Why couldn't it?

The next day, the time indicated only seven-thirty in the morning, that the group of five was already dressed with their new school uniform and leading to this one. The outfit was simple, a dark blue jacket with white shirt, black pant, skirt for the girls, and white shoes, like the Converse brand. All of this, with the distinguishable emblem of the high school on the left side of the jacket: A.P.I.

Having a little bit of time before arriving at destination, they all took this one to discuss between each other and learn more about each. But as the first day, only Nolan was silent. He didn't like talking with people. Something sure about him: He was an introvert. Despite the silence of the boy, the quartet continued to exchange before they all arrived at the school. It was a pretty basic school, classical one that we see everywhere. Without waiting more, they entered in it. But as soon as they've entered, all eyes turned to them.The students of the school knew directly that they were the ones part of the very last project of A.P.I. Some were jealous, other curious. But what was sure, was that our group of five was not caring. Maybe just Shawn who liked the idea of being ''famous'' as he liked to think. Going further into the hallway, the group was welcomed by an employee of the school which also happened to be an employee of A.P.I. As every employees here, were also working for the Institut. Everything was made for that. The woman took the group with her and led them to an empty classroom, where all took place, to explain them how things will go for them.

"Good morning everyone." Declared the woman. "As you know it, you will spend an entire year here. The lessons that you will receive are basic, like in any other high school. Since you are part of the project, you'll be more watched than the other students."

"Watched?" Insisted Flora, intrigued."One aspect of the project is that you will be watched twenty-four hours, seven days a week."

"Even at school?" Intervened Shawn.

"Obviously. Keep in mind that your presence is only meant for this project. Your application is very important and will be the beginning of a new era for our researches. We all count on you."

After the explications were made, the group of five led to their first class. In the classroom, they were mixed with around fifteen other students. A small class for a better observation of them. In there, Calvin took place next to Flora. Shawn next to Iris while Nolan stood alone behind them, next to the window. Very quickly, the teacher began the lesson. But as all were focused, only Nolan was not concentrated. In fact, the boy kept playing with his pencil, preferring to draw something on the paper. But... the drawing was all dark. Looking like some sort of nightmare. He was bored by the class even if it began only ten minutes ago. Despite this, the boy became invisible in the whole room as the teacher continued the class until the end. After that, the group of five joined back at the cafeteria. One of the rule that they have received was to stay all together as much as they could.

"This lesson was boring." Declared Shawn.

"No, it was great." Replied Iris.

"Yeah for your smart brain, not mine."

"I gotta admit that it was more interesting than I thought." Intervened Calvin. "Me, who got always used to economics. It changes."

"It was a good intro for me." Said Flora.

"So everyone like science but me?" Questioned Shawn.

"You came to this project but hate science?" Took back the blonde girl.

"I like trying new things."

Flora sketched a soft smile. She appreciated Shawn's good energy at least.

"What about you Nolan?" Asked suddenly Calvin before everyone turned to the boy. "What were you doing before coming here?"

The dark haired boy raised his icy eyes to them. He hated being ask questions like this.

"Nothing." He answered.

"Nothing?" Declared Shawn, confused. "C'mon, you're what? Eighteen? You were in high school last year, I presume?"

"I never went to high school. I was home schooled."


"Why came to this project?" Asked Flora, intrigued by him more than the rest of the group.Nolan crossed the girl's blue eyes. He didn't like her.

"I have my reasons." He answered simply.Flora was not satisfied with the boy's answer. She was not on the defensive, but something in him was disturbing her. She found this strange to participate in such a project while being so introverted and a said, solo guy, like Nolan. A silence took place after the two quick discussion. But suddenly the alarm rang, signing the end of lunch time. After that, the group spent the afternoon like they spent the morning. Without being able to see it, the end of the day was there. On their way home, bounds have already be created. It didn't look like, but only in few hours they had the time to talk about many things and see each other in practice. The project started well. Despite Nolan's silence, it was a good start. The only thing to wish was that everything continue like this. After all... Why couldn't it?