The meeting wasn't long.
For the most part, Nephis only gave orders to Effie and Cassie about the matters of the outer settlement. Caster on the other hand gave information from time to time.
That was because he was focused on Sunny.
The young legacy of the Han Li clan was exceptional at hiding his true thoughts behind a mask of disinterest.
But Sunny can read him like none other. He was a master of treachery and lies after all.
Or atleast half truths.
From the few times that their eyes met, Caster was an open book to Sunny. For the most part, he seemed curious. Not only because of Sunny's looks, but also for how he carried himself.
Before, Sunny always seemed cautious of everyone around him. Even to those he called his friends. Even if he tried to hide it, he always looked like he held secrets close to his chest.
Now however, Sunny seemed carefree. easier to approach. And that fact seemed to get on Caster's nerves.
The changes in Caster's attitude were subtle, but when Sunny's eyes met Caster's. The latter's seemed to twitch for a split second, his shoulders tensing for a moment.
Sunny would be lying if he said he didn't enjoy Caster's reaction.
' I'll make sure you die slowly '
Someone who Sunny wasn't enjoying the reaction of was none other than Effie.
The shameless woman had her eyes glued to Sunny's face.
" Doofus...why...why do you look like...that?"
Sunny turned to her with a frown.
" oh, this? It only took a couple thousand years and a bird stealing my name. "
Effie didn't even seem to care for the answer. Kai on the other hand turned his head slowly towards Sunny, his face blank.
Sunny held back his laughter.
The last person Sunny focused on was Cassie.
The blind seer didn't seem to change from how he remembered in this time period.
Distant. Cold. One might even forget she was in the room because of her rare responses.
Of course Sunny knew the reason behind her attitude and the deep guilt she's burying under it.
Before he knew it, the meeting was coming to an end and the other cohort members were already leaving him and Nephis alone upon her request.
Well, Sunny wasn't that surprised. Everything was going accordingly to his plan.
Because of the chaos that he had created in the Dark city, the hunting parties of both the bright lord and the outer settlement would find it extremely difficult to hunt for food. Resources would dwindle, and with it the patience of both factions.
All of it would accelerate the change of loyalty and trust of the Sleepers. If Gunlaug couldn't find a solution, then Changing Star could.
And Nephis had Sunny on her side.
So, Sunny had planned a time-line. Taking the current events into consideration, and Effie's supposed trial, Gunlaug would take the opportunity to show the public the faults of Changing Star's cohort, painting the image that they are nothing but criminals.
Gunlaug would make the assumption that Nephis would resist, giving him enough reason to kill her.
they'll escape the city and collect the rest of the shard memories to create all seven Oath keys, the ones needed to seal the Dark sea. And that wouldn't take long after adding a Transcended Titan to the equation.
After that, Nephis would challenge Gunlaug and the change of power would be swift.
It was a good plan, and Sunny was quite proud of himself for coming up with it this quickly. It would've worked if not for a single small detail.
" you did what? " Sunny asked Nephis with a frown.
" I accepted the trial. " said Nephis with a passive expression.
Sunny was stunned. This was completely different from before he went back in time.
" why? " he asked in confusion.
Nephis sighed.
" isn't it simple? Gunlaug is our last obstacle. He is what's holding everyone here back "
Seeing Sunny's perplexed expression, Nephis sighed again.
" you must know that years ago, the first lord and his cohort had set out to collect a special type of memories. "
" the shard memories " Sunny said earning him a nod from Nephis.
" right. And when all shard memories are gathered in one place they summon- "
" seven Oath keys " Sunny said.
Nephis smiled, seemingly satisfied.
" yes. And they succeeded "
To say that Sunny was surprised would be an understatement.
" they succeeded? They collected all shard memories? " he couldn't believe it. The first lord and his cohort had all perished near the Hollow mountains before Sunny returned to the past. He even found the first lord's remains himself.
Nephis nodded again.
" they did. after the first lord and his cohort returned to the bright castle, they set their eyes on the Crimson Spire. Unfortunately, their attempt was met with failure. Six Oath keys had filled their purpose, but they died before they can use the last. And so, the last key was lost. The second lord led an expedition to find the key again but they died too. "
Nephis paused, then said with a hint of disdain.
" that was until eight years ago, a sleeper killed a wounded leviathan in the dark sea, and the Spell rewarded him with a Transcended Echo...and the last Oath key. "
" Gunlaug " Sunny said, his voice almost a whisper.
The changes felt almost too much to digest. How could the events stir so far from before-
' another anomaly...'
To this point Sunny had only encountered two anomalies. First was the absence of Saint from the Dark city. And the second was the absence of the Mantel of the Underworld from Stev's memory market.
Yet both can be linked to Sunny himself. Saint was currently dormant in one of his cores. And the Mantel was in Sunny's possession in the form of the Onyx Shell.
Both anomalies came from the present. This one however, was in the past. Far in the past.
The knowledge that different events can happen in different ways by different people in the future simply because of Sunny's actions in the present was terrifying enough.
But past events changing completely, affecting and shaping the world into a totally new image was just too...
' unpredictable '
The implications of this knowledge were endless. How much has changed? How much had already changed without his knowledge?
Sunny shivered at the thought.
Nephis continued,
" that's the reason I wanted to talk, Sunny. Right now, Gunlaug is too powerful. I can't defeat him with my current strength. Atleast...not on my own. "
Sunny understood the request behind her words.
" sure, I'll help you "
Nephis seemed dumbfounded.
" you'll help? Just like that? "
Sunny grinned.
" of course! I can't have myself rotting in this place forever. I have plans, you know! I'm going to get rich, open a Cafe, I even thought of a name, Sunny's Brilliant Emporium! after that I will- "
Sunny stopped as Nephis laughed. It was a light, melodious laugh that filled Sunny with warmth.
" I don't think my dreams are a laughing matter " Sunny said, but there was no venom in his voice. He sounded almost amused.
Nephis's laughter died down a bit.
" it's just that, everyone in this place is only thinking of how to survive the next day. And you're thinking about something as simple as a Cafe. What makes you so sure we will even survive? "
" if that is our will, who dares to stop us? " Sunny answered immediately, a knowing smile on his lips.
Nephis's smile mirrored his own. She opened her mouth to say something, only to be cut off as the door opened. It was the same girl from the hall earlier.
" forgive me, Lady Nephis. There's a situation and Lady Cassia asked for you. "
" meet me later tonight, outside the castel. I have a gift for you. " Sunny said.
Nephis nodded before following the girl. She halted for a moment before turning to Sunny.
" I'm glad you're back, Sunny. I really am. "
Having said that, she left, leaving Sunny alone in the room.
He sighed before running a hand through his hair.
' Gunlaug...'
The solution to the current problem wasn't hard at all really. Killing Gunlaug wouldn't be difficult with his current power.
It was the implications of killing Gunlaug that troubled Sunny.
Sure, Gunlaug isn't typically a good man, far from it. But he could still be useful.
And Sunny already had a usage for him and his Aspect.
' Antarctica...'
How many people had died in the evacuation of Falcon Scott because the government and the House of Night were simply limited in their resources?
Almost 20 million men, women, and children. Old and young. All turned to silent statues of ice.
Sunny couldn't allow that, even if he could change that number by just one person, he would take that opportunity.
Even if Changing Star herself willed against it.
Gunlaug must live.