Chapter 3-1 Book 8

Chapter 3-1

White Butterflies

Part 2

Once everything was explained … right on time, according to my watch, Dora, Tony, and Jenny returned in their new van, along with Thomas, the High Bishop's 1st Lieutenant, and the High Bishop's three boys. Thomas was a little surprised that Judge Randle Grays and the two inquisitors Andy and Sharon Kingston wanted to jump off the devil's train. Then again, the fact that they were all close friends did not surprise him.

We had decided we had burdened the farmers enough. The High Bishop was kind enough to leave them half the money in his briefcase and very nice diamonds and rubies for the mother and their daughter. The judge gave him his card, telling him to send the bill once the children are old enough for college. The family gasped, seeing all that money stacked on their kitchen table. Just for taking them in for the night, and being good neighbors.

Jeff highly approved, stating that it was a good start. We decided to leave in order to get acquainted without revealing all of our secrets. After learning from Dora that many of "The Nine" had escaped, along with the two inquisitors and even the Queen, her warlocks, witches, and several of her men, including those who were ordered to disobey the High Bishop, we realized the need to hatch a new plan of attack.

Considering the present conditions, it becomes clear that the High Bishop's big estate in Salt Lake City is the optimal choice for seeking refuge because of its proximity and enhanced security measures. The fallen queen and her followers tragically destroyed the High Bishops' Heber home; it's important to remember this. The High Bishop wasn't concerned that he wouldn't be making it to church, but Stringham convinced him that he should so the congregation would know that everything was fine instead of causing a panic. Plus, the Judge and the two inquisitors will really set their minds at ease.

There was one thing on everyone's minds and that was the Benson's, which was quickly solved or at least would be once we made it to Heber. There was a hidden obstacle, a surprise that neither Stringum, Jeff, nor Tony had disclosed, further complicating an existence that had always been a continuous uphill battle, at least for me, anyway.

They decided that Judge Randle and the two inquisitors would play a crucial role in bringing the Bensons into the fold. They specifically pointed out the Bensons' worthiness and triumphant completion of the new "Preparing Ritual." In addition, we had planned to take advantage of this opportunity to make a widespread announcement about the fall of the Holy Queen, with all of these events happening at the same time.

As the church started that Sunday morning, the Judge and the inquisitors had already summoned numerous individuals from "The Nine's" and were offering them bribes. However, they placed their trust only in a select few. Their objective was to ensure the success of the new and improved "Preparing Ritual."

Personally, I felt that we needed to scrap the entire ritual, but that would be an unwelcome and unclimbable mountain. For now, at least, but it was a beginning. It would also mark the beginning of various changes to the laws of their church. Having someone from the other Satanic Church come in and give them a stern talking to, as well as a warning and instruction on the true laws of the church, would be beneficial. These laws would differ from those imposed by the church, which had corrupted its true teachings and kept them in the Dark Ages. Meanwhile, the remaining members of "the Nine," along with their friends and the Satanic Queen, fled the school leaving—a scene of torture and murder where it had taken place—just like ants scattering from a disturbed anthill, their actions driven by the Fallen Queen's influence would find themselves left in the cold.

This fragile peace, a mere illusion, wouldn't last—the coming changes, harsh and unwelcome, especially to those fleeing their self-made chaos, were inevitable. Jeff and his friends will soon find them, and may God help them then, because they will be trapped in a nightmare of their own making. The reasons behind this impending change were glaringly obvious, given the overwhelming evidence of the Queen's fall from grace and her increasingly self-serving actions. She was prepared to employ any means necessary, including black magic, to manipulate the vote in her favor. Once again, the plan appeared deceptively simple.

The High Bishop quickly said to Dad, Stringham, and the rest of us to call him Ken or Mr. Calen since we were considered friends and more, and he was no longer truly the High Bishop—only in name—or our master, as he was leaving the devil's train. Dad, and we shook on it and Dad said. "Regrettably, it seems I have to remove you from the list of candidates to kill, and I must admit, I was genuinely looking forward to roasting you on a spit as a High Bishop BBQ like a side of beef. To address the difficulties you inflicted upon me and my family." Dad's words carried a mix of jest and seriousness, depending on the context. The sight of the young boy's murder, the gruesome delivery of his head, and the other horrifying things he had done continued to weigh heavily on our minds.

Yet he did have an excellent point if we did take him out of the equation. The next monster would take his place, and we have been told that he could be even worse than the current High Bishop. Motivated by the desire to prove himself, he was determined to make an impression on both his new congregation and his sister, the Holy Queen. In order to ensure the complete eradication of their influence, we required sufficient time to locate and eliminate every last one of them and subsequently dismantle their power structure, leaving this church devoid of any leadership and causing it to wither away. None of us liked the idea, but what choice did we have?

