I didn't see Chris for my remaining classes, something which I was eternally grateful for.When Alex told me that he was going to be serving detention for two weeks with Chris, I'd insisted that I'd go talk to the principal. He'd simply pushed me towards my class, and stalked off.After the confrontation with Chris, and my breakdown in the courtyard, i found that the stares didn't bother me so much. In fact, they kept me somewhat grounded to reality, reminding me that I was safe.I was waiting for Alex at his lockers when someone pulled me into a hug all of a sudden.'Mira! Where've you been?!' She pulled away, shaking me, 'Have you been avoiding me? Do you know how worried I've been?! Omg, we have so much to catch up on!'For someone who was shorter than me, Sarah's strength always surprised me.'Sarah...' I tried to get out in-between her shaking me, '...Can...'t...brea...the...''What?! Oh, my bad!' She giggled, pulling away. Then, she grabbed my arm, 'We have SO much to catch up on! What are you doing after school?''Oh, uh, ' I scrambled for an excuse, looking around for any sign of Alex. When I didn't see him, I turned to Sarah, 'Can we do it some other time? I've got these therapy sessions after school that my parents are forcing me to take.'Her face cringed at the word 'therapy', 'Oh, no, no, I get it, ' She pulled away, making a face that looked between a grimace, and disgust, 'Let's do it some other time. See you around, yeah?''See you, ' I waved as she ran away. Turning around, I saw Alex rounding the corner. I glared at him.He gave me a sheepish smile, 'You know how Professor. Mark is..''Right, ' I rolled my eyes, we both knew he was just avoiding Sarah, 'You never told me what happened between you, and Sarah.''Oh, yeah?' I glanced at him sideways as we walked down the hall towards detention. He pretended to look at his watch, 'Oh, damn, would you look at the time? I'm so late.'He pulled me into a half-hug, 'I'll text you when I'm free, alright? Get home safe?'Before I could say anything, he ran away.I sighed, turning around and walking off. I was grateful to not run into Chris on my way outside.I knew the house was usually empty at this time since both mom, and dad were at work, so I headed home happily.Although, the quietness made me wish that I'd just taken up Sarah on her offer.Honestly, I don't even know anymore why I'm still avoiding her. Maybe, I was still mad at her about everything else.I headed to the kitchen first, grabbing leftovers from last night. Sarah was the first friend I'd made after Lila. I would've never imagined myself being friends with Sarah, because she was one of the cool kids at school.In fact, I know the only reason she spoke to me was because of Alex. She knew that we were close, and believed that I could somehow hook her up with Alex.Her mistake. I sucked at playing cupid, plus Alex was really hard-headed about dating. I always tease him if he's secretly gay.With the warmed-up Chinese in-hand, I settled in the living room, putting on some movie. One of the scream series was showing, although half of it had already passed.A few minutes into the movie, and I was completely engrossed. So much so that I didn't even realize the kitchen light turning off until I heard a crashing sound from upstairs.I was still partially focused on the movie, so didn't think too much about it. Although, my nerves were starting to act up a little, I was still able to dismiss the sound.After a while, when I didn't hear anything again, I simply became focused on the movie again.When I heard another sound, this one closer, and sounding as if it came from the kitchen, I shot up from the sofa.It didn't much to get me acting all suspicious, and paranoid.I noticed the kitchen lights weren't on anymore, but I could've sworn I never turned them off when I left.Movie at the back of my mind, and my phone in hand, I grabbed the owned pencil I had from my pencil case. This would've to do until I could get my hands on an actual knife.I walked slowly towards the darkened kitchen, flashlight on. My thumb hovered over the button to dial 911.I was at the dining table when I heard something from the window opposite me. It sounded like someone hurling rocks at the window.I stood on my tiptoes, trying to peer out the window.It was already dark outside, I hadn't realized since I'd been so engrossed by the movie.I couldn't see clearly, but I thought that maybe there was a shadow.While I'd been trying to see as much as I could outside the window, I heard something thud right behind me. I gasped, and turned around, shining the torch wherever I could.Just then, my battery died. I almost screamed in terror, frustrated at the turn of events. It's like I was the main character of a freaking horror show.Clutching the pencil tightly in my hand, I slowly reached out my hand towards the wall. I was trying to find the light switch as I took slow, hesitant steps forward. Secretly, I was hoping this was all just in my head.I felt something like cloth underneath my fingertips. At first, I thought it was a dishcloth, perhaps. But, when I continued on, the cloth continued on as well.My heart stopped. My breaths coming out shakily, as I slowly took steps away. I could feel a presence in front of me, and clutched on to the pencil for dear life.When I felt the counter behind me, I turned, and ran. I could hear my heart pounding in my ears, and the blood rushing to me head as I ran for the main door.Just as my hand touched the door knob, I felt two hands pulling my waist. I screamed, trying to injure my perpetrator with the pencil.It hit the mark when we both fell to the floor, me on top. I heard a hiss behind me, as I scrambled to get to the door.I had almost reached it but my feet was pulled backwards, and I fell to the floor, screaming. I could feel tears on my cheeks as I struggled to get away, kicking my perpetrator in the face.Then, I felt light on my face as my eyes against the sudden brightness. All I could hear was my own screaming, and my parents' voices somewhere far away.The voice grew louder and louder until it overpowered my own screaming.'Mira!''Mira, listen to me!''Mira, wake up!'I gasped, opening my eyes to find my parents in front of me. My eyes were blurry from the tears, but I could make out their worried expressions.Every passing second made everything all the more clear.'Mira? Mira, honey, ' My mom pulled me into a hug as I cried, while dad hugged the both of us, 'I'm here. You're okay, Mira. It's all going to be okay.''We're here for