Chapter 2-1 Book 8

Chapter 2-1

Off With Her Head

Part 2

The news only got better, in the worst way, as the High Bishop quickly returned to the tub room and apologized. The Nine and the Holy Queen want to meet you personally to assess the success or failure of the "Preparing Ritual." They could conduct a proper investigation regarding if you are truly Nate Carrion."

The High Bishop carefully kneeled, his hands gently assisting me in getting dressed. Shielded from the prying eyes of the cameras, he leaned in close and spoke in a hushed tone. "Dora intends to render you unable to walk or at least give the appearance of being paraplegic. I've already created a web of deception to safeguard our agreement and protect myself, but I haven't forgotten about you. However, circumstances have arisen where I find myself in need of a favor, and that favor lies in your help. In return, I promise to support you, your family, and the rebels in any way necessary to achieve our shared goals. Do you comprehend?" He asked, securing the leg braces onto my limbs and carefully placing the pilfered collapsible crutches and canes in my lap, remnants of our stolen wedding.

I nodded. He stood up and said. "I need you all dressed and ready to go. Dora, will you make sure the boys and the Benson family have everything to go within the hour?" I quickly contacted Jeff without any success, praying he would be here to help determine if the High Bishop was setting a trap for me.

In a swift motion, Dora efficiently packed all the items we had been using into our backpack, simultaneously communicating with me, sharing the distressing news that the King is desperately fleeing for his life and resorting to any means necessary, even if it involves harming or eliminating us, to ensure the safety of himself and his family.

This wasn't a big surprise that he would put his life and his family's lives before ours. They placed me inside my other wheelchair from my hotel room, as Dora, leaning in and stabbed me in the legs as she kissed me with something in her mouth. Placing it in my mouth telling me to swallow it. Linking with me telling me it is a numbing agent and a muscle relaxation agent that will last twenty-four hours.

I asked if she had a way to contact our rebels and tell them. She linked back, telling me. "Thomas has already been informed by the High Bishop that he is jumping ship, but has worked out a deal with them that he would provide all the information they need as long as he remains High Bishop, and his family stays alive." She said. "Yes, that includes not killing anyone else while in power, unless it is a high-ranking member. He needs this to work; he needs the "Preparing Ritual" to work to save his life and ours. He doesn't care how you boys do it as long as it doesn't fail."

Man, I needed Jeff. I needed him badly. But there was nothing I could do, but trust in the fact he would be here when the need is great and so far the need is great, well it was for me anyway, so I linked with everyone else and explained what was going to happen. None of them liked the idea of doing this in front of murders, rapists, and baby killers. Yet we had gone too far to come back. The High Bishop shrugged off the news when he was told that our families have all been recaptured by the rebels.

He said. "I hope they are safer than mine at the moment. Perhaps if you could deliver a message to them, Thomas, telling them about the circumstances regarding mine and if they can help keep mine safe, I would truly be in their debt. Without being caught of course." He said in a low voice that only we could hear.

Thomas asked. "Are you sure, Master?"

He nodded and said. "If you can make sure that my sons here are safe as well and see to you and your families, just in case the Queen has put a price on each of our heads."

He bowed and placed his right arm across his chest said. "As you wish our master, it shall be done and thank you for showing compassion as our God Lucifer has given us."

The High Bishop quickly stated. "One other thing, Thomas, don't mention Lucifer or Mormo's name in this house again. They are not the ones protecting me. It is us and our men. Do you or your men have a problem with that order?"

He bowed. "No, our master, it will be done as you have asked. We have all sworn our loyalty to you and none other, we rather die protecting you our grace, our King and Lord. By your leave, I will make sure everyone is safe as you requested." Thomas turned on his heel and just like that the High Bishop. He had jumped the ship.

Upon entering the study, he motioned for us to come in and closed the door behind him, ensuring it was locked. Next, he retrieved a spacious leather briefcase from his belongings, carefully stowing away multiple videos and folders within its compartments. While we waited for the limo; He cringed the moment he looked up at us. "I have faith in you boys to save me from this predicament, and I trust that you will be able to handle it." Everyone nodded. "Excellent. If all goes well, we will free the Bensons tomorrow and proceed as planned, with some modifications to our agreement.

"I am requesting Thomas to make contact with the rebels while our bacon is being cooked as they bring in the Inquisitor … who is well versed in spells, mind torture so you have no choice but to tell the truth? Dora is a powerful witch. She has told me that she can protect you all from his spells, but you must act like you are under his or her spell. It won't be pleasant. There is no sugarcoating it. You either look like you are forced to tell the truth, or we all die. I cannot protect you once inside. I am sorry, I am truly sorry it has come to this. Yet if we are all to live tonight, we must all do what we have all agreed to do.

