Chapter 2
Off With Her Head
Once the speech was finished, it was Eli's turn to lead the class. I had done my part by teaching what I knew about sexual persuasion. I didn't feel good about it. I felt disgusted with myself knowing I had corrupted an entire family regardless of if it was to keep us all alive. My biggest hope was we wouldn't have to go through with it, but that too was just a pipe dream.
Eli and the girls linked with me telling me everything will be fine. Knowing it will never be fine, it will never be ok ever again. The things I once knew to be fine regarding sex and stimulation as family and friends had changed that day. Knowing it was wrong, knowing I couldn't stop it, knowing if I did, we would all die.
I still haven't heard from Jeff, but I got the feeling that Tony and Stringham had as they were coordinating a Strikeforce outside these walls, making sure our friends and family were safe. I still couldn't get the image out of my head of Gloria and what she had done to me. Even the images of what was taking place inside the Cranny's home, seeing their toddlers being stimulated like that … really made me want to vomit. And I too wanted to kill Paul Cranny for raping his young children. Knowing it had nothing to do with staying alive.
He was tainting everything he had learned from my adoptive parents and going further than they would ever do. I knew my adoptive parents would never allow the things I had seen inside that bedroom, or I least hoped that they wouldn't.
Eli motioned me forward, being I was the only person he could use as a demonstration model. We had agreed that it would be better the parents did the coring, establishing trust as a family unit. Even the girls agreed that family members, not strangers, had always helped with the coring because children trusted their parents more. In any case, it was still sick and wrong, but I understood it because that's how my adoptive parents taught me and my brothers about sex, and stimulating each other.
I cringed as I watched the red blinking lights telling us we were live on camera, plus the monitors that showed "The Nine" in various places as they whispered in low voices, not that we could hear them. To me and everyone else, it was a group of dirty old men and the Queen herself separate from "The Nine" on her own monitor surrounded by the men. Noticing several of them were the same men she was supposed to have killed for obeying direct orders hidden in the shadows not wearing a white mask.
She was quite angry, and she had a right to be angry because the High Bishop, with the help of our rebel forces, had exposed her and the plot to kill us all if we failed. More than intending to make us fail. As for the High Bishop's agreement to maintain my true identity in secrecy, he had placed a wheelchair inside the bathroom, along with my crutches, to aid me in walking. Only he and those present inside this room knew I really didn't need them. Only he knew my true identity.
I did not doubt that the other members were conferring back and forth as they watched, and read the reports of her plot to make sure that she took over the church. Personally, I didn't care who really ran the church of the devil because they could all go to hell. Everything the High Bishop said conflicted or sounded like things he had taken from other churches and made them his own. And because all churches are similar in their teaching, stealing each other's teachings, as to how they base all their beliefs. To me, none of them were the true church. One of the main reasons I don't have a lot of stock in prayer or their teachings. I firmly believe that if none of them are true, the only way to live life is not to belong to any church, but to use your own best judgment that it is the person you become that is what truly is important.
Yet I wonder what hell and heaven are really like, knowing if the devil is real so God must be real as well. The foundation of what he wants is the thing I really have a hard time with and wonder how he would view my life. Allowing myself to corrupt others to do these things that I have been taught. Regardless of if they are right or wrong, as Eli bends me over, laying my stomach flat against the sides and spreading my legs so they can all look at my beautiful or cute butt that only has four purposes. One: to help keep my pants on; two to fart and expel human waste; three: to have something to sit on; four: to be raped repeatedly.
Once Eli had inserted the laxative and the KY Gel, he positioned himself inside me and proceeded to explain the proper way of coring with minimal discomfort. Eventually, he withdrew and declared, "Okay, Mr. Benson, it's your turn." I anticipated hesitation from him, and indeed, he hesitated momentarily. However, as soon as he noticed the presence of cameras and saw himself on screen, any resistance vanished. Silently praying in his mind for justice to be served, he reluctantly forced himself inside me. Afterward, we waited for the designated time to elapse, confirming that he had completed his part and was prepared to move on.
