Dear Juniper.
I hope you are well. I have heard about your claim to the Western Throne after the demise of your father, and I believe you will make a great Empress.
You may have heard of my own rise to power, with the creation of a Sixth school, ruled by myself.
It seems we have both become note-worthy figures and could gain from forming an alliance with one another.
I will be by the Silver Lake, tonight at sundown. If you wish to speak, then you can find me there.
From, Raphael, The Dragon King.
Empress Juniper read over the letter with an ecstatic smile on her face. Her mother, Julianna, watched her with an upraised eyebrow.
"What does the man want?" She asked her daughter with curiosity.
Juniper rose from her feet, her expression keeping its joy.
"An alliance! He wishes to meet and discuss an alliance. He is now a king of the sixth school."