Chapter 6 Book 8

Chapter 6

There Goes The Neighborhood

My adoptive parents were right. It was a madhouse with everyone here. Normally, we could have set a table outside on the open patio or in the backyard of my mother's house. But instead, even though I didn't like the idea the only room big enough was the basement because it was too cold outside and there was a wood-burning stove for heat. Tony had borrowed a couple of tables and some chairs from the LDS church house. He didn't go to my father to get them knowing he would have refused. Instead, he went through Bishop Earl and got the key from him. When he was making sure the house was secure, and I wouldn't be in any danger other than tangling with my father and Susan.

It also meant that it required two kitchens to prepare food for all of us, including Bishop Earl's family and some more of my friends, which only made my father even happier, and not in a good way. He didn't join us, and neither did Susan. Instead, they quickly filled a plate and ate it alone upstairs in the kitchen set for two. Becky, on the other hand, decided that she wanted to eat with us, stating that there was a rift between Susan and my father.

I knew it was my fault, well … mostly, considering he blames me for everything, regardless of whether if it was my fault or my brother Aaron's fault, and I could add my mother too to that list. Yet that wasn't the only reason Becky wanted to eat with us or even mingle with my friends. As she ogled my friends who were boys, hoping she could talk them into having sex with her. As if my father would let that happen or my friends. They were polite enough, but none of them wanted what she wanted, yet like my mother, she didn't care who they were. If it had a penis, they both wanted it.

Aaron was more than happy to have me home, and my mother shared the same sentiment. She enjoyed the freedom from housework and the readily available sex, not just with me, but with my friends as well; it was a major perk of having me around. Another reason was that while I was home, she didn't have to worry about me being involved with the Satanic Church.

Aaron appreciated having me at home because it meant we could finally spend time together, like we used to, although those moments were few and far between. This was mainly due to my father's intense hatred towards me. In fact, he wished for both of us to be gone or, better yet, dead and forgotten.

The feeling of animosity between us was mutual, and my mother remained unaware of the news regarding Bishop Earl. He mentioned that he would be released in a couple of months from his position as Bishop and was planning to sell his house and move to Heber. He hoped that by doing so, he and his family could help bring down the Satanic Church. My mother gasped, and I pretended to be surprised because I knew about him being released soon, but I was told it would be in the spring of next year not two months from now. Yet I was unaware of his plans about joining us or even moving to Heber. I quickly said, asking him if he was aware of what that meant. He nodded and said. "Yes, he and his family were aware of what that means."

I cringed and looked over at my friend Greg and his two brothers Chad and Tim. Greg said. "Dad told us everything, and we decided that we couldn't stand by and do nothing. Who is to say they are already trying to get a foothold here? Not more than four months ago, someone vandalized the church, covering the walls of the upstairs classrooms with satanic symbols. The same symbols that were painted up at our favorite campground and the same place in Highland and other small towns like this; it was no shock to learn on the news that their church has been taking over many neighborhoods like this one. So yeah, we want to help out if we can in stopping it from taking over the world."

They all agreed, and I felt a cold shiver go down my back. Realizing perhaps Jeff was right that our sacrifice actually would make a difference. It was the other I had the biggest problem with, and I didn't dare bring it up with my father being so close to overhear it; giving him something else to hang over my head. Mom gave me a look that said not to even talk about it, she said. "Bishop Earl I am a little shocked, but why do you think you and your family can make a difference?"

He said. "If we don't take action, Linda, then who else will step up?" The war against humanity is brutal; the stench of death hangs heavy in the air, a constant reminder of the devastation. I want to have the courage to stand before our Father in heaven and say that I took action instead of sitting on my fat ass, doing nothing. While your son, along with his family and friends, put their lives at risk of safeguarding our freedoms. It may not involve weapons and armies, but it's a spiritual war nonetheless, a battle for one's soul. In their twisted beliefs, they justify committing atrocities such as raping and killing innocent children as offerings to their evil god. My family and I could not stand by and not help them. I may not be a Bishop any longer. It doesn't mean I have the right to walk away and let them take over the world when our family can help stop them.

"I am not the only one that feels that way, but if no one does something about it. I hate to think that every person I meet and shake hands with here in Santaquin is a devil reincarnated. Finding out he or she is responsible for killing my friends. As you know, if it wasn't for your son and his husband Eli and their wives we could have all died. I know what they have been through. I know everything and if I ignore the fact, they saved my family's life.

"I do not think I could live with myself for doing nothing when I have the resources to help. One can remedy pain … but not death. Money is nothing more than paper. It is what you do with it that matters. God helps those that help themselves. He will do nothing for those that could have done something. My boys may not be able to serve an LDS mission. But they can serve God by helping save the world from this nightmare that is coming. That is why we have decided to move to Heber because that's where we are needed the most."

My father, Jim, came into the room leaning against the wall; when we noticed him, I was glad no one mentioned anything about things that Eli and I have been going through, knowing it would feed his ego. A rare smile stretched across his face, a chilling sight given his usual grim and cruel demeanor; it hinted at something unpleasant about to unfold. "So, Bishop," he said almost to giddy, "it seems my prayers have been answered at last. I wish I could say I am sorry to hear that you are leaving the church, and moving your entire immoral, disgusting family out of my fine town. Perhaps we can finally have a decent Bishop and fix the damage you have done here."

