overbearing aura leaking out

"答应他,爸爸."就在林敖进退的时候,一身白衣,看起来精力充沛的林枫走了出来.他瞥了一眼大厅里的人,清脆地说道:"答应他,父亲.当林枫出现时,所有人都惊呆了.就连林敖也愣住了,他的手轻轻捂住了口鼻,忘了咳嗽.杜世龙的眼睛几乎要从眼眶里蹦出来.他不敢相信自己所看到的,更令人震惊的是,在这一刻,林枫似乎散发着一种无形的压力感.这种感觉让他想发疯.许久之后,薛世坤长长地吐出一口气.他看着林枫,从头到脚打量着他,才发现林枫还是那个林枫——那个一无是处,臭名昭著的黄蜂.然而,刚才林枫的眼神,让他觉得,这个林枫,已经不再像个没用的人了.而且,他有一种奇怪的感觉,仿佛林枫散发着一种国王的气息,这是老林枫从未有过的."一定是幻觉,幻觉..."薛世坤想着,感觉有些口齿不清,尴尬地说道:"侄子,这个..."林枫将目光从薛采儿转移到薛世坤身上.看到薛世坤脸上的愧疚,林枫温和地笑了笑,道:"薛叔叔,不用感到愧疚.彩儿姐既漂亮又有才华.虽然我林枫过得很鲁莽,但我仍然知道某些事情的重要性.人生的大事可不是开玩笑的,比起杜哥,我真的不值一提.俗话说,鸟儿会寻找最好的树栖息,所以当时机来临时,我们必须抓住它.林枫随后将目光转回低下头的薛采儿.他径直走向她,笑着停在她面前,说道:"彩儿姐,你今天应该有话要跟我说吧?薛采儿抬起头,与林枫炯炯有神的目光相遇.随着他们的目光对接,林枫的目光就像两道闪电击中了她.她不由得缩了缩,林枫注意到了,只是微微一笑.薛采儿感觉心跳加速,慌乱不安.她急忙倒了一杯茶,拼命掩饰自己的不安,端给林枫,说道:"这杯茶,我敬你.林枫毫不犹豫地接过杯子,看着茶叶,心中有些不悦,但还是用和蔼可亲的语气说道:"俗话说,酒满茶半,这是最后一杯吗?林枫一口气喝完,放下杯子,转向自己的父亲林敖."我们之间已经没有更多的联系了.订婚礼物不再需要退还.如果薛叔叔不介意,你会留下来吃晚饭吗?林枫的话明明是驱逐令,而那一刻,谁还能想到留下来吃晚饭呢?如果他们不留下来吃晚饭,他们自然要马上离开.这一刻,就连坐在主座上的林敖,也忍不住看了林枫两眼.他意识到他几乎认不出自己的儿子了.薛世坤感到一股热浪涌上了他的脸.他被林枫的话吓了一跳,不知道该怎么办.他忍不住想道:"这真的是少爷吗?我在做梦吗?片刻之后,薛世坤终于坐立不安,双手合十,道:"先生,我们告辞了.谢谢你的好意,侄子.我们永远感激不尽.林枫背对着薛世坤等人,轻轻摸了摸他的鼻子,道:"荣,请护送薛家出去.这一刻,依旧保持着礼节,只让薛世坤等人感到不舒服.身边的仆人林蓉愣了一下,还以为自己听错了.片刻的停顿后,他反应过来,道:"是的,凤公子.薛独仪,拜托了.薛家走后,林枫的身体突然瘫软了,瘫倒在了大厅的地板上.林傲见状,立即大喊道:"风儿..."林枫抬头看着林敖,艰难地说道:"我没事,爸爸...""他说话时痛苦地扭动着脸.林敖连忙把林枫扶起来,道:"有人,帮少爷回自己的房间.回到房间,林枫躺回床上,看着焦急的林敖说道:"爸爸,让我一个人呆一会儿.我没事,别担心.我了解我自己的身体.如果我能醒来,那就意味着我不会死.林敖还是有些担心的,但既然林枫这么说了,他只好和仆人一起离开了房间.躺在床上,林枫看着挂满画作的墙壁,感到一种莫名的陌生感.他的心一动,不禁纳闷:"我真的是林枫吗?为什么我觉得我不属于这里?但如果我不是林枫,为什么我拥有他所有的记忆?事实是,林枫来到这里的时候,他的身体巧合地与真实的林枫重叠,林枫被雷击,掉进了雷池中.在那短暂的一瞬间,原本林枫的记忆,转移到了旅行的林枫身上.然而,他并不知道这一点.最后,林枫屈服了,因为他找不到合理的解释来解释自己为什么不属于这里,所以他把这个变化归咎于雷池.And Lin Ao wasn't the only one with such thoughts. Even Du Shilong and Xue Shikun shared this belief. The Thunder Pool had not destroyed Lin Feng; instead, it had transformed him, and the change was quite shocking.After leaving the Lin family, Xue Shikun couldn't shake his unease. After walking for a while, he finally couldn't hold back and asked, "Did you notice the look in Lin Feng's eyes when he spoke?"Xue Caier's face darkened, and she clenched her hands together, saying, "It's like he's become a completely different person. I don't recognize him at all."Du Shilong exhaled deeply. He glared at San Gou, cursing, "It's all these damn lackeys. If we had just killed him back then, we wouldn't have this trouble. By the way, he didn't even mention our plan to kill him today. That's strange. Something's not right."Du Shilong's expression grew darker as he speculated, "Could he be deliberately avoiding it? Does he have something planned?"Xue Shikun began to realize the seriousness of the situation. At first, they had thought that even if Lin Feng didn't die in the Thunder Pool, he wouldn't have a chance to wake up, and the imperial doctor had confirmed it. That was why they felt confident in breaking off the engagement. But the reality was completely different from their expectations. Lin Feng not only woke up but also didn't mention their attempt on his life, which seemed illogical.Suddenly, a cold smile appeared on Xue Shikun's face as he looked at Du Shilong and said, "Lin Feng wasn't forced into the Thunder Pool by us. He was there to deliver our country's secrets to the Liguo."Du Shilong, hearing this, looked at Xue Shikun in confusion and asked, "What do you mean by that?"Xue Shikun shook his head slightly and replied seriously, "Didn't the Prime Minister want to get rid of this Imperial Examiner? This is the perfect opportunity. You know, treason is a heinous crime, not only could it take down Lin Ao, but it could also lead to Lin Feng being torn apart by five horses."Upon hearing this, Du Shilong finally understood and laughed, saying, "Why didn't I think of that? Even without solid evidence, we can still frame him with an accusation."