Adventuring had its ups and downs.
At first, she was nervous. Oh so very nervous. Used to the safety of her own city's walls, then forced on the road, with nothing but with what was left of her departed parents.
It took her two winters before she became comfortable traveling. It took her months to discover many of its ups and downs.
Resting out in a forest, or a valley, allowed her to gaze upon the ocean of stars above, which always draws her awe and gaze.
Sometimes, she even wished she had some company to enjoy that wonderful sight.
That takes her to the first down; Loneliness. Being alone with her own thoughts for prolonged amounts of time was never nice, but it's not like she can trust anyone at first glance.
Any human or other Race she meets could always end with her being attacked or betrayed or robbed All those things, she experienced. Things that hardened her and opened her eyes to the still unknown world around her.
Another down was the many sleepless nights she had and has to go through during travels. It's not like she can just close her eyes and pray that no wolf, giant or lucky bandit wanders upon her camp and on her sleeping form.
So, for rest, just sitting down and resting is the most she could do. She could only allow herself to fall asleep when her camp is set in a very safe spot or when she is inside an inn.
Through time and ordeals, she grew used to all of those things. To all the ups and downs. To how repetitive and sometimes even useless it all felt.
And then, during yet another dive into an old, ancient tomb... She happened upon the dumbest fucking Undead in existence.
Leonidas himself.
The best way Aurelia can describe the man is a 'Ray of Sunshine'... Striking her right in the face, full force, while she is trying to sleep.
And no matter how she turns or covers her face, the ray of light remains there. Constantly. Just to annoy her.
If her hair weren't already of a silver hue, then she'd fear Leonidas would have turned them so within a week of hanging around her.
Though... She couldn't bring herself to be mad at him. Or even hate him for what he is.
He should be her Nemesis. An Undead for her to kill... Yet, something compelled her to stay her hand and what a wonderful choice that was.
Annoying he may be... But she'd never replace him. It's what makes him a lovable idiot.
Then the idiot went and somehow got blessed by her Lord Arkay somehow....
The thought feels weird, sacrilegious even... Yet, that was confirmation enough that staying her hand that day was a wonderful choice, and that her Lord and God was not mad at her for forsaking her Oath.
Which, honestly, she should have expected since an Oathbreaker Paladin did not come to pay her a visit.
Those creepy guys always know when one breaks their Oath, somehow...
Now, she reached a point where she couldn't see herself traveling without the Undead gootball making her days and nights both wonderful and hell on Nirn.
Though she shouldnt expect - only hope - that Leonidas will stick with her once this whole mess is
Once she fulfilled this twisted Fate of hers.
But before all that…She has a vile Dragon Priest to take care of.
She allows a slow sigh to leave her, a twisted feeling of guilt deep in her belly making her unable to focus as she kneels there, before the statue of Lord Arkay within his church.
She wasn't alone. Many fearful people had come to seek refuge due to the fear spread by the Undead Dragon Priest and the army it unleashed upon Whiterun.
United by fear yet lacking real faith, these people wished for Divine Intervention just so they could return to their normal lives and never step foot within this church once more.
Some weren't even here to pray, but to visit those few who fell during the first attack by the Undead army.
"Lord Arkay..." She breathes out, a low whisper among the hushed prayers of the other praying townsfolk. Her hands were cupped together before her chest, her gaze low and her eyes closed tightly.
"Please, grant me the strength needed to protect this beautiful city from that foul creature."
She remained knelt there for several seconds before bringing her cupped hands to her lips and resting a kiss there.
Prayer done, she stands and allows herself a deep breath to stabilize her emotions while her feet move to carry her towards the doors of the church.
Yet, a gentle hum and warmth makes her pause by the door.
Gingerly, she reaches for the blade momentarily clasped to her side. There, her Dwemer Greatsword thrummed with faint yet incredibly powerful and pure golden light.
Holy Magic, far greater than anything she ever managed to pull off.
She felt that pure and gentle warmth attune her weapon with its energies, causing her eyes to redden and fill with faint tears.
She did not mean it literally…But her Lord was listening, and still answered her prayer.
With renewed strength, she plasters a confident smile on her face and squares her shoulders before exiting the church to-
"-of a bitch go? I'm gonna gut him and feed him his own entrails then heal him and do it all over again..." Her gaze flatly lands on the pacing Leonidas not far from the church doors, his mumbling loud enough for her stronger senses to pick up on.
