Chapter 1-2 Book 8

Chapter 1-2

It's all about the Kiss

Part 3

Even with the changing of the guard, our backs were against the wall, and it was loud and clear that Eli and I were still going to finish the "Preparing Ritual." Our team needed time to hunt down the bad guys and put their own men in place as everyone bombarded Eli and me with questions. If this is the moment we all have been waiting for. I shook my head as I watched the men work in concert as the new man Thomas in charge quickly did exactly as they were told. Going room to room, finding the men who were on the opposing side, and taking them out.

Once more, the King had taken his boys up to their rooms and posted a guard. He left us to finish our dinner as we sat and waited for them to install the cameras inside the tub room and the rooms where the family would be staying for the night. He soon left us alone as he quickly went to his study with Thomas and closed the door. The moment that happened, one of our men calmly said dressed all in black, wearing a white mask and a black hood. "If you would follow me up the stairs to make you a little more comfortable."

I waited for an invitation to follow them outside for safety, but instead, they led us right back upstairs into the large tub room. Where Dora had made sure everything was in order. The moment the door closed, the moment we thought we were waiting for as Tony revealed himself taking off his white mask and hood. He gave us all a smile and introduced himself to the Benson's. Mr. Benson's said. "Are we free? Please, God, tell us we are free?"

Tony explained. "That while their men were neutralizing the situation, it would take some time to fully take control. He acknowledged that it was not an easy task to achieve a complete takeover. There were various factors that needed to be carefully considered, such as ensuring the safety of all their families and friends prior to their own safety. Additionally, he mentioned that they still needed time to infiltrate the school, which served as a training ground for warlocks and witches. Tony revealed that the school also functioned as a care facility where staff willingly subjected patients to both pleasure and torture for educational purposes.

"It too will also take time to locate each of the members of "The Nine" and replace them with our members. As Thomas has said, the ultimate phase will be a live feed to those members. We need time to prepare ourselves so that when we do neutralize the High Bishop. It won't come back to bite us. You have nothing to fear. Dora and I have arranged with Jeff's help … have seen to it that the coring stage will be as painless as possible, but it is your family's job to make it look like you are experiencing some pain. Or the members watching will think that the coring phase was too easy and would be deemed as a fraud. Then there is the last test where your family does all methods on their own, ensuring your freedom. Hopefully, by then, we would have neutralized the situation.

"The High Bishop is only one step. He doesn't know where "The Nine" meet, not all of them … any way. It will take time to interrogate them to find them. Knowing all he has to do is pick up the phone and the war starts, and blood will flow down the streets, and a lot of innocent people will die. The Queen must also be eliminated; she's not here, nor is she at the school with her men. So far, we are unable to locate her.

"We suspect she is close by, but Jeff assures me that this room is safe and all the cameras in here are ours, controlling the feed for now. We just know she will be viewing the live feed. It is our hope that when both members of "The Nine" here in Salt Lake and the ones in Heber will neutralize the Queen themselves once they have learned that you haven't failed, and she has. With the Queen's demise, the battle would take a decisive turn; her army, now exposed and hunted, would break ranks and flee like ants escaping a collapsing anthill, their panicked cries and the clash of steel echoing through the air.

"We cannot just take out the High Bishop and then take you from this place. In fact, you are all safer here than any place on the planet, even more so with our men in place. I must go, and you must all do whatever it takes to ensure that you are all alive. I cannot stress that enough. I am sorry to get your hopes up for not completing the ritual, but know this: your family and friends are all safe and it is all because of your sacrifice. We shall talk again once we have taken total control.

"It is also our hope that we can take the High Bishop and not have to kill him so he can give us the inside information we need to take down the church in Heber and here, we suspect that there are over 5000 members across the globe and Salt Lake City is the honey pot." Tony looked at his watch and said. "You have about thirty minutes before the Bishop will see us … Right now, he is watching an empty room and seeing you at the table eating and waiting. The cameras are on something called a loop. So, I must leave you … Dora, they are all yours." She nodded, and he left the room.

She quickly went over and opened a folded towel where there was a needle for each of us and said. "The shot I am about to give you is a painkiller, so when the coring phase begins, the pain will be minimized. It will last for about six hours, and with the help of KY gel and some laxatives that Eli and Eric will insert has also been treated so they will lessen the pain and relax you. If you continue the coring procedure which you are expected to do after on your own and as they have taught you. You should feel very little or no pain at all once the medication has worn off. It will be as if you have been doing it all your life.

"The boys will feel a slight pleasure like we women do when the men do the coring to us. Don't ask me why it is easier for girls or women to do it, and the pain is minimal. I am not a doctor, and I am a white witch with certain skills. If you'll drop your pants, we can quickly get this over with, because the High Bishop wants to watch you disrobe, allowing him and the live feed viewers to see that you successfully complete the preparatory ritual before the coring procedure. She did Mr. Benson first and went down the line as they each redid their pants.