The act was swift and sordid, but its significance was overshadowed by the fact that I had already endured repeated acts of rape at the hands of the High Bishop's men, who now served the Queen. Eli and the High Bishop had subjected me to their abuse on numerous occasions. The spectators, however, were primarily interested in witnessing the coring of Mr. Benson and his own boys, using the term "raped" in its correct context. They showed little concern for Mrs. Benson or her daughter, deeming them inconsequential. The Holy Queen herself, expressing her desire to swiftly proceed, made it clear that their well-being held little importance. According to her, the opinions and emotions of others regarding this matter were deemed irrelevant. However, some of "the Nine" did not want to move on in such a hurry or in this cruel fashion. Despite their objections, they were overruled by the Holly Queen, proving once more who was really in charge here and inside the Satanic Church.
Eli quickly bounded Mr. Benson's hands to the ring with Dora's help, as I was unable to do so on my own. We had it installed to prevent them from moving, in case they felt actual pain or tried to stop it. Even though it would mean we had failed, which would ultimately lead to death for all of us. Like me, he waited for the pain, squeezing his hands into a tight fist and beginning to sob with actual tears.
I didn't have to tell him to scream, as Eli prepared him to use the same techniques he had used on me, with a slight difference, wanting to prove to the Holy Queen and the Council of the Nines that our "Preparing Ritual" works without the pain. I watched as he took his time and took a sharp needle attached to the side of his hand. We had agreed not to tell them that the needle was to guarantee that they would feel pain and scream as loud as possible. As Eli placed himself inside him slowly bit by bit as he struck him at the side of his hip unseen by the camera as he placed his hands on each side of him. The scream of pain was so loud it was deafening.
I winced at the sight of dark blood and urine flowing down between his legs as Eli continued to move his hand with the needle, striking him repeatedly. It was difficult to watch Mr. Benson squirm and try to buck Eli off him and out of him as Eli forcefully penetrated him. I couldn't help but notice the Holy Queen's smile, seemingly enjoying his cries of pain while witnessing the act of rape. She appeared almost gleeful. However, many of "the Nines" were becoming visibly disgusted and insisted on putting an end to it. Despite their objections, the Holy Queen overruled them, demanding that Eli continue with undeniable enthusiasm.
The tables turned as we had expected, but we weren't certain of the plan. We heard Mr. Benson and Eli laugh, and then we heard Mr. Benson moan in pleasure when Eli lifted his hand. This showed that the pain was an illusion, as we saw the needle in his hand, which was the true source of his pain, rather than the actual pain Mr. Benson was feeling. As the Queen stood up angrily in her chair, she shouted, "This proves my point! This experiment has failed, the High Bishop has failed, and these so-called people have failed. I demand their immediate deaths!"
I heard Eli apologize to "the Nine's," explaining that this was the only way to prove the success of the new "Preparing Ritual." He emphasized the importance of love, as desired by our true God, rather than the desires of our current Holy Queen. Despite calming Mr. Benson down and engaging in consensual sex with him, she stood in front of the camera and denounced it as a lie, demanding our deaths. However, the Leader of "the Nine's" and his followers wanted further evidence to support our case and warned us against any tricks. Eventually, the Holy Queen had to agree, being overruled by them all.
Once Eli had engaged in a comfortable speed of intercourse, he withdrew, and Mr. Benson lowered himself into the water. Taking a brief pause, Eli moved on to Ted and placed the items in Mr. Benson's hand, but this time Mr. Benson showed the needle in his hand to the Nines and the Queen and placed the needle glove on the side of the tub. Allowing Elli to guide his hand, Eli calmly tied Ted's hands to the ring of the tub, which we had installed as a precaution in case any of them tried to stop us despite their prior agreement. Eli and everyone else agreed that it was for their own good to make it appear forced.
Mr. Benson kissed Ted on the head, telling him he loved him, and everything would be fine. I watched the Queen move forward to make sure she had a suitable spot not wanting to miss it. Or she wanted to make sure it was real as she picked up the phone which rang inside the tub room so any of them could speak with us as the King put it on the loudspeaker telling the King to move two of the cameras so they could all see his father insert his penis inside of his son.
