Chapter 6-2 Book 8

Chapter 6-2

There Goes The Neighborhood

Part 2

As usual, my sisters didn't help clean up after dinner, not that we needed any help with all my Santaquin friends here and my mermaid friends. My father too made no attempt to help as he watched and glared at us. I knew it bothered him seeing my friends running around the house barefoot regarding the boys. The girls he didn't care so much about were the guys he had a problem with. And with the cops outside and Tony's team walking the streets as well, he didn't dare say one word, or dare to challenge me or my friends into a fight … mostly? He knew if he did, he'd be spending this entire week in a jail cell where he couldn't keep his eyes on Susan and Becky.

I don't know why he still believed that they were sweet and innocent; it didn't matter how many times he had been told Susan and more, so Becky had lost their virginity a long time ago. Susan sooner than Becky maybe by a few months. Either way, the cat was out of the bag, and he still believed that they were still innocent as the driven snow. It was no contest regarding me; he knew without a doubt I wasn't innocent; he knew I had sex multiple times with many girls. Nor did Mom and I or my friends hide the fact. Yet what I had been told by my grandmother and my mother … My father too wasn't as innocent when it comes to sex.

My mother would tell me about their times in the backseat of his car, parked behind an LDS church building. According to her, he would make her howl like a wolf in heat. It was difficult for me to believe this, especially considering his behavior when he was around me. Despite witnessing the girls I had with me, he never seemed to show any interest or excitement. He never even foamed at the mouth when they exposed their nice tender skin and plump breasts, as I tasted them. It was ironic how he would shout at me for being immoral when he himself had been with many girls when he was my age, so I had been told.

Yet when reminded of that, he denied everything; my mother and my grandmother would say. 'Your four children had to come from somewhere. It isn't like you went to the store and took them off the shelf.' My father would blush, and growl angrily, and quickly make an exit.

Normally, most kids would go yew gross when their parents had sex or started kissing each other. I never had that problem, mostly because my biological parents seldom if ever kissed in front of us or announced to the world they were having sex. In some ways, they were not my actual parents, considering they didn't raise me. My many foster parents were actually my actual parents.

And besides, my parents didn't share a bed anymore with my father always sleeping on the couch rather than in the same bed as my mother, which started the moment my mother turned over a new leaf and stopped becoming the abuser and became a mother instead. Not a perfect mother by any definition, but she still had her bad habits that would crop up from time to time. But she never laid a hand on me ever again when she changed. Instead, she grew distant, later on in life, mostly because of Susan and my father … with me and Aaron out of the picture. Susan and Becky became center stage until Becky too was pushed out of the picture so Susan could take total control and insisted on being the only child, well the one that mattered.

With my father home, to ensure no one wandered the house, he insisted they either slept in my room or Becky's room since she was more than willing to give up her room. No one was allowed to sleep downstairs in the basement other than Susan and Aaron, whose doors would be locked and checked often to make sure they remained inside their rooms. Nobody was allowed to come out of the rooms unless they were completely dressed to use the bathroom.

Yet my mother overruled him, telling him this was her house, not his, and these were her guests. If he didn't like it, he could leave and spend his nights down at the church house on a cot he had stored in his little hideaway up on the upper floor which was the storage room and also one of the hottest rooms in the building during the summer because it had no windows and being so close to the roof; either way, Susan and Becky would remain here. And because of that, he slept on the couch with one eye open and remained alert the moment someone walked down the hallway to use the bathroom or get a drink of water. Wearing nothing but a robe of some kind, going against his wishes regarding being fully dressed. Which was stupid, considering people seldom slept fully dressed.

However, we did our best not to anger the monster that was watching us, but neither did we go out of our way to please him. In fact, we disregarded the rules altogether by going naked on purpose. To the point, that he pounded on my mother's door and fetched Susan, and took them down to the church with him. Well, until Becky refused to go with him which made him even madder, said she was going with us when we went shopping. And now that my mother had a car again, he made her take them down to the church house. He didn't care if it was four in the morning, and he didn't have to be at work until eight. He wasn't about to spend any more time than he had to at home with people who flaunted themselves down the hall in less than a robe to get a drink of water.

