杜世龙身后,是前几天追赶林枫的三名绿衣男子.虽然他们今天已经换上了好材料做的白色衣服,看起来高贵得多,但他们的面孔却令人难忘.无论他们穿着什么,他们都无法掩饰自己奴性的样子.这三个男人是杜世龙的走狗,经常被称为杜家的"三狗".这三个 lackedey 的名字很好听,中间的那个叫 Big Dog,左边的那个稍微吸引人的叫 Second Dog,其中最小的叫 Little Dog.这三个人名副其实:杜氏的三只狗.杜世龙的脸上写满了不悦.他边走边转身好几次瞪着他的走狗,喃喃咒骂道:"仆人就是仆人,你永远不能指望他们把任何事情都做好.现在,如果他复活了,我岂不是白费了这一切努力吗?三只狗不敢回答,低着头,顺从地沉默着.只有大狗敢开口,"少爷,你知道就算是羽门的仙人,也不敢越过雷池.我们怎么知道他会活下来呢?二狗补充说:"真的很奇怪,雷声如此猛烈,将树木化为灰烬,但他并没有死...这太不可思议了.小狗也插话说:"哼,就算他没死,他也可能是个瘸子.我听说他还没醒来,已经快一个月了..."杜世龙差点气得炸开.他握紧了拳头,大喊道:"闭嘴,你们这些狗!如果一个瘸子连杀都杀不死,你就没有发言权!三个走狗瞬间沉默了下来,跟着杜世龙的引导.薛采儿,有着桃子般的肤色,确实是一位美女,她的身体曲线优美,诱人,让任何看她的人都有一种爱她的冲动.这一刻,她微微皱起眉头,看了杜世龙一眼.看到薛采儿的表情,杜世龙的心软了下来.他走到她面前,轻声说道:"我的美人,请不要皱眉.你光是看着你就让我心碎.薛采儿微微撅起嘴,声音低沉回答道:"你不会对不起我,或者你做事不会留下痕迹.听到这话,杜世龙心急起来,正要说话时,薛采儿打断了他.她叹了口气说:"啊,光是想嫁给一个天底下最没用的人,我就很着急.别打扰我,让我一个人呆一会儿.她一边说,一边长长地吸了一口气.虽然她告诉杜世龙不要管她,但她还是向他靠近了一点.杜世龙气得差点要把这三只狗掐死.看到心爱的人这样,他很想把她抱得更紧,但他不能.沮丧的他握紧了拳头,几次试图让自己冷静下来后,在她耳边低声说:"蔡儿放心,以我父亲在朝堂上的影响力,我会确保林家同意解除婚约.薛采儿眨了眨眼,道:"听起来很容易,但事实并非如此.林敖是个审查员,要让他屈服,我们得看看你真的有没有办法.杜世龙现在急切地想要证明自己,他立即说道:"你不信任我吗?你知道我爸爸这么有影响力,连皇帝都尊敬他.一个单纯的审查员怎么能与我们匹敌呢?就在这时,薛世坤轻咳了几声,促使薛采儿和杜世龙都把注意力向前看了.就在这时,林家的几个仆人已经走了过来.在审查官邸里,正殿里,薛世坤和薛采儿坐在前面.杜世龙坐在薛采儿身边,薛世坤的管家和一些无关的人跟在后面.
林家一位聪明的仆人为大家端茶,鞠躬后说道:"大校,少爷,小姐,请在这里稍等片刻.我去找主人.杜世龙越来越不耐烦,道:"走,快点,快点回来.他拿起一杯茶,一口气喝了下去.片刻之后,林敖终于进来了.他看了一眼本该是自己公婆的薛世坤,苍老的脸上浮现出一抹冰冷的笑容.在主座坐下后,他拿起一杯茶,喝了一口,微微闭上了眼睛.这个场景是关于解除订婚的吗?林敖早就预料到了这一点,尽管他感到不安.如果他不同意,他就会得罪一直与他不和的首相.丞相杜伟对儿子非常保护,林枫在雷池中出事也与杜世龙有关.但奇怪的是,林枫身上没有受伤,也找不到任何证据.这让林傲急于采取任何行动,担心事态升级后,自己的儿子会受到伤害.林敖叹了口气,看着薛世坤,苦笑着说道:"我亲爱的公婆..."还没等他说完,薛世坤就抬手打断道:"大人,请不要叫我'公婆'.我今天带女儿来这里,是想请你取消这桩婚事.那时,订婚是在孩子们还未出生时由他们已故的母亲安排的.现在他们已经长大了,应该允许他们做出自己的选择.作为父母,我们难道不应该尊重他们的意愿吗?Lin Ao's face darkened, and he murmured, "Wasn't your family always proud of this marriage? Why is it now… Ah, the human heart… the human heart…" He sighed and said, "Well…"Before Lin Ao could continue, Du Shilong stood up, saying, "Lord Censor, just accept it. My dear Caier and I are deeply in love. If you agree, I will make sure to return ten times the betrothal gift your family gave. If that's not enough, how about a hundred times? Name your price, the Du family can afford it."Lin Ao's face darkened further. Although this matter was not directly related to outsiders, the one speaking was the son of the Prime Minister, and everyone in Jin knew that the Prime Minister was extremely protective of his own. Moreover, the Prime Minister had always been eyeing the Lin family, and he knew Lin Feng's entry into the Thunder Pool was closely related to Du Shilong. Yet, Lin Feng had no wounds on his body, and there was no clear evidence. For Lin Feng's future safety, Lin Ao knew that offending Du Shilong was not an option.Du Shilong, seeing that Lin Ao was not responding, pushed further, "I heard your son bravely entered the Thunder Pool not long ago. I truly admire his courage. But the result wasn't very ideal. As for whether he survived, I'm sure you, my lord, know better than anyone. You're a wise man; surely you don't want your daughter's happiness to be sacrificed because of this, right?"Upon hearing this, Lin Ao's breath became heavier, and his fists clenched in anger. A servant who had just poured tea rushed over with a handkerchief, saying, "Master, please take care of your health."Lin Ao relaxed a little, covering his mouth as he coughed, then waved his hand and said, "This matter... we will discuss it another time."Seeing Lin Ao's hesitation, Xue Shikun quickly stood up, "My lord, there's no time like the present. Let's settle this today. I'm very busy with official business, and it's rare I can find time for this."Lin Ao, feeling the pressure, began coughing again. As he reached for his cup of tea, he accidentally knocked it over. A servant quickly picked it up, saying, "Master, let me do it."Xue Shikun knew if this opportunity was missed, it might be delayed indefinitely, and his own promotion would be in jeopardy. So he quickly said, "My lord, just give us an answer, and I will find a new suitor for my daughter.""Agree to him, father."Just as Lin Ao was struggling, Lin Feng, dressed in white, appeared, looking energetic. He glanced around the hall and said briskly, "Let's make a decision now."