He laughed. "O' I think you still might get your wish roasting my nuts from time to time. Like your son said. We have done lots of bad things to get where we are. Let's just say I have a feeling that my ass is being cooked right now as the hell fires are burning me nice and crispy. And after we have done what we needed to do.

"I'll give you my word that I will pay the price for the things I have done. However, for now at least, you may think of me as a cruel and evil monster. But let me tell you, the monsters that pose a significant threat, the ones you truly need to fear, are the Queen and her notorious gang. They were bad enough, but not the worst of the lot. Not even close. In comparison, they were nothing more than annoying flies. The true monsters of great evil in this world are the ones we should be wary of. That being said, since you have helped me, my closest friends, and our families, my companions and I will provide more information about it once the situation becomes more stable in the coming days. So, if you choose to stay with us, it will not only benefit you, but it will also benefit me, Randle, and our two young inquisitors. Without us in play, those monsters would be more than happy to take our places. And they still might if they see blood in the water."

Ken, also known as the High Bishop, wasted no time in tearing up our contract. He boldly declared, "I don't expect you boys to honor your promise to me and my sons. In fact, I don't even need the money I was planning to extort from you. I am genuinely content to inform you that the deal is off, thanks to your efforts in saving me and my family from hell's kitchen."

With a sense of gratitude, Ken offered, "If you wish, after today's service, you are all free to go home. However, I would prefer it if you all stayed here as my guests until we can ensure the Benson's safety. It has come to our attention that the Queen has marked you all as targets, so leaving this place would not be the wisest decision. Rest assured, your families are secure, but venturing out would only expose you to more danger until we deal with the Queen and her men."

Dad said. "Personally, I like the idea of you not going home to your mothers until we are sure that it is safe without an army of soldiers following you around, but it is your choice."

I looked at Dad and the fire in the HB fireplace and cringed, said. "No, I am good. My mother and my sister Becky are too busy having sex with Paul Cranny and my mother is not expecting me until Tuesday or Wednesday."

And once more, things were back to normal; well mostly as we all got ready for church, putting on a black robe with all the trimmings. We watched from inside a double-boxed container as Dora added the Judge, his two inquisitors, and my adoptive family. Dora would do the same to the rest of my friend's right after church services in Heber. Against the Queen and her henchmen so they couldn't use any Jedi mind control tricks on us. Those were merely tricks, using drugs and simple persuasive words planted in their minds during their early training.

I had faith in the reality of magic, even though it would have been overly time-consuming to provide a detailed explanation, simply based on the incredible tricks I witnessed. I couldn't find out how they were done. Like linking with someone or someone's mind. Which Tony and Stringham were very interested in hearing about and (HB Ken), (HJ Randle) and of course they would now that they knew a little about my dead friend Jeff, and finding out that we had been linking from day one since we had met the Benson's.

It didn't matter that it was different from the way I and Jeff linked, being able to communicate from long distances if necessary or linking with the person near us within a few hundred feet. They all wanted to know how it was done, including people being able to see my friend Jeff, which was really going to be hard to explain. If it wasn't for Dora's help, none of us would have been able to explain it away, telling them it was a bewitching spell. She quickly explained that inquisitors strictly use it to discover people's true thoughts and use drugs to influence them—for example, a glass of water or anything touching their skin, such as the (HJ Randle wig), which made him cringe when she mentioned it.

Realizing all this time she had him at her will and at her command, but no longer because like us she could no longer control his actions, she could whisper all she wanted … she would never be able to control him as long as nobody opens those boxes, shielded with powerful white magic. They only wished they could all do the same thing to her, but not having access to her seemed impossible, needing her blood hair more than just a strand, but it wasn't exactly impossible, impossible as a plan was soon taking place on how they could get it, but that to became an unclimbable mountain, it would be easier to have someone kill her. That plan seemed more doable.

Jeff and the rest of the group seemed in agreement, with Jeff even humorously offering to escort her all the way to the gates of hell and mockingly welcoming her to her "royal" new abode. Turning the key and leaving their screaming as she pounds on the gates finding her beloved god Lucifer and her so-called savior Mormo waiting for her and her comrades who followed her, laughing at her. Yes. indeed it was a nice dream and something we could all envision.

Even though I felt Heber would be far safer, than HB Kens large estate, it was the best logistical place to set up a command post being close to the school. Other than living on an army base or living on Stringham's estate. Here we had everything we needed, and this place was indeed a fortress, with men all loyal to the cause, unlike before.

To ensure our ability to depart quickly, we used helicopters to transport between various destinations. The sleek black surface now displays the striking HB seal. The seal, resembling a king's crown, displayed two crossed swords, and a centrally positioned crown. Normally, the HB men came from the Queen's specially trained forces, but no longer. Now his men consisted of men we were using from Stringham, and the army base dressed up to look like the Queen's men, including tats and scary Halloween masks.

