Chapter 7 Book 8

Chapter 7

Super Nova

Part 1

I never thought my life could get any more complicated as I climbed into the car Mom tossed me the keys. It became something she did every time I came home, turning over all the driving to me, the moment I walked in the door. She liked the idea of me driving her around. Even more so when I did get my license and lived more at home than I did with the Rothwells. Susan, on the other hand, hated the fact she had to wait to earn all her points for her learner's permit before she could actually get her driver's license. Whereas all I had to do was take the test and smile for the camera and it was a done deal. It made it harder because my mother didn't have a reliable car when I graduated and moved out.

She had to rely on cars that had seen better days that had two wheels in the junkyard graveyard, and nobody to fix them other than the local mechanic Tischner. It was never for free. Like today's visit when all she had to do was sign on the dotted line that these services were done and watched the guy post her temporary plate in the back window. Unlike today you have issued a real license plate and all the stickers to go with it. She smiled and practically skipped out to the car and kissed the hood asking me what we should name her.

My mother always named their cars with a name that either came with their problems like Shasta (Shasta has to have this or Shasta has to have that) the Gas Guzzler, the Blue Bomb because it was big and blue, or Stinky because it always smelled of oil and exhaust and it was black and white." I named it Nova, Super Nova, and it lived up to its name. It did everything and more that it surprised people stating it went places that most cars couldn't go. I also learned a lot from that car by doing nearly all the repairs and upgrades myself with my friend's help who knew all about cars.

Let's just say I became good friends with the junkyard boss and got everything for a song at a very good discount. Over the years I had that car … there wasn't anything in that car I haven't touched. Dad was right no one's first car needed to be right off the dealer's lot. Because the Super Nova was the best car I had ever had and I regret the day, I let them tow it away to become pop cans, instead of putting a brand-new engine in it. Instead, I invested in another used one that lasted almost six months before reinvesting in my first brand-new car off the showroom floor and another one 3 years later and another six years later, and so on. Not one of those cars ever outmatched my Super Nova.

Dad told me when I called him to check in that I needed to buy myself the most outrageous things to complete my introduction that says the Super Nova belonged to me. Like maybe something to hang from the mirror, a bumper sticker, but most of all a key ring and not just any key ring; something that tells me all over it, something that sets me and my keys apart.

He told me when I find it, I will know. At first, I thought he was nuts, but I had seen his key ring. He had the Statue of Liberty on it. He had told me that is where he and Mom first kissed before deciding to have kids. Mom had a statue of Christ on hers sitting with sheep. Shane had two pairs of gold dice reminding him he always wanted to see Vegas. Jody had one of her little VW bugs with eyes on it. And Kerry's had a picture of her and her husband on it and which would soon have her baby on it as well.

My father's keyring didn't have anything on it just a bunch of keys that reminded me of a jailer. Even my mother's keys had nothing but a ring on them. So, I made that my goal today to find something that said it was me, that and to make sure I kissed Eli often. I almost drew the line at holding his hand, but I liked it when he held it while we sat together waiting for their quick car inspection.

I wanted him to drive it too, but he had never been behind the wheel of a car before … and I wanted it to be a special moment, something he and I would share. So he rode in the back with Greg and Becky, with Mom sitting next to me and Jeannie taking the window seat. It was going to be a very tight fit, with four in the back and three up front. But the Super Nova was a big girl, and I knew she could handle it. Mom placed her hand on my knee and rubbed it; going awfully close to my crotch area. In fact, I nearly jumped out of my skin when she went for it. I whispered. "Mom not here," she put on silly grins and rubbed me, and undid my zipper. I slapped her hand away and said. "I am driving and not in front of everyone." Mom let go, and I re-zipped myself.

The moment we pulled in front of Greg's house and popped the trunk and smiled seeing all the room and leaning that back seat fold down which I hadn't noticed last night being so dark wondering if I put a mattress in it would be big enough to have sex in it, I couldn't wait to find out. In fact, I noticed several other details: the seats were cracked and ripped in places, and the carpet needed cleaning. Greg had me pop the hood so he could take a look at the engine and show me where everything was that I would need to maintain it. Mom kept her distance not caring about boys talking about cars. All she wanted to know was how to put the key in and if it would start nothing else. Everything I needed seemed to pile in a huge list in my eyes.

Greg said I got for a steal and way below fair market value which I had no clue at the time what that meant. I knew about oil, and everything else finding them quickly. I saw that the belts, hoses, spark plugs, wires, etc., had all been replaced. At the time, all I knew were the basics, but later on, or should say within a week I knew that car like the back of my hand thanks to Greg and his Dad and the man at the junkyard. I'll I saw, my bank account was being tied to the car. In many ways, it was and in many ways; I worried about what my mother was doing to it while she had it. Knowing cars and she doesn't last long. She tried to get me to change the name, telling me calling a Super Nova doesn't sound like a good car name, but I refused to change it.

