I leaned out from the balcony and saw the V Club clearing out its guests. A few men were hurriedly making their way to the palm grove behind the club. It seemed they already knew the young girl was dead.
While keeping an eye on the situation, I responded to Howard Lee, "Just helping out. You should stay here for now. It'll be safer to head home after dawn."
"Thank you!" he sighed in relief.
"Don't mention it! Wash that scary face of yours and make do with sleeping on the floor. I have to work at dawn, so I won't be able to look after you."
"Oh!" He obediently got up and went to the cramped bathroom to wash his face. Turning on the shabby faucet, he started complaining, "Do you really live here? Is this even a place for humans? Why isn't there even a mirror?"
"What's it to you where I live? Mind your own business! You should be glad I don't have a mirror, or you'd probably scare yourself to death!"