Chapter 1-1 Book 8

Chapter 1-1

It's all about the Kiss

Part 2

I was very proud of my family, for doing something without being told to show the old crone that we had no intention of failing or give her a reason to say that we had failed in our tasks. Just so she could kill us all and our loved ones. The fact it looked like a group orgy didn't escape me either, but there was little I could do about it, considering Eli and I had no choice but to teach this to the Benson family all together, not an individual person.

Even for Eli that was cruelty at its worst. Stating, they rarely prepare the entire family as quickly as a test. They usually prepare the parents first, then the children before combining them all in a single week. They normally start on Friday and prepare them until they either fail or succeed and have a welcoming ritual on the following Sunday.

I went back to teaching their mother about the cuddling stage, letting Ted back onto the bed so he could watch and learn as I showed him and his mother the moves I had perfected over the last few months. It would be Eli's job for the coring phase and assured me and them. It could be done with minimum pain. I couldn't say if he could or not because of the way Gloria raped me, by not taking her time, wanting to do it with as much pain as possible.

To show the people she represented who happened to be another group of the Satanic Church. It wasn't to prove that I wasn't gay. It was to prove that if given the right incentive, I could be taught. Just the way Shawn and Arthur had been taught, but without a fake penis. Yet tomorrow there would be no fake penis for any of us, either. So, I questioned why and how they managed to do it without anyone going to the cops or child welfare services.

One thing I did know is this experience changed me and the Benson family. They were no longer the shy family they were when we started this. They weren't afraid of showing off their nakedness; it didn't bother them to be aroused around each other, and it didn't bother them to have sex in front of each other. They asked kindly if they could help, and show each other what they had learned, so we wouldn't fail.

It tore me up inside because it was me, and Eli that had taught them to do this. It was our fault for letting them rape each other, regardless of if it was to save their lives. The true test came when their mother and their sister took Ted and Harold by the hand and guided them to the bed.

I wanted to look away, but I couldn't. I knew that I had created this; I had taught them that it was ok to have sex. I have successfully used the tools my adoptive parents have taught me, and I wasn't pleased about it. In fact, it made me sick inside. Ted looked up at me as he had his mother's breast in his mouth and his penis inside of her. He said, smiling at me. "You mentioned grooming and chocolate-covered penis and sweet spot."

I nodded and said. "I did."

The King said. "Yes, he did mention that tasty dessert, but it would be best to wait until we all have bathed and been groomed first, and we must wait until Dora too comes back. I promised her she could join us in this tasty treat." He came out of the tub perfectly groomed and wrapped a towel around his waist. "Besides, I would prefer that we had our treat in the big tub room where we won't get it all over the carpets and the linen. Normally I wouldn't care, but there are fifteen of us, and not all of us can fit in one gigantic bed. Eric also wants to teach us the art of a full sexual, sensual bath and full body massage, which I really want to learn and teach my boys."

He quickly picked up the phone noting the time was almost 5 pm; he was more than satisfied with how the day had gone, so he said. "To make up for spoiling your wedding dinner, I have asked our chef to re-prepare it. I am also now ordering to release the rest of your families and friends with light supervision for completing the sex and tasting phase so quickly. I will keep our agreement once the coring phase is completed; you have all shown me that you are not going to fail. So, I am granting your family and friends their freedom. Trusting the fact, you won't fail the coring procedure or the final test. Not after what you have shown our Queen that she will not get the chance to fail you, not after what I have seen and have given a copy of the tapes proving that so far, the new preparing ritual is a success.

"Excuse me, if you will, I need to attend to something. Once the individuals have been released, I will demonstrate on the monitor that I have kept my promise. Unfortunately, I cannot show you at this moment as I must safeguard the location where they have been relocated. This precaution is necessary in case the rebels discover their whereabouts.

"Once the cameras have been set up, I will display footage of them living their lives as they did before we took them from their homes. To further assure you, I will even arrange for you to speak with them in person while watching them on the monitor here. This way, you can see that it is not a deception and that I have indeed honored my word.

"Please bear with me and continue grooming them as you see fit. I will also arrange for new clothes to be sent, ensuring you look presentable for dinner and have something to wear when you depart from here. I believe it is only fair, considering it was I who initially instructed you to destroy them.

"If you would kindly provide me with your sizes, I will take care of it." With that, he reached for the phone and dialed a number, then handed me a pad and pencil to jot down our sizes. Except for mine, Eli's, and the girls', as those were already brought from the hotel when they arrived, including our tuxedos and the girls' wedding dresses. I offered the parents an opportunity to bathe their children, emphasizing the importance of establishing trust as a family unit, a value instilled in me by my adoptive family. Mostly, it was because Eli and I were exhausted. We have had more than our share of penis and sweet spot and sex for the moment, so we watched them go and laid on the bed with Eli beside me, letting the girls massage us as we closed our eyes.