Once we examined every inch of the car in the daylight and Greg was satisfied, I knew I'd gotten a really good deal. And it would be a sweet ride with some modifications; like changing the blah interior that needed new seats or a cover, some awesome hubcaps and new tires which I was told would need replacing by the end of next summer, and with a little spray paint and a good cleaning. It would be a babe magnet. I knew I entered into that category now that I had my own car. Shane's was a loner, and I couldn't drive it in Heber when I am Nate Carrion being glued to a wheelchair. Here I was Eric Rothwell and Eli was just my gay lover while I was married to his sister Rhoda who doesn't have any likeness to him other than his father's light blue eyes and his mother's dark red hair.

Rhoda had light green eyes and long brown wavy hair so no one would even think they related unless they knew his mother who was dead and his father who was under house arrest in Heber somewhere and the same with Rhoda's mother who was also dead. I questioned if babe magnet was what I was looking for considering my complicated married life.

Either way, it was still cool, but items I needed to make it become a babe magnet sounded pricey, with Greg's assurance that I could get it all for a song except for the tires, but even those I could get for a song if I was willing to get them at the wrecking yard. I told him it couldn't hurt to save money, which was true. Yet my wallet pulled even tighter after I pulled out a good chunk out of my savings account just to get my baby whom I only get to see every once in a while. It hurt knowing that, but life as I knew it wasn't easy. I made my mother promise me that Susan would never get to drive it.

She asked me why, not I said. "Because she doesn't know what responsibility means, she is not willing to pay for gas or the upkeep. She doesn't have a job to do it and refuses to get one. She's not even willing to pay for her part of the clothes she ruined, and my father wouldn't if Bishop Earl wasn't making him, and you know it."

She cringed and promised me, but I doubted she would keep it. Yet the only thing I had going for me was she had never been behind the wheel of a car. My mother had no patience in teaching her. I heard her tell Susan many times since she saw me driving. The only way she would learn was in Drivers Ed. Mom said I had a point, and we dropped the subject.

Mrs. Earl frowned when she saw Becky and said. "You should be joining your sister helping the mothers today in babysitting and preparing food for the elderly not going shopping for boy's clothes."

Becky said. "Why? I didn't ruin them, and besides Susan just going to sit on the couch with her books, and my Dad said she didn't have to do it."

She said. "Is that so? Well, then I am about to ruin your and your sister's day." I waited to see who was going to drive, and it became apparent that I was. As everyone got back into the car which was in no way crowded busting at the seams.

Mrs. Earl took charge, telling me where to go as I drove down the street and turning where she told me to turn. I pulled up to a house I was unfamiliar with, only by knowing the existence of the house, not the people inside it. Mrs. Earl had me and Eli get out so she could introduce us. I wasn't sure that was a good idea but it wouldn't matter much because on Sunday everyone would be told about us and our strange marriage.

A woman I didn't know opened the door. Her name at the time wasn't all that important, Mrs. Earl said. "I brought Becky. She said she would like to help her sister today. Becky, you know Mrs. Clark. She is currently the relief society president over the girls … Mrs. Clark. This is Eric and Eli the ones I told you about."

She looked at me, and she shook mine and Eli's hands. Our ring glowed, and Eli gasped as she smiled. "Well, that was something I wasn't expecting." Letting our hands drop, Eli whispered to me if I saw that and felt that weird feeling.

I nodded and said. "It's the feeling I get when I know I can trust someone without a doubt, but the ring thing was new." I didn't have to explain what I meant by that. He knew that and he went on faith that I was right. For the first time since we were married, he felt that feeling which was the opposite feeling, when we touched someone like the HB or HJ or members of the Satanic Church. I wasn't surprised she knew I was adopted; it was an open adoption. I waited for her to give me something that said she didn't approve of the idea of Eli, and me being married. Instead, she had us come in so she could introduce us to the rest of the ladies and the girls. As she sent someone to fetch Susan from her comfortable church couch.

She giggled when the ladies she sent told them. "Susan is being Susan again." Like that said it all … while she invited us to watch us boys remove our shoes before going into the house. She didn't say anything instead like most homes like ours it was considered polite seeing the line of shoes at the door. Mom and Jeannie did likewise after seeing the pile as Mrs. Earl added hers by habit. Becky was about to leave hers on until Mom whispered to her to do it.

