Chapter 4-1 Book 8

Chapter 4-1

The Honeymoon

Part 2

Eli ran the tub and prepared the grooming tools we would need and then choosing the bubble bath and skin softeners. Upon hearing a knock on the door, it was our two wives who were eager to join us. Eli, being the accommodating person he was, gladly agreed and informed us he was in the middle of preparing a tub for our enjoyment. I said they could watch. Eli and I were teaching them the game called tag. The girls were bouncing with excitement and said they wanted to join us. I said fine and let them in.

We had told the Benson's not to go any further with the preparing ritual during dinner. Because we wanted to teach them the correct and gentler way of the coring process where it would be painless and far more enjoyable, but everything else they were more than welcome to do. With any of my mermaid friends, who were more than willing to join them, as well as the three sons of the High Bishops.

Mr. Benson and the boys promised they would rather wait for us before the coring phase. Now that they clearly understand each phase, they express their desire to fully immerse themselves in the entire experience. The fact that they were willingly engaged in this activity, with no external pressure, was even more surprising, particularly because they come from a family that has never been exposed to nudity in any way. On the other hand, despite being in the company of devil worshipers, they had been comfortable being naked around each other for extended periods of time.

Even their sons were in front of five very beautiful mermaids, kissing and taking each other's clothes off and having sex as they bathed with them. Even for me, that was a new record, remembering my first time as a nudist living in a real live nudist colony where it was far different from going skinny dipping with your family and friends or running around the house naked.

As I turned my attention back to Randal and Ken, I observed them fully engrossed in their kissing session. Witnessing Randal's realization that kissing a boy could be equally pleasurable as kissing a girl was heartwarming and emphasized the nuances between the two experiences, which brought joy to our hearts. The time required was relatively short because both of them have previously kissed girls and have been married several times, which has given them the ability to differentiate.

In fact, Randle was still married and was very much still in love with his first wife Lucy, and had six boys and three girls. All roughly the same age as my brothers and me. He only been married three times and only had one husband, who was a member of "The Nine" here in Salt Lake City, who was very interested in this new concept of love and compassion and the new Preparing Ritual.

As he has a family of five boys, it is significant to him that three of them are at the point of being granted permission to join the "Preparing Ritual." Fueled by an unwavering determination, he dedicated himself to the noble cause of shielding his three boys from the very hardships that had plagued his own life. His deep appreciation for this stemmed from the fact that his two sons had already confronted those obstacles less than two years prior. Rather than being a memorable moment for any of them, it turned out to be the most dreadful experience he had ever encountered, and he was determined not to repeat it. Eli's special moment was truly extraordinary, and he couldn't recall any other moment in his life that compared to it. Not only did his father play a significant role in it, but his friend Ken, who happened to be one of the High Bishops' sons, was also there to make it even more special. Well, that was true, until I came along a ruined that idea completely.

It was the same with most of the members of "The Nines" and most of the members here in the church. Complaining often that wish there was a better, gentler way other than the painful method the fallen Queen had put in place. They have often asserted that love and compassion are unnecessary, advocating for a swift, brutal approach that inflicts pain until numbness. If they wanted something soft and cuddly, then they have joined the wrong church. Life is hard and there are no places for love, no place for soft and cuddly.

That their God Lucifer wants hard people and discipline, not people who are soft and afraid of pain and hardship; that is the way it is or was the only true church because the other churches are soft and cuddly which wasn't what their true god wanted she had claimed. Yet she cannot recognize that because of her methods, they have few members, and members that do not know what love is or are unable to show compassion. Which in turn causes hate, fear, and cruelty which causes disloyalty and disobedience. If my father, Jim, joined this church, I felt certain he'd find a welcoming and familiar atmosphere. Knowing how he likes to inflict pain and cruelty, he feel right at home among these monsters.

