Monster Bestiary

Night Prowler—Level 1-6

HP: 50

Attack: 6

Defence: 2

Speed: 6

Magic: 0


A shadowy predator resembling a panther with elongated limbs and glowing red eyes. It moves unnaturally fast and uses its agility to strike from unexpected angles.


Relies on ambush tactics, testing the target's reaction time before committing to an all-out attack.


• Quick Lunge: Rushes the target, dealing High damage and briefly staggering them. (Cooldown: 6s)

• Shadow Step: Teleports a short distance, repositioning to attack from the flank. (Cooldown: 10s)


Nightmare Hound Level—5-8

HP: 50

Attack: 11

Defence: 2

Speed: 5

Magic: 2


A larger, more menacing shadow beast with glowing red eyes and crackling dark energy coursing through its form.


Shadow Howl: Reduces enemies' Speed by 1 for 10 seconds.

Crushing Bite: Deals heavy physical damage and applies a bleed effect.


Gale Harpy—Level 10-12

HP: 220

Attack: 8

Defence: 4

Speed: 7

Magic: 12

Total: 31


A strikingly beautiful winged creature with slender limbs, sharp talons, and shimmering azure feathers that ripple like the sky before a storm. Their hypnotic eyes and elegant movements mask the lethal intent behind their razor-sharp claws.


Gale Harpies rely on their piercing screeches to disorient foes before striking with swift, calculated attacks. They are highly aggressive toward male targets, luring them into a false sense of security before unleashing their fury.


Gale Cutter: Summons a razor-sharp gust of wind that slices through the air, dealing moderate damage in a wide arc. (Cooldown: 8s)

Siren's Cry: Unleashes a haunting screech that dazes enemies, disrupting their movements and lowering their reaction speed. (Cooldown: 12s)


Harpy Matriarch Svela – Level 14

HP: 1200

Attack: 12

Defence: 2

Speed: 12

Magic: 15

Total: 41


A regal and terrifying apex predator among harpies, Svela's form is both mesmerising and deadly. Her wings, spanning nearly twice her height, shimmer with a ghostly silver-blue hue, leaving behind trails of wind as she moves.

Her talons are obsidian hooks, sharp enough to carve through armour, while her piercing golden eyes gleam with both intelligence and cruelty. Feathers shift like flowing silk around her body, creating an illusion of constant motion, as though she is the wind itself.


Svela does not merely attack—she hunts. Her presence dominates the battlefield, using the high ground to control engagements and toy with her prey. She exhibits an eerie patience, circling her enemies with calculated grace before striking with explosive speed.

Unlike lesser harpies, she doesn't fall for distractions, and her keen mind allows her to predict movements with frightening accuracy.

She is especially ruthless toward male opponents, using her voice and hypnotic presence to weaken their resolve before forcing them to become her mates, draining them until dry, before eating them with an almost sadistic delight.


Storm Reaver: Svela flaps her wings once, generating a powerful shockwave of razor-sharp wind that extends in a conical blast, dealing heavy damage and knocking back enemies caught in its range. (Cooldown: 10s)

Winds of Submission: With a haunting, ethereal melody, Svela's voice lingers in the air, weaving a spell that dulls her enemies' reactions and slows their movements. Those who cannot resist may find themselves momentarily enthralled, unable to attack. (Cooldown: 15s, can be interrupted.)

Death Dive: Launches herself high into the air before plummeting downward at breakneck speed, targeting a single enemy. Upon impact, she deals with devastating damage and generates a shockwave that staggers nearby opponents. (Cooldown: 18s, must be airborne to activate.)

Queen's Fury (Passive): The lower Svela's HP, the more frenzied her attacks become.

At 50% HP, she gains +3 Attack and +3 Speed.

At 25% HP, she enters a berserk state, chaining attacks together with relentless aggression and doubling all attributes.