Just in case he was only putting it between his legs and making it look real. One of the members of "The Nine" also picked up the phone stating they too would like to make sure it was legit, stating they couldn't tell from the footage earlier if they were truly having sex with me and Eli and the High Bishop sons; only seeing me being raped by Mr. Benson's as I laid halfway on the bed to keep the illusion I couldn't kneel without help.
Eli and I shrugged our shoulders, knowing it was a fair question regardless of how sick and wrong it was, and was a new type of cruelty to show such a thing up close. Yet it was either that or fail the Preparing Ritual as I watched the Holy Queen smile, seeing she had gotten her way and couldn't wait to see us fail.
I held one camera underneath Ted while the High Bishop held the one pointing down, looking over Mr. Benson's shoulders until everyone could see both angles clearly. Once they did, I winced as their Dad inserted himself inside Ted, but unlike before Ted didn't scream, he didn't buck as his father cored him. Only after Eli timed the insertion of the needle at the base of Ted's legs under the water, while their father slowly and carefully guided him, did this happen, telling him to stop and wait for a feeling of it to loosen the tightness as Ted's body reacted in pain from the needle not from being cored. The more Ted bucked and screamed the giddier the Queen was. I could imagine putting a hot poker up her butt and seeing how she liked it. Again, they showed the needle, proving it caused the pain, as Ted's screams stopped and pleasure began.
As the pressure slowly built up, Ted ventured further in, all the while being recorded by the cameras. It was evident that the dark blood poured out of him, yet his face displayed no reaction, only pleasure instead of the pain caused by the needle. Witnessing this, his family and I were left in tears, overwhelmed by the fact that we had to watch such a distressing sight.
Once their Dad was all the way inside him, Eli told him to do it nice and gently until Ted was nice and loose; asking him if he felt it. His Dad nodded as he sobbed, and Ted's tears turned into moans of pleasure as Eli moved back so the cameras could watch. Ted relaxed and once his Dad was at a nice and steady pace, he stopped and pulled out so Ted could be released.
The Queen sat back in her chair, whispering to her men. They agreed with her as she spoke. "Two is nothing," she said. "I am curious to see if his Dad can handle his other three boys without laxatives. I think not." She continued, "Normally, we do not use laxatives at our school. We seldom use the gel when we prepare the boys. And if the needle glove was a ruse, then this too is a ruse." The Queen declared, "This means they have all failed. Once again, I demand this as a failure and attempt to unseat me, using faulty evidence in your hands against me. Death is what I demand―"
The High Bishop interrupted her, stating firmly, "No, you are mistaken. We still utilize the gel and laxatives because they serve an important purpose. They provide lubrication in areas where it is lacking, preventing internal damage that would never heal properly. Furthermore, the evidence against you, my fallen Queen, is based on concrete facts. I possess an abundance of testimony and evidence to prove that you have strayed from your path and desire the demise of myself, "the Nines," and those I have mentioned."
The Queen interjected, cutting him off. She argued, "Eli and Nate Carrion, if that is his real name, or if he truly needs that chair as you claim. I have evidence stating he doesn't. Proving it, however, is not important at this moment. But that's a matter I will be discussing after these proceedings. That deception alone will be enough to cause his death, and yours for hiding it. However, the matter at hand is they have engaged in sexual acts numerous times. Yet no laxatives or gel were ever used―"
The High Bishop responded, interrupting her once again, "Indeed, Your Majesty, that is correct. However, it was your command that led the men to rape them repeatedly and using acts of violence upon them. It was your brutes, not mine, as you took them from me right under my nose. You made it abundantly clear that they were not to be used as I had instructed, making it seem like they were my men, not yours. Seizing the chance, you skillfully manipulated them, turning their opinions against me and making me look like a fool—a humiliating and infuriating act. Your false claims about Nate Carrion are easily refuted; I have irrefutable proof of his need for the chair, unlike you, my fallen Queen., and I am looking forward to proving you wrong and seeing your head inside a trophies case by the time this is over.