Jessie and his two brothers were already curled up on the floor together after a full day of sex and stimulation as I watched their Dad wake them and escort them out of the room and put them to bed until dinner time. Carrying his youngest boy who was seven in his arms putting his arms around his neck, it was hard to believe a monster such as him showing such love to his children when he had killed not more than a day or so, one of his own and several men at the drop of a hat. Not once had I seen him grieve over the loss. Yet something said he was grieving in his own fashion, or it hadn't hit him for what he had done.

We were nudged awake when dinner was being put on the table so we would have time to dress as we were asked to. It felt strange to be clothed as we walked down the stairs in socked feet and wearing a pair of glasses. Everyone looked so different being clothed after being naked so long together, it seemed so out of place. We were told to go into the study so we could view our family and friends and talk with them. We were told not to mention where we were. Just tell them we were fine, which was a lie in some ways because we were not fine. We were still being held prisoner. Just like us seeing them they could see us, as we waved at each other from a distance.

We would ask stupid questions like how many fingers they could see us holding and laughing when we changed them. Yet it stated it wasn't a trick, and it was proof of life. My grandmother bawled her eyes out when she saw me. Thinking I was either dead or hurt in some way, lying in a ditch. And of course, my mother wasn't available as she was out shopping, but I did manage to speak to her over the phone in some store she was at; and of course, she asked where I was, and all I could say; safe for the moment; that we were being treated fairly.

Once everyone got a chance to talk to their loved ones, we made our way into the dining room. The mess had been cleaned up to perfection, noting there wasn't a single drop of blood anywhere in the entrance hall. Where we watched the men that had raped us being punished and killed, and in their place were new men some of which was our own as they gave me and Eli some sign that said they were ours, by crossing two fingers over their wrists, where my mine and Eli's watch was, all dressed in black.

None of them had masks on, which said it would be nearly impossible for the High Bishop to know each of his men in person. It still wasn't enough to take us to freedom, it was just enough to make sure they couldn't kill us. There was still no word from Jeff as Eli kept linking with me, asking about him. I would shake my head, stating no, nothing. Like me, he was getting worried as I was. Because we were coming to the part where it would be his job to teach the coring phase, now that my role was coming to a close. I had one job left to do, and that was showing our bathing ritual as well as some of the things we can do that me and my family like to do. As well as many of my friends now that we have gotten acquainted.

I still hadn't asked the two younger Benson's boys what their names were. Knowing I had been avoiding that because of my feelings regarding young children having sex and stimulating them. It was different because they weren't my brothers, nor were we close. I treated it as a job and distanced myself from it. Even more so after watching the Cranny's and my sister Becky and my mother doing the very things I was teaching the Benson's to do, but were all being cruelly corrupted by one person in particular. Paul Cranny. I can guess, and assume we all have our personal Hells, and this was one of them for me.

I smiled when Rhoda asked me when she linked with me, noticing how quiet I was,

"Penny for your thoughts."

She squeezed my hand when I said. "I was thinking about the coring phase." She told me everything would be fine. Eli knows what he is doing; promising me it won't be anything like I had felt when Gloria raped me. She reached over and kissed me, and I liked the feeling of having her with me. It wasn't the same anymore, as it was being with one of my friends. It was different somehow. It was like we were bonded together, knowing they would always be there.

Maybe that was what it was supposed to be like being married. Eli too was different when we were together. There was a feeling of completeness every time he kissed me and held my hand. It seemed we had known each other all our lives, instead of just a couple of weeks. He was too worried about me, and I worried about him. I smiled when he leaned over and whispered in my ear, telling me he really does prefer me naked. I whispered. "I hope you didn't just marry me for my penis."

He nuzzled my neck and said. "I happen to like your penis, one of my favorite things about you, and the fact it belongs to me."

As promised, we had a very nice dinner of prime rib with very large cuts; I was so hungry that I had three slices after taking all those horny pills and having all that sex. Yet I wasn't the only one that was eating like it was our last meal. Then again, it just as well as could have been. The King said he quickly divided out the rooms where we would be sleeping tonight. He had put me and Eli with him and our wives, and the two smaller Benson's boys in with his three boys, and the parents with Ted, Herald, and their sister. Reminding them the cameras will be watching to take the advantage of having sex as often as possible.

He even allows them to trade brothers once they have had enough sex and stimulation so they each are given a chance to do so on their own. Telling us the main hallway will be locked off to prevent anyone from leaving the area of the rooms. They nodded, stating it was fair and so far they have each have done what he had asked. He nodded and said. "Excellent. We will adjourn to the main bathing room, where we will have our dessert."

I gasped as their Dad said. "Master, if we wanted to go through the coring now instead of in the morning. Considering we have already been somewhat prepared watching our fine teachers going through the process and we have noted that it doesn't hurt them after they have been prepared. That way tonight we can be given the ultimate test, and we could pass it and be on our way and perhaps be welcomed into the fold tomorrow instead of a week from now?"

I was about to link, telling them it wouldn't be wise, but Rhoda grabbed my hand and Eli spoke. "Are you sure? Mr. Benson, the coring procedure isn't as easy as it was for the other phases; it will be or could be quite painful at first."

