Chapter 3
White Butterflies
Ok, that didn't go as planned as we drove away from the school. The Judge and two of the inquisitors said that and asked what now. The High Bishop said. "Good question." as we were packed into a stolen silver VW Minnie Van and not very clean or fast by any means as black smoke trailed out the back tailpipe; and kicked loudly as the engine said that this thing could die on us at any minute. The High Bishop left some cash inside the mailbox with an apology and gave the owner more than enough to buy themselves a new one for their trouble.
The Judge stated the obvious: that we couldn't go back to the school or the High Bishop's house or anywhere they would look for us, mostly because the High Bishop was defecting to the other side. Then again, having two inquisitors and a High Satanic Judge did seem a dream come true. I linked with Jeff, and he said to tread carefully, but he liked the idea, but we needed a safe house, and he knew exactly where to find one. Leave it up to Jeff to pull us through another disaster. Dora shrugged and said. "Better than nothing," as she drove further west to West Valley City, just outside Salt Lake City.
As we approached the old, abandoned farmhouse, it appeared desolate and dilapidated. The dimly lit surroundings added to the eerie atmosphere, intensified by the late hour of 11 pm. Jeff instructed Dora to drive the van into the barn, where we were greeted by the unexpected presence of chickens, horses, and a group of milking cows. Suddenly, an elderly farmer emerged, brandishing a shotgun, causing our hearts to race. Trying to diffuse the tension, Dora introduced herself as "Dora" and mentioned her acquaintance, Jeff. The farmer's eyes widened with recognition, and he hastily concealed the shotgun. He gestured for us to follow him into the house, swiftly shutting the barn door behind us, shutting out the chilly night air.
Once inside, he asked what the deal was with the funny robes pointing to the Judge and two inquisitors. She said. "A long story."
He said. "I'll put some coffee on." Which said he wanted to hear this long story. He didn't live alone; his wife and two sons were there, and his daughter, hearing unfamiliar voices, rushed downstairs into the kitchen, asking her father what was happening. He quickly said. "Not sure, but Jeff sent them." His wife's and kid's eyes lit up. I cringed, wondering what Jeff had done now. His wife quickly went to work opening the fridge asking if us if we were hungry, which we all were so we all nodded.
Dora took the lead and gave one hell of a story about what happened tonight. She didn't miss a beat as she told them everything except the "Preparing Ritual." After all, when Jeff is involved it is always best to assume that this was a safe-haven, even though it sounded a lot like something a person would read about in a fiction novel or heard on the news, well except for here seeing no TV and a small transistor radio sitting on the kitchen counter. The walls reminded me a lot of my grandmother's house. The walls consisted of patched plaster and boards instead of sheetrock, and the floors were real old wood. The colors were old and faded what used to be yellow which was more of a yellowish tan. The place smelled old but looked and felt comfortable.
Right away the mother whipped up some eggs and bacon as the daughter helped with hot biscuits as the boys went up to their Pa's room finding clothes for the two inquisitors and the Judge, named Randle Grays, and the two inquisitors were man and wife Sharon and Andy Kingston.
Randle, not a day older than the High Bishop, removed his powder wig, revealing raven-black hair thinning on top, piercing blue eyes, a strong jawline, and a straight, aristocratic carrot nose. The scent of his own hair and the faint smell of the wig powder hung in the air. It was unclear at the time if he was married and had kids of his own, but I did happen to notice his wedding ring, which was just as elegant as ours. Which said he was married and most likely had a family. I had yet to shake hands with any of them, but the smell of rotting corpses was really strong. That was all I really needed to know regarding how deep they were inside the Satanic Church, not that him being a High Judge wasn't a good enough indication, and two very prominent inquisitors by his side, I knew without a doubt these three people were high up on the food chain in the Satanic Church.
It wasn't any of my business, not yet anyway, and the same went for the Kingston's. Sharon, with her blonde hair and blue eyes, had the appearance of a country-rich girl. One could easily confuse her and her partner for a couple that looks just like Ken and Barbie, they are that similar in appearance. The couple in question was relatively young in age. Both just had the perfection of a doll with no remarkable features but also no blemishes either.
They quickly changed into some clothes as Dora burned their robes and ours in the old potbelly stove, including the Judge's wig. Nearly tearing it out of his hand, telling her his grandfather gave it to him, she asked one question. Did the Queen ever touch it? He looked at her and he said. "Of course she did. She even placed a spell on it so it would never fade." Dora picked it up with a broom handle and said some words that made no sense, and it burned in front of our eyes. She had already explained she was a witch, but seeing it made them gasp as it went up in flames, giving off a powerful odor of burning flesh.
