids? they were mostly sent out by their parents to pursue the life of a marine to make a name for themselves just like their previous ancestors. 

There's even more factor for their behavior too, their pay that they consider beneath minimum in daimon, family problems or if they're just pure scumbags.

And the worst part... Grandmaster Lumine does nothing about it.


"Hey! You bastard! don't try assault one of my members!" 

A brawl occurred Infront of Solan, a small crowd of people watching with fun expressions.

Judging by the two men fighting the taller one holding his opponent down was an Anax hunter. His attire was merchant like with a black scheme and he wore the emblem of the anax guild on his chest.

"You bastard!" He shouted furious.

The crowd watched in excitement, some among them even shouting out to place bets despite the one sided battle.

Solan decided to not step in, usually guards would have to stop fight but... Solan was more intrigued by it. 

"...Since I'm still wearing my attire. I'm still considered to be on duty... But it seems like that the guy defintly deserve for whatever he did".

Leaning into the one of the tavern walls Solan watched as the fight continued on. He stood a great distance away from them so they wouldn't notice him and leave.

"You dare look down on us hunters! Scum bags like you likes to hide behind the walls while we risk our lives on the seas!".

Just as the hunter was about to send down a wrathful knuckle sandwich on his face someone rushed in, stepping in to stop the occurring brutality happening on the middle of the night street.

"You! Stop what your doing!"

Turning the attention of the girl who appeared before everyone Solan's eyes widened in shock.

"W-What the-".

A young woman with probably the most unique color he had seen. Long symmetrical straight azure hair reaching almost to her lower back, white pale skin with blue bright eyes that resembled the blue sea once reflecting with the sun. 

Solan's jaw dropped just slightly watching in awe.

She was beautiful.

A long slender body that complimented her white shirt tucked beneath the black leather pants she wore.

She spoke up, she had tone of slight authority. Her expression was furious staring at the two men on the ground fighting.

"Do you men have no shame? We're in the middle of the street and there's people walking by trying to enjoy the night view here?" She spoke with annoyance yet an understanding tone.

"What are you doing lady? a young woman like you shouldn't even be in the streets this late".

"Hah? are you taking me for a mere mistress?" She stared daggers at the guy.

She had sharp eyes and the way she was watching made shivers throughout the hunter's spine. 

It was a cold and eerie feeling almost. 

"I'll let you know I can handle myself pretty well...". 

She spoke calmly before continuing on, this time turning to Solan's direction.

"If you don't want to get in trouble, there's already a marine guard whose been watching ever since you guys been at it". 

Solan was startled by her remark, he was quite faraway standing at least 60 meters away from the commotion. 

"...She saw me... She got quite the eyesight, I made sure to stand in a place they wouldn't see me...".

Solan sighed, knowing he got caught he had no choice but to approach the crowd.

Getting closer the crowd was already dispatching, scattering like cockroaches being discovered under old furniture's.

"Shit, there's a guard here" 

"...Lets go before its late"

Approaching the scene Solan stood before the unconscious man and the hunter.

"She's right, I've been watching and what you've done on the ground of Soldat's can be considered a crime".

Solan glanced at the blue haired woman, her eyes staring daggers at him with arms crossed. It was almost like she was expecting him to actually work as a patrolling guard.

"This guy groped one of my members, as an hunter I can't let that slide!"

"Is that all there is to it? because he groped a friend of yours?" Solan asked with a raised eyebrow.

"...As a man you should've just let him be and report to the guards, we could have handled this in a more professional way then the usual anax way". 

"Are you mocking us hunters-!"

"yes I am". Solan said, interfering his voice stern and irritated. 

The man was silenced, he went quiet before he decided to stand up seemingly pissed yet understanding of the situation. 

It wasn't the only reason he seemed apologetic, it was because a marine guard had been involved. And it was common knowledge to not disobey them due to the rumored corruption.


After handling the situation without flaw the hunter went his way. As for the sleeping man with bruises all over is face was carried by medics from a nearby nursery.

"You sure had your fun watching them go at it" 

The blue haired woman spoke, her expression was of displeasure and annoyance. Solan knew that look, despite wearing a silver helmet covering his face she knew exactly how he had been thinking just a moment ago. 

"I was observing them, when I return to my higher ups I'll file in the report".

"You wouldn't have to file a report if you'd step in earlier".

"Yes, but its the nightlife, things tends to happen... If I wasn't here to begin with things could've ended even worse".

Solan got a good look at the woman, judging by her look overall. She looked like she came from the mainland, her unique hair and noble like presence shined brightly through her tense eyes. 

The blue haired woman gazed at Solan too, she took note of his medals of a high ranking officer but there was something she was curious about.

"Take off that hideous mask, you don't look badass with it, you look like a total idiot".

Her words hit like daggers through his body. 

"My mask? Hideous?". 

Solan was surprised by her sudden insult, first off she forced him to involve himself and now she was insulting his mask?

"I wear this mask because of a condition I have, I'm obligated to wear it".

"What? You look ugly under it?" she said, a smirk tugging at the corner of her lips.

This girl, she sure wasn't afraid to insult a marine guard. She didn't seem to be scared at all let alone show any fear. You could face punishment just in getting in the way of a guard yet here she was insulting me for what reason!?

Solan's only guess was that she was of some high ranking family which explained why she wasn't afraid to speak whatever was on her mind. 

"You could face punishment for just insulting me you know"

"You want to punish me? A girl that was just speaking her mind?" She spoke with a shrug, that sly smile still present on her face. 

Hah, This girl sure knew how to get on his nerves, in some kind way it felt overly familiar,

It wasn't in a bad way though, Solan was actually a bit amused. He noticed the playfulness in her voice and couldn't help but crack a small smile.

"...Whatever, I don't have time for this, I hope I don't see you again".

Solan waved her off turning his back to her walking in the opposite direction.

"...Yeah Yeah, I don't want to see you either! In fact I hope you get fired!" She shouted back at him with a soft laugh.

Solan kept muttering to himself 

"...Why does she keep remembering me about someone?"

The woman stared as Solan's back was disappearing into the further path. 

"...So that's him. Wearing a silver helmet and the emblem of the lighting division... Solan, disciple of auntie Sarah...".

"...I heard he was the cold type, and well... Yeah they weren't wrong"

She said staring back to the blood stains on the stone street.

"...But I can sense it, he's a good person at heart".