Bishop Earl leaned back in his chair and wiping his mouth with a napkin. He smiled. "Oh, Jim. You think just because I am leaving that the next Bishop will be on your side. I happen to know for a fact that he too will be your worst nightmare. I tell you who it will be, but I have taken an oath not to divulge that information. But I can tell you this: he is aware of you, and he knows everything about what you have done.

"Right now, he is praying for your soul even though he knows that most likely that you don't have one, and most likely have sold it long ago to the very devil himself. He'll be watching you with great interest and making sure that if you even think about hurting your sons ever again. You'll be on your knees begging forgiveness; you too, Susan," he said, seeing her peeking around the corner of the stairs. She gasped, wondering how he could see her cowering as she was listening in on our conversation.

She quickly came to stand by my father and crossed her arms and before she could say something Bishop Earl said. "Your mother said you are looking for a job to help pay for the clothes you and your father ruined. Had said that because you are fifteen, you don't think anyone will hire you. Well, I am going to give you the opportunity of a lifetime. I know some mothers who could use your help to tend kids and provide meals to our elderly who can no longer do it."

Aaron and I groaned at the very thought of her cooking anything that wasn't burnt and tasted worse than horse dung. Aaron said before I did. "Bishop, I wouldn't allow her near a stove, if was you, knowing she would most likely burn anything or poison the very food, or hoping she did to put you out of your misery, from either the smell or the very taste of it." I reached over, giving him a brotherly fist bump, and my friends did the same, stating clearly they agreed with that statement.

Susan gave a hard stare that said we would all pay for that. I winced, knowing that she would find a way to pay us back for embarrassing her for it. She was about to lunge for us, but my father stopped her in the nick of time and said "Goddam it! You think you can cook any better! Then do it, your fucking self! Or get the fuck out of my Goddamn house and take these fucking whores and prostitutes with you!

Bishop Earl tisked and chimed in, saying, "Jim, how many times have I told you about your tongue? Now, I must say, I agree with these boys here. It's true that she is not a good cook, and it could be disastrous if she went near a stove. However, rest assured that she won't be cooking. Instead, she'll be assisting in the kitchen by washing the dishes and sweeping the floors. She won't be touching the food, as we all know that both you, sir, and she would most likely end up poisoning it or rendering it inedible."

" However, you would be helping yourself as well as helping pay back the money that is going to cost to replace the clothes you ruined. I'll send someone up to pick you up around eight every day this week and bring you home at 2 pm then after school until you have earned the money to replace them. I am even going to take the other half out of your father's paycheck.

"Not to worry, Jim, about your bills that you need to keep a roof over your family's head, or the groceries. I'll take care of those so you can pay back the money I am going to give your son to replace the clothes. I have arranged a storage unit where all his things will be placed for safekeeping while he is not living here to prevent you from doing this ever again, including most of his bedroom furniture like his mattress and bedding. We will keep the room always locked, and we will install an alarm and a hidden camera on the door to prevent you or anyone else from breaking in and vandalizing it again. Like you did. Knowing your wife would be away from home today to bring her son home and his friends.

"You can explain it to the Santaquin Police Department why you are trespassing when you have no reason to be inside that room. I will also charge the cost of having it installed. For now, on, that room will be considered private property to you. Personally, I think your daughter Becky should give up her room and move into that one or your daughter Susan, but because he hates basements because of what you and your wife did to him in my church basement. I'll leave that decision up to you."

Susan and Becky gasped and cringed, but my father shook his head and said. "No, I am not giving him a single fucking dime or having my daughters live in a broom closet. You have no right to make those decisions, or the right to garnish my wages."

Bishop Earl steepled his fingers and said. "Actually, I have every right to garnish your wages. Considering I am the one that signs your check every two weeks as Bishop and as your employer. If you remember right, I was the one who gave you that increase so you wouldn't have to work three jobs to support your family. You only really need the one job with my help, or I should say the church's help. Yet you and your wife have this mentality that you have all the money in the world as if it grows on trees. Unless you are telling me you no longer need my help or the church's help and can manage on your own. Please tell me, so I can put the money to better use."

My father was silent, and my mother said. "No Bishop, it is not necessary. I promise to do better in the future."

He said. "I'll hold you to it, Linda. Now I must leave, I have an early business meeting in the morning, My wife will be around nine to pick up your son and you to go shopping. Until then, I brought some of his clothes he can wear so he'll have something to change into." Mom reminded him that she needed to be down at Tischner at nine to get the car taken care of. He nodded and said. "In that case, after you get it squared away, drive over and pick up my wife.

"She'll be the one paying for the clothes. That way we won't have to break your son's piggy bank. I have made arrangements with the insurance company to insure the car, giving you a fairly good discount, and have agreed to pay half of it until you can afford it. I even told them to add your son to the policy with the agreement that he gets his license by the end of the school year using a learner's permit until then, which means he must have you in the car or someone who has a license if he decides to leave town or go further than Payson. It helps to have friends as I was saying that are willing to help out when I need a favor."