It wasn't my problem that he was being an ass; I had my own problems to deal with. Mostly, it was keeping promises that I had made regarding Robert and Michael. My father just complicated things, making it so we didn't have an inch of space to move inside my room. It was mostly for one night, and mostly it was because of how small my mother's house was with everyone sharing a tiny closet type of bathroom. My adoptive parents had given my mother a deal of a lifetime.

To make up for what happened last weekend when she lost three days because the Satanic Church ruined a perfectly good weekend. Where I should have been spending time with her and my Santaquin friends and my mermaid friends. Instead, they gave her two entire weeks for this visit, rather than spending the rest of the week with her and returning Sunday night. Mostly it was because the new term in Heber wouldn't start until then and the term at American Fork ended a week apart, so they gave her the extra days as long as I finished all my homework to end the term strong.

It wouldn't be perfect because this was the only week all my friends had off from school, but life was never perfect. We had all decided to have one big slumber party the first night. Then afterward Eli and I and our wives would go house to house, bringing my mermaid friends with me until their parents picked them up on Friday. So, it wouldn't be a constant madhouse, and everyone would all get a chance to visit with me and my mermaids individually.

My mother was more than happy with the deal, as long as I fit her and my brother in our schedule. Which was only fair, or wouldn't be called a home visit; so, for the first night we didn't really do anything other than sleep, which Eli and I really needed after spending an all-nighter performing our Satanic duties. Besides, my father insisted that all the girls spend the night in Becky's room and that included our wives. He refused to accept the fact Eli, and I were married to Rhoda and Jackie, regardless of if we had a marriage certificate stating we were.

The fact that it listed me as Eric T Rothwell using my adoptive name or my alias Nate T Carrion didn't hold any sway. He didn't care what name we used, including my birth name, he wasn't going to accept the fact Eli, and I were married to each other and the girls legally. We could understand regarding Eli and me how the world would perceive it, or the LDS Church and we were fine with that. It was the fact we were married to Rhoda and Jackie that he had a problem with.

The problem was to him we were too young to get married even if the law stated we could as long as our guardians allowed it. Personally, I think he didn't like the idea because he would have to claim me as his son. Yet I never asked him to and preferred he didn't. It was one of the main reasons why the Rothwells changed my middle and last name, so I wouldn't have anything tied to him. I only kept my first name for my mother's sake even though I didn't like the name because it came from one of her dolls growing up, but it was a common name, so I lived with it.

It was incredibly frustrating that my plans with friends had to be sacrificed for a shopping trip I never should have needed to take; the whole thing was nothing but a complication. I felt bad; I had broken my promise to Robert and Michael. Yet there was very little I could do about it because we didn't have any room left inside my room or my bed other than sleeping. So, I promised them when we got back from shopping that Eli and I would make good on our promise by bathing them in Bishop Earl's big tub and we wouldn't have to worry about my father getting in the way. His house was more than capable of entertaining my guests compared to my mother's.

Normally that too wouldn't have been a problem, because the plan was, we have the entire house to ourselves, but my father ruined that idea. So, we did our best to ruin his night as we each made several trips down the hallway for the bathroom and water trips in little or no clothing at all. Until he was forced to leave the house altogether with Susan in tow as my mother drove him down to the church house.

Personally, I think my mother was more than glad to do it just to get him out of the house so we could be ourselves, not that we weren't getting up early anyway, so we had time to bathe and have hot breakfast for all fourteen of us as we boys set the table, and the girls cooked it. Personally, I thought my father should be grateful for the fact we bought our own groceries, and we took care of the entire month's electric and heating bills, not to mention the water bill.

