Chapter 8
Part 1
Bishop Earl quickly went over the sleeping arrangements he put Eli and me with our wives inside the guest's bedroom. That way we could have our own room when we were visiting here. Since the room was going to be mostly ours, he had Greg, and his sister Cindy helped transfer all our clothes to the room and all the things that belonged to me like my photo albums and letters from my mermaids into the room. He said for the time being this would be my storage locker when I wasn't here so my father or my sister Susan couldn't ruin anything. The only thing that would remain in my room at my mother's house would be a dresser and my bed frame.
We considered leaving my mattress and bedding on the bed with an alarm and camera that would go off if the lock was broken and my father decided to test it. The mattress was more expensive than the frame, but it could be easily replaced, but with the extra police present my father wouldn't be able to do much before they came knocking on the door. I knew from experience that my father would test the theory, so I just nodded. I saw the hurt in Greg's eyes as he brought my stuff in from his room. I knew he had planned for us to use his bed and not the guest room, but there was nothing I could do. I was married now and the only thing that came first was the people I was married to.
Eli was right, Greg is just my lover and best friend, just like all my best friends either girls or boys. It was never going to be like it was before. Where my friends always came first, now it was the people I was married to. I pulled Greg close to me and kissed him and told him he was still important to me because he had chosen to be my second husband. This meant when we were married, and he too had taken the vows he too would come first before any of my friends. Once we were settled in our new room. It was time for me to keep my promises to Robert and Michael.
The girls wanted to take a nice hot bath and get acquainted with Greg and Cindy as well as my mermaid friends. It was nice not having to worry about my father Jim or my mother. We could be ourselves here, we didn't have to worry about my father getting angry about not being modest. We didn't have to worry about my mother wanting to join us or my sister Becky bugging my friends to have sex with her. We could walk through the house and not be ashamed of our bodies and not worry about being modest.
Bishop Earl and his wife only had one rule and that was that if we wanted to have sex or stimulate someone we do so in a room and put a sock on the door. That exuded our guest room or his bedroom all that was necessary was the door being closed.
After dinner was done and dishes were put away it was left up to us what we wanted to do. It was too cold out to venture out without your clothes on. The house was comfy and warm, and my mermaid friends were more than satisfied wanting to get acquainted with Bishop Earl's family. So, I told the Cranny boys it was their turn and grabbed a couple of cans of whipped cream and two bottles of chocolate sauces watching Greg and Chad carry a large cooler into the big tub room with sodas and dessert condiments. While Mrs. Earl made up a huge plate of sandwiches and put them in the fridge for now until we were ready for them.
Robert and Michael wanted Eli and me to undress them considering Eli and I had already changed out of our clothes into robes after spending time alone with our wives. I had promised the boys they could sleep in the room with us or share a room with Aaron and Timothy or with any of my mermaid friends. They chose to stay in here with us that way they could get what I promised them. Even though I knew my mermaid friends would be more than willing to do so. Yet they would get many opportunities to do so until their parents picked them up on Friday.
With Jeannie at my mother's house, I had arranged that I would spend time with her so she would get a chance as well but at night well at least every night this week I would make the rounds with my friends, but mostly they would be here using the Earls home as home base so my father wouldn't go off on a tangent.
I laid a sheet on the bed so the bedding wouldn't get messy with chocolate sauce and whip-cream and Eli and I turned the boys into dessert taking our time and sometimes switching between the two boys until we had our dessert. We all had a nice serving of sex drink during supper so we could all enjoy ourselves any way we liked. The boys were more than satisfied as I kept my promises and let them do the same to me and Eli as we did to them. We promised them a full body massage after a nice hot bath by our wives before we put them to bed once we had worn them out and put them in their sleeping bags, with smiles on their faces.
Then it was our turn to be with Greg, Chad, and Cindy as they groomed us while our wives were fulfilling every boy's wet dream before putting them to bed and rejoining us in the tub room. We both felt that the boys were too young for sex and weren't quite equipped, but Becky didn't care and their Dad ordered them to have sex with her, As the boys stated they wanted the girls to go through the motions considering a condom wouldn't fit them, and they couldn't get pregnant when they were already pregnant.
I cursed Paul even more, and even more when I heard that he was having sex with their friends when my mother and their mother were at school doing homework on the school's typewriters or while they were out shopping. I wanted to call Tony and the cops immediately, but I couldn't because Eli and I were just as guilty, and I knew it. But one way or another Eli and I were going to put a stop to it.