With that in mind, she has cut off her nose and seen to it that she has just proved that she is not the favorite horse to run the race. Other members have seen her as a cold-hearted bitch. The Ice Queen, not unlike my sister Susan the miniature version of the Ice Queen, sitting on a pile of cold gold coins for her only warmth. So now that people have been given a choice. Follow the Queen and kill or be killed, as she sleeps with one eye open fearing that her people are going to kill her, now that they have been given a choice.

Eli said. "Ok, now that we have gotten that out of the way are we ready to play my game called four-man tag? The rules are easy, no one is allowed to take anything off unless the other person takes it off and plays follow the leader. As you encounter another individual, you imitate their actions until they complete their tasks. Afterward, the person in front of you moves to the next step in the game, and then it is your signal to turn around and mimic the same actions towards the person you are with, then say "tag. You're it."

For me and Eli, we had played this game with the girls as four people. This would be the first for guys. Then I remembered the girls wanted to play as well, so I had them move into positions. Letting us be the ones to undress them, considering it was our honeymoon and the men and boys weren't allowed to touch them until we said they could.

Eli and I were in the middle so we could start the game; we all started on equal footing, standing in our bare feet and the girls wearing fishnet stockings. The men's heights were nearly identical, with one possibly being slightly taller by an inch, or both of them could have been at least six feet tall. Both Eli and I stand at a height of five feet seven inches. When it came to the kissing part in this game, it made things very easy since we didn't have to stretch or bend over to kiss them, which was how we started when I kissed Randle for the first time. I tried to remember that he was changing his ways, but every time I got close to him, I wanted to rip out his heart.

Then once it passed, and I saw the love he had for his family, it gave me something to build on. I knew it was the ring that was showing me these things, but I didn't dare take it off. Unless I could guarantee I was safe. Instead, I linked with Eli and the girls just so I could feel their love for me, asking them if they felt and seeing what I was seeing. As they each told me, yes, but the feeling was somehow muted, compared to me because I hadn't been raised inside their church.

I took off the ring, anyway, trusting in the fact I was completely safe, and I felt the feeling leave me. It made me dizzy as I placed the ring inside my pocket, wanting to try an experiment. I trusted them, their blood oaths to my adoptive parents fresh in my mind, and with Tony standing guard just outside the door, ready to intervene if necessary.

I quickly unbuttoned his shirt while I kissed him and allowed him to lift my shirt over my head and brought him closer to kiss him. He was unsure what to do with his hands as I watched him watch Eli and Ken. I smiled as he put his arms around me once Rhoda had removed his shirt, tossing it near the wall with Eli's and Kens. Slowly, I moved myself closer to him, carefully tracing my tongue down his chest while avoiding getting any of his hair in my mouth. I smiled when he moaned and Rhoda moved her hands to his shoulders and kissed and licked his back, telling me she was looking forward to shaving his back, and picking the hair out of her mouth.

Once I had toyed with each of his nipples, hearing him gasp as I made my way back to his mouth said. "Tag, you're it." Reminding him of one article of clothing per turn. He quickly repeated it, having to remind him this wasn't a race, giving him a chance to have seconds, noticing Eli was waiting for his turn. I moved to trading places with Eli as the girls traded places as well. It was my turn to kiss HB Ken and pleasure him as I had done with his friend HJ Randle.

After each of us had our turn, Eli and I allowed the men to have a turn with each other while we proceeded to undress our wives. Being as they were neutral, unable or allowed to be in the middle. Like me … Ken told Randle he was looking forward to shaving his rug on his chest, realizing that we had forgotten that part of the game regarding grooming. He faltered as he noticed that his friend Ken didn't have any hair on his chest and was questioning why he tasted like sandpaper and ours were nice and smooth as a baby's bottom.

