The halls of the Bright Castle grew strangly empty and quiet over the course of a single day.
There was a subtle feeling of dread and anticipation.The residents of the castle did not know who to blame more for said feeling. The strange behavior of the Nightmare creatures outside their walls, or the tension that was slowly but surely building up inside.
Either way, they felt that something was bound to happen.
That was proven more when Lord Gunlaug himself ordered the number of Castel guards on the walls to be doubled. And the Handmaidens to patrol the halls at all times.
Standing on a balcony overlooking the city was a strikingly beautiful woman. She wore a simple but regal dress, it resembled that of red wine...or blood. Her Grey skin is what made her inhuman beauty stand out.
It was Seishan, the princess of Song.
She had a troubled look on her beautiful face.
' strange...'
The word was the only way for Seishan to explain the recent events. It was indeed strange. It was only after a day ago that the Nightmare creatures had suddenly gone mad. Gemma and his hunters immediately fled from the onslaught of the mad creatures.
It was after that, that the Nightmare creatures howls and screams gradually disappeared completely. Leaving only silence in the Dark City.
Gunlaug himself looked troubled, it did not matter how much he tried to hide it, Seishan could hear it in his voice. At least he listened to her suggestion of keeping all Castel guards outside on the walls, while her Handmaidens were patrolling inside the castel.
Now, Seishan had eyes and ears everywhere, especially in the outer settlement. She had her spies there long before Gunlaug's order.
Seishan always had her suspicion towards the last daughter of immortal flame. Changing Star's saint act always seemed to have other motives behind it.
Just as Seishan had that thought, something moved at the edge of her view. Down in the city.
It was in a small street between the buildings, the end of the street was blocked by a huge wall, so Seishan looked somewhere else-
' wait '
Seishan focused again at the wall, her eyes widened.
" that's...not a wall..."
It was something so dark and hidden that it seemed like it absorbed all light around it.
It was as if the world itself had a gap in it.
Just then, it started moving, yet no sound was made from its enormous size.
When the end of the street was clear again, all what Seishan could see were the dead piles of Nightmares Creatures.
Pools of blood. Piles of bone. And scattered limps all across the ground.
The sight was so horrifyingly terrible that Seishan felt sick to her stomach, and equally more afraid. Those dead creatures could easily rip her apart.
And this thing killed them all.
Not only that, but it was close to the castle, and moving more closer.
Seishan took a step back, putting distance away from the balcony.
She had to see Gunlaug. Now.
Seishan moved through the halls of the Castle with haste, until she arrived at the great hall.
Gunlaug himself was still there, setting on his throne. Beside him was none other than that terror Harus...and Gemma and Kido.
They were all here. Except for Tessai.
" ah, Seishan. You came just in time for the show. "
Seishan was confused, but all of it disappeared when the doors of the great hall opened to a great crowd of people, Tessai was at the head of them.
And behind him was none other than Changing Star herself.
Nephis walked at the head of her people, ahead of them was Tessai, holding Effie by the shoulder, her hands tied behind her back.
As it appeared, Sunny was right. Tessai was the one to come for Effie.
She had met the charming young man outside the castel, just before nightfall.
His gift apparently was a whole pile of soul shards. Nephis asked where did he find them all and his answer was.
" how else? I killed all the Nightmare creatures in the Dark city. "
Nephis didn't believe him one bit, which caused a certain expression to appear on her face.
It was a few moments later when he exploded with laughter that made her smile involuntary. When she asked him why he was laughing, he said that was because she was 'pouting'
This whole change of demeanor and appearance still eluded her.
How much can one change in just three months? Had her words hurt him and caused him to change that much?
Even Cassie seemed troubled when Sunny was mentioned.
The whole situation was so strange and vague that Nephis didn't know if she can fully trust him or not.
There was something strange about the way he smiled at her that made her feel warmer in some way.
She didn't know what to think of it, she wasn't the best when it came to emotions.
Nephis was snapped out of her thoughts the moment they arrived at the great hall. With Gunlaug and all of his lieutenants present.
When Nephis's eyes met the smooth polished surface of Gunlaug's armor, a sharp headache assaulted her mind.
The oppressive mental assault was truly hard to endure. Sunny was right.
She desperately needed that gift.
The Bright Lord tilted his head slightly, then said with a tone filled with amusement.
" ah, what a wonderful sight. All of my precious wards gathered here to see justice prevail against all odds. "
His gaze fell back on Nephis, causing a terrible feeling to assault her mind.
" don't you agree, Changing Star of the Immortal flame clan? "
Nephis gritted her teeth and said with a suppressed tone.
" ...indeed. "
The Bright lord sighed and leaned back.
" as you all know, there is a threat just outside our walls. And in these challenging times I expect us all to unite against the harrowing creatures that seek to destroy us. And yet, here i find one of yours, Changing Star, killing innocent humans."
His gaze fell on Effie.
" I am disappointed with you, Effie. You were once a proud huntress, now though, you are nothing more than a feral animal. How low have you fallen. I must with a heavy heart sentence you, to death. "
Effie was about to say something when Nephis stopped her.
" I object. "
The whole crowd looked at her, some with hope. Others with glee.
Gunlaug leaned forward.
" object? How so? She had been proven guilty without any room left for doubt. There's nothing that you can do. "
His voice grew full of mirth.
" well, Unless of course..."
Nephis looked at him in eye, or where his eyes would be, ignoring the mental assault as best as she could.
" I invoke the right of challenge "
The moment those words left her mouth, a shadow detached itself from her own, it moved without anyone noticing it's existence. Only to attach itself to Tessai's shadow.
Three other shadows moved from the dark corners of the hall each heading for three people.
Seishan, Kido, and Gemma.