I got unfairly bodied by a truck, then stuffed into a frail skeleton corpse within Bleak Falls Barrow right when Alduin shows his ugly mug to end the world. Because of course i can't catch a fucking break. So you know what? As a proud lover of Sheoggorath, i'm gonna do what said Daedra does best. Become a fucking problem. Slight Gamer-Ish elements. Male MC, Serana/Dovahkiin Waifus. (THIS IS NOT MY WORK! This is made by Mushashi The Samurai Cheem on fanfic.net and I wanted to bring it to this website to share. So again, this is not my work)
Soo... I appreciate this, truly, but... Ya could have asked for permission first, ya know? So can i kindly ask you to take it down? I am the author of this fic, if ya didn't realize. It is flattering, truly, but it also beyond rude. Hence, please take it down! Thank you!
Oh my fucking God, when will you dumbfucks learn not to steal the work of great authors? You wrote literally none of this, this masterpiece was written by the incredibly short Musa.
why the fuck are u posting this when the author said he doesn't want his work posted on this website
Fic stealing Uruk-hai twat. Fic stealing Uruk-hai twat. Fic stealing Uruk-hai twat. Fic stealing Uruk-hai twat. Fic stealing Uruk-hai twat. Fic stealing Uruk-hai twat.
This book is stolen. The actual author did not give permission for it to be posted on Webnovel. Avoid other books by the person who uploaded this, as they are most likely stolen aswell.
Seriously dude doing that without the permission is not really great, you could have at least asked the permission to the great Musa. And by doing that you just steal his work
So, uh, the actual author just found out this was here and they're not happy. They've asked that people review to let people know not to read it here, and to go to the original sources
skyrim fanfic + peak MC = absolute cinema
This story is *amazing*, but it isn't yours. Plagiarism is one of the lowest things you can do, and doing it so blatantly so people can just waltz in and point it out takes serious cajones. Write your own stories, don't steal the work of others.
Stop stealing other peoples work, this is written by Musa not you. Learn to write your own stories instead of stealing them without permission.
stealing is not good civ. embrace the lord God almighty praise be the lord amen.
Fraud, uploading other peoples work. Acutal author just found his work was posted here and is requesting everyone with a bit of spare time to help let people know
Most people know stealing is wrong but I guess not everyone has the ability to think things through
Stolen fic. **** ***! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
yall people need to stop posting things that dont belong to you musa has already stated multiple times they dont want their shit on this website