Chapter 2-2 Book 8

Chapter 2-2

Off With Her Head

Part 3

The High Bishop cringed when we arrived; noticing it was the school that we were thinking Arthur was going to go to. I knew there were cameras everywhere, but I sensed someone had already found most of them. We only stopped as the driver was told to get out, as another driver took his place as our driver grabbed his head and started ripping off his clothes, screaming of snakes crawling all over his body; and ran down the road screaming as he disappeared around the corner.

We were told not to move, seeing no one, to give the order, not one voice but several whispers in each of our heads. They sounded cold and evil. We were then driving away from the school, but we got the feeling that the school wasn't what it seemed to be as the driver only drove around the back, taking a side street. We watched as the garage door opened up and several people were in black robes and hoods covered with a black mask instead of white. Motioned us inside as the driver pulled forward, watching the garage door close. We then felt our limo going down as if the floor we were on was on the elevator. The High Bishop's eyes said we were in deep, deep trouble as the lights above us flickered as we went underground even further.

I gripped Eli's hand even tighter, as we kept going down, then abruptly stopped; seeing another door in front of us open up and the driver pulled forward, going into some parking garage. I breathed a sigh of relief at seeing the sky and the stars. Our driver pulled along several limos like ours as our driver got out and opened the door for us. He said in an angry tone to get out and keep our mouths closed or he will make sure we never spoke again. He too was all dressed in black, wearing a black mask and hood, and dark gloves so we couldn't see his hands. At his waist, he carried a long blade made out of silver in an image of a snake wrapped around some sort of tree with red eyes that looked like rubies.

He asked me to get out of my wheelchair and walk. The High Bishop quickly stated that walking would be impossible if we were going further than a room the size of a small bedroom. The man smiled and ordered me to walk. I said. "I can't without my canes and not far." He lifted the end of the wheelchair and dumped me onto the ground, and ordered me to walk. I shook my head, asking for help. He slid my canes to me as I quickly assembled them as I tried to do it on my own and failing to do so.

He lifted me up roughly as I steady myself as he ordered me to walk. I dragged one foot in front of the other as he kicked the cane from underneath me watching me fall to the ground as he kicked me in the stomach telling me to walk; said. "The queen says you can walk."

The High Bishop said. "Have you seen him walk, or do you believe the Queen? I know for a fact Nate Carrion cannot walk without help. I have his medical file stating he can't without help. He is mostly paralyzed because of a brain injury from the car accident. He was still at the very beginning stages of regaining the use of his legs. He can only walk with help."

He conferred with another member and said. "Fine! We don't have time to debate this. We will learn soon enough if he can or can't." He motioned forward to my wheelchair and told Eli and the High Bishop to put me in it and make sure that they search me for any weapons.

Eli shouldered the backpack, and the man took it off his shoulder and dumped the contents onto the ground. He quickly searched each item, stating that we were told not to bring anything. The High Bishop said. "Anything but the items I have cleared with "The Nine" that the boys will need to finish the "Preparing Ritual." If not, you'll see the blood contract I signed, granting me permission to carry these items without interference from you, the Queen, or "The Nine" during the "Preparing Ritual." I have kept everything in this backpack unopened and sealed, and I have listed everything according to the contract.

"If you are interfering with the ritual, it means that you yourselves deemed it a failure of completion and your names will be then brought before them, and we will be set free. Do the terms of my agreement. Please tell me you are interfering with a blood contract. So, we may all go free and you yourselves are willing to put your lives on the line for a breach of contract."

The men conferred with each other and said. "And does that include your briefcases?"

The High Bishop said. "It does. You are more than welcome to search them for weapons, but again if you find no weapons or touch any of the items it will be a breach of contract."

The High Bishop quickly opened the briefcases, and they quickly emptied them, and they were about to open the folders until the High Bishop said. "Paper isn't a weapon," The man growled angrily, but the High Bishop was right. He opened the metal briefcases and said. "Look, but do not touch or take. It is the money I was told to bring."

