Chapter 7-2
Super Nova
Part 3
After a quick bite, we headed back to Greg's house, my mother and Jeannie weren't there yet. I don't know why I had thought I needed to apologize for the words I had said, but something said if I did she would just shrug it off. Yet it bothered me, so I got back into the car and drove home, using the excuse I wanted to put the clothes we bought away. Mom didn't say a word to me when I came into the house. I didn't either because I still didn't know what I was going to say so I went down to my room and hung up our new clothes, she came down when I was just finishing up and took a seat on the bed.
She apologized first and I turned around and said. "No Mom. I am the one that needs to apologize. I shouldn't have said those things. I should just keep―"
She shushed me and placing her fingers to my lips said. "No, you were right, and I was taking you for granted. I wasn't doing my job and because of that Susan and Becky have no idea how to do anything but sit on their ass thinking that's all they need to do. While you and Aaron do everything.
"I am proud of the fact that you have been taught how to live, how to take care of yourself, I am not proud because I am the one that didn't teach you. I am not proud of how your father and I treated you and Aaron. I promise I will do better. It's all I can do, it's too late to go back and fix everything, but not too late to do what's right and that is actually being a mother first and listening and learning. I just ask you to be patient with me and give me a swift kick from time to time." She stood up and kissed me on the forehead and twice more on the cheek having to reach up a little because I was taller than her. She smiled. "When did you get to be so tall?"
I shrugged my shoulders and said. "I never noticed; I thought the world was shrinking."
I quickly packed my brand-new bathrobe, having to order the others because they were out of stock, but that was ok because I had several more in Heber and a couple more in Greg's closet, stuffing everything into a brand-new backpack. I wasn't sure what to do next regarding the car, but Mom said she didn't need it while Jeannie was here, I felt I was cheating her, by the one driving it more than her. She refused to come back with me using the excuse she needed to be here when my father came home and had dinner ready. She asked if I wouldn't mind dropping Aaron off at his friends and making sure I locked my room. I nodded and waited for Aaron to gather his things. I knew she was right, my father and Susan wouldn't want to be anywhere near my friends or me. Jeannie made a perfect companion for her; she said to make sure Robert and Michael behaved themselves. I said. "Yeah, right?" She smiled knowing they were in good hands with me.
Aaron smiled as he placed his things inside the car. I asked. "Where too?" As I became the new family driver. He said Bishop Earl's house, I nodded and didn't ask any questions, knowing it was none of my business. He turned on the radio, finding it didn't work. I cringed adding it to my list of things I needed. A car cannot be without a radio. I said. "It is on my to-do list."
He said. "Yeah, it would suck just like your hair, not to have tunes in your own car."
I laughed and he smiled. Asking if he could drive, I shook my head and said. "No, not until your feet can touch the pedals and you can look over the steering wheel, besides your only fourteen."
He said. "Your Pa let you drive his old pickup and a wagon, and you were only 13."
I groaned and said. "I'd think about it. I think Mom would take me out back beat the living hell out of me if I did."
He said. "Not if we don't tell her."
I chuckled. "There is that?" He gave me a fist bump and played with everything he could get his hands on. I pulled up beside the house and smiled back seeing my first car. I felt proud of the fact it was mine; it made me feel like I was all grown up.
Aaron quickly opened the door like it was his house, in some ways it was considering how much time he spent there. He even had his own key if it was ever locked. I watched him remove his shoes and set them by the door with everyone else's. Mrs. Earl kissed him on the head and gave him a hug telling him Timothy was downstairs playing video games. Aaron leaned in, lightly kissing her cheek before pilfering a few cookies from the counter; the sweet scent of chocolate chips filled the air as he opened the fridge, the hum of its motor a quiet backdrop to the clinking of the glass as he poured himself a glass of milk and then went downstairs with his things.
I felt bad that my mother had just been replaced, but what did she expect? She was a better mother to Aaron than she was, she always made sure he was loved, fed, and had a roof over his head. She even helped with his homework. It takes more than being a sperm donor to become parents and that was something my mother or my father never learned. Even my adoptive parents considered Aaron their son and so did my Downing parents and family. Aaron may have not been placed in the system like me, but it seemed he was all the same and it was all because my parents had refused to show him, they wanted him in the first place by always putting Susan and Becky first.
The girls were back from working with the young women from the LDS ward. I kissed Rhoda and she giggled as she pushed me against the wall and started to undress me right there in the kitchen. I stopped her and said. "Give me 15 minutes to put my things away."
She frowned. "But I am so horny!"
