Chapter 4-2 Book 8

Chapter 4-2

The Honeymoon

Part 3

After revamping the "Preparing Ritual," engaging in passionate sex with our wives, and satisfying our appetite with a delectable hot meal. At first, I thought they would change their minds, but like me, we all knew what was at stake and it was our very lives. People were counting on us to fail, and just as many wanted us to succeed. It was the mere idea of the coring phase I was most concerned about. Ted and his Dad were easy because we had already been through it. Yet they wanted to do it again using the new way of using compassion and love, which I questioned inside of me. I am deeply troubled by the notion that some individuals may believe that engaging in repeated acts of rape can be justified as an expression of love.

This time we didn't use hidden needles as Eli prepared him to use the medicated KY gel and the special medicated laxative that Stringham had his own pharmacist make. I noticed right away the moment Eli placed himself inside of Ted that he didn't scream; he moaned with pure pleasure. Even his own Dad seemed to enjoy it as High Bishop re-prepared him. Yet the genuine test would come when we moved down to his three sons. Henry, Oscar, and Derrick are the youngest Jason, age ten.

It bothered me the most for two reasons. One, we had a live audience, and second, because of how young the boys were that ages were so close to my adoptive brothers and my own brother Aaron. Yet there was very little if anything I could do about it. It was going to happen; there was nothing I could do to prevent it from happening. It didn't help to have their Dad tell them and show them that it doesn't hurt, telling them instead of pain they would feel pleasure. I knew for a fact that my first time wasn't anything close to pleasure. It didn't matter how many times Eli said that I had been prepared the wrong way and that was the reason it wasn't a special moment.

The fact that this kind of rape was considered pleasurable and normal for church members deeply bothered me. To such an extent that they preferred having sex with boys over girls; Love was something that either happened, or it didn't. It was nothing more than an arranged marriage.

Despite the complexity of the situation, I couldn't help but admit that I harbored feelings for Rhoda, Jackie, and Eli. Is it possible that what we felt was love? Who is to say? Despite my initial belief that it was a love greater than any I had experienced or would ever experience, I have come to the realization that if I had to go through it again, I wouldn't make any changes.

I should have never allowed myself to walk away from this. I should have never questioned it. I should have never listened to the world or my so-called relatives around me telling me what I had wasn't love. It was something a lot worse. It was something beyond disgusting and immoral. For that, I should be punished for it. For in their eyes, I was garbage, and should be put out in the cold, cruel world with nothing or nobody to love or be loved. I was better off if I was dead. It didn't matter to them that I was happy, and I had everything I could have ever wanted.

The harsh reality hit me like a cold gust of wind, as if the entire world had shifted before my eyes. The words echoed in my ears, a piercing sound that resonated deep within my soul. The scent of disappointment filled the air, mingling with the bitter taste of regret. The weight of their betrayal settled on my shoulders, pressing down heavily, suffocating my spirit. I could feel the pain, a sharp ache in my chest, as I realized how foolish I had been to trust them - the very ones who were supposed to be my family. They had turned a blind eye to the abuse inflicted upon me and my brother, leaving us to suffer in silence. In that moment, I saw them for who they truly were, devoid of love and acceptance.

Oh, how I longed to defy them, to walk away and leave them behind. But instead, I succumbed to their deceitful words, allowing them to lead me astray. The bitterness of self-blame consumed me, questioning how I could have been so naïve. Their lack of compassion had never shown me any warmth throughout my entire existence, and yet, I fell for their lies.

The moment I prepared Derrick with the help of his Dad; I felt something break inside of me. I didn't see Derrick; instead, I saw Jared and Aaron as I raped them, forcing myself inside them bit by bit even though it was their father, not me. Because I couldn't be seen as capable of doing this without help; not here in the tub where it would require me to stand. The bed was one thing. This was something completely different.

I waited for them to scream or jerk away; we had done away with the tying their hands. Because it would mean we were forcing ourselves on them. We wanted this to be a special moment. I wanted to laugh at the thought as we raped them … just became a special moment. Derrick shivered and moaned instead of screaming in pain as I watched his body relax. I watched the monitors as our captive audience gasped; noting that none of the boys had screamed as they should have.

It was even more impressive that instead of Eli or me doing the first coring it was their own father who was now a new convert. It stated that without a doubt that this was a success. There was no doubt what so ever as the Queen herself watched horrified beyond measure. She had nothing to dispute. Everything was done to ensure that this was not faked. Including a full doctor's examination afterward and before. Stating it was the boy's first time, other than their father and Ted. I am not saying she didn't argue the point, but once their father had done the coring instead of Eli or myself. She had very little ground to say anything, regarding the rules of the preparing ritual.