The moment their eyes landed on the abundance of money and precious gems, they wasted no time in stretching out their hands, eager to feel the riches within their grasp. Filled with both anger and anticipation, the men let out growls before their expressions softened into smiles upon witnessing the High Bishop presenting the man in charge with a padded envelope containing a substantial amount of cash. He quickly stashed it away and told his men to back off and have them apologize. The High Bishop nodded, and we moved forward as he handed back the backpack to Eli and let Dora carry the leather briefcases.

We quickly followed someone to another elevator, descending until we reached the bottom, which led to a long underground tunnel. We were told to get out and strip and that included everything, like mine and Eli's watches, as they crushed them into a million pieces. They were about to take our wedding rings as well, but the High Bishop stopped them. Asking them, is not a wedding ring permitted? Considering they are married, and besides again they are not weapons.

They were about to refuse my cane's and my wheelchair and my leg braces. The man in charge quickly informed them that my cane, wheelchair, and leg braces were not weapons and were permitted; otherwise, they were about to refuse them, causing further delays. They quickly searched our clothing for weapons and placed them into a sealed box and handed us each a white slave robe and the High bishop his clothes back.

Dora said. "Why are you treating our guests this way? Have you not heard they are guests of "The Nines, or are they now considered prisoners?" She said. "Call them to tell them that you have found weapons where there are none. Tell them you are interfering in the High Bishops and "The Nine's" business. Then when you stand in front of the inquisitor, and we tell them how you treated us … They will ask you if this is true. See what happens then. The "Fallen Queen" will not be able to help you, not this time. No, not this time."

The men quickly went into the other room and argued where we couldn't see them and came back telling us that the counsel said. No, except for my leg braces and canes, sticking them inside the box telling me I won't be needing them unless their doctor says differently. The inquisitor will know by rooting out if we are lying regarding my injuries. High Bishop nodded and said. "These boxes better be still here and sealed and everything inside them better be there when we come back this way. Dora, make sure these boxes remain unopened." She nodded and said a few words.

They seemed to pale as she drew her fingers over each of the boxes as a symbol appeared on the sides and the top in black as if burned in black ink. She smiled, turning over her wrists. Stating, she was a witch, a powerful witch. She said. "Open them and break the seal I have placed on them and your penis will dry up and die as it falls onto the ground."

They kicked the boxes into the corner with the tip of a broom. We were told to follow, and we did. A man screamed from behind as he reached for his crotch, seeing a dark liquid puddle around him. She said. "Stupid brute, I warned you." We were soon led to another room where a doctor and a nurse were waiting. We were told to wait along the wall in some kind of doctor's office.

I was told to go first as the High Bishop followed and so did Dora. Telling them both that they better not harm me in any way, reminding them of the blood contract; the Doctor said. "Yes, I know. I have seen the medical records. I am only checking to see if it is a lie or the truth." The High bishop helped me onto the table and Dora helped me off with my robe which was nothing more than white sackcloth.

The doctor was very good. He checked every inch of me. Finding very little feeling in my legs and finding everything that was listed in the charts as he played with his instruments. His examination of my rectum revealed scarring consistent with repeated and recent rapes. He quickly said. With a satisfied nod, the High Bishop declared, "Everything seems to be in order," as he slid four hefty stacks of cash, the crisp banknotes practically singing, across the table; two rubies, a diamond blazing with inner fire, and the same payment for the nurse who stood silently by, the paperwork seemingly innocuous against the weight of the transaction.

We quickly followed someone out of the office, down a long hallway, to another elevator. We went back up a few floors, relieved to see the windows. Dora linked with me, asking me if I had any signs from Jeff. We were relying on him to find me after Eli and now that these men had destroyed our watches.

I shook my head, and it bothered me because he hadn't made himself known as of yet. As we all heard the screams of crazy people being tortured in some form or another. Dora too tried to ignore it and so did the High Bishop. And Arthur said he would be happy here playing games and coloring in a coloring book. I got the feeling that these were not the games he would want to play.