you, Mira.'My cries turned into sobs until the tears just silently streamed down my face.I couldn't remember what happened as my vision became blurry. There were flashes of the house here and there, until my mind completely shut down, exhaustion taking over me.It was 3 a.m. when I suddenly woke up in the morning. My eyes wide awake, I grabbed my phone. There were a bunch of texts from Alex, which I didn't bother opening.I was trying to remember exactly everything that happened as I sat up in bed, clutching my head. A part of me wanted to talk to my parents, to hear that there really was someone in our house last night, and that I hadn't just imagined all that.I couldn't have imagined all that, could I? No, that wasn't possible.The thought scared me so much. I tried to stand up, but my feet shook too much for me to get up.There was a glass of water on the side table which I was grateful for. I gulped down the water greedily, feeling as if I'd spent the last two weeks crawling through a desert.Sleep was the last thing on my mind, as I stared up at my ceiling. I could've spent months like this, and I wouldn't even realize it.I didn't even know what normal was anymore. I couldn't remember anything, not even Lila. The thought scared me more than I cared to admit.So, I laid in bed, fighting my own mind against this sickness that had lurched itself onto me.When next morning came, I left early again. I knew my parents would want to talk to me, but I needed to breathe before having this conversation. My mind was a mess, and I had to sort it out.I sat at the playground, breathing in large gulps of the fresh air. It was quiet, just how I liked it.When I saw Alex rushing towards me with an angry look on his face, I sighed. Perhaps, it was the tiredness of my face, but I noticed some of the anger fading. He looked more so annoyed.Hopping into the seat next to me, he asked, 'Your parents said you were asleep when I came over last night.''Yeah. Sorry.'He didn't say anything, but I could feel his eyes on me. I knew he wanted me to talk about it, but right now, I was as closed off as can be.I was grateful for the fact that he didn't push me, that was one of the reasons why Alex was the only person I preferred hanging out with now.We sat there together, until the quiet was filled with parents rushing off to school with their kids, some heading to work, car horns. It wasn't so quiet when we headed to school.I was pretty much in my head the entire day, moving through the classes like a ghost.When Alex, and I sat down for lunch outside, he finally spoke up, 'Look, I know you don't want to talk about it. I respect that-you know I do. But, this-' he pointed at my mouth, I guessed he was referring to me being practically mute the entire day, '-this is starting to scare me, Mira.'I stared at him for a moment, before sighing. I looked away, staring at the trees, 'I think I'm going crazy, Alex.''What-''I.. I don't know how to explain it. It felt so real, as if he was there. But, he couldn't be, no, I know he couldn't have been there. I saw him being locked away.' My breathing was getting a little shaky, so I shook my head, as if to get rid of my thoughts, 'I don't know what's wrong with me.'I didn't look up at Alex, even when he was silent for a while. Finally, he began, 'Look, M, I know you don't like that therapist. I don't either, but maybe, you should give her a chance?'I gulped, thinking about what Alex just said. Then, shaking my head, 'I don't know.''I know you think you're superwoman, or something-' I glared at him, 'But, it's okay to ask for help, M. If you think about it, opening up to a stranger would mean that you no longer for him, don't you think?''I'm not scared of him!''That's not-' I stood up before he could finish, heading to the library. He didn't come after me for which I was grateful.I didn't feel like heading to the next class, so I just sat in the library. It was quiet, and almost completely empty. I didn't have to deal with anyone here, and I loved it.It wasn't that I thought Alex was wrong. In fact, a part of me agreed with him. In the back of my mind, I knew he was wrong. It made sense.But, the major part was scared. Scared that talking about it would make it all the more real.I was in denial. I believed that somehow, just ignoring everything would make it alright. And, things had been okay till I had to resume school again.Maybe, I was just acting like a coward again. I didn't know.While I was in the middle of having a life crisis, someone sat down in the chair opposite me.'Chris-''Hey, ' He smiled at me, beaming those straight, pearly whites in a way that almost blinded me.'What are you doing here?'He didn't answer immediately, instead, flipping the pages of the math book that I'd just kept on the table for show. 'You done with Ms. Freddie's assignment?'I didn't answer, staring at him pointedly. When a few minutes ticket by without my saying anything, he looked up, matching my stare.What had initially attracted me-and pretty much half the school, was Chris's good looks. His eyes were this beautiful shade of hazel that matched his dirty blonde head perfectly. Plus, hours of baseball had done wonders for his body.Calling him handsome felt like an understatement.'Mira-'I blinked, snapping out of my thoughts, 'You need to go, Chris.''Mira, come on. I don't even understand why you're doing this, ' He rounded the table, coming to sit right besides me, 'We were so good together..'I could hear the longing in his voice as he inched closer to me. I backed away, 'If you can't understand why I broke up with you, then there's really noth-'He broke me off by kissing me. I was too shocked to push him away, and he took advantage of that, deepening the kiss.I knew I was making a mistake when my hands snaked up his shoulders, and into his hair.Thank god, I'd chosen the farthest, darkest spot in the library. No one could find, or hear us from here.I moaned as Chris's hands slipped under my sweater, going up until he was cupping my bra. That was enough of an eye-opener.I pulled away from him, 'No, no, ' I repeated over and over as I gathered my stuff.I knew he was saying something but I couldn't hear him. All I knew was that I had to get out of here before he jumps me again, and I give in.So, I ran away, trying to find someplace to hide. But, it didn't matter because the next second, the bell rang, and the corridors were swarming with students again.I let the throng carry me to my next class, trying, and failing to push everything to the back of my mind.