Of course he is plotting unspeakable acts of horror in front of a church.
"Oh!" And then he perks up with a jovial tone when his gaze lands on her, "Aurelia! Knew I'd find you here!" His robed form approaches her, then his head tilts to the side to peer past her shoulders and to the interior of the church, "Gotta say... Arkay's business do be boomin' right now."
"Perhaps I should help an homie out and attack cities myself-"
"Cease and desist, Leo." Why are his ideas always so crazy and prone to bringing destruction everywhere he goes!?
Still, his craziness made her momentarily forget her guilt... Yet it soon came back full force, making her hold back a wince while drawing her gaze away from Leonidas's robed form.
Why did she have to lose her cool like that?
Feeling the remnant disgusting energies of Necromancy before Whiterun, coupled with the clear surrounding destruction, nearly made her snap.
Yet, she never wanted to say or act in a way that could emotionally hurt Leonidas too. Sometimes, she just forgets that he too is an Undead...
"Why is your beautiful face all scrunched up now?" A finger pokes her nose, and Aurelia squeaks and jumps back, her face instantly feeling like it was on fire.
"Much better."
A pout crosses her face, one of her hands clenching into a fist that she really wants to drill into his skull. How can he just spew compliments like that so suddenly!?
"So? What's wrong?" Leonidas questions, hands on his sides, "Who is at fault? Rest assured, I will just unleash eldritch horrors that can make even Sheoggorath squeal in terror upon them, nothing bad."
Why is he like this!?
"I'm the one at fault." She reveals, and Leonidas stills. Now, will he keep to his promise or-
"I'm gonna tickle the fuck outta you." He lunges at her without missing a beat-
Her hand clasps down on his skull. Her eyebrow twitches.
"I would like to apologize?" The man squeaks out as his skull audibly cracks under her pressure.
Still, she pulls back with a huff and crosses her arms beneath her bust, "You're an idiot."
"Thanks." Said idiot cheerfully welcomes the insult while fixing his hood, "Keep the compliments coming, please. Feed mine ego!"
Instead of doing that, Aurelia gets to the root of the matter, unable to handle the pit of guilt in her belly.
"Aren't you angry at me?"
Her Undead friend pauses, then slowly tilts his head at her as if she asked a very dumb question. "Why the fuck would I be mad at you?"
Her lips threaten to twitch into a smile at his flat words, but she suppresses the urge, "For... My outburst, outside Whiterun."
His head tilts the other way this time, "Because you felt the 'Filth of Necromancy', as you put it?" She flinches, then nods slowly. "Why would I be mad about-Oooh, I never told you..."
She blinks and straightens herself at his quiet words, a sigh soon following as Leonidas berates himself beneath his breath, "Must've slipped my mind, but... Remember when Arkay blessed me?" Slowly, Aurelia nods, wondering where he is going with- "Yeah, well... When he did, I lost my ability to do Necromancy."
Aurelia freezes.
"So, yeah. You're outburst really didn't affect me, and it wouldn't have even if I didn't lose my Necromancy-Oh." Leonidas stops talking when her hand lashes out to grip his collar, then lift him off the ground. "Such strength!" He praises even as she drags him right in front of her.
Her very heated, furious eyes lock onto his now visible flickering flames within his eye-sockets, "How can you forget to make me aware of such a very important fucking thing." Her voice comes out through gritted teeth, and it took all of her self-restraint to not throw the idiot in front of her across Whiterun.
Or blast him with the Fire Shout at point blank.
Leonidas remains quiet for a few seconds, then he lifts an arm and a single finger, "Your honor, I plead oopsy daisy."
"I was busing admiring thy long, wonderful legs and forgot! Simple as that!"
She drops the idiot with a loud groan as her face starts to burn even harder than before, "Why are you like this?!"
"Because it's my charm?" She hated that he was so right. "Plus, I like how shy and cute you get when you receive compliments!"
Don't Fire Shout him. Don't Fire Shout him. Don't Fire Shout him.
"I'm not-" Aurelia breathes in, stopping herself from shouting at the idiot in front of her, "I do not deserve such compliments." She never really felt beautiful or attractive.
She could count the amount of times someone flirted with her on one hand, and have fingers left over.
Leonidas quietly stares at her for many long, quiet seconds. Her face grows warmer the longer he stares at her, and she couldn't help but start shuffling in place.