Robert and Michael couldn't understand why it was wrong if they were told that Eli and I do it all the time. I said. "It was a lie; Eli and I were only having sex with our wives and only stimulated each other. Your Dad assumed we were but isn't true." Eli and I knew it was a lie, but it was better than telling them we were doing it to save our lives. They were too young to understand so we lied.
I left the boys and knocked on the door of Bishop Earl's door before going in knowing he had just come home, and he was just changing into a robe and wanted to join us in a hot bath to relieve his tired muscles. He invited Eli and me in as he placed his clothes into the hamper. Eli closed the door, and I said. "I need to talk to you about something really important." He patted the bed, and we took a seat while he grabbed a chair.
Eli at first thought it was a bad idea that Tony would be the one I should inform not an LDS Bishop and one that has got one foot out the door. I told him I trusted him with my life and I could tell him anything and he would give a straight answer. He shrugged his shoulders and followed me, trusting my instincts.
Bishop Earl asked. "Is this about Greg being your second husband?"
I shook my head said. "No, but it could be after what I am about to tell you." I quickly told him about Paul and what he was doing and what he tried to do to me, but Eli stopped him. His face paled the moment I told him how Paul was raping his boys and the boy's friends, to get back at his wife for not giving him what he wanted and how he told me that he had done so with Arthur and Shawn many times when they were supposed to be cleaning carpets.
He asked if I had any proof I said. "That Tony has some proof, but I didn't know if the other boys were on the tape, considering this has been going on for a while."
He nodded and said "I'll have a talk with the boys in the morning. And talk with Tony and see if they can put a stop to this."
I said. "Then there is me I am worried about."
He said. "O' and you feel that you should be punished for it because you made a choice to save their lives rather than not do it. There's a big difference in what Paul is doing then what you boys are doing. Eli may have been raised in the church where it was normal to do so and their parents also were under the same mind frame. God knows you are not doing it for any other reason. I am surprised that Jeff didn't tell you that."
I said. "He did, several times."
He said." Then you have been provided with your answer if Jeff says that it's ok and he has a higher calling than I have or any prophet on this earth. If he says that you are doing something that seems very wrong which it is, but for reason that God would understand and will consider that you weren't doing it to be doing it. Paul has made a choice that he likes the power, and he is in control over defenseless boys. He knows it is wrong, but he does it out of anger, he does it to make himself feel better. But when you do it, you are doing it because if you don't … it could cost you and the people yours with their lives. Life is more than important than the sin itself.
"There is nothing in this world I wouldn't do so you boys or my boys or someone else's boys wouldn't have to go through what you are going through. I knew that moment I saw the tape, I knew that it would eat you alive because you are doing it only so others wouldn't have to. It's called being responsible for your actions. Something Greg is going to learn something I can't teach him, something that I wish every boy and girl would learn. And that is self-sacrifice and being responsible for another person. It's better to sacrifice oneself if it means it would prevent others from doing that to another human being. Death is not the only answer. Gloria taught you that. She didn't mean to teach you that. She wanted you to rape your brother, and she was hoping you would choose to rape Jared and not put his or your life first, because once you did that, you would learn that if you could do it you would do it without consequences. Meaning you was willing to break the rules over and over without paying the consequences.
"Like Paul, he knows Jeannie will take him back, he knows she'll be angry, but she'll take him back and things will go back to the way they were. Knowing he'll get away with it. Right now he thinks he can use that against you. He sees it as nothing more than a joke and it allows him to continue to do so because he knows you would never talk about it to anyone. Yet I know you better than he does. I have seen your soul many times, you knew you could talk to me or your adoptive parents; you don't run and hide away as most boys would. You ask and you are upfront with me, Bishop Sakes, and your adoptive parents you always have been. Knowing you might get grounded; you might get a beating, but is it better than letting it eat at you?
"You even have Jeff to talk to, and what I would give if every boy had a friend like Jeff to be his conscious. Don't let Paul tell you that he has power over you, because he doesn't and never will. He will be stopped, and he will pay for his crimes. He is not sacrificing his body or his very soul for someone else, and more so someone he doesn't know. Like I said I rather not have you do that to anyone, but if it keeps them safe from dying. Pain can be remedied death can't, death is final, and there is no do over. I am willing to let Greg and Chad and even Timothy including myself, if necessary, go through the very thing you boys are going through, knowing in the end. We too are saving lives, its war, and it's time to put on our big boy pants on.