After we had finished our meal, we explained our circumstances, which involved finding a place to stay hidden until the smoke cleared. They quickly put us up for the night after a nice hot meal and a hot bath. We were pretty well set, as the High Bishop, and we all made ourselves comfortable on the floor as one big slumber party in front of the fireplace.
We didn't dare make any phone calls. Not here, anyway. We didn't want trouble coming anywhere near the family. So, Dora walked through the house and into the yard, putting up protection spells. We had agreed to leave at first light and see where we stand from there and long before the family woke up. Yet, I should have warned them that farmers usually woke at the crack of dawn and the women in the house even earlier.
Yet I didn't. Mostly because Dora and I as well as the Benson's wanted to see the looks of country living on the rich as they woke up with a start hearing the rooster crow and the mother singing in the kitchen. Dora said good morning as she quickly helped set the table, letting Eli and the girls clean up the living room, putting away blankets and borrowed pillows. It felt like home again. Something I was missing ever since the Downings as the boys and their Pa came down the stairs for breakfast and got ready for chores. I was still as useless as ever because the drugs Dora gave me still hadn't worn off and having the Judge here and the inquisitors.
I decided that being helpless was the best way to be until we had decided on how much to tell them. Even Jeff thought it was a good idea. So, Eli helped me with my manual wheelchair, and we all had a nice, hot breakfast together.
I linked with Eli and the girls to help with the chores; thinking it would be good for them. They didn't complain like I thought they would. Dora agreed that it was a good idea, and she went into town and made some calls and saw about getting us some better transportation, something that was more reliable.
It was a sight to see sitting on the porch as the sun rose over the mountains and the clear, crisp air of a farm, making me homesick for the Downings. Maybe my adoptive parents were right; having new farm animals and some of the things I used to do on the farm might do me good, but the thought of it always filled me with a sense of unease, the scent of hay and manure a constant reminder of a past I couldn't escape. Memories of our Highland home flooded back — family camping trips, favorite campsites now ruined by Crawford, Shawn, and their friends — each memory vivid and painfully sharp, like shards of glass. So much blood, so much unnecessary slaughter of all my animals. My knuckles turned white as I clenched my fists, imagining myself tightening my grip around Crawford's scrawny neck, ready to choke the life out of him; the image was visceral, the rage.
The girls looked great and so did Eli, with straw sticking out of their hair. I had forgotten how good it smelled, and I could feel soft tears escaping as I pictured my Downing brothers and sisters, but knowing it would never be the same. I was now 4 years older, and life had gone on without me. Even though I often yearned for life to stay the same, it relentlessly progressed without my presence, leaving me behind.
The High Bishop pulled up a chair beside me and the Judge as he looked out across the fields plowed for the winter. The High Bishop said. "Randle and I used to be roommates at Crest-Ridge and the Kingston's. I told them everything, including how me and my family were joining the rebels if they were willing to take us and make a deal to protect our families."
I said, "O', and you assume that they will if Eli and I vouch for you?" They both nodded, and I said. "So let me get this straight. You are willing to give up the Satanic Church because your lives are at stake. I hate to tell you this. Your lives have always been at stake, and you have done some very bad things to get where you are. What makes you think you'll be even safer by joining the rebels? I don't mean to imply the rebels wouldn't be interested—in fact, they'd be ecstatic to receive the information you could provide. But eventually, you're going to have to pay for all those crimes, either here in this life or the next.
"You think you and your families are in danger now? Just think about it, my family and friends are not safe by any means. We have sacrificed a lot, just so we can be on the inside and find people like you and bring them to Justus. I am not saying it's a bad idea, but it will cost you, and I would think really, really hard about that decision. Because they will kill you. If you go back on your word, then again, the Satanic Church most likely will once they learn about it."
They both said. "Death, on one side of the coin, or death on the other … sounds fun."
I chuckled said. "Not really, considering I face death every damn day; if you haven't noticed by now when it evolves my dead friend Jeff. Who has brought us here because he knows the family here and knows they can keep their mouth shut, regarding our little naughty little secrets. And he is a bad scare dude. If you cross him, and you two killed the family for knowing those secrets, will be dead right where stand, I can promise you that.
