Chapter 3-2 Book 8

Chapter 3-2

White Butterflies

Part 3


HB (Ken) took his place in front of the congregation and announced it. "I announce that our coven's Queen has fallen; We found her unworthy. She has betrayed "The Nine" and swayed the votes on our new converts and sacred rituals. The High Judge Randle Grays, several other High Judges, two of his inquisitors, Sharon Kingston, and "The Nine" demanded proof, but she failed to provide it as I had already presented mine.

"The Nine" cast their votes based on evidence showing the Bensons worthy of conversion, while the Queen deemed the Carrions and many others unworthy because we refused her rituals—her hateful, cruel, and only acceptable method.

"I would also like to announce that both councils of Nines in our district have declared that we cast out the old "Preparing Ritual" and, in its place, adopt a gentler version of love and compassion as our God Lucifer has seen fit to give us. The old one and many others took the things we held dear and turned to fit the needs of our fallen Queen and those who supported them. To gain power and riches for themselves, but instead they became greedy and unwilling to share their power or riches they have gained.

"Today I will share my riches that our God has asked me to give back to our congregation; he has taken from the Queen and the people she represents as a punishment for being unworthy, being punished for deception, for lies to her people. For abusing the laws that our God has entrusted into her hands and "The Nines" she owns, and has taken into her bosom so you, my members receive nothing, but hate, and cruelty by her hands.

"Because of the relentless manipulation and coercion tactics employed by both her and "The Nine's" under her influence, through the use of bribes and favors, I found myself with no alternative but to carry out the unfathomable act of ending the life of my own child, all in an effort to demonstrate my value to them. Like them, I believed I would receive a just and balanced distribution of power and wealth. Despite my initial hopes, they ultimately let me down and failed to fulfill their promises, leaving me empty-handed. Besides the initial insult, they had the audacity to further demean me by spitting in my face, which only served to highlight their complete disregard for my value as a person.

"In my desperate plea to our God, I fervently beseeched for both a sign and a vision to be unveiled before me. In a dream, he appeared before me and revealed that our Holy Queen had fallen. He also showed me that many of "The Nines," entrusted to serve us, had fallen as well.

"The ones that remain are here with me today. So, you might witness the new order. These men and their families have spent long hours on their knees asking our God to forgive them and show them the way. They too have seen the same vision I have seen regarding our fallen Queen and our brethren. In that vision, we were told what we must do, and he charged us to make a new pact and issued a new commandment to do away with murdering and enslaving our members for profit and power. If we disobeyed his new commandment, we would also be enslaved and butchered, as we butchered our own members. Those who do not reform will see tenfold the wrath of our God, and their prayers will fall on death's ears.

"To those that do reform and obey his new commandment will see tenfold in wealth and power and will be raised in the church with prominent positions to oversee its people, but only if they obey him and the new rituals, he has given to us. The ones that do not will be cast down to hell and punished for all eternity in the fires of hell. He will make them watch those they instructed gain riches and power that should have been theirs.

"The church has always been about love and spiritual guidance and discipline, not cruelty, hatefulness towards others, lies, and deceit. We cannot come out into the light spreading such evil and bloodshed for one common cause to free our master by butchering children and the like any longer. No, this is not what Lucifer wanted for us. If he did, we wouldn't have any members at all left to sacrifice. Already our true church is fading as many of you have learned. If we keep going on this path, there will be no new converts to worship. There will be only dried-up husks blowing in the wind. No one is left to tell the world that we are the true church, or that Lucifer is our true God.

"For years we have mistaken cruelty, hate, and power as love and compassion and kindness because that's how the Holy Queen and some of "The Nine's" viewed it, but no longer. Last night, as they appealed to Lucifer for salvation, The fallen Queen's forces killed or captured many of them. Instead, he and the fallen queen laughed in their faces, renouncing them using their faith for teaching us that he is hate, he is cruel, he shows no emotion; nothing but death, power, and wealth.

"They prayed to our God Lucifer, giving their children their families by sacrificing them to him and in return they were either captured or killed, by the US Government or by the Queen herself as she killed them because they dare voted against her as she had promised them Wealth and Power and in so much they would become gods. Their captors, instead of granting them their due, condemned them to death and removed them from power. Not only did they lose their wealth and power, but they also lost their lives as a result.

"Lucifer does not want us to sacrifice any more of our children, our wives, or family. He wants us to preach his teaching of love and compassion. Those who still believe in those things are no longer welcomed in our church and may join our fallen Queen and the brethren who have fallen. Those who are still practicing and following a fallen Queen and "The Nine's" that support them will pay the price and may our God hear their prayers; as they are killed for their greed, killed for all the things that they have done to get where they are.

"I give them a warning. Our God has seen fit to bring about their destruction. As a reward, He has granted us one-tenth of their wealth and power, which I now bestow upon you, my faithful members. Today, He has also instructed us to share this gift with you and invite you to partake in it. In return, we are asked to renew our pact with Our God. We must listen, teach, and provide spiritual guidance to the new converts we bring into our fold. We must forsake the old ways and obey the new laws and commandments that we will teach and enforce.

"Every night last week, I spent my time in prayer, seeking spiritual guidance alongside my brethren here today standing before you. We have learned about our fallen Queen and the people she has taken into her bosom. In response, I have made a new pact with our true God. From this moment forward, I, along with my brethren here today in Heber and Salt Lake City, pledge to teach kindness and compassion as Lucifer has instructed us.