"I plan to strike hard and fast and send those murdering, raping devils to hell. We are making a stand for all humanity and as God is my witness I bring a very big stick, and I am going to score big or die trying. In fact, they will be wishing they never started this war, because I am about to make killing not only their souls but in friends who are right now hungry for me to take their money.
"I was in meetings today and I am going to look like a nice, tasty treat to all those fat cats. They will think the second coming is here when I put down roots in Heber. I sold the house today boys and all this property to a nice developer that has been dying to get his hands on it. This Sunday I am turning my job over to the new Bishop and we are getting the hell out of dodge as fast as I can build a nice home right next to your adoptive parents.
"I have the contractor who is already and says within two months I will have a nice modest home. It is too late to turn back, now so let's go and soak our worn-out bodies in that tub and say, Greg, Chad, Cindy you better work hard because you are going to Heber, I don't know where your parents are going to put us but look like we just became one big family unit."
Eli shook his hand, and I looked into his eyes and his ring. Bishop Earl said. "Well then Eli it seems you've been a very good boy … we'll keep what you did to that teacher a secret, he deserved it … Oh, and I wouldn't worry about the incident in the library … Eric didn't mean to kill you, he was just protecting his comrades." Eli gasped, I chuckled slightly, knowing the feeling and the unsettling experience, Eli was going through. Bishop Earl said. "I see you met his friend Jeff, and he has been keeping you up at night. He's right you're going to need to study that book he told you to read. … I would turn to page … and go to chapter 13 lines 14 you'll find what you are looking for there … Oh, well then, I think we can arrange that. I could use some help in my new office."
Eli let go and I had to catch him before he fell off the bed. He looked at me and said. "Ok, I get it, but how ―? Man, I … the world is spinning, how did you ―?"
I said. "Welcome to my world, Eli. He has that effect on me too sometimes."
Bishop Earl stuck out his hand to help him up. He hesitated like I did but in the end, he did and he wobbled to his feet … he said. "I think I need to lie down a bit."
I smiled and said. "It will pass," Eli looked at me and I said. "O' let's just say our ghostly friend wanted to kick you a couple of times."
Eli said. "I wasn't really aiming for your head that night, but you moved before I could readjust my throw."
I said. "Eli I really don't care about that, I was trained really, really good. I just have a problem with someone coming up behind me. So, I always put my back to the wall to make sure no one can get behind me."
Eli said. "Will work on that."
I said. "Good because I could always use a sparring partner."
Bishop Earl said. "Greg is good at sparring; he's been working out ever since he saw you in action."
I said. "Then it's a good thing he's marrying me." I opened the door to the room with the big tub … halfway carrying Eli. Jackie quickly came to his side and looked at me accusingly, I said. "He just got a kick in the head by our friend Jeff sending him a message."
Bishop Earl said taking a seat and stretched his tired muscles. He said, "OK, Greg here's, the deal; you and Eli will be working for me in my insurance company. I am going to pay you 8 dollars an hour, you'll work after school from 3 to 6 two days a week and on Saturday from 7 to 2. On your days off you will be training with Coach Brady and Tony at the Rothwell's cabin. Cindy. Jackie and Rhoda will work for Eric under Stringum's company helping with his bookkeeping. Chad will be working at Stringum's new store in town with Bishop Sakes boys and with Jake and Adam. Mr. Benson is opening a sports clothing store and equipment and should be opened by the time the ski season begins. And you boys will work there also when things are slow.
"Greg, in eight weeks right before Thanksgiving, you will become Eric's second husband. This will give you and him some time to work out the details. Chad and you will be sharing his room for now. We can move Greg's bed into his room, and you boys can share it until our house is built. It seems like we'll be busy moving to Heber for the rest of this week and next. This way, you kids can start school in Heber when the new term begins. It's a good time to say goodbye to all your friends in Santaquin. And let's not forget how grateful we are to the Rothwells for putting up with us. We wouldn't know how to live without them. I almost feel sorry for the new Bishop and his wife, especially tonight when the Stake President informs them that we're leaving. They will surely feel the weight of the world on their shoulders this Sunday. It's clear that God wants us in Heber and is willing to move mountains to make it happen.