"L-Leo?" Now he was just being more weird than normal.
Finally, after what felt like several minutes, Leonidas speaks. "If you had Medusa's curse, I would still look into your eyes so that my stoned body could gaze upon perfection for eternity."
And with those words, he just turns around, starts humming, then starts walking away with a skip to his step.
Her mouth opens and closes like a fish out of water, her eyes wide and filled with utter shock.
What the fuck is a 'Medusa'!?
How the fuck can he say such things with a perfectly calm voice!?
And why does her face burn so much!?
"Y-You can't just say stuff like that all of a sudden!" She shouts after him, hands balled up into fists by her side.
The culprit behind her current state just starts humming louder without a care in the world, "Leo!"
His humming just grows even louder.
Aurelia's groans, but her groans turns into a near sob at how powerless she is against the far too charming idiot.
Deciding to remain quiet so to not give Leonidas further chances to torture her, the flushed Aurelia follows after him, her gaze burning holes through his back as her bright flush slowly dies down. Her smile does not leave her face though.
She follows him to the always boisterous Jorrvaskr, their doors wide open and the Companions walking and out of it, both drunk and not.
Even with the looming threat, they still do not stop having fun, something that she can appreciate and respect. One last party before Sovngarde, or something along those lines.
The inside was just as chaotic as she could hear from the outside. Dozens of tables filled with food and drinks hosting dozens of men and women talking, cheering, or even fighting in empty areas of the hall.
Aurelia finds her smile grow when she catches sight of Gretel, the little gremlin going around with a grin on her face to sneakily steal food from the other tables.
Not far from her and sitting at a table with Farkas and Aela was Hildr, smiling warmly and watching after her little sister enjoying herself.
"Didn't take long to make herself at home, huh?" Leonidas muses as he approaches them, while Aurelia nods at the two Companions she hasn't seen for a bit.
Hildr shrugs as Gretel starts heading back their way, arms full of different kinds of food she stole from other people, who are now wondering why their plates are so empty. "Did you honestly expect anything less from her?"
Leonidas muses as he takes a seat, "I might take her in as a disciple."
"Hell no." Both her and Hildr say at the same time, voice heated and filled with dread and horror.
One Leonidas is already bad enough. Two of them would be a disaster upon all of Nirn.
She could pretty much guess that Leonidas was pouting their way even as she and Hildr share a very understanding look of shared pain.
And the red-haired woman hasn't been around him for even a whole day yet...
Quietly, Gretel returns to their table and proceeds to stuff her face with the stolen food like she hadn't eaten in days. But to be fair on the poor girl, she did spend a whole night and morning riding a horse around.
"So, how did your Honeymoon go?" Aela suddenly asks, throwing a grin towards Aurelia, who gapes and flushes towards the archer.
Hildr raises a curious brow and looks between Aurelia and Leonidas,
"You two married?"
The Dragonborn chokes on air as her face starts to burn once more, "No! We aren't!"
Leonidas very slowly raises a hand and a finger, and Aurelia glares his way, "Say anything stupid and I will cave your skull in." She growls out through gritted teeth, fists clenched on the table.
His finger goes down. "Kinky..." He still whispers those damnable words out, making her want to leap across the table and strangle him.
"Yeah, guess you can't really do that with his issue..." Hildr muses to herself with a tilt of her head, making Aela raise a brow.
Then, slowly, she turns Leonidas's way, "Are you impotent?" Aurelia once more chokes on air and nearly bursts out laughing at the sudden and weird question.
Clearly Aela had misunderstood what the real issue was. Instead of thinking that Leonidas is an Undead, she presumes he is impotent
"Quite on the contrary, actually." Leonidas drawls out, making Gretel perk up when he reaches over to cover her years. "If I slam my dick on this table, it'll break in half."
Farkas falls off his chair from laughter while Hildr palms her face with a sigh, at least a bit thankful that he covered her little sister's ears before spouting out such words.
"Huh..." Aela sniffs while Aurelia tries not to self-combust herself from sheer second-hand embarrassment. "You one lucky lady, girl." Aurelia lets out a sound akin to a boiling tea-kettle as the huntress pats her shoulder.
Why does everyone think she and Leonidas were like that!? Not that she would mind-NO!
Gretel blinks as her ears are freed, her eyes lingering on the muscular man gasping for breath beside their table, "What are you talking about?"