He got up to leave, and Greg said. "I'll grab our sleeping bags from the car, Dad."

My father growled angrily said. "Just great. More people I can't stand!"

Mom said. "The more the merrier."

Susan said. "I am still not giving up my room."

Greg's sister Cindy said. "We didn't ask you too, now, did we? I plan to sleep with the girls in Becky's room considering Eric's room is kind of small."

My father looked at Becky, and Mom said. "She decided that she and Jeanie are sleeping on the couch upstairs."

My father said. "Oh, God no! There is no way I am spending another night in bed with you."

Mom said. "Oh Jim, I really enjoyed our night at the hotel. We had the best sex together in years."

My father growled. "I call it torture, and for your information, I didn't enjoy a single minute of it. If I recall, I had no choice being tied up and drugged as you pounced your fat ass on top of me, bruising every muscle in my body. I should sue you for damage you did to me and call the cops telling them you raped me; yet because you are immoral friends and are the ones that tied me up and drugged me. I very much doubt they would even file a police report. So, my only choice is to sleep on the couch to make damn sure that my daughters are not being raped by these sexual predators. 

"I would stop them even sleeping together inside his room if I could, but what good would it do? He already got one girl pregnant with his bastard child. And his gay friends would only spread their filth if I let them leave the room. So, I'll be sleeping with one eye open and making sure their filth doesn't leave the room. Since you intend to make my life a living hell while they are here. But if I catch one person running around this house naked, I am calling the cops."

My mother yawned. "Why call them dear when you know for a fact they'll be right outside our house?"

He said. "Because I can … goddamn it! And just maybe someone down in that police station will help me put a stop to it now that Kenly's have moved out of my goddamn town." Dad jumped when Officer Knox came down the stairs. "Oh, hell no!" My father said. "This gets better and better! What the hell do you want?"

He said. "Just a routine check and to let your wife and son know that I am just outside if they need me, mind if I fix me and my partner a plate ma'am?"

My mother said." No, go right ahead, there's plenty … you were saying, dear?"

My father growled. "Never mind, it seems no matter what I do you, god, damn people intend to ruin this neighborhood."

Susan said, "Well I am going to go right to bed and lock my door, so I won't have to see them, it's bad enough just knowing they are spending the night in our house." Mom reminded her that she had to get up early for work.

Susan growled. "Hell no! I am not going!"

Mom said. "Oh yes, you are, because I made a promise that you would. So, you can learn that what you did was wrong, and that's final."

My father said. "No, she won't because she'll be going with me in the morning. I don't trust that man with my daughter. He gives me the creeps, and I don't want him anywhere near my daughter. In fact, I am taking them both with me, so I know they will be safe from being raped."

Becky said. "No Dad, I refuse to go. I am not going to sit on the couch reading a book. When I can be with my friends, Susan is more than welcome to sit and read all she wants. In fact, I might just go shopping with them."

My father growled and said. "Fine! I am only doing what's best. If you get pregnant, don't come bawling to me!"

Becky said. "Oh, no chance of that considering you already know there isn't much of a chance as pigs growing wings. I am defective remember?"

He said, "Yes, I know the chances are slim, but that doesn't mean it couldn't happen. I still think if you stay away from boys like your sister has you can marry a nice young missionary and get married in the temple. God will give you children."

Susan laughed. "Yeah, right? Considering she's a whore, that has slept with every boy in this town. Somehow, I don't think that's going to happen?"

Becky screamed. "You're not a virgin either, sis! It's not my fault that the only boys that are willing to have sex with you are the ones that require money upfront!"

Susan reached over and slapped her across the face. "Liar! I have never had sex! I am still a virgin and Dad knows it!"

Greg said, picking up the plates. "Well, that's a load of crap, considering I know for a fact every boy you have had sex with. Hell, they all call you the Ice Queen because you are cold in between your legs, so cold they are afraid their penises would get frostbite." Susan burst into fake tears and ran into her room.

My father said, "And this is coming from the Bishop's son who would know all about having sex, considering he is gay."

Greg smiled. "It's true Mr. Shepherd I do like a good penis. In fact, we all here like a good penis but that doesn't mean I am gay. Considering I also like having sex with lots of girls, but I wouldn't even go near Susan if she was the last girl on the planet. I am not that stupid to get frostbite." My father took a swing at him only to miss as his fist hit the wall. He swore to see the hole he just made.

Greg said. "Ouch, that must have hurt. You should know I have been working out so people like you can't hurt me like you did with my best friend. Try it again and I'll beat the crap out of you, then go outside and yell rape."

My father growled and reached for his belt. My mother stopped him and picked up the phone and said. "Go ahead, Jim. I have the police on speed dial."

He let go and said. "I'll kill you and any boy that goes near my daughters."

Greg said. "Not a problem, considering none of us even like your daughters, more so Susan. When we can have any girl, we want that doesn't give us frostbite."