We were soon led into a large room with a large pool-like tub that was frothing as the jets were on and steam rose from it. Right away, we could see cameras all around it, from the top to the sides to capture every angle. I had no doubt that there were several inside the water. On the far wall, there was a panel of people that seemed to be our jury. There were also several TVs with people that we have seen at the High Bishops' home, looking back at us inside a room either here or far away, representing "The Nine."

The room was shrouded in an eerie darkness, barely pierced by the dim light emanating from a solitary source. As you stepped inside, a bone-chilling sensation washed over you, as if the very essence of evil was permeating the air. The sight before you was both unsettling and awe-inspiring. In the center of the room, the Satanic Queen herself stood, her commanding presence casting a sinister shadow across the space. Her men, bound tightly with coarse ropes, were arranged in a symphony of discomfort, their metal folding chairs creaking under the strain.

The room seemed to be alive with noticeable tension as if the very walls were whispering secrets. The acrid scent of fear mingled with the unmistakable odor of burning candles, assaulting your senses. Your eyes strained to make out the exact number of men, their silhouettes merging into the inky darkness. The only source of illumination, a pool of water, shimmered eerily, its surface reflecting the flickering light. The Queen snarled at us said. "Oh look. Here come the liars now. I can't wait to see the proof that will be their undoing, and we will put this matter to rest once and for all."

They placed us in front of the cameras and near the jury on the left; the Queen sat on our right with another panel of judges and jury. The main stage, where the Judge and four others would sit, was in front of us, along with a pool of water. All the men and women wearing some kind of mask, including all that were bound. The flickering overhead lights came on, causing our eyes to blink after the darkness.

We were told to stand as a man wearing an old white wig that I have seen judges wear in the English court and wearing a white robe more stylish than our wedding robes. With him four people. Two men and two women wearing a purple robe with several symbols outlined in gold and silver.

Dora linked with me, telling me that they were the inquisitors and the High Judge, as we watched them each take a seat in front of us, one on each side. The powerful smell of a rotting corpse permeated the room, which was not surprising given the overwhelming presence of evil within it. The Queen, with regal authority, made a statement. "Let's get on with this." She said it as if bored with the matter at hand. She pointed towards her men. "As I have brought all my men as you have asked me to."

Jeff surprised me as he quickly said. "Tell the High Bishop that not all of them are not here. The ten men and the four warlocks are not present. The rest of the men are in the church's basement in Heber." Even though I could not see him, I felt him inside of me. I linked with Dora, and she leaned over and whispered in his ear. As I told her, they were upstairs, hidden away in some room warded against witchcraft; giving Dora the edge of stating that she could sense them.

The High Bishop said. "My witch tells me that Queen's men are not all here. Some of them are upstairs, hidden in a room. The ones that I have given direct orders to be killed for interfering in the "Preparing Ritual" during the time I was here and not overseeing it. If you would permit my witch to draw the location where they are hiding. Some are hidden in the basement of my church in Heber.

The Queen said. "More lies. The witch is lying. She has her own agenda."

He said. "Am I? Then you wouldn't mind a quick look-see?"

She said. "Go ahead. I have nothing to hide. I know that it is a lie. The witch thinks to know everything and has been whispering in your ear, and I am more than willing to cut it off as I have said. All my men are here." I quickly, with Jeff's help planted the image in her mind, telling her where a secret door that is unlocked by entering the correct combination hides some of the men she has hidden. I gave her the code as Jeff showed her how to unlock the room. She quickly handed the drawing to our High Bishop as he looked at it and smiled, getting up and walking over to the Judge.

He quickly sent his men to look for it, and Dora said. "If you would permit me to go with them, a very strong spell warded it, but not so strong that I can't break with ease ." She said as if it was a mere child's play when she looked at the Holy Queen.