Leonidas just pats her on the head, "Nothing that important for your little head." He reassures her, making the girl shrug, "Enjoying your food?"
An eager nod of the head is his answer, "Food always tastes better when I steal it from others." Hildr just gives her little sister a disappointed yet amused look, "Plus, it is my way of introducing myself to others! By causing promblems!"
Leonidas lets out a low snort, "You call that 'creating problems'?" He questions with crossed arms, "You poor child. That is just a mild, harmless prank."
A pout crosses Gretel's lips smeared bits and pieces of food she devoured like a beast, "Oh yeah? Then show me how you do it!"
Aurelia instantly feels her stomach drops, "Leo-" Too late. The robed man already stood up and started walking away.
She watches as he walks by a table and swiftly snatches a large mug of mead off the hands of a large, bald Companion. The man that was about to down his drink with a grin on his face instantly leaps to his feet with a "Hey!" shout.
But Leonidas takes a few more steps... Then proceeds to smash the mug of mead apart on another companion's head, spilling splinters of wood and strong smelling mead all over the other large man just as the bald one caught up with Leonidas, only to pause at what the Undead did.
"Dude, what the fuck was that for?" Leonidas instantly asks as he wheels around to stare at the bald Companion, while the man whose head just got clobbered with a mug of mead stands with a glowering frown on his head.
"Wha-I did nothin-" The bald man's question is cut off by a punch to the jaw that sends him on his ass, courtesy of the other Companion drenched in mead
Leonidas reaches out to pat the mead-drenched man on the muscular arm, "He suggested it to the guy." Leonidas accuses, pointing to the bald Companions friend, who had just caught up with them.
Said new arrival barely has the time to blink before a fist connects with his face.
Standing up with a snarl on his face, the bald Companion proceeds to tackle the mead-drenched man, and the two smash right on top of a table.
The occupants of said table do not take kindly to that, so fists and kicks start flying around.
Another mug of mead mysteriously smashes against the head of another Companion inside the brawl, and the man turns around and instantly blames ones of his confused friends for the action, and proceeds to punch him into yet another table.
With a whistle, Leonidas strolls back to Hildr's table while Aurelia gapes in utter horror at the sheer chaos he unleashed within just a minute.
"Now that's how you create a problem." Gretel's eyes are sparkling so brightly that she could put the Sun to shame.
"Stop corrupting my little sister, you monster." Hildr growls out despite her own amusement threatening to make a chuckle bubble out of her.
"How am I corrupting her?" Leonidas question in pure confusion, utter chaos going downright behind him, "I am simply building upon something that is already there."
That's even worse! Don't fuel her bad habits!
"How do you deal with this guy?" Aela whisners towards Aurelia.
The Dragonborn lets out a low whine. "I don't. I just try to survive."
The huntress hisses out of pure pity, while keeping a hand on Farkas shoulder so to stop him from joining the brawl. The massive muscular man looked like a scolded child whose mother won't let him out to play.
"Oh right." Farkas suddenly perks up, "How did the talks with the Jarl go, my friend?"
Leonidas tilts his head at the question, "Quite well. We have a battle plan down already, which we might put into action tonight." Aurelia's eyes widen at that, "We won't be sitting ducks for that piece of shit, that's for sure."
Aela grins at that, baring her teeth with glee, "That's good. I hate being on the defensive." She growls out, clearly eager to enter the battlefield, "What's the plan?"
A chuckle from Leonidas fills Aurelia with dread. Not for herself, but for the Dragon Priest.
"We're gonna introduce that son of a smelly skeever to a new thing called 'The Blitzkrieg!"
Huh…She liked the sound of that.
With a snapping sound, a torch lights up the darkness of the tunnel.
Balgruuf's bearded face comes into view, lit up by the swirling flames of the torch held within his hand, highlighting the bulky plate armor covering his broad form.
"Companions-" His words halt, and he straightens his shoulders, "No, not Companions. Tonight, you all are my brothers and sisters." A cheer greets his proclamation, bringing a smile to his bearded face.
"As you all are aware, a powerful Undead Necromancer has waged war against our peaceful Whiterun.
It's sudden attack led to the deaths of many of our brave brothers-in-arms." His free hand comes up to clench into a fist before his chest, right above his heart. "I know that they are having fun in Sovngarde right now, feasting on fine mead with our mighty Ancestors..."