"Plus, if you try to do so, I can guarantee that you won't live long enough to try it, not after he has guaranteed your safety and he and Dora just pulled our fat out of the fire last night. In fact, I am not exactly sure what more he is willing to do. Just like everyone else, he also has a price that is not easy to pay by any means. His focus is primarily on matters of the soul, and monetary wealth holds no importance to him. When it comes to making deals, he can be quite tough and uncompromising.
"So, before you get off the devil's train, think if it is really something you want to do. Death may be at every corner. And then there is the Queen. By making her your enemy, you unleashed a relentless hunter who will stop at nothing to get revenge on you and your family. One of the main reasons Dora is right now trying to get the lowdown on how bad it is. I can ask Jeff to deliver a message to my rebels. It might be no, but if you are honestly doing this, he will know and trust me. He knows just by looking inside your soul.
"Tell me where your families are and for now, he'll take care of it. I don't know if he'll slap you in the face, but if I was you, I'd be praying to a God that isn't the devil or that Mormo devil could go a long way in getting him on your good side. When you have done that, maybe by then Jeff would have done his part by making sure your families are safe from the shit storm that is coming." They each gave a heavy sigh, and I gave them a nod as they told me where each of them lived. I said. "Ok, he's willing to go and make sure. Now go make a pact with a true God and tell the devil to go straight to hell."
They each asked me how they would know, and I said. "You don't. Trust is earned. I haven't lied about anything that matters. In fact, at the moment, everything regarding my condition is true; mostly. Now go and do what Jeff asks, he'll give me a sign that says it is all taken care of, in fact, if you see a hundred white butterflies swarming around you, it will mean Jeff has kept his word, but he wants you to make amends first … so off you go. There are plenty of fields to be alone in. I have been told that Dora will come back around lunchtime and with a few friends."
They each gave a nod, and the High Bishop went one way, and the Judge went the other, I was lightly dozing with a warm blanket around me, not knowing who put it around me as I was dreaming about the Downing's and the farm I loved. I woke up hearing a car coming and saw the dust and smiled, seeing that it was Stringham and my adoptive parents. I didn't leave the porch still feeling the numbness in my legs as they quickly came into the yard. Mom and Dad sighed in relief, the sound echoing in the sudden quiet as they saw me, Eli, and the girls come running, their faces breaking into relieved smiles. "I take it you got my message?"
Stringham said. "Yeah, we got it and then some. Your friend Jeff hasn't stopped talking. I have sent the men to collect their families, as requested. I should know within the hour."
I quickly introduced them to the farmer's family, as they all shook hands. Dad asked how I was, and I said. That I have had better days, which stated we were going to have a nice long talk.
The High Bishop was almost giddy as he said. "The butterflies were a nice touch."
The farmers said. "Butterflies? It's a little late in the season for butterflies." Then he watched several of them circle them and he said. "Let me guess, Jeff's doing?" I nodded at what he said. "Well, then, that's not all that strange."
The High Judge too came quickly with his own set, but by then it was nothing unusual. We all went into the living room and made ourselves comfortable around the fire. Stringham's restless pacing showed his deep concentration as he absorbed the details of what had occurred. While his exterior portrayed a sense of tranquility, inside I could sense his exhilaration building up as they shared the news of their intention to leap off the devil's train. Dad looked at me and said. "Jeff's doing? Or yours?"
I said. "Not sure Dad. I didn't know about it until this morning. Well, all except the High Bishop. The other three I didn't know as I said."
Dad said as he asked. "So, how much do they know?"
I said. "Not much. I was kinda waiting to see what you thought first, and then Jeff, of course, but I haven't seen Jeff all morning since I sent him to make sure their families were safe. And apparently, they are, if the butterflies are a sign."
Dad nodded, then said. "Ok, so we have ourselves a little explaining to do." They all nodded, and Stringham quickly broke it down. Now, that I have paved the way.
In anticipation of their usual behavior of jumping ship, I patiently waited for their reaction. To my great surprise, rather than abandoning the ship, they actively listened and nodded their heads, showing their agreement that the plan was indeed workable. However, the Queen poses the most significant challenge. Stringham jumped when Jeff tapped him on the shoulder and said. "The Queen is not going to be a problem at the moment."
Stringham said. "Jeff, how many damn times have I told you not to sneak up on me?" Everyone in the room looked at Stringham more so for the ones that couldn't see him. The farmer's family wasn't one of them as they each gave Jeff a nod, raising more questions. You would think I'd be used to it by now after seeing Jeff and knowing that others can besides me. But I did like the look on their faces that made it look like we had all gone loony tunes.