I said, "Ok, 5 minutes." However, she shook her head no and pulled me into Greg's room. Closing the door, she pushed Greg out, expressing her desire to be alone with her husband. Meanwhile, Jackie was occupied with Eli and had witnessed him being pulled into Cindy's room. Once the door was closed, she swiftly made her way over to me, pushing me onto the bed and undressing me, casually tossing my clothes onto the floor. As she smiled wickedly, it was evident that I was more than ready as she looked toward where all the magic happened, finding me more than ready. Taking charge, I rolled on top of her and began undressing her, adding her clothes to mine. I said. "Greg wants to be my second husband." Taking a good portion of her breasts, something I had been wanting to do all day, and knowing they were all mine, and everything else feeling her beneath me.
She brought me down and kissed me and said. "Oh, and what does Eli say about that?"
He said. "He liked the idea but wanted me to wait six months before consummating the marriage."
She said. "Why? You have been friends for a very long time, I like Greg, and I like the idea."
I leaned down and kissed her and made sweet love to her until Greg knocked on the door, telling us that his Mom said to wash up for dinner. I opened the door and invited him in, seeing his eyes light up like Christmas lights, seeing me and Rhoda naked, knowing just like me he was bisexual. Then again, so were most if not all my friends these days were, and the fact they were born-again nudists didn't go unnoticed either. I said. "Greg, Rhoda likes the idea of you becoming my second husband."
He smiled and said. "Really?"
Rhoda giggled and nodded. He gave a big arm pump and resounding yes. Rhoda said. "But Eli is right; we should wait until at least three months. After all, we have just been married a few days ago; we still have to work out living arrangements for us, and other details. Besides I haven't seen you naked."
Greg said. "I can strip right now if you like." That's Greg, he could walk down Main Street completely naked and not blush or even care anymore. He, like me, had shed the awkward shyness of our youth, a transformation I welcomed.
Rhoda said. "Greg, I prefer doing the unwrapping."
He said. "Even better."
I went to the closet and asked, "robe or clothes dear?"
She asked. "What's the rule here?"
Greg said. "Robes good, depending on what you're going to do afterward. Like going out or staying home."
She said. "Staying home, I have been dying for a nice long soak in the hot tub."
Greg cringed and said. "It has been drained for the winter and so has the pool."
She said. "I guess I'll settle for a nice hot bath."
Greg nodded with a confident smile, his voice filled with determination as he declared, "That we can definitely do." I swiftly tossed a soft, cozy robe towards her, the fabric gliding through the air before landing gently in her outstretched hands. As I reached for a robe for myself, the familiar scent of freshly laundered clothes wafted up from the hamper, mingling with the faint aroma of fabric softener. The sight of our discarded clothes, neatly placed inside the hamper, brought a sense of order to the room.
Turning towards Eli, I noticed him already sitting at the kitchen table, his relaxed posture contrasting with the formal setting. Next to him sat Jackie, both of them comfortably clad in robes. The sensation of the smooth fabric against their skin must have been a constant reminder of their underlying nakedness, a common occurrence in this household and in the homes of my friends. In fact, it was quite the norm in my Rothwell residence and even at my mother's house when my father was away.
With a hint of excitement in his voice, Greg addressed Eli, his words carrying across the room. The sound of his voice blended harmoniously with the gentle hum of the refrigerator, creating a soothing background melody. Greg's statement held a sense of affirmation, a confirmation that Rhoda had indeed given her approval. Eli said. "Of course she would, you're his best friend, and best friends take priority."
Greg said. "He has lots of best friends."
I said. "Yes, but you're the first that asked. So that puts you first above the rest."
Unlike last night we were able to fit everyone in the kitchen/dining room by just moving the furniture in the living room out of the way. Bishop Earl was just coming home from work when we were setting the table. His wife asked how his day went as they kissed. He said. "Long and boring, I still have eight appointments tonight at the church house; I can't wait to have time for myself again." He smiled seeing me and Rhoda in our bathrobes.
Greg said. "I get to be Eric's second husband Dad."
His Dad turned and said. "O' and when did this happen?"
Greg said. "Today."
Eli saved me and said. "In six months if all goes well."
Rhoda corrected him said. "Eli, I told Greg three months, because they are best friends."
Eli said. "O' well then three months sounds even better."
Greg's Dad said. "Ok … and did you think to ask me and your mother about the decision first?"
Greg said. "Dad please, you told me you wanted me to help them take down the Satanic Church. What better way than marrying in."
Greg's Dad rolled his eyes and said. "I guess … it's not like you are really getting married."