Plus, the fact, we kept up the house so my mother or he wouldn't have to clean up after us, but he wasn't happy. In fact, if anything, it made him angrier. My only guess was because we had the money, and he didn't. True, that money came from Stringham and my adoptive parents, not me personally, but he didn't know that or cared. It was just a fact that we had money, and he didn't.

I also could have easily paid for my new clothes, but my adoptive parents didn't agree with that idea, because I wasn't the one that ruined them or outgrew them, and besides it wasn't just my clothes they ruined. He also ruined my friend's clothes that often stayed with me. Not there were a lot of them in the first place, but either way, they wanted to send a message that he and Susan would be held responsible for their actions. No one mentioned the fact that my mother received any extra money by the High Bishop for detaining me over the weekend. That money, without a doubt, was long gone, and we all knew it.

Which was one of the reasons why Mrs. Earl was the one taking me shopping for new clothes, not my mother knowing her spending habits. Plus, I had just plopped down two grand on a new car for her. Which was a well-placed investment for me, because that car was mine and lasted a little over ten years from when I bought it. It was the best car I had ever owned. Used … it was a diamond in the rough. And of course, everyone wanted to go with me, but that idea wasn't going to pan out, considering all fourteen of my friends couldn't all fit inside one car.

Tony and Jenny settled it, planning a shopping trip for the girls. And the guy's, Tony, would take them and have them work at the store running errands and stocking shelves while Dave was on his honeymoon. Reminding them that they each would get a turn this week to visit with me and my mermaids individually. There was nothing I wanted more than to have everyone over every day, but it wasn't logical.

It was what it was. Eli and Greg went with me because it would be their clothes that would be hanging in the closet, plus, Rhoda's and Jackie's, and Greg's sister Cindy considering Greg and Cindy were always at my house when I was visiting my mother. They would be the ones removing them to the storage container afterward so my father or Susan couldn't ruin them again. We boys knew how the girls shop, and we didn't want to spend all day in a clothing store. We wanted to get in and get out.

Jeannie came, entrusting her kids to one of my mermaid friends while she and her companions enjoyed a film using Stringham's rental car—they all possessed valid driver's licenses. So, it all worked out in the end. My mother was really in a good mood this morning, seeing us all flaunting ourselves comfortably in either a robe or a pair of boxers.

Becky too was in a very good mood, but a little disappointed seeing everyone was decent by our standards. Not my father's so-called standards, but he wasn't here. She would whisper in the boy's ears, and they would shake their heads no and she would frown and ask why not. They would say they were not in the mood, or they simply didn't have the time as they came up with some excuses, so they wouldn't indulge in her sexual fantasies.

She would look at me and I would shrug my shoulders she'd ask, and I say. "It's up to them not me. They're right, we don't have a lot of time this morning, maybe later?" Mom gave her the choice of going with the girls or going to one of her friend's houses for the day. Becky asked about me and where I was going after I got back. Greg said. "My house."

Becky looked at Mom, and she said. "No Becky, you can go to your friends or stay here or go down to the church house."

Becky stumped her foot in anger and said. "It's not fair; they get to have all the fun." Running to her room in a crying fit.

Mom broke just like I knew she would and went down the hall to Becky's room. Becky won. She worked herself into the deal of coming with us, but she would be able to invite her friends over to spend the night at Bishop Earl's house; normally she could have invited them over to my mother's house, but with my father on high alert there was no chance of her having sex with any of them in her room. The girl's yes, but the boy or boys she wanted wasn't going to happen.

She wanted to be where the action was. She wanted the same privileges I had, and the only way to get them was to join me and my friends. If there was any good news, it would be she wouldn't be with any of my friends, she would be with her own, but that hasn't crossed her mind or the fact life just got more complicated for her, because once Bishop Earl and his family moved to Heber the only place she could go would be her friend's houses, not mine.