"But that does not quell the fury or sadness that filth has forced us to experience all of a sudden."
As one, more than a hundred Companions clench their fists by their sides, the sound of knuckles popping and teeth grinding ringing out loudly within the small and quiet hidden tunnel.
All Nords and Companions welcome death with open arms, a smile on their face, and blood on their weapons.
They find that to be the only and proper way to enter Songarde and greet their Ancestors and the grand warriors of the past.
But, sometimes one also wants to pick where they die. Many of them have dreamed of their final resting place. A hill after fighting a Giant to death bare-handed, or a farm, protecting their family and children from bandits.
They all have their final resting place in mind, and they all respect it.
So, for a sudden attack from a damnable Undead Necromancer to cause some of their brothers to not die the way they wanted angers them, filling their chest with the flames of fury that will only be quelled when their bloodied forms stand over the corpse of the Necromancer.
"Tonight, more of us will fall." Balgruuf announces, "So let us make sure to bring down as many Undead bastards as you can!"
A roar comes from the back of the group as soon as Balgruuf finishes speaking, "If you haven't killed at least ten Draugrs before you die then you're a fuckin' Milk-Drinker!"
Roaring laughter erupts from the shout, with Balgruuf himself joining, "Well, you heard the man! The more you kill, the bigger the mug of finest mead waiting for you in Sovngarde will bel!"
That riles the Companions up even more. Mead always motivates a proper Nord.
If possible, they'd fight a Divine while naked just for a bottle of cool mead.
"Our plan is simple, my brothers." Balgruuf announces, his voice loud and cutting through the cheer, "A good friend suggested this plan. Once the wall behind me rises, we charge across the valley and towards Shearpoint without stopping."
"Anything tries to stop us? We mow through it mercilessly. We'll make that damn skeever-fucker of an Undead panic and call out his whole army and his Dragons..."
"And at that point, an opening for the Dragonborn to go and slay the bastard will be opened. So..."
With a massive grin, Balgruuf raises his torch high above his head and calls out, "Who wants to enter Sovngarde while fighting a Divine-damned Dragon?!"
The ensuing cheer shook the very tunnel they were in, vicious and feral grins covering the faces of the men and women within the barely lit darkness of it.
Slamming his fist against a button on the wall, Balgruuf cheers loudly, "For our fallen brothers!"
The secret wall of stone behind Balgruuf starts rising, revealing the outside plains of Whiterun. A hidden passage meant for civilians during a war.
"For our fallen brothers!" The Companions cheer as one, weapons and shields in hand.
Turning around with a feral grin, Balgruuf cheers once more, "With me! To Sovngarde!"
"To Soungarde!"
With a roaring cheer that could be heard all the way to Dragonsreach, dozens if not hundreds of Companions rush out of the secret tunnel and into the plains, straight towards the distant Shearpoint peak.
The clouds above rumble, lances of lighting crashing down all around them like bombardment from catapults.
"Spread out, brothers!" Balgruuf calls out, and soon her had five dozen Companions standing shoulder to shoulder with him, left and right.
More followed behind, forming four long lines of fearless soldiers charging through the valley.
The only sound beside their cheers are the stomping of their feet, the rumbling of the clouds above, and their own breaths...
Until a blinding light blooms to life above Shearpoint. Just as twisted and evil as it had been the night before.
A dome washes forth, and Balgruuf smirks when thousands of skeletal Undead either appear out of nothing, or even crawl out of the ground before them.
Yet, he knew that this wasn't the real army. This was a scare tactic.
So he lifts his shield wearing arm before his face, revealing the cylindrical object he was holding.
With his teeth, he twists the lever, then grips it tightly and pulls it.
Once released, the level shoots back into the cylinder, which blasts a bright red flare high into the sky.
The bright light causes a surge of many more lights to erupt from the walls of Whiterun before them.
"Incoming bombardment!" Balgruuf announces, yet their charge does not slow down.
With a whistling roar, fireballs and arcs of lightning arc across the sky like heralds of destruction, and full down upon the earth and within the ranks of Undead creatures with deafening bangs that shake the valley and raise massive clouds of dust and dirt.
Reeling from the explosions and shock-waves, the Undead skeletal beings stagger back... Then those closest to the clouds of dust are smashed apart by the roaring charge of Nords suddenly coming through.
Despite being so heavily outnumbered, they all charge fearlessly straight into the middle of the Undead skeletal army, felling more than a hundred by simply bashing them apart with their shields.