"Nonetheless, we implement these measures for new converts in order to minimize potential harm. Just imagine if it was your first time preparing for the coming-of-age ritual without the aid of gel and laxatives. The pain, as you have experienced, is already intense. Our God―"
The Queen interrupted once more, shouting, The fallen Queen's voice pierced the air once more, her words dripping with anger and disdain. Her shouts echoed through the screen monitor, reverberating off the stone walls of the tub room we were in. The scent of tension hung heavy in the air, a noticeable reminder of the impending storm. As she spoke, her voice carried a mix of authority and desperation, each word laced with a bitter taste of fury. The sight of her face, contorted with rage, was a vivid display of power and defiance. Her eyes burned with an intensity that could ignite the entire room.
The Queen's declaration hung in the air, awaiting the response of those who dared to challenge her. "Lies, you have nothing but lies, and your head will be on a pike as I feed your boys to my men right in front of you as you die, and they die slowly! Your argument is based on the assumption that love and this so-called compassion are necessary! Yet, as women, we endure the pain of childbirth without the use of drugs. We engage in loveless and compassionless sexual encounters, generation after generation, with minimal harm. I demand that this be recognized as a failure to comply with the rules of the" Preparing Ritual" that I, myself have established, the one that our true God wants and deems necessary!
"I demand that the High Bishop stand trial for treason, as he has falsely accused me of being a fallen Queen without any proof, relying solely on speculation! The sight of his smug expression fills me with anger, as I can practically feel the weight of his accusations hanging in the air. How does he know that I have ordered his men to defy him? They are all dead and the dead can't speak beyond the grave, as he had them killed, for this very reason!"
"It is all a web of lies to overthrow me and place his own witch whore on our council, positioning himself to join the Council of Nine! It is he who plans to bring harm upon you, not me! I call for a vote to declare this test a failure! We have seen enough! I demand compassion for not only for these false lies before you but all their deaths, I wa―!
The High Bishop's smile cuts through her words, serving as a cold reminder of his calculated cunning. "Members of 'The Nine,' within the second packet, you will find a videotape showcasing the High Queen issuing these orders. It is true that I have eliminated the men she speaks of. However, I did so after gathering testimony to expose her deception. In fact, this was the primary reason for their demise. Notably, I did not eliminate all of them, as I discovered suicide pills in some of their pockets. Unfortunately, several individuals took their lives before I could gather their full testimony. However, I want to assure you that I possess the entire account on video, cassette, and in writing.
"As you watch the tape, the weight of the truth will become palpable. It will unveil the identities of the men she specifically sent to ensure my failure in the 'Preparing Ritual'. This revelation, however, is merely the beginning of her grand plan. Once she assumes complete control of the church and appoints her chosen Council of Nine, none of them will include you. It is crucial to understand that you will be sacrificed in a special ritual. This will enable her to become the new Holy Prophet Crawford's mistress, the self-proclaimed Queen of the entire church, who will sit on his lap as thinking he will give her a chance to rule over all of us, If you truly desire the truth, prepare yourself for the true reality of her sucking on his old hairy cock and liking the taste of it then killing him as she bleeds him out slowly taking his place altogether knowing that when he is gone the world … or she solely hopes will all bend to her will as she murders them all and their children." We all watch and hear the Queen's face as she gasps, realizing that her true intentions are being revealed. She is being called a soul's whore and a slave to a man that the High Bishop apparently dislikes. This made me smile inside. If my adoptive parents knew about it, they would almost faint. Then again, they most likely wouldn't expect anything less from this man or enemy named Crawford, who moved on after losing his last faithful whore, Gloria West.
"But knowing this man and who he is none of that is going to happen and she will be nothing but a fucking post with no power, no influence, or a single penny to her name as she sucks his old, stale, cock day and night and bends over and over. Providing after touching her cold, unfeeling heart and old sagging skin he couldn't even get up anymore and decided to castrate himself for even thinking of her being near him."
The High Bishop and I exchange glances as we observe the Queen, her face flushed with anger. She gasps for breath, resembling a fish out of water. Without allowing her a chance to respond, she continues, her words flowing rapidly. "Not only will you witness her issuing these orders, but also her defiance of a direct command to torture and execute the men who failed to follow my explicit instructions. Shockingly, she spared only six out of the twelve individuals she had sent for my judgement. This occurred while I was absent from the palace, attending a trial orchestrated by her and your council. It was during this trial that I foolishly signed a blood contract, stipulating that if we were to fail, my entire family would face death. I am prepared to endure unimaginable torture at her people's discretion, a fate that could last for years until my eventual demise."