"Falling to my knees, I begged for forgiveness, and in a moment of grace, he enveloped me in his arms. The shocking revelation came when he disclosed that the Holy Queen and several members from "The Nine's" had all tragically perished or will parish by his hand. Through his teachings, we have come to understand that hate, greed, and cruelty are detrimental to society.

"We will become the most powerful church on the earth. Members will flock to us; we'll be blessed with riches unlike we have never seen. We will have power at our fingertips. The unworthy will be struck down and broken and be made whole once more in his eyes. Those that teach cruelty and hate will be set upon by is almighty angel Mormo and their destruction will obliterate them. For he is kind and understanding. His scriptures explicitly mention the need for us to exhibit compassion and love towards our fellow human beings. Instead of promoting hate and cruelty, like our fallen Queen and her followers, we should strive for love and kindness.

"He does not want us murdering and enslaving the wicked. He does not want us murdering our children just so we can give thanks to him by giving him your own flesh and blood. I have come today. As a broken man, I have been remade by his love and understanding. I have and my brethren of the remaining Nines and High Judge Randle Grays and his two inquisitors come before you to teach you and show unto the blessings our God Lucifer has brought to us, this very day. This is only a small sample. As I have said, we have all made a new pact with our God; those old ways will be abolished and remade anew."

The High Bishop made a motion, signaling his honor guard to step forward. He instructed them to open two large chests, which he had taken from their safes. The chests were filled with gold, silver, gems and stacks of money. As everyone's eyes beheld the treasures, they couldn't help but envision the wealth they would soon possess. It had been announced after the services that each person would receive an equal share for their commitment to the new laws and rituals. Whether they had been bribed or sought change, it mattered little to us which God they prayed to, as long as the senseless killing ceased. Our intention was clear - we aimed to show those who continued to practice the old ways that we would not hesitate to confront them.

We allowed everyone to walk up, feel, and see that it was real. But not take until after the services. Giving them one last chance to run, we hoped that many of them would so we could flush them out. It was our goal to show them the riches they could earn by dissolving the old practices, stating that this was a small sample from their so-called God for conforming to his new ways.

I was certain that if my mother were to lay her eyes on the immense quantity of gold, jewels, and money displayed before her, she would without hesitation drop to her knees and desperately plead for it, even if it meant selling her own soul, regardless of the consequences. I pictured her taking one of these chests and showering herself in it and I could even picture her rolling inside the High Bishops safe with all that cold hard cash and knowing she would spend it all on herself and my sisters.

Not one penny of it would go towards bringing her family out of debt or making sure each of us had an excellent education. My father didn't work three jobs for his health. By engaging in such actions, he aimed to facilitate my mother's excessive spending habits, all the while finding a reason to keep himself away from her, as well as from me and my brother Aaron. It was a win-win situation because he was too busy to come home, and it meant that he couldn't lay a hand on me or my brother anymore.

The moment everyone regained their seats the chests were set to the side and left open but well guarded. We knew it was a distraction. We knew the moment they retook their seats that some of our members would leave to go to their informants and report on what had taken place. We wanted that to happen; we hoped it would happen. Tony's team would be the ones watching and listening to see who they went to and follow the line of communications.

My job was to sit and watch, nothing more. I was nothing more than useless like Jared. Ones that asked why I and my husband were here instead of our honeymoon, we told them. We would be leaving tonight, and we were told our God wanted us to be here to feel his divine spirit. I said jokingly. "My two wives and husband promised me an entire week of nothing but straight sex if I came."

They all laughed as they clapped me on the back as I felt and saw all their evilness; making a note of that person as I snapped a picture from my wheelchair. It wouldn't be as good as the ones in my first-class one, but then again, the place was crawling with cameras; the Queens and ours. The thing is it wasn't really a lie. I knew without a doubt there would be endless sex and stimulation. I questioned if my penis would fall off.

I did my best to remain calm as the lamb was slaughtered and thrown into the fire as its blood was drained and painted on each of the Benson family with more symbols I didn't recognize. It was nothing like the wedding ritual being drenched in it or the baptism that my impostor went through. It was just blood drawing on naked bodies and fire burning over their heads and a minor cut on the palm of their hands. Even the ink tattoo was nothing more than an ink stamp like mine as it was being burned on or looked like it was burned on each of their wrists. It was all fake.

I couldn't wait to take Eli and the girls to a real LDS church service, knowing they had never really been too one. Next Sunday Dad had promised that HB and HJ and Kingston were all going to church with us. It was unclear if I would be back by then, considering Dad did promise my mother a whole week. And the HB had already stated that Heber school wasn't expecting me until the following week. To give me plenty of time to finish my homework and the term at American Fork.

It was like a feeding frenzy as each of the members wanted their share of the golden goose. Plus, they got a good look to who "The Nine's" were and the judges that we had bribed as they handed out their share of the profits knowing they would get it returned tenfold either by our backers or the members themselves or the fallen Queen and her people.

Each person got an equal share, at least the ones that were willing or say they were willing to rededicate themselves to the church. We knew the moment they collected their fair share they would betray us. We knew they would from the start. Despite this, it remained the sole strategy in our repertoire to uncover all the details and gain their contact details. So, once again, the plan was simple.