And seeing that they did not stop made the blinding light erupt with greater power.
The earth cracks, and nightmare inducing howls fill the night as Undead creatures of all kind appear out of thick mist, out of nothing, or from the earth itself.
Giant colossus of bones, Giant Draugrs, Undead and rotting animals- Thousands upon thousands of them rose at the same time, surrounding the small fearless army with a greater number disparity.
Yet, the nightmarish howls of these rising creatures were suddenly cut off by loud, blaring horns that cut through the dark night.
A falling lance of lighting lights up hundreds of charging horses having used the cover of the night to exit Whiterun from the main gates, then split in two groups.
Each flanking one side of the new, enormous and real Undead army.
"Hold!" Balgruuf shouts, shield raised high, grin on his lips, and feet planted into the ground.
His back and those of the other Companions arch, and he calls out for the group that followed after them through the secret tunnel, "Berserkers! Now!"
With loud bellows that could make lesser man piss themselves, dozens of feet smash down on the backs of the Companions and the Jarl.
And leaping through the air using the boost of their backs were dozens of bare chested man with painted faces and bodies, small axes in each of their hands, and absolute murder in their eyes.
They fall down within the Undead army like rats within a wheat field, cutting down dozens within seconds, and howling loud enough for their Ancestors in Sovngarde to hear them.
The twin charge of horse riders crashes into the sides of the Undead army, felling many more by simply running them through with the wonderful steeds of Whiterun.
Some dismount their horses and charge right into the fray, other remain on top of them to trample the smaller units and charge towards the bigger ones.
'Not yet.' Balgruuf breathes out, his blade cleaving through rotten flesh and blackened bones.
His eyes take in the smiling Companions at his side.
'Not yet.' And he engraves the faces of those that fall while still swinging.
'Not yet. He takes down ten Undead for each fallen brother.
For each fallen Guard of Whiterun.
For each fallen horse.
'Not yet'... A bash of his shield, a swing of his blade, a kick, a headbutt-
Then roars from the sky.
As one, three mighty winged beast soar high into the sky from Shearpoint, their scaled forms and fearsome claws highlighted by the flashes of lighting above.
And at the sight of the three Dragons, Balgruuf laughs, "My brothers! Now!"
He howls, and his army and brothers listen.
Half of them jump to the right, and another half jump to the left, ignoring any Undead in their way.
Their action clear a path, and far behind them and from the tunnel they came from, a glittering star sparkles to life.
Then, like the edict of a God, a lone word rings out.
A deafening blast. A surge of devastating power that breaches the sonic barrier and tear a trench through the earth and stone.
Through rotten flesh and bone.
A lone Spell split an army in half, clearing a path through it.
And charging through that opened path was a lone horse, and a lone woman clad in blackish-green scaled armor.
Her horse, a mighty steed, proudly neighs and charged through the trench carved by the previously launched Spell.
As she charges forth, Companions and soldiers roar and cheer for her while cutting down their enemies.
"Go, Dragon-" Balgruuf stops, then grins, "Go, Paladin of Arkay! Make your Lord proud!"
Her back straightens, and her right arm rises to draw out her long greatsword now glowing with a bright golden radiance.
She holds it before her with both hands, then stabs it skyward with a roar and surge of magic.
A golden wave of light washes forth, empowering the soldiers and Companions, making them able to scream even louder and kill even faster.
The golden radiance around the blade does not die down, instead it condenses and grows brighter and brighter.
"Dovahkiin!" One of the Dragons, the one in the lead, roars out and swoops down like an eagle reaching for it's next prey. "Come! Let us battle-"
A swing. A blinding light reaching for the clouds.
And a bisected Dragon crashes down upon the army below as the Dragonborn charges past, not even bothering to collect his Soul.
"Cheer louder, my brothers!" A soldier calls out at the top of his lungs, "Lord Arkay stands with us!"
"Hail Lord Arkay!"
And with that final roar, thousands of fearless and some even drunk Nord leap upon the Undead with fervor.
Somehow putting the fear of Death into the already fallen.
A.N. I feel like this is one of my best written chapters, and I love it.
And I even wanna make the next one better than this, or at least try.
So yeah, I hope you all enjoyed this as much as I did writing it! Am really loving writing this story!
Lots of hugs and love to all you fuckers that support me, y all make writing in this heat so worth it.