"On the tape, you will hear her telling me she wanted to do it personally as I remove my guests from witnessing such cruelty and was told by her that they should be present for one death of her choosing, then go back on her word killing two and telling us it was because of a technicality of specification to a verbal agreement. I will give you a few minutes to view the tapes and as for you, my Holy fallen Queen have your men step forward and have them step in front of the cameras so they can be seen.
"If you truly wish to prove that these individuals are not the ones you assured me they were, and who, according to our laws, ought to face punishment rather than be elevated to your honor guard, then I insist that you gather all your soldiers, warlocks, and witches, and provide evidence of any casualties resulting from your own hands. Show me, through the footage I possess of our conversation regarding this agreement, the twelve men I have commanded to be executed for defying a direct order. I shall not only present these men but others who have similarly disobeyed me, as you have, in fact, issued orders for them to defy my authority. Thus, you will be the one subjected to questioning, rather than me, my fallen queen."
The members, demanding her compliance, were met with her surprising gasp and a firm refusal. Expressing her intention, she aimed to shift the blame onto the High Bishop in order to discredit him and undermine his credibility. "You would believe a liar? Fine! Reluctantly, she continued, "I had intended to address this matter privately, but circumstances have left me with no other choice, you―" Her attention shifted to the man on her left, who leaned in and whispered something in her ear before handing her a red file. A sinister smile spread across her face as she declared, "Let's examine the young man known as Nate Carrion." With a snap of her fingers, she opened the file given to her by her companion. "The individual in question is not who he claims to be. I personally encountered him as Nate Carrion when he applied for admission to my school, alongside his brother Arthur Rothwell.
"According to my "reliable" sources, it has come to my attention that the Carrions have been hiding their true identities. In actuality, they are the Rothwells, the very individuals our Holy Prophet has been seeking. The reason behind their disguise is their blatant disrespect towards him and their unlawful acquisition of possessions and members of his chosen people. Our Prophet has invested a significant amount of time and resources to welcome them into his church, also known as our Gods Lucifer's Church, not yours, High Bishop Callan, and certainly not yours, High Judge, along with your lowlifes on the so-called Council of Nine.
"In addition, my most Holy Prophet and my God Lucifer have granted them high positions of influence within the church. Our exalted Holy Prophet, appointed by our one true God, along with his Queen and daughter Mormo, who is destined to ascend as an immortal God with immeasurable power, will make you tremble for daring to disrespect me. As I assume my rightful position as his Holy Queen, I am not merely a fucking whore like that one at the High Bishop's side, but a Queen to all these pitiful men these so-called unworthy Mongols before me. It is beyond my comprehension how someone as fallen and powerless as this wretched soul, this pathetic creature of self-loathing, that none of us could endure such a poor excuse of a man such as him.
"The fallen High Bishop, who is unworthy, has been aware of this deception from the beginning. This confirms that it is all a web of lies. The boy named Nate is a fake. Yes, that's correct ... I am aware of everything. Your most Holy Queen has spoken and has witnessed it all, thanks to my God Lucifer and my soon-to-be husband our most Holy Prophet Crawford who has granted me a vision. There is no Nate Carrion, his true name is Eric Rothwell. You speak of lies but take a closer look as I play the tape showing him confined to a wheelchair, with the boy standing before him claiming to be his husband, Eli Alden, surrounded by numerous witnesses inside that very room. They're all tangled in this web of deceit—a suffocating, sticky mesh of half-truths and whispers—and as your most Holy Queen, I demand answers! I demand! My God Lucifer commands it! My most Holy Prophet Crawford demands it! that the boy stands and walks towards the camera this instant!" The Holy Queen points her fingers at me and says something in Latin as her eyes glow unearthly red. However, nothing happens as a burst of white light is seen blocking any spell she could cast at me.
