The Different Types of Evolution

Guardian – Durable front liners with high defence. Their attacks scale with their defence, allowing them to deal steady damage while absorbing hits. However, they have low magic, speed, and attack.

Attack: Low/Moderate

Defence: Very High/Extreme

Speed: Low

Magic: Low

Assault – High-speed attackers with strong offence. They excel in dealing burst damage, but have low defence and magic. Their exact abilities vary depending on their evolved class.

Attack: Very High

Defence: Low/Moderate

Speed: High/Extreme

Magic: Low

Evoker – Pure magic damage dealers. They have high magic but low attack and defence. Speed depends on their subclass, but they rely on spells to unleash devastating attacks.

Attack: Low

Defence: Low

Speed: Low/Moderate

Magic: High/Very High

Mystic – Versatile supports with adaptable skill sets. They have slightly higher magic to boost their support and healing abilities. Some, like dancers, blend offence and utility, with moderate attack, speed, and magic but extremely low defence.

Attack: Moderate/Low

Defence: Very Low

Speed: Moderate/High

Magic: Moderate/High