87. Gets Off on Danger

Third Person POV:

"What movie was it?" Aria asked looking through her phone.

"Movie?" Rose asked looking at her best friend, confused.

The two girls walked on the side walk of a street that was not very hustling to begin with, coupled with the fact that in these parts it gets chilly and then back to summer breeze then back to chilly like the one controlling the weather is a moody teenager.

Aria looked up from the screen to reply,

"Yeah, you said you saw a movie and now you're too afraid to even go potty by yourself." she said the last part so loudly some of the women walking past them chuckled to themselves.

"I never said that, you're making it up." Rose made sure to deny loudly enough that the women behind them could hear her before dipping her head and glaring back at the snickering Aria.

"I wish I could strangle you."

"Anyway, tell me come on!" Aria whined "I wanna piece of that too. You know I'm a horror fan; it's my turn on." She winked salaciously at Rose that made her scoff shaking her head.

"Well, then you should live my life. You'll be looking for a turn-off." Rose mumbled under her breath looking ahead. The constantly shifting weather affecting her mood. 

"Come again?" Aria asked.

"Oh nothing." Rose wanted to change the subject.

This morning when she left it was chilly and now the resulting scarf around her neck was causing her to sweat like a hog.

She tucked the thing off her neck and hung it over the satchel she carried to college this morning. Where they are going, she hopes has an air conditioner on. The April air was damp and sticky to her skin.

That and the reason behind her bad mood could also blamed over the fact that she was sleep deprived. Rose barely slept last night.

The activity around the house was particularly raised last night.

Every time Rose fell asleep she was aroused by the fragrance of roses wafting through her bedroom windows.

She would get up, shut them, lock them and then go back to sleep and wake up in a few minutes to find the same scene playing all over again. Windows wide, roses smelling in her room.

At one point Rose went to her window and stood there, daring herself to keep glaring at the woods almost as if they were alive and her anger would scare them away.

Safe to say, nothing changed. Except for the fact that when Rose kept her eyes trained to the dark and glooming forest behind her house through her bedroom windows, she saw a glimpse.

A shadow within the shadow. A much darker silhouette sticking out stark against the moonlit shades of backwoods. It moved in a shape of a person, yet with grace and precision reminding her of a predator.

That was a que for Rose to clamp her window down and never look back as she beelined to her bed and laid there with the sheets over her head.

What was that, where it came from, where it went or if it was even there. None of the questions were answered and still rattled in Rose's mind like a rock in an empty can, making noise yet going nowhere.

She gulped uncomfortably as she once again remembered about the memory of the shadow.

Aria's chatter distracted Rose once again. She doesn't even know the blessing she is for this poor suffering girl at times.

"I thought you were a fan of horror too, Ro. I remember you once told me you saw a horror movie and it was so scary you had to masturbate right afterwar-" Again she did the same and Rose yelped to put her hand over Aria's mouth,

The streets weren't hustling, but they weren't so desolate either that one could start idly chattering about masturbating loudly, that too over horror films.

"I am going to kill you. I swear if you ever repeat that again to anyone." Rose was melting with embarrassment at the moment. Her cheeks turning to resemble a ripe tomato. 

Even though no one probably heard, no on she knows for that matter. Yet it was a part of her that she never felt comfortable talking about with anyone but her best friend. 

Which at the moment she was regretting doing.

"Aphight arphite-" Aria muffled and chuckled evilly from behind Rose's hand over her mouth which she was still looking unwilling to move.

Aria nudge it off, shoving her shoulder at Rose.

"I don't get why you get so embarrassed over that. Babe, you should embrace your sexuality proudly, so what if you-" 

Looking at Rose and her face that said she was going to throw a fit if she loudly said something again and so hushed her tone before adding, "-so what if you find the allure of imminent doom very stimulating... down there."

Rose huffed, not feeling like she had the strength to get into that, standing in a public place, with her bestie with a penchant to say everything inappropriate loud enough that would put the town crier to shame.

"I don't." Rose claimed before skipping off ahead as soon as she saw the name pop up on the huge sign. 'The Pawn'.

This must be it.

From behind she could hear Aria laughing out, "You can't run away from the fact that you're a freak of nature who gets off on danger, Ro Ro." 

She then added in a more normal tone like she was talking to someone, "Oh don't worry, my friend doesn't go Patrick Bateman on anyone in bed."

Rose was at another level of embarrassment. She thanked when she stepped into the shop and found it devoid of other patrons.