Deeper into the unknown

Chapter 14: Deeper into the Unknown

The van wound its way through the dense forest, the trees growing taller and darker with every passing mile. Emily's captors seemed to know the route intimately, navigating the twisting path with ease.

As they delved deeper into the forest, The Shadow's presence grew stronger. Emily felt its power coursing through her, a strange energy that seemed to connect her to the forest itself.

Meanwhile, Sophie and the detectives continued their investigation. They questioned Alex, who seemed shaken but cooperative. Henri, however, was a different story.

"I'm in shock," Henri said, his eyes wide with feigned innocence. "I just can't believe Emily's gone."

Sophie exchanged a skeptical glance with the detectives. They thanked Henri for his time and left, unsure if they believed his story.

As they dug deeper, they uncovered a web of secrets and lies that led them from the village founders to ancient tombs and dusty libraries. And then, just when they thought they'd hit a dead end, they stumbled upon a buried note – from Emily.

The note was cryptic, but one phrase stood out: "Look to the heart of the forest."