Mrs. Clark said to the girls and the ladies in the house. "Now don't get your hopes up girls; these two young men are married. Not just to each other, but too of the two girls I have sent on errands." I saw them licking their lips and nodding. As we each shook hands, of course, Eli had to go first as he took each girl's hand and kissed it when he looked into their eyes, and they giggled. Following suit, I complimented, "What a stunning sight! The sunshine makes these garden roses seem to glow."

Jeannie gasped, my mother said. "My son the romantic. I don't have a clue where he gets it from, certainly not from his father, Jim."

I said. "I read lots of poetry, Mom, and Shakespeare."

Eli rolled his eyes and said. "It is true my dearest maiden your beauty compels the sun to shine. For without it, there would be no roses in our gardens of grandeur. No sweet smells, no softness upon its petals like beauty that compels me to kiss such delicate and soft skin that is fairer than the very roses themselves."

I laughed. "Such grandeur my dear husband and we be married not only to our brides but to every rose that blooms in our garden of loveliness."

Mrs. Clark said. "Ok boys, if you keep wooing my ladies will have a riot to the altar."

One of the girls asked Eli if it was really true, we were married I said. "Yes, to him and our two girls, it's an old family custom on Eli's side of the family. And before you ask, we kiss. We four share a bed and we do have sex just like any married couple. Eli is my first husband." Eli explained that we can have up to three husbands and three living wives, and many lovers. But the ones that we are married to are the ones we provide for, which opened to even more questions.

Eli answered them all, and they seemed more interested in how our wives felt about it and if we really kissed. I proved it as I pulled him close to me and kissed him. Becky was the only one who said yew gross. Everyone else stood there gasping. I kissed Greg and Eli kissed him. Greg said he was considering being my second husband. I wasn't sure if he was trying to get a reaction out of his mother or not, because she didn't seem too shocked about it.

Eli said. "Already? We have only been married a few days, and he's already on his second husband."

I asked if he had a problem with that. He said, "No if I can marry his sister Cindy or marry Mrs. Benson's, daughter?"

I nodded. "A fine choice. We will, of course, must ask our wives if they like our choices."

Mrs. Earl quickly stated. "Don't you think you need to ask the parents first?"

Eli said. Why? We are not proposing marriage to the parents."

I said, "Eli, it's customary here to ask the parents first."

He nodded and said. "Wives first, then parents got it. But can we at least wait six months to a year before we marry again? It makes it sound like we get bored too easily. That's why we have lovers, to fulfill that need." I nodded and kissed him again.

Becky said. "If they are going to do that all day I am staying here."

Mom said. "I like it when they kiss; it shows that they really love each other?"

Becky said. "Yew, Mom, really? I prefer only kissing boys, not girls." The other girls in the room agreed. Well, not all of them. Some gave the girl they most likely have kissed a silly smile.

Mrs. Clark said. "Well, then, let me say I for one find it a little strange, but I'd be lying if I wasn't a little uncomfortable, but that is because I am not used to seeing it, but I have heard in some countries and religions that it does happen. So, I am sure in time I will get over it and just say welcome to our ward Eli and please make yourself welcome and ignore those that find your customs strange and not understanding. I can't wait to introduce you to my boys and husband. They are out doing service projects in the ward. Perhaps if you boys get time, you can lend a hand. Normally I'd insist on it, but you do need clothes to wear. After all, we can't let you run around like a nudist."

I smiled and said. "Mrs. Clark, Mrs. Earl, or my mother must have forgotten to tell you I am a nudist."

She said. "Oh, I didn't forget. I was just thinking they were joking." I shook my head, pulled out my wallet, and took out a picture of my Rothwell family. She paled when she noticed we were all naked and blushed. All the girls wanted to look too, she quickly said. "Absolutely―" She paused when she was going to tell them "Not or no" then realized it wouldn't make a lot of difference and said, "You only do that at home, right?" Considering I had just confirmed her worst nightmare.

Greg shook his head as she gasped, taking a seat. I said. "Our first rule, when invited inside someone's home for anything beyond a quick visit, is …" I said. "That we tell them up front we are nudists. So, they don't get freaked out if we come out of the bathroom naked or out of the person's bedroom if we are spending the night. It's nothing you haven't seen before, I am sure. It's only how God made us, nothing to be embarrassed about. Boys have a penis and girls inside plumbing and breasts of course. All beautiful, all unique. At least that's what my adoptive parents have taught me."

She nodded as I slipped the picture back into my wallet; some of the girls eyed Greg. he nodded confirming he could be counted in that group. Mrs. Clark looked up at Mrs. Earl and she nodded. "Guilty as charged."