She screams and shakes uncontrollably as she and the council of Nine demand Eli and I stand before the camera again, another burst of white light is seen in the room and again there is nothing but shock and anger as the Holy Satanic Queen realizes that something is not right. Something is blocking her powers, and slumped down nearly collapsing onto her chair, stunned. The High Bishop helped me out of the tub as we stepped up to the camera as Eli and the High Bishop put their arms around me to help me stand. They looked at the wedding picture and several of Nate Carrion. Eli also stepped forward and was asked. "Is this true?"
Eli bowed and then proceeded to explain the situation. "No, sir," he began. "The High Bishop has interrogated Nate Carrion to learn the truth of his pedigree. It turns out that, contrary to what she assumed, Nate Carrion was not wheelchair-bound. This misconception arose because she never bothered to ask when he and I visited the school with our son Arthur, who has mental retardation."
Eli continued, providing more information about his husband's condition. "My husband, Nate, was actually being treated for muscle weakness due to a car accident. This accident had left him partially paralyzed, and it is unlikely that he will make a full recovery. Even the possibility of him walking again without assistance is a distant hope, if at all."
To clarify any confusion, Eli added, "The boy Eric Rothwell is not Nate Carrion. Just like me, Nate and I have been roommates at Crest-Ridge for over two years. If you call the Headmaster, he will vouch for my husband. He will be only too glad to send you everything on Nate, his grades, his life as it was, and if you would allow the High Bishop a moment to send you the tape of the interrogation proving that Nate is Nate. He is the boy you see before you. His eyes have been healed to a certain degree that he no longer requires the eye patch, but a pair of glasses like he is now wearing."
I pretended to fall from standing so long as they gasped as Eli and High Bishop caught me as Dora quickly brought a wheelchair from the corner. The High Bishop said. "Give me an hour and I will send everything you need regarding Nate. I have taken pictures of the boy Eric Rothwell she speaks of and his family who live in Saint George. This boy is without a doubt is Nate Carrion, the boy Arthur used to live with who were the Rothwells until he was adopted by the Carrions. Nate used to be known as Eric J. Shepherd and was in the process of being adopted by a family known as the Downings until recently when the Downings lost custody of him due to unseen events. He was then placed with the Carrions as a foster child just as young Arthur was and another boy by the name of Shawn Rothwell, who lives now at Crest-Ridge.
"So, I can see how the Queen has made the mistake, of not getting a correct account being as she had stopped looking because the Carrions had decided not to place either of the boys. In fact, young Nate was never considered to be placed at the school. It was her hope that the Carrions would because of the current handicap of young Nate; which he has and will most likely be under a doctor's care for some time now.
"Nate, Eli, his sister Rhoda, and her friend Jackie managed to escape from being captured by the US government. They were conducting an investigation on a child sex ring and the production and sale of drugs near Crest-Ridge, the school where both I and my first husband (Eli's father) graduated from and where many of you also send your children.
"Sadly, numerous friends and their children have been apprehended, either dead or awaiting trial. Only a few managed to escape, including my first husband, who was captured during the raid. I have been informed that he is now in protective custody. It seems that he is cooperating with the authorities in an effort to dismantle our church, providing them with information as we speak.
"Nate and Eli, a couple deeply in love, had dreams of getting married. However, their plans took an unexpected turn when Shawn Rothwell, one of the revered Ten Prophets known as Crawford whom the "fallen Queen" has mentioned, and intends to wed, according to her and her men who have given testimony of her plans, intervened. Crawford, with his influence inside the church, arranged for Eli to be married off elsewhere, hoping to create a powerful alliance with this other boy Shawn Rothwell, since he too had been adopted by the Carrions. However, "The Nine" members of their coven unanimously deemed Shawn Rothwell as unworthy because of his lack of moral character, specifically his involvement in immoral activities such as being gay and engaging in pedophilia, with a particular preference for young boys, the younger the better, and his undeniable hate to all girls and women, finding none as attractive compared to a nice young boy.