With a sense of urgency, we hastened our steps while my hands gently cupped Rhoda's breasts, my tongue playfully tracing the curves of those captivating peaks. Despite my reluctance to remove her bra, the desire to expose her plump, round, and enticing breasts, reminiscent of tangerines, was overwhelming. These breasts, unequivocally mine, served as a testament to the sacred bond of our marriage. They weren't tan, but stark white, and I couldn't wait for summer to see them all the time, in fact I couldn't wait to be at my mother's house knowing she wouldn't mind if we all ran naked or had sex on the couch or anywhere in the house, which I planned to do often, just to avoid having sex with my mother.

Knowing she most likely hasn't kept herself clean from disease after being with Paul Cranny and after being with my father who gave it to her. In many ways, Paul deserves it. I wasn't exactly sure how I was going to handle him when the time came. Knowing I wanted to cut his penis off for forcing his boys to have sex with him and wasn't to keep them alive, it was because he liked it when he did it with Shawn and Arthur.

Yet what did it say about me and Eli, knowing I had actually felt pleasure for the first time when he did it to me without anything but normal KY Gel and a laxative, I even liked it when the girls did it to me using a fake penis. However, I didn't enjoy it when the Queen's men did it to me quick and dirty. The feeling was far different. Take my word for it. The situation was incredibly dissimilar to what I desired, and it was an experience that I definitely do not want to encounter in the future if I have any say in the matter.

It was soon my turn again with Randle … and this time I quickly removed his belt, stating the belt didn't count as an article of clothing. It was extra like a tie would have been. He was more than fine with that as I undid his pants and let Rhoda take them off and he took mine off; he asked. "Ok, now what? Now that we are down to our boxers?" 

I said. "Follow the leader," and pulled down his boxers down to his ankles. He was about to remove them until I reminded him of one article of clothing at a time.

I kissed him and worked my way down to his nipples again and this time kneeled on my hands and knees and cringed said. "It's all coming off, and that includes your crotch area. Remember that when you taste me like I am going to taste you. I would give you more than a simple sample once we have groomed you." I swiftly caressed him further, focusing on the areas away from his crotch and penis, to avoid the hair. He let out a moan, revealing that his sons nor his wife Lucy have not shown interest in pleasuring him in that manner because of the presence of hair.

Ken turned and said. "One of the very reasons why my boys like mine a lot more is because I have put in the effort to keep it well-groomed and maintained."

In a surprising turn of events, he turned around and showed him what he had discovered. The very moment his friend Randle's gaze fell upon it, a gasp of disbelief involuntarily escaped from his mouth. Eli, standing nearby, couldn't resist commenting on the situation. "Wait your turn," turned him back around and I gave him a quickie, and stood up, pulling up his boxers, and said. "Tag, you're it." He was more than willing to take his turn. He spent as much time or more removing the hair from my penis and scrotum until interrupted, then his buddy Ken took his turn while Eli and I undressed the girls completely. Considering the next round, we boys would be naked and head for the bed where I had an electric razor waiting to shave off the rug on Randle. The girls also prepared themselves, making sure they had each a strapped-on penis and plenty of normal and medicated lubricant, knowing that neither of the men has been with anybody in a very long time. Felt it was only fair if they were going to have sex with us we should be able to have sex with them.

I led Randle over to the bed where I had laid a clean white sheet, so we could begin the grooming process and, when finished, tossing the sheet into the laundry. Each and every one of us had a smile on our faces while he hesitated, anticipating the sight of the electric razor, fully aware that he was about to undergo a shearing like that of a sheep. He asked Ken again. "Are you sure your boys really like it this way?"

Ken laughed said. "We can ask them if you would like, but you have already sampled the two boys and me without it and founded very enjoyable, besides its just hair and does grow back. The question will be if you ever want it too, after this. I personally like being without it. Now lay down like a good boy."

I quickly shaved him while the girls quickly mixed our favorite sex drink and passed it around until we had all drank several glasses after explaining to Randle what it was and feeling himself getting even more hornyier. Saying he really likes it compared to the bottle of pills asking for the recipe. We quickly adjourned to the bath, asking why we weren't having sex yet.