Personally, I didn't care; I had my life and problems to worry about. The problem I was working on this week was Eli and I kissing in public. We knew if this was going to work we both needed to show more affection towards each other, other than in the bedroom or at home, and even at home we needed to step it up a little, but it would start with us getting used to the idea no matter where we were would be we could show affection. Becky said yew gross the moment I brought Eli in for a kiss as we stood in the kitchen, causing us to deepen it.

Mom cringed as she turned around when she noticed us. She had almost forgotten that Eli and I were married. She had almost forgotten that we liked kissing other boys as much as the girls. She quickly gathered herself, reminding Becky that we were married. Becky said. "I know, Mom, but boys don't marry boys."

Eli broke the kiss. "Becky, I hate to inform you that where I come from that we do. In fact, we marry young … we are usually married by the time we are sixteen and eighteen. We have married two husbands or three if we want to and have several wives. Yet our first marriage is usually the one we cherish the most. Not only do we do it for money but for power and influence, but if we are lucky enough, we learn to love and our friendships like your brother and I have. So, get used to the idea of us always kissing and sharing the same bed, the four of us. When it comes to sex, we ask for permission first if we want to share ourselves with others.

"It is out of love for each other. We do so before we bring in others to indulge or have sexual desires. Sex is just sex then; it is not as a married couple. The girls we marry bear our children that we all raise together. The children we have outside of marriage are just children and are not worthy of our notice. We do not provide for them in any way. It is up to the girl that she had them to provide for them, for it was their choice that they wanted us to impregnate them. We always practice safe sex. We always ask before having sex as an agreement.

"It is why I said no to you earlier when you asked me if you could have sex with me because it would be immorally wrong for me to do so without my husband's or my two wives' permission. It is why your mother has given you the choice of you staying here or with your friends because we had agreed not to have sex with you, so we could spend time with each other inside our circle of trust."

Becky's mouth gasped open and closed like a fish, but there was nothing she could say to change our minds. The answer was plain and simple, and it was a no. She had to live with that answer. She turned to Robert and Michael, and Jeannie said. "No, we don't have time if we are going shopping and they have already been promised by Eli and Eric before anyone else. You will just have to be satisfied with your own friends. Oh great, what does he want?"

Jeannie turned to go answer the door. I looked outside the window and saw Paul's ugly blue carpet cleaner van. She flung the door open and there he was with a large vase of red roses. I knew cost him a small fortune knowing the price of long-stem roses. Paul got down on his hands and knees and handed her the flowers begging her to forgive him. She took the flowers and set them to the side and said. "I am not the one you should be apologizing to Paul."

He looked at me and Eli, and I shook my head no, as he growled. "Why are being so hard on me Jeannie? I didn't hurt the boys. It isn't anything they have been doing, and you know it."

Jeannie said. "Yes, Paul, I know that, but it still doesn't give you the right to do it. Did you even consider why they were doing it? I am sure you didn't or wouldn't have done it. But I will remind you the reason was … it kept them alive, it keeps us alive. It doesn't mean they enjoy it, it doesn't mean they have to do it with anyone else that forces them to do it unless their lives are at risk. I am still not going to take you back, Paul, not until I know that you have cleaned up your act and I can trust you not to do that ever again. So go home and think about it. I'll be home on Sunday. I'll give you one more chance, but if I catch you doing that ever again, we are through."

She slammed the door in his face and leaned against it. My mother looked at her she said. "I know, but it is either that or our kids grow up without a father. He's right. Eric and Eli are used to it and haven't been harmed; we were just stupid enough to think that Paul had a brain and wouldn't give it a go to see what it is like. Besides, I don't think he would do that to his own boys or rape other boys that haven't been already conditioned."

Eli and I looked at each other. Eli whispered to me that we should stay out of it, I said. "No Eli, we know what Paul has been doing to his sons."

Eli said, "Yes, but so have many of my friends from the age of five and we are expected to do it. I don't see the difference." I cringed, knowing he was right, but he was also wrong. It shouldn't be done. But my mind wasn't so sure anymore because I too was now required to do it.