The boys themselves repeated the process, and their mother and sister followed suit, strapping on a fake penis. This left the Holy fallen Queen speechless as she struggled to find the right words. She believed it must be some kind of trick, considering that every boy she had overseen during this process had screamed in pain when they were being cored for the first time.

To our disbelief, she brought in two boys and proceeded to strip them personally, handling them roughly as she cut off their clothes. The moment they were tied down, they began screaming in agony. She personally performed the coring without using any KY Gel or laxatives, treating the other boy in the same brutal manner. Throughout the ordeal, she repeatedly asserted, "It's a fake. It must be. Look at how they feel nothing but pain."

"The Nines" overruled her and said. "No, we have seen enough. We have looked over all the proof and validated it. The new "Preparing Ritual" is successful. The court and the inquisition will judge and try you for your crimes. If we find you guilty of all crimes, we will put you to death." The monitors went blank one by one as we watched her being taken away in chains.

She said. "Release me!"

They laughed. "Your words no longer work on us my fallen Queen; we have all been shielded by the new Council of Nine." She struggled but lost as she was taken away as the monitor went blank.

The moment it was all over everyone breathed a sigh of relief. The contract that they had signed in blood was burned as it fell into the garbage can smoldering in ashes. I watched the High Judge and High Bishop visibly relax as if a heavy chain had just been removed from their necks. The High Bishop said. "I guess that means you folks will be leaving in the morning as planned." They nodded as they quickly dawned on a warm bathrobe.

I knew we weren't done, not by a long shot. Jeff told me that … reminding me that Mr. Benson was being called to be the new Bishop in Highland, which was one of the reasons why the High Bishop had chosen him. Yet he had one little surprise that would change everything. He and his family had been talking and considering everything that had happened. They had chosen not to take the position of being the Bishop in Highland as planned. Instead, they wanted to join our cause in taking down the Satanic Church once and for all. Eli gasped, and I cringed the moment the words left his lips as Mr. Benson said it to them. And I knew it was my fault.

I had helped corrupt Mr. Benson and his family. I had raped his family and was responsible for ruining a chance to serve as a member of the LDS Church. Jeff disagreed, telling me it wasn't me; we all serve in some way and to let God sort it out. Jeff, at the time, held back something very important in those words.

The High Bishop nodded and shook his hand and said he was more than welcome to join us. He had already returned his money to him as he had done with mine which really belonged to Stringham and his friends as a wonderful gesture. Already the High Bishop was making plans to rebuild his Heber home. In fact, he had made it part of the deal in his package agreement, wanting to build it inside our gated community. I didn't like the idea; in fact, it bothered me because we were allowing murders and rapists inside our little community. Stringham liked the idea and so did the government officials, stating he would be easily watched and suggesting that his buddy and close friend join him. The more I thought about it. The more I hated the idea. But my vote didn't count.

Jeff seemed ok with it even though I wasn't. Telling me that change is the hardest thing to do, not only for the person doing it but also for the people who know them. Which I had to admit was true. I still didn't trust my mother, even though she had proven that she had changed. There was still a chance that she would revert to her old ways.

Stringham had purchased close to over 3000 acres of land. To me, it was more like our own private community or large prison with walls all around us and guards posted to keep us in. He had also planned to build a fortified bomb shelter. On the mountain's side, just thinking about it gave me claustrophobia, but his fear was realistic with our lives in constant danger. True it would have been easier to not get involved, but every time I thought about that boy dying in front of us and that grandfather being killed by his own granddaughter and all the people that have been raped and killed or sacrificed by the Satanic Church we were taking down. I couldn't live with myself, knowing I did nothing to stop it. My own sacrifice would mean nothing.

Even though Eli and I promised to stay until Wednesday with the High Bishop, our plans changed the moment that Mr. Benson mentioned that he would be joining our cause and moving to Heber. Stringham had arranged for an architect to meet with them. Money had the ability to move mountains. Within two months, or three at the most, their new homes would be ready to move in. I didn't think it was possible to build anything that fast, but I was wrong. Even our little street was being dug up and would be paved by the time I would return from visiting my mother.