"Despite Shawn's disturbing preference for young boys becoming evident, our so-called prophet Crawford made a controversial decision. He declared Shawn untouchable and provided him with protection, shielding him from any consequences. Additionally, Shawn's inability to father children left him sterile. In his pursuit of becoming an immortal God, our so-called prophet Crawford took Shawn under his wing. He proclaimed that our God Lucifer had sanctioned Shawn's treatment at Crest-Ridge. Crawford assured us that in the future, through advancements in medical science, Shawn would be deemed worthy and become a valuable asset to our church once cured. However, many of my friends, along with myself, seriously doubt this outcome. We believe Crawford is delusional, and even members of his inner circle share this sentiment.
"With Nate's help, the Carrions were able to be reached and convinced to join him in making Heber their new home. Since Eli's parents, his sister Rhoda, and even her best friend Jackie, who have been raised by my first husband, High Bishop Alden, ever since their parents were killed, are no longer in the picture, he is no longer deserving of holding that position and cannot provide for his son Eli and his sister. As everyone is aware, the Carrions are known for their immense wealth and access to influential resources. Unlike the Rothwell family, who will not be present, their friends also won't be attending.
"I have learned recently the boy Eric Rothwell who our Holy Queen has accused Nate Carrion of being. Has been found dead because of a drug overdose. His bodied has been cremated, and I have found witnesses that collaborate this information. So, the Queen is mistaken. This is Nate Carrion, it is true as I have said his name used to be EJ or Eric J Shepherd or Downing, but the Carrions changed his name to Nate T Carrion to cut all ties from his birth parents other than visitation rights and to give him a new life from a bad past.
"They have an open adoption which I have seen and made a copy of for our church records. If you would give me the time to send you a copy of the file, you will find it all in order and legit. We have not failed in our tasks, as you have seen but two of the Benson family have almost completed the "Preparing Ritual," which many of have wanted to see if the new way I have describe gives better results then the one our Holy Queen has administered over the years.
"Whereas we have had contention in the ranks of our members as it has proven ineffective to bring in new converts and the ones we have brought in have been disloyal and proven to show no compassion or love that our God and our savior has taught us to be, cruelty and being forced to obey has caused low membership, as the other churches even though they are not the true church, Have not only the numbers they are loyal and have built up massive wealth because of that; whereas ours is dwindling each day from us and proving ineffective at bringing in new loyal converts.
"Again, I ask for proof regarding the men she was told to kill. I demand her to be put on trial as I have been put on trial as these fine boys and their families. I ask what more can I give you? I have tapes and records proving everything I have said. I have documents stating the facts I have mentioned. Give me an hour and I will send everything I have. I ask the same for our Holy Queen that she proves to us this very night that she has not fallen that she is still worthy to be our Queen. May Lucifer our God bless her that she is not fallen and still worthy. I ask only an hour to prove my case.
"In order to gather a comprehensive understanding, I seek the insights of not only my Holy Queen, but also the quorum of Nine members present in both Salt Lake City and Heber. Can you please share your thoughts on this matter? Would you be open to hearing the evidence that we have to share with you? Will you not grant me permission to fulfill the task you requested of me tonight? In my role as the High Bishop, one of my responsibilities is to introduce new converts to our community.
"In my firm belief, it is our divine calling to approach others with love and compassion, as opposed to resorting to acts of cruelty. It is of utmost significance to understand that when we choose to behave cruelly; it has a detrimental effect on our members, leading them to question not only our beliefs but also our God and the principles we advocate. The undermining of unity and faith within our community directly results from this contradiction, which is distressing. Has my worthiness still not been established? As our Holy Queen has fallen, have I too succumbed to the same fate?
"Give me a chance to prove my worthiness one last time before you deem this a failure. In Mormo, name bless us as she has done so?" Everyone repeated the phrase. The leaders of "The Nine" said as the vote took place that they needed to seek spiritual guidance and bring forth the Inquisition. The Queen gasped as she was bound tight to the chair as "The Nine" ordered her to bring forth her proof and the men she had to face the judgment seat. We were ordered to remain inside the room under guard as the High Bishop presented his case first.
The ritual was halted until they could resolve if the queen had fallen. The monitors were left on as the queen and her men were locked inside the room she was in. We all breathed a sigh of relief as we sat calmly, as I was given a robe to use, and I sat in the wheelchair as men filed into the room to make sure we had remained inside. By that time, all the men in the house were ours.