Eli and I didn't need one. So instead, we made ready putting all our toys by the edge of the tub. Dora helped place several bottles of chocolate sauces and cans of whipped cream, honey, and cinnamon. There are several stacks of towels and clean robes for us after we have bathed and are ready to retire for the night. I stifled a yawn as the High Bishop came in and smiled to see that we had decided to wait for him. Other than being barefoot we were all fully clothed.

He noticed right away that Eli and I were ready, seeing all our toys, including a one size fit all fake penis and strap for each of the girls. He closed the door and said. "The place is a fortress; all the men are in place. Nothing in or out will escape our attention. Unfortunately, I have gotten word that cameras in your rooms and there will be a live feed, and our bosses are watching waiting for us to fail and will be notified when all have taken their places to watch.

"I have also been asked not to hold off on the coring phase until morning. The Holy Queen, in her wisdom, has requested that we do it tonight and the last test be given. To prove once and for all that I have failed, and it was nothing more than a fake, after watching your family core these two boys and my three boys said that it was nothing more than a slap in the face because they had already been prepared.

"I argued that it wasn't a fake because it takes a lot of guts for people that have never had sex with boys or men to do so, so quickly. Yet they believe that because you have seen it done and knew they wouldn't feel any pain except humiliation. I have been asked to participate in the coring to make sure it is legit. So, if you would kindly remove your clothes and we will begin. I would prefer you each other to do it, but I have been instructed that we move right on into the coring, and if all goes well … we can have as much fun as we want after the coring, has been deemed a success."

Everyone nodded and took off their clothes and Dora neatly folded them and set them on the table with each of our robes. He waited until a man opened the door and said. "The live feed is now on my master."

The High Bishop stood up in front of the main camera that was centered on the tub out of eight to capture every angle; the red lights started blinking as he quickly introduced us to our viewers. He gave a short speech regarding how the old ritual was tired and worn out and how this new procedure would bring us tenfold the benefits versus the old one. Reminding them that their God and quoted scripture from the black bible where it states he is a loving God and compassionate God, and he expects us to love one another and not inflict pain or force others into love. He expects devotion to one another, expects discipline.

Stating. "We can no longer expect bruits like the men that have been taught love and compassion are unnecessary or a waste of time. Instead of teaching them that we need to show love and compassion … our church will fade away because our members are confused. Wondering, do we love one another like our God Lucifer and our High Bishops and High Priestess, and teachers have taught them … and then turn around and kill our members and our children and families without cause other than a sacrifice in order by you the Holy Nine and our Holy Queen.

"The Holy Queen says love and compassion is a wasted emotion. I stand before you, proving that she is wrong. We rushed the "Preparing Ritual" hoping to prove the Holy Queen wrong, showing that we were deluded into thinking her witches, warlocks, and their trainees were the best resources for the church, our true God Lucifer, and Mormo.

"Yet, I have said our members or dwindling more each day. We have few converts because they are either killed for disobedience or not wanting no part of our church leaving and fleeing to seek out a god that does not care. Does not give them riches beyond belief or power and influence. It isn't our teachings that are wrong it is the way we teach them that is a problem. Tonight, you will see that I am right, and our Holy Queen is a fallen Queen with her own agenda. Beware our Nine, that the Queen intends to Kill all that disagree with her teachings.

"I have sent a package showing that the new "Preparing Ritual" is a success. That if given a month, we could teach these principles to our new converts and our old ones, and by doing so we will be enriched tenfold compared to the ones we currently teach. Within a year, I guarantee a tenfold increase in our blessings, profit margins, power, and influence, surpassing anything the Holy Queen ever accomplished.

The packet contains a compilation of names and pictures, meticulously arranged according to the Holy Queen's instructions. In the event of my "Preparing Ritual" succeeding, she will kill these individuals. This list also includes many of "The Nines" pictures. I have not failed; The Holy Queen and her inquisition have put me on trial. Her betrayal will be clear when you see the tape. It shows her ordering the men to disobey my orders to discipline and kill them because she wanted me to appear a fool.

"I must stress again. You must beware, as your lives hang by a thread, dependent on how you vote. If you vote in a manner that I have not failed to influence, and if you are convinced after the final test (which I am confident we will not fail), my guests and champions will be ready to prepare the new converts, as directed by our Holy Queen. However, those who do not align with her and refuse to vote on her side will face severe consequences. She will order her men to kill you, deploying her warlocks and witches into a killing frenzy, sacrificing our own members for her cause. She intends to lead the church into a new era where compassion and love, teachings of our God Lucifer, are deemed useless and insignificant.

"Please take heed of these final hours. The men whom you have surrounded yourself with are no longer the loyal and devoted individuals you once knew. They have been replaced and given the order to kill you all by the Holy Queen. I will grant you a few minutes to review this information as we complete the last of our preparations. May Mormo be with you? We all repeated this phrase, fully aware that failure to do so would result in death.