And like moths to a flame, the people gathered to see who was coming to church that was royalty. Their gasp echoed as they saw the High Bishop and our royal guests; the rumor that we had all been killed, captured, or executed for treason by the government or the Holy Queen had spread widely. Yet here we were, getting off a chopper and making our way inside the Satanic Church alive and well. We had enough guards to protect us; however, several members' expressions revealed their displeasure at our arrival.

The High Bishop 1st Lieutenant Thomas and his men cleared the path as they took their places as our honor guard while we entered, seeing the new HB and his High Priestess prepare for today's services. Watching him drop the bowl of burning fire and the knife he had been planning on using for today's meeting. Where he would be sacrificing several children and their mothers; to show the congregation he and his wife were now called to be rulers over them. He quickly dropped to his knees, apologizing and stating that the High Bishop, the High Judge, and two of his inquisitors had been captured or killed.

Randle stepped forward and said. "Only rumors, as you can see that I and the High Bishop, as well as my guests, are here. In fact, if it wasn't for them we would have been captured and killed. Go slithering back to your hole you worm. Tell your sister her days of being Queen are numbered." He quickly ordered our men to take care of the prisoners that they were planning to be sacrificed to a safe location and free them. The only thing they planned to sacrifice was one lamb, to bring the Benson's into the fold.

There was nothing I could do about it, but it was better than a lamb died than a person. So, I put on my big boy pants and wheeled myself over to our boxed seats with my adoptive family and friends. The Benson's were being dressed in white sackcloth robes, as required for this ritual. Dad placed his arms around me, just in case I needed him when the time came. It felt good to have them around me, but it also made my heart ache for my Pa.

Being at the farm stirred up a lot of emotions, and I didn't quite know if I could put them back inside the box. Jeff had notified me that the children and their families were safe and had been taken to the army base for now and the Queen's brother had notified her we were here and very much alive. I passed it off to HJ Randle and HB Ken using the link; it took them nearly two hours or so to learn to do it without talking answering us, making themselves look stupid.

They liked the idea and even though our two inquisitors frowned at the idea; it took the awesomeness and the mystery away from them. Today would be a day of notifying the Satanic Church that the Queen here has fallen, which suggested there is more than one Queen, which was a very scary and realization that has come forward, but life isn't easy.

Every coven has its own council of Nines, queens, bishops, and so on. It's the same for any church. It's at the very top that stays the same and only changes when someone dies. Right now, we will soon be a thorn in their sides. Taking the information on how to take down each of the churches one by one, until we are left with the ones at the top, when they fall with no one to replace them, then the game is done. We would be doing it by changing the rituals and reverting them back to Satanic Churches that do not rape or murder people for any reason and enslave them.

It wasn't like we could send a flock of LDS missionaries to them or a flock of nuns or Catholic priests; the government was willing to look away for the moment and only take the really bad ones out of play. HB and HJ and his two inquisitors signed a contract that they could obtain a bargain or plea deal if they testified in court against the people that have been practicing SRA (Satanic Ritual Abuse) nor would they be allowed to practice it themselves, that was regarding killing and enslavement for now.

The "Preparing Ritual" was not to their liking, yet they found themselves with limited options until now, when they made it clear that they would only intervene if it turned into forcible rape or murder, without mincing their words. The movement for a bill clearly defining rape and consent gained momentum, its supporters angered by the loopholes and inadequacies of existing laws. It didn't classify or become clear until the late nineties when gay rights surfaced and that's when our world really changed. That's when the weight of my actions hit me; I had been following the wrong teachings, but not entirely. Love guided their instruction, shaping my growth and allowing me to become the person I am today.

However, many of my so-called family and some of my relatives saw it differently and still do. They had twofold objections: my bisexuality for the ones that knew about it, and their disbelief in my father's true identity, a cruel angry, abusive man. It was simply too difficult for them to accept or believe. I couldn't help but question how they could be so blind. The truth was right in front of them the whole time … unless they chose not to see it. As I've said, out of sight, out of mind. Furthermore, they never truly cared about discovering the truth or intervening. Instead, they opted to distance themselves as much as possible. As I mentioned before, they rarely visited us, and we rarely visited them, maybe three times a year if we were lucky or unlucky, depending on how you look at it. Thanksgiving, Christmas, and my grandmother's birthday were the only occasions we saw them. Other than that, we were fortunate if we ever saw them at all.

The Government wanted the people practicing SRA to be taken down by any means, and right now we have one church taken off the list. It was also common knowledge that small churches, such as the one in Texas and near Crest-Ridge, typically dwindle and vanish without leadership or a solid foundation. The significance of the recent event was limited to being a basic exercise, with the purpose of discovering that, thus far, none of the individuals in leadership positions have returned with additional support, at least for the time being. Although small in scale, it signified the first step towards progress.