His buddy Ken tells him there is more than just a simple shaving. Now it comes with the sexually stimulating bath which includes the coring stage. His knowledge of the topic had diminished over the years, as he hadn't had much exposure to it since his youthful days. He said. "This wasn't in the brochures of the Preparing Ritual."

We all laughed, and I said. "It will be, trust me. Now stop complaining and acting like a big baby." Eli and I took his feet and Ken, and the girls worked his arms and the portion of the chest they could get to that wasn't underwater. His moans surprised him as we found all his pleasure spots; when only his chest and crotch were left, we boys took over.

Of course, Eli was far more experienced than I was at the coring stage, because he was raised in the church where the church put boys of five or six through the coring stage. Many parents choose to wait until their child is at least seven or eight years old, and in some cases, even older, before they feel comfortable allowing them to have sexual encounters with girls, as they believe the child must have a mature and comprehensive understanding of the experience.

I winced at the thought of knowing that Shawn had done so with his brothers and that included Jonathon at the age of three as a birthday present. Something told me that Crawford was behind it, but I had felt it was more than that. He knew he could get away with it because Mom and Dad didn't think Shawn was capable of raping boys or wanted to believe it. Now they had no choice but to believe it and now they understood that Crawford was the one enforcing the Preparing Ritual.

Now it was my turn to teach the very thing I despised of. Not only I felt that Gloria had won, knowing I had chosen death rather than having sex with boys. Now, here I was, participating in the very thing I had fought against. So how could I justify it for doing it other than wanting to stay alive? I wasn't in any danger now. Now it was simply expected of me to do it. Knowing if I didn't, it could or might lead to my death. For now, I wasn't in fear of my life. The HB and HJ knew everything about me. If that alone got out, there was no question in my mind I would be dead before the day was over; not only me, but for them and my family and friends.

Jeff said for me to let god sort it out. Yet what bothered me the most was when it was done right, I enjoyed it. Yet I still preferred girls over boys, but the fact that I liked it when Rhoda and Jackie did it to me said that Shawn was right it could be just as enjoyable, but unlike them, I really liked having sex with girls. Even though I identified as bisexual and had a balanced level of interest in both genders, it's worth mentioning that my preferences were not only focused on boys. It is crucial for me to highlight that throughout my entire Life; I have consistently conducted myself with the utmost integrity, never partaking in any actions unless all parties involved have given their full consent. I firmly believe the end to in letting God sort it out so such matters.

I kept repeating over and over in my mind what Mom and Dad had taught me. There is nothing wrong with having sex with boys and more so girls. It just means you have a normal balance for both. Just thinking about it made my stomach tie up into knots. Realizing so much has changed since the moment I was raped and tortured by Gloria. I wondered if my decision not to rape Jared would have been different if I had known how pleasurable it could be once I became accustomed to it.

I didn't find any relief or solution by embracing the idea of allowing God to handle it all. Despite this, I couldn't help but view this as a crucial turning point in my life, as it made me start questioning whether my endeavors to save a life that probably held minimal significance were excessive. It could be that my father was indeed correct. He should have killed me the very moment I was born. Looking back to this moment in time, where I had become a monster that was willing to do anything to keep myself, my friends, my family alive. Even if meant that I was about to rape them all and force them to accept the fact that this too was not a bad thing to be doing.

Like I have said I had very few regrets, except for becoming the very monster I had been keeping locked up tight in its cage … in which was now released upon my victims. To let God sort it out, Telling him it was done only to keep the people I love alive, but until then all I see is the monster staring back at me in the mirror, reminding me. I did this, and I enjoyed doing it and having it done to me. Maybe God will sort it out, but I dare not take the chance of letting the monster back out of its cage.

It is better that I die alone. It's better for the world around me not to remember me at all, for I truly am a monster. Monsters don't get happy endings. They don't get to be happy; they do not deserve a happily ever after like they say in all the storybooks.