King of the North

In the Northern Region

King Helix sat atop his throne with his wife beside him, directly feeding him grapes.

His wife was the most beautiful woman in all of the north, yet she was only one of the many women in the king's harem.

In front of them was one of the King's scouts, reporting to them the politics and conflicts taking place around Vailstone.

But of course, only one topic has been the centre of attention within the last week.

The death of Emperor Joshua Brunell.

King Helix had never been on good terms with the man, but his death bothered him deeply.

Not the fact that the man had lost his life, but rather who it was taken by.

King Helix let out a sigh as he patted his lap, gesturing for his wife to sit down. Of course, she obeyed. He felt and enjoyed the soft buttocks resting against him that he loved so much.