" Actually, you'll love this, dear," he said, watching her come in and hang up her robe. She took a seat right next to him and said. "Oh, this feels good. Now, what is this news I'll love?"
He said pulling her close to him. "I was praying before I left to go to my meetings tonight at the church house like I always do. I was wrestling with the problem of Greg becoming Eric's second husband and if going to Heber was such a great idea. I had a funny feeling that said get your ass off the floor and get to the church house. I did and the Stake President and his counselors were waiting for me. They said they had gotten word that I needed to leave and because I had work to do in Heber. I hadn't even mentioned Heber to them. I was going to do it this Sunday and see if it was possible if, I could leave early before the snow hits there.
"Anyway, the spirit told them to get my sorry ass to Heber and they were there to tell me I was being released this Sunday. It took me a minute as they left the office and there was a note for me to call … it wasn't there before. I swear it must have appeared unless I needed my eyes checked. Well anyway, I called the number and this guy that I was thinking about selling this house and property tripled his offer and said if I was out of this house in two weeks, he would add another 500,000 to the offer. I was about to say no it was impossible, but Eric's friend Jeff visited me and said Bishop, God wants you in Heber, call Mr. Rothwell he is accepting your call. Take the deal…
"I said yes, and the guy came by the office as I was about to make some calls to arrange a meeting with a real-estate company to buy a house until I could have one built as the guy handed me a check and it was four times the amount we talked about on the phone. He asked if I had a problem. I said a place to live might help … he said something about … ye of little faith … you know who to call …. must I do everything for you?
"I asked the guy what he meant … he said as he repeated the question If I had a problem with the amount of the check and I swear dear his voice changed. I saw Mr. Rothwell sitting in the kitchen talking to his wife asking if there was any way that he could convince me to get up here before the snow hits.
"I was about to call him when another boy knocked on my door, I had never seen before, telling me he needed my help. I had him sit down and I asked what he said. I need someone to help my family. We need help in leaving the Satanic Church. I asked where it was and if I could provide help, he started to cry and said they killed my sister three weeks ago and I am next because we don't have any money. My grandfather was too sick, and they killed him because he was weak and helpless. He looked at me and then I recognized the boy he was the oldest boy I had seen when his sister was forced to have sex with her grandfather and kill him.
"I blinked and he said they are coming you must hurry. I grabbed a pad of paper and then looked up he was gone, the boy was gone and he never opened the door. He was just gone. I was about to go and look for him when the phone rang, and I picked it up and Mr. Rothwell was calling me. He said I have a problem … I have families that need help and you're the only one I know that can help. Bishop Sakes is up to his knees with problems with the fallout that has happened and trying to move at the same time. Since the Satanic Queen died. They needed help and I was told you could help me.
"I said I was just about to call him. He laughed and said well then. What, can I do to make you get off your ass and get up here. I said a place to live for starters do you know of a place in town? He laughed and said Yeah, I got just the place. Our friends are leaving for home on Friday, and we have all kinds of room.
"I asked if this was his and Stringum's doing trying to buy me out, so I get up there sooner. He said No, Stringum is on his honeymoon and won't be back until Sunday. He's helping his new wife, and her two daughters move out here and is out where their only communication is 100 miles. He wanted a nice peaceful vacation after all the crap we've been through over the weekend. I am short-handed here and I need help, so how fast can you get here? I said I needed to be out of the house by next Saturday.
"He laughed and said well then you better bust your butt because you are wasting time sitting there when you should be packing. He gave me a number to call that would help me at a discount rate that moved him out in a matter of days. I think it was the moving company Stringum bought called the Mayflower. I gave them a call and they will be here on Friday with moving vans and trucks and tomorrow they will drop off tons of boxes for us to use.
"Now if that isn't weird enough, I was about to leave when my last interview knocked on my door. I answered and low and behold, I saw Greg, but Greg wasn't there, I knew he was home here. I looked down in the hallway and there was Greg holding hands with a very pretty girl and I looked down and there was Eric, Eli, and their brides, as I watched Greg take this pretty girl standing in a beautiful garden, inside some church somewhere as they were getting married.
"I cried and knowing that God wants this to happen. He kicked me in the butt and told me to get off my ass and get my family and me to Heber. So that's it … we are leaving, and I have no doubt that we are needed."
His wife said. "Well dear, I guess that means we have our work cut out for us."
We all laughed, and Eli shook his head and said. "Ok, now I'm worried."