Dad and Stringham made sure Eli and I as well as the girls had everything we needed to finish strong at our various schools before we transferred to Heber High. That included my new name Nate Carrion, and proof that we were married. Nobody could dispute a legalized married certificate, and all the documentation to cover our cover story. At the time, I was unaware of the exact methods employed by Stringham and his team, except for the fact that the government was involved. It was treated as a highly classified operation, with only those who absolutely needed to know being informed. When people questioned how Eric Rothwell became Nate Carrion or the entire Rothwell family except for Shawn and Arthur had first and last names changed, it was stated it was under the witness protection agency. Which was true mostly. We were using it to cover up our true identity.

We had also learned … that Eli's Dad was also being placed in witness protection and was also moving into our little gated community. Again, I was upset those authorities allowed rapists and murderers the chance to become model citizens. But it wasn't completely unheard of, knowing many criminals are hiding out across the United States so they can help take down their organizations, or wait to testify against them. Many of them will never see the inside of a prison.

We would be observing them as they must follow the rules. If they fail to comply, they will see the inside of a prison. It is worth noting that living with me feels like being in a prison already. This is due to the presence of hired guards, most of whom are from the US Military and disguised as private security personnel. People can observe them carrying rifles up and down our road and along the property boundaries. Additionally, they serve as honor guards for the High Bishop, High Judge, and our two Kingston inquisitors, who are also moving in with us as part of the package.

With everything changing it was decided that Eli and I as well as our wives would be driven to the Cranny's house sometime Tuesday afternoon after Tony and his team had gone over the home and the area with a fine-tooth comb and my mother's house, and were in charge of removing all the cameras. The government stated it was an invasion of privacy. Stringham and Dad argued that they would feel safer having them there, but were denied unless they had a good reason.

I knew the reason, but it had nothing to do with the Satanic Church. It was more of a personal reason regarding wanting to catch Paul in the act of having sex with his two boys. Yet no one dared say anything because it would mean they had a problem of letting it happen at all. While undercover as a member of the Satanic Church, I realized it was too late to back out now. The government was fully aware of this fact. It was just something they turned a blind eye to. One of the reasons for this was because at the time it wasn't really a crime. It was new and disputed and still un-clarified unlike it is now.

Although it wasn't legally recognized as forced rape, it is important to note that Gloria raped me, even during our initial encounter, which was not consensual. While there was an element of consent involved, the situation was mostly hindered by its placement within a morally ambiguous gray area. It was only because I allowed her to do so and my adoptive parents also gave their permission, even though they were in the same predicament as me, that this event was able to happen. It was still under the law of consensus. Stated that the tape showed me and Dad agreeing to the contract to be tested in any way she felt that was necessary. The fact she didn't kill me said she had kept her word. The fact she lied and the fact she held us all prisoner meant nothing.

The only thing that stuck was child endangerment and child abuse charges and attempting murder, which meant she would be locked up until she was old and gray or dead. She did die before she was put on trial. They had found her hanging inside her room at the mental hospital. No one cried a tear. No one cried a tear when we heard the Queen was dead and all the men she had ordered to disobey a direct order by "The Nines" and the High Bishop and High Judge. It made me nauseous seeing her head inside a glass box to prove to us that justice had been served.

Not even the government was willing to act regarding who killed her. One of the many reasons they didn't care about the fact she was killed by her own people just seemed so unimportant when she had raped and killed hundreds. Dead was dead, and with her out of the picture. It meant that a new queen would take her place. The question wasn't who would because it has already been made. "The Nine's unanimously voted, and I knew it had to do with money and power.

They would put Dora in her place. The fact she was a white witch seemed not to matter when money was involved. The rules were being changed and modified to prevent another mistake like that from ever happening. Yet what they didn't know was Dora was as much as part of the plan to take down the church from the inside as a spy as a trader to her people she governed. The saying goes out with the old and in with the new.

The question is, will the power corrupt her and turn her from white witch to black witch? Time would tell, but what I did know and what wasn't really a surprise to any of us was that the High Bishop did the only thing that I agreed … with that didn't bother me, and was a smart move on his part which was deciding to marry her. After all, she was pregnant with his child, something the old evil, now dead Queen didn't know. Not only was it a powerful move inside the church. He did it out of love. She had been an exemplary mother to his three boys, the only three that meant the world to him, and now one on the way.

There was one little secret that the Satanic Church didn't know. He married her in the LDS Church, and, within a year of their marriage, he and his three boys were baptized there. He and his wife also renewed their marriage vows in the Satanic Church. It was the hottest topic since hot sliced bread with melted butter and jam.