The girls giggled, Becky said. "Why is it that he gets away with it, and I can't?"

Mom said. "You know why?"

Becky growled. "Dad, you make my life a living hell!" I had to agree with that statement.

Becky and Jeannie stayed after deciding they rather not watch me, Eli and Greg kiss each other. I waited to see who would drive and felt a little relieved that my mother decided to drive, mostly because she knew she couldn't do much or if she could get away with fondling me in front of Mrs. Earl. But I knew most likely she could, because I have seen Greg have sex with his Mom many times and she was just as horny as my mother and my adoptive Mom and knowing it wouldn't stop there, most likely they would be ripping all our boys clothes off wanting to have hot wild sex right here and now. How could my life get any more complicated? I questioned. However, I didn't think my mother knew that and let on that I didn't want to cross that bridge … at least not yet anyway. Then again, it could be fun.

I still had a problem with it when it came to her. It was more of a trust issue than anything else. It was she who told Jeannie and Paul about me and Eli having sex together and the reason why. Even though I felt it was none of their damn business, I had a feeling it was done over pillow talk which made it even worse.

However, another question arose in my mind: I wasn't entirely sure if Greg was joking about being my second husband. Adding to the uncertainty was the fact that his mother seemed apprehensive when Eli mentioned it. Intrigued, Eli directly asked Greg if he was kidding or if he was serious, referring to our conversation from the previous night. Our curiosity continued as the three of us, occupying the backseat of the car, took the opportunity to stretch our long legs. Glancing at the clock, I noticed that it was a little after 11 am. We had made plans to return by 3 or 4 pm in order to assist with dinner.

Greg said he wasn't kidding, stating he rather be married to me than to some boy he didn't know. Then apologized to Eli because that's how we really met. He shrugged it off, and I asked his Mom how she felt about it. She said she still needed time to digest the idea, but she said it did have merit. She too would prefer that it was me rather than some boy she didn't know. Greg acted like the question was settled, asking how it would work. I shook my head and said. "I am not exactly sure how it would work, considering if I had three husbands and three wives, and each of them had husbands and wives and so on. It gave me one big headache."

Eli said. "That's where the money and the power come in, but at first, we would decide if we could support our families, including home, life, and all its attachments that was why they waited for at least six months to a year before consummating the marriage. Due to age, we would all have to have enough income to provide the lifestyle for our group alone. But in most cases, once our second husband takes on his first wife, they move out on their own supporting them and his married group. If they are all wealthy, they build a gigantic house or they build a home near their first marriage partner. Until they move up to a higher position in the Satanic Church.

"Allowing them to separate almost like a divorce and become only lovers, but if Greg married you, he would also be required to marry his first wife by the time he was twenty. So he can have children of his own, but he usually still lives with his parents until he is eighteen because of the state laws requiring him to have a guardian of some kind. However, he can live in the same house as his first husband until he turns eighteen even if he is married, but when that happens, they no longer share the same marriage bed without permission first, because he has started his own tier.

"Yet when he turns eighteen, he usually moves out or has moved to a different room in the house anyway, so the original four or the two if the first husband and his second wife haven't married again. When that happens, it becomes just Eric and Rhoda being married while others they have married are in name only for power and influence. Then we decide they no longer need our support and can live independently; we all become lovers with influence. That's why Mr. Grayson was High Bishop's first husband. He married and started his own tier once he had moved up the ladder and was able to support his own wives, husbands, and children. Yet he will always be his first husband in name only and be lovers with benefits.

"That's why your first is special because it gives you your lifelines a starting point. Typically, a woman chooses a second husband for love and to elevate her social standing, conveying a rise in both financial resources and influence. That is why you weigh it out if they are going to be just your lover or your wife or husband. Make the wrong choice too quickly. You have nothing but nightmares like a certain High Bishop we know and my father. Power and Money aren't everything. If you have three nagging wives and husbands on your heels pulling you down or trying to kill you.

"One of the reasons why we have honor guards is to prevent such incidents from occurring. However, even these measures can backfire, as we just witnessed when the fallen Queen manipulated him and attempted to kill him using his own men, who were personally trained by her. When we return to Heber, our, first priority will be to bring in our own honor guards. This move will not only demonstrate power to your adoptive parents … but also to us."

My life was already complicated, and now I have another great big headache, all thanks to Jeff, my adoptive parents, and Stringham, just to name a few. I turned to Greg and asked, "Marriage or Lover?"

He smiled. "Marriage hands down."

I heard his mother groan, and Mom laughed. "It had to be the poetry and the Shakespeare."