The Queen said. "This is a waste of time. As I have said, the witch is lying. No men are hiding because they are all here as directed." In a bored, tired voice, but with a hint of fear that quickly vanished, she stated.

The High Judge nodded and said. "A test. If she fails, then we know that she is nothing more than a liar as you have said our Holy Queen."

The Queen nodded, giving a smile, and said. "Knock yourselves out. Don't blame me if you come back after a wild goose chase." Again, showing no fear, and bored.

Dora went with them while we urgently requested our High Bishop to retrieve the promised files. He quickly did as he was told. As he placed several files and videotapes in front of them. I watched one of her warlocks stand and move his hand slightly. Telling the man near the Judge to pick them up and drop them into the water. I quickly noticed that Jeff came into view of me and my friends as he stood in the way of the man. The man fell to the ground the moment he got up.

Everyone gasped. The Queen acted surprised as she looked at us and the man, as he curled up into a ball grabbed his head and started crying like a baby. The Judge ordered someone to take him out of the room, as our High Bishop said. "Remove his mask. I want to see if I recognize the man." The High Judge orders it with a wave of his hand.

The moment the mask came off. He smiled and said. "I know the man. He was one of the men I had given the order to bring me the boys. Instead, he raped them repeatedly before bringing them to me. You will see his picture in the envelope and also in the video. I ordered him to be killed for disobeying me and was told that he was."

The Queen said, "More tricks and lies, this man was with me, your Lordship. We were having sex that night. He is mistaken." She snapped her fingers as the man's face twisted, to remove his identity only to be twisted back.

She gasped, looking around the room to see who was responsible for this, finding Dora leaning up against the door. She filed her nails as if she was bored and said. "Bring them in." Everyone gasped as they all filed in. None of them were wearing a mask.

With a startled gasp, the Queen sprang to her feet, her hand flying to her chest as she began to speak, "I was told they were all here, my apologies. I will deal with the men that said they were here." Dora, seemingly enjoying herself as if the Satanic Queen were a mere child of insignificant power, a fly compared to her, was the target of a venomous glare from her, laced with the scent of impending conflict. This was not a mere disagreement; it was a war for dominance among witches.

The High Judge said. Dismissing the matter with a wave of his hand, the judge declared, "My Holy Queen, we will find the liar and punish them all."

She said, "As you see fit, I apologize once again. I was told that they were all here. Could I see the map that shows where you found them?" Hoping to salvage her reputation and showing a slight curiosity about how this "witch" was able to accomplish the impossible, she emphasized that no one, absolutely no one, was as powerful as her. However, fear was evident in her eyes as she glanced at her companion Dora, a more powerful witch who somehow outmatched her. The real question was how? And how she managed to go unnoticed for all this time?

The Judge said. "Of course, now that they have been found, I ask again: Are all your men present, or must we postpone these proceedings?" She nodded that they were once more, but her eyes said differently, which stated she was lying to save herself.

Dora said. "No, Judge, they are not all here, but they are not within the school like I said earlier. They are in Heber in the church's basement; they are dead, mostly waiting to be placed on the burn pile. There are twenty more, but I understand the rebels have them and are questioning them. They have sent a photograph of each of them to the Queen which she has placed inside her vault, warded by the magic that she can only open. Plus, there are the Men that we killed inside the reception hall and some of them were her men, but as I have said, they are all dead.

The Queen said. "I have many men; it's hard to know if they are all here. I have not seen the photographs this … witch … is talking about."

The Judge sighed. "And I ask again, so you are telling me all your men are not here?"

The Queen shrugged her shoulders and said. "It's hard to say as you know I do not know for certain, as I didn't know about these men hiding inside my school. I wasn't even aware there was a secret room. I am curious to know how this witch found it, hidden under my very nose."

Dora returned to her seat and said. "Having trained here, I know every inch of this school." As it is the same with my master. He knows every inch of Crest-Ridge."

The Queen and she eyed each other, said. "Makes little difference. We all have our little secrets." Everyone laughed as if it was a joke, and it was.