Chapter 33: The hardworker


Solan had noticed something unusual after returning back to the manor. 

The voices were gone. 

It must've been when I spoke with that blue haired woman. 

It was nice until Solan clutched off his helmet, those darn voices returning once it popped off his head.


Ah, of course they would still remain. Solan had hoped that they were gone forever but of course it was unrealistic. The voices would probably stay with him unless he got rid of his vessel.

Once returned to his room he checked went to his desk, opening a shelve right beneath the desk surface. 

The Jade dagger. 

I've been planning several things for the upcoming tournament next week. 

The dagger has played an important role in helping me in my training. 

I don't know the reason why but after I imbued it 8 years ago i had awoken another power within it.

After grabbing it's handle he sat down on his bed, slicing his wrist with the sharp edge of the blade.

My father came from a long linage of 'Anax' hunters. It was an heirloom passed to his father and his father before him. 

I guess is that a distant ancestor found it in the past or made it during their time serving as hunters.

One thing is sure, this dagger is related to ancient power that I know nothing off. 

Once the blood started slowly dripping around his wrist Solan's voices got louder. 

"...I really can't get used to it".

He sighed. 

Staring Infront of him, where his body mirror stood attached to the wall.


The light sound of a breezing wind echoed through his ear, it was chilling and it tickled a bit. 

Everything around him was swallowed by a darkness until there was nothing but a void around him.

'This is my mental dimension, I can enter it either by meditating or cut any part of my body with the jade blade".

Once everything was settled the only sound he'd hear was the faint of the vessel repeating his name in the distant.

'There's a big difference when I use my dagger instead of meditating... and that's showing me the past'

Clearing his own voice Solan made spoke up once ready.

"Show me the past of Glava the unfortunate"

The darkness was swallowed up by a light, everything transforming into a a familiar town scenery.


The loud cries of the seagulls sounded the same wherever I went. I stood in a familiar place that I've seen in my past visions. 

This is the street where Glava died. 

Glava the unfortunate. That was the name of the 4th curse bearer, the man who was a blacksmith and had no idea of his own power.

He lived all his life as a local blacksmith hammering steel day and night. 

Dying an unfortunate death by the neighboring island he woke his hidden power at his last moment protecting a child. 

I gave him the nickname 'Glava the unfortunate' because he's my pre-successor, a way to remember his name when he was originally forgotten after his death. 

"Hey Glava, Can you help me carry this box!"

Across the street stood a elderly man wearing a unique straw-hat.

"I'll be right there sir.Meston!"

A younger man ran straight through my phantom form. A dizzy vibration coursing through me in the sudden touch. 

"Here! This should at least save you from the back pain!"

A young man in his early twenties with dark brown skin, his hair jet black like the dark night sky. he wore a brown stitched village attire, it was old and seemed to be scratched in some parts. The short sleeve hugged his well toned arm which displayed hard work. 


"Thank you Glava, you always help us old people out... Im not even sure what we would do if we didn't have you around haha!" 

Glava smiled softly, happy to hear it from the man.

"No problem, you guys have been helping me out since my parents passed away, its the least I can do for you".

Continuing his errand across the street he helped anyone, the locals were familiar with each other and especially with Glava.

As the day went by which felt like seconds Solan witnessed his usual day. 

Once the sun started to settle down beneath the horizon like a bed sheet Glava had returned to his workshop. 

A lone trail through the forest which then led towards a small shop in the middle of the forest. 

It was a bit run down, the outer walls made by old and worn brick stones, a wooden sign which barely read the following words 

"The master workshop"

Following the living Glava to his workplace the room was scattered with weapons and different armors, most were old and had aged with the metal edges rusty and stained with sooth. 

"...Alright, time for the night work"

Glava sighed to himself, a bit tired yet going on with it as the usual routine, putting on a leather vest with different tools which Solan could only guess was used for blacksmith work. 


Shortly after Glava headed to his smithy, unlike the messy armory the smithy was well cleaned to perfection. There were no mess on the brick flooring except for a few metal pieces across the floor.

At the end of the room Glava was hammering with his hammer onto a recently heated blade which had came straight from the flame stove. 

--Bang! Bang!--

Glava was focused, holding his hammer in a firm grip visible veins were popping from his sleeve and further down to his hand.

Constantly beating on the steel blade settled onto his anvil, for each time he beat it a big spark of glistering flames emerged from the heated steel blade. 

"That blade...".

Solan felt a familiar feeling coursing through his mind. The blade he was working on was the same he'd received from the scamming vendor earlier today. 

The more he gave it a thought the less it made sense. Glava hadn't unlocked his vessel until his last moment, so how the hell did he manage to imbued his work with 'resurgence'. 


After a short moment the steel blade was finished yet unfinished. A sharp serrated edge with a glistering shine to it.

"...It still don't give the same feeling of the sword I saw in my dream"

Glava muttered to himself. 

Solan arched his eyebrow, once done Glava placed it away, settling it in the corner of the workshop where another pillar of the same looking blades were piling up on each other. 

 Solan was confused, he'd just throw away blades like that? it was a lot of steel judging by the masses of blades just scattered across the corner. 

Solan could see it with his own eyes, he wasn't sure if it was because he was in his mental state by the blade he'd just finished was radiating a powerful aura unlike the rest of the forgotten blades.

'There's a hint of the resurgence aura, but its not complete'

Solan thought to himself, starting to theorize while Glava headed out again for whatever. 

"..He developed exo-skeleton during his last moments yet here I can see the resurgence active in his work"

Brainstorming, Solan was going through different theories for a few seconds in his head trying to put the clues together until he flinched, finally coming to conclusion.


"...In one way or another, it could be similar to the way I can imbued my own blood into leviathan slayers".

"Working as a blacksmith requires immense fortitude and strength no matter who the person is, throughout the process his sweat drips into the edges... I did something unusual during his work".

Hitting his hand together feeling that he was done in the old memory Sola told himself with a since of pride.

"Sweat. Maybe I'll try make a weapon in the future like Glava... I have his memories after all, It wont be too if I try it".


Once done he went out to see where his pre-successor had gone. Noticing the town across the forest he saw a black smoke rising from the ground, a red and orange shine outlining the distant trees. 

"..Ah, So this was the day he lost his life...".

"No wonder the blade I found felt different... It was the last blade he made before facing his tragic fate"

Solan felt a heavy weight in his heart. 

"What's this?"

Putting his hand above his heart he felt a unusual feeling. 


Glava was an kind man, a hardworking one too. Yet he got killed trying to protect a young boy. 

'That's how it is, every bearer of the resurgence vessel... Will one day face a tragic death. You Glava.. and Wade,, but your names aren't forgotten'

'I might be part of the marines that Wade always hated, but I wont be distracted... I'll continue getting stronger to find the real truth of this power'

Solan pulled out the jade dagger by his waist, slicing his see-through wrist everything around him was swallowed by the same darkness from before. Transition between the past world and the current world.

Finding himself back sitting on the bed he looked down on his lap noticing somehting colorful stained on his pants, It was blood.

Solan slid his wrist onto his nose to notice a trail of blood.

"...Nose blood? I haven't had that for a while..."

he said with an raised eyebrow but didn't give it too much attention.

"It must've been since Glava ran through my body earlier in the memory, I've noticed it in the past too... If I get too close to a person, my body vibrates in a cold shock and once i wake up I feel dizzy and i feel tired".


'Ah yes, the voices too... they get louder'.