"They will trick you, not only trying to give testimony, but in action; to prove to them that you are not lying. I have bribed many of them, but the queen herself has also bribed them as well. So, we can only count on ourselves and pray to any God that is listening, that he will help us. Again, I am truly sorry." Everyone nodded.

Dora said to us by linking, "everything will be fine." Yet she didn't sound convinced. She quickly cut a small clipping of hair from each of us and pricked our fingers into a small plastic bag with our names on it.

She grounded smelly herbs into a stone bowl. That wanted us to vomit as she said words that none of us understood. It was like she was singing nonsense, as she danced around us while chanting; causing the smoke to circle around us making us cough when she breathed it into our faces. I felt nauseated and was glad I was sitting down. She quickly took the hair clippings and that had soaked up the blood she had taken from us tied it around a stick figure as she blessed that one too.

She had us each kiss the figure that was ours and then sealed it inside a black cloth bag and placed each bag into a stone black box with pictures and symbols I couldn't make out. Including the High Bishops and his three boys, locked it tightly with twelve stone locks that had no key. We all heard a loud snap when she locked each lock, causing us to take our fingers, trying to clear our ears. She then slipped it into another box. This one was white and had strange symbols. It too had twelve stone locks; then covered it tightly with a white cloth as if it was a present and wrapped it with several cloth ribbons.

The blessing of each ribbon involved the application of a peculiar substance that emitted a scent combining burnt flesh and roses. Our bodies were covered in goosebumps, and we felt a pleasant tingling sensation as we gently rubbed our arms. Once again, she carefully enveloped it in a dark black cloth before bestowing her blessings upon it, anointing it with fragrant scented oils that shimmered under the light. Taking it a step further, she carefully placed it inside yet another box, meticulously handcrafted from the finest oak wood and embellished with exquisitely detailed symbols etched onto its surface.

Taking great care, she proceeded to secure it with not just one or two locks, but an astonishing twelve locks, each of which was ingeniously designed with no visible key to be found anywhere. Anyone realized who looked closely that every single lock had been meticulously made by hand, using ivory, and decorated with even more intricate symbols. Once again, a loud snap could be heard every time she securely locked each of the twelve boxes.

She handed it to the High Bishop; she asked. "Is that everyone in this house, including all your men that have agreed to our terms?" He nodded, and she said. "Then seal it with the others, and pour the mixture over the last lid inside the safe, then close the safe so I may ward it against mind intrusions as well as I have done with each of the boxes." He nodded as we all gasped, seeing all that money and bars of silver and gold and several gems. She had him pour the liquid around the lid and I heard an even louder snap, as if it had rung in all our ears. Then watched a white fire burn around the lid, and a strange symbol appeared in the middle of the lid that was now flush with the floor.

The High Bishop had Thomas and a couple of men move heavy smaller safe onto the top of it. And then she poured another type of blessed oil around it and some type of wax that looked like silicon putty you would use around windows. There was a loud resounding clap and this time a red fire burned around the edges of the safe. They all walked out of the big walk-in safe and he closed the big heavy door and Dora sealed it the same way as she had done with all the boxes and the lids. This time she used a white wax, then chanted as she lit one of the corners as it was a fuse and acted as a fuse as it encircled the entire safe door. She then took some more blessed oil and drew it on the door and on the floor in front of the safe. She also lit one of the ends as it to ignite as a fuse. Outlining the symbol I had never seen before.

She said. "Anyone that crosses this line will wish they hadn't, and death will accrue if they break any of my seals and any of the locks that can only be opened by me. If I die, I have sent out twenty-four envelopes with a part of a key that once they have solved the puzzles and have gotten it right, will open each of the locks around the boxes. Nothing will be able to open it, nothing except me, or solving each of the twenty-four puzzles tailored to the people I have sent the envelopes to across the globe. So, let's pray none of us die tonight, well except the fallen queen and her men that are part of betraying you and our master."

Thomas came into the room and said our limo was waiting and everything and everyone has been in placed as directed. The High Bishop nodded and said. "One last thing before we go. I have instructed Dora to give each of you a shot of strong antibiotics and numbing agent to help with the pain of being cored repeatedly. Unfortunately, it can't be given right at the tip of the butt. I will go first; because it is my fault that it has come to this. It must be given directly inside our rectum where it can not be seen.

"They will go over your bodies with a fine-tooth comb to ensure that none of the Benson's boys have been touched. Other than their father and Ted, but even then they will check to make sure without a doubt they have been cored and most likely be re-cored over and over either by you or them, which is one of the reasons why I have instructed Dora to give you a strong antibiotic to help you if anyone other than you having sex with you to prevent you from getting sick. I can not trust vicious bruits to keep themselves clean. I have promised I would do everything in my power to stop that from happening, but I can not guarantee that it won't."