Eli said. "That's not exactly true, there is still a ceremony they may not be civilly married, but the agreement is still the same until Greg marries his first wife and husband. They will be considered lovers until then with benefits; he will still have his marital duties in regards to supporting his husband until he has taken a wife and can support them.
"Yet if Eric marries him as Nate Carrion, it will state he is moving up the ranks quickly which will put him above other members. He'll even be more powerful and will require his own honor guard because they will try to take him out quickly before he reaches for the high positions inside the church. That's why I suggested they be lovers only … until we can determine if we were ready to make that kind of move."
Greg said. "Not a problem, as long as I am first in line. I am only trying to take out the competition early so we can gather more Intel. Rather than sitting on the sidelines as a regular member, with no status. Dad, you said it yourself we needed to empower ourselves early so we can get right into the meat of things. What better way than to have me marry into a strong family with power and influence on the winning team?"
His Dad cringed realizing he said that, he said. "Fine, but let's slow it down a hair, Greg. It's going to at least take three months before we can be in Heber."
Greg said. "Eli said as the second husband I could live with them; the school term here ends in two weeks and Heber starts the same week. I could move in with them and start the same time Eric and Eli do in Heber."
His Dad said. "Give me some time Greg, and let me ask his adoptive parents what they think. They might not be ready for you to jump right on in. Eli's right they have only been married for a few days."
Greg looked hurt, but he nodded and said. "I can live with that. I'll make sure my homework is all done so I can leave the same day Eric does, just in case they say yes."
Eli rolled his eyes, "Greg, are you sure you want to do this? Because once you take the vows you can't go back and say I made a mistake."
Greg said. "I am positive, and I will do my part … I promise."
Greg took his seat next to me and Eli. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I almost prayed that my adoptive parents would say no. I said, "Greg will you have a license by the time the term ends?"
His Dad said. "Yes, and he just needs to finish his hours on the road then he can have his license."
I said. "Well, that's something for us to consider and work on as a family unit. I can't believe I am even considering this."
Greg said. "It does sound weird calling us a family unit; the guys are going to freak out in school when I tell them I am getting married to my best friend and we're going to be new converts to the devil's church, so we can send them to hell where they belong."
I winced, knowing exactly how they are going to feel about it. I told him. "I wouldn't tell them, they may think you are gay."
Greg laughed. "Oh, that would be something hard to believe considering how many girls I have been with."
Eli said. "Don't do it until you are certain you won't be around for the fallout. Like your Dad said, we need time to work out the details. Eric's adoptive parents might say no to you moving in and have you wait until your parents and family move in. I am sure your Dad would prefer that you waited until we knew for certain how things will play out. Not to mention a job to help support our family unit, you will be responsible for your share of the bills if you decide to live with us. And knowing up front that even though Nate Carrion comes from money, in truth he doesn't have all that money to spend other than the money he has made himself. The rest of the money is used as bribes and to maintain the lifestyle.
"We are like Robin Hood; we steal from the rich and give it to the poor. Yet in truth, we are just as poor as the people we give it to. We take the money we are given as a collective and we use it where we can to make sure we get it back. Either by taking out a bad guy and sending him to prison or he dies a hero's death for some devil God.
"We suffer pain, and we do things we don't want to do, and we are always living knowing everything we do is watched and could lead to our death. It is not an easy thing to be married to the Satanic Church. The only time we are even safe is within our walls that are surrounded by guards and at any time they can betray you. So, think really hard before you say, I want to be his 2nd husband. Because once you have made that commitment the only way out is either by death or by playing the game and moving up, creating your own family unit.
"The third way is running before they kill you as my Dad has done. And like the High Bishop, we are in contact that lives in Heber with and his first husband High Judge Mr. Grayson, and his two inquisitors the Kingston's. We may be back by the government and several rich dudes with power and influence, but we deal with the devil every day we are undercover. So be careful what you wish for, if you think it is all a game. It's no game when your life is on the line 24/7."
Greg nodded as we all took hands, and his Dad said the prayer. Eli and our wives were starting to get accustomed to this thing called prayer. Even though I didn't care too much for prayer. Eli and the girls were studying our scriptures and learning what it is like to be LDS. This Sunday will be their very first time inside an LDS church and attending church. I would smile, never answer their questions as they asked me what they do inside the different churches than the Satanic Church.
All I would say. "No blood sacrifices of any kind, but you will wish to kill the person if they bore the hell out of you. When they go on and on as you say to get to the point and sit down. Trust me you be praying please God to make the clock go faster, it's a personal hell of mine."
Greg smiled. "And that's just the beginning you have two more hours of nothing but more talking. That you'll wish for a nap and never get one."
Eli said. "I can live with that."
I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, right?"