The boys each gave a nod Ted said. "Tonight or tomorrow makes no difference. Either way, we are going to have to do it or fail and failure isn't an option?"

The King said. "How about we compromise, we will invite your Dad and the two older boys, Ted, and Herald to go first, one at a time, so you if you change your mind that you would like to wait until morning it is more than fine, and we had agreed that was the time phase would be learned. Eli is right. It is the most difficult for a reason."

They agreed, and he gave a heavy sigh and nodded. "Eli, you have everything you need to do the procedure?"

Eli nodded. "I have as you have requested me to do, and I am prepared to do so," Eli linked said. "Everything will be fine; Dora has assured me that everything I will need will make it a pleasant experience. It won't be anything like how Gloria prepared you. Trust me; I know what I am doing." He squeezed my hand, but I couldn't get the image out of my head remembering how badly it really hurt, and the days after it. Yet Ted and his Dad were right, better now than later, so much for a night of fun.

The King motioned over to one of his men. The thing was, he wasn't one of his. He was one of ours. He said. "Please make sure the cameras are up and running, but do not turn them on. I want to make sure that the coring phase goes according to plan before I record it. We cannot fail … all of us, including everyone in this house tonight will die if we any of them fail."

The man said automatically. "As you say, master, it will be done. You should know master the Holy Queen has been asked to be present once the ultimate test is given, and the feed is to be live to ensure that if you fail … "The Nine" will see it. I have been told that she will be dead the moment you have passed. It would give me great pleasure to see her head delivered on a platter. For the way, she had killed our men today for just disobeying her strict orders to make sure you do fail. She did not kill them all, she only tortured them except for the two you have witnessed. They were healed soon after she had tortured them in front of you and your guest and posted them around the house. It was her direct order to have the boys and their wives raped repeatedly, in hopes of scaring the Benson's to fail. Not wanting to go any further.

"It was also her direct order to all of us to make sure you do fail by allowing the boys and their families and friends to be threatened and killed the moment you freed them. If it wasn't for the rebels to stop them, they would have. She has been undermining you from the start. So, you will be stricken of rank and be defaced publicly. Right now, she is trying to convince the council that they should just kill you. For allowing the rebels to capture our guest's prisoners once they have been freed. The vote is split; she only needs one more before they make a ruling. You pay me well master, or I would not tell you this. She intends to kill "The Nine" who do not vote to remove you. So, her brother can take your place."

The King growled, slamming his fist on the table; "I knew it wasn't my fault! Thanks for the information. Please tell me your name and which men are still loyal to me here. The ones that are will be paid a king's ransom this very night to ensure that she doesn't kill us. If you know of any that may help "The Nine" in the hour of their great need, I will double any amount they ask to ensure their safety."

The man smiled at me and said. "My name is Thomas. Sir. Thomas Gideon. Give me an hour and I will give you a list as you have requested. You should know I was trained at Crest-Ridge under Eli's father. I have two hundred and fifty men at my disposal. Just give me an hour and they will be here, within these walls, and deploy them as you wish." The king gasped. Thomas smiled. "All of us are not stupid bruits, master. We have been standing by waiting for a chance to move up with a worthier master such as Eli's father and yourself. Should I alert the men?"

The King nodded. "For you, good man Thomas. I will make you my First Lieutenant,

Considering she has killed him already. Yes, make ready. It's time to change the odds back in our favor."

He gave a salute and said. "As you command, master."

The King got up from the table and said. "Please make yourselves at home; I have some calls to make. Lieutenant, give me your best ten men, and enough men under them to neutralize the leaders at the locations I am about to give you. Failure is not an option. In my safe, I have what you need to remove the warlocks that have been placed in charge to see to my guest's friends and families. I want this problem eliminated by 6 am tomorrow. Do I make myself clear? The Queen must not know that I have taken back control. So do it carefully and quickly."

Thomas said. "You have my word. I will, and my men give you, our lives." He took a knife and slid it across the palm of his right hand, and offered it to the Master. He took his own knife and did the same, and they shook hands. It was a blood pack.

Eli told me it was a ritual that has gone back centuries. The only way it can be broken is by death, either by the one swearing the oath or his master has been captured and killed. I cringed, watching the blood drip as the master used it to draw symbols on the man's face as he kneeled before him in front of the men in the room and in front of the cameras.

He stood up, and they walked into the study. They didn't come back out until he had two large metal suitcases that had Stringham's name on them. He said. "Half payment now, second payment when the job is complete as we have agreed." The man ordered six men to guard the High Bishop. They too gave blood to seal the bargain as they just became his new honor guards.

He said to his new Lieutenant. "Kill all those that are not on the list who are the Queen's men. Protect my guests and their families and their friends … Secure the house and stand guard. Protect the order of "The Nine" at all costs. Here in Salt Lake and in Heber."

They all bowed. "As you command, master. The Holy Queen will be the one that dies this day."

He said. "Failure is not an option. Those that fail will die." They gave a salute, and they were gone, except his new Honor guards and every one of those two hundred and fifty men was ours. The balance just shifted at that single moment.