We watched him drop his pants and bend over the desk as his fists tightened. Dora quickly did it and he redressed and apologized as each of the boys and their father were given the shots. They didn't cry mostly because they didn't feel it because of our own numbing agent. The High Bishop said nothing as he quickly made sure he had everything. Including two big black metal suitcases full of cash and two pouches of gemstones just in case he needed to bribe someone to ensure our safety.

He handed them both to Thomas, asking if he heard anything from the leader of the rebels. Thomas said. "Not yet, but I am hoping that they would be making contact within the hour, but so far no, but our families have been all moved to a safe place. I am about to send your three sons with an honor guard of twenty men. So, the moment they have made contact and agree to your terms they can also be placed in a secure place. Our men will make sure that no one comes into the house. Everyone has been blessed as directed by Dora and you against the magic of the Queen's witches and warlocks from her and her coven of witches and warlocks that have her loyalty. If not, then they too shall die this day as I understand it; if they betray her or you and our guests; their death will be not pleasant nor swift."

He nodded, and he closed the door of the limo; he asked as he rolled down the limo. "You have taken care of all the cameras as I have directed, including the ones inside the limo?"

Thomas bowed, giving the arm and fist salute, and said. "As you have commanded to have me do."

He rolled up the window slowly as if he was saying goodbye to his home and gave a heavy sigh, asking me to hand him my right leg where my leg brace was he said. "I am placing a small pin so tiny that it will be undetectable by seeing eyes which well be inserted in between your fingers like so."

He showed us the needle; he said. "When the person is being cored, the person doing it, or another will jab you with it so you may feel pain. Dora has placed some type of agent that will make it very painful. You will have no choice but to scream out. I am placing it inside Eric's leg braces because when they go through the scanner it will set them off, and in his canes I am planting several more for each of you, but these are like cactus needles, just in case the other ones fail, these to have been dipped in solution to cause extreme pain when struck."

He then handed back the canes, putting my leg down, said. "I have done all I can do. It is now up to you. We either all die, or we all live. Once again I am sorry but know this. I have been considering joining the rebels for a while, yet I was afraid too because I didn't know how they would receive me, a murder and rapists. Yet after learning that my life and my family's lives meant nothing or the many sacrifices I have made over the years. I couldn't let my family die without reason. I killed my own flesh and blood, even though the boy didn't know I was his father.

"I killed him because the Queen compelled me and to prove my devotion to the Nine." Yet they stabbed me in the back, telling me it meant nothing more than a test of faith. Nothing more than a sacrifice like the other children they have murdered as slaves from whores. To a God that and savior that demands it, and now they are demanding even more proof that I am still worthy. I believe others like the Queen and her followers have been seeking a way to remove me so they can take over. You think me as a monster, perhaps I am, but trust me when I say you will meet the worst monsters than myself. Not just tonight, but if we all manage to live. You will see the true monsters that run this church.

"I am counting on my bribes to keep us alive long enough for them to see the information I have given them and what I am bringing them. That I have collected over the years for a moment just like this one.

"I have presented them with a blood contract, its crimson ink glistening under the dim candlelight, binding me and my family to a grim fate if we fail. Its words are clear, unyielding, and meant to ward off any interference from the Queen during the "Preparing Ritual." The contract explicitly states that there shall be no outside influence from her, her loyal men, or "The Nine".

"However, what concerns me is the interpretation of these words. This is relevant because the Queen manipulated my verbal agreement, twisting it to her advantage. She cunningly exploited the excuse of being "out of the room" to command the killing of two men, despite our agreement to only kill one of her choosing. Her justification was that one of the men had slain the other.

"The Queen's manipulation tactics were subtle and clever. Rather than issuing her orders directly, she used her warlocks as intermediaries, employing some insidious mind trick. This strategy is like the one they will attempt to use on you tonight, or perhaps they have already tried and failed when you were in the tub room. It is possible that the spell failed due to the great distance between you or because someone or something blocked its effect. Dora denies involvement, and while she doubts the impact of distance, she believes an enchantment or a powerful spiritual being could have caused it.

Considering our proximity to the source of the Queen's power and her dominance in this realm, it is challenging to determine the outcome. Unless the enchantment is more potent than her own abilities, or if a spiritual being can penetrate her fortress, it will be nearly impossible to predict what will happen. "

Dora has done the best she could to help, but it will be nearly impossible to do by trapping you and your consciousness inside several boxes and sealed with powerful white magic. You will hear something like a whisper inside your head, forcing you to do what they say, but it will be up to you to obey or not to obey. Dora has made it so you will not obey, but only hear them. They will push you to do it, but it will still be only a whisper, nothing more. So, it will look like you did it on your own power.

"It is a form of hypnosis. The Queen starts with simple commands and goes into more difficult commands. I suggest you make it look like it is working, but if she asks you to harm someone, don't do it, but make it look like you are doing it. Dora will help and so will the covens that are loyal to us. So be prepared for anything."