Mystical Realm of Divine Powers
听了薛世坤的话,杜世龙终于明白了,顿时大笑起来,道:"我怎么没想到这个呢?即使没有确凿的证据,我们仍然可以对他提出毫无根据的指控.薛家婚约的消息很快传遍了整个晋国,不到三个月的时间,就家喻户晓,以至于林枫一无是处的形象更加明显.许多人甚至为与林枫联系在一起而感到羞愧.三个月过去了,林枫的伤已经完全愈合了.林家的私塾重新开学,他以前的老师张欣德回来了.张欣德是一个神秘的人,他的下落几乎总是未知的.他不是晋国人,他的修为被晋人认为深奥而深奥.以他的能力,他本可以担任官职或成为将军,但令人惊讶的是,他对名声毫无兴趣.这十年来,他一直愿意做林枫的老师,因为林敖曾经对他好.不过这一次,张欣德对于来到林家的态度却截然不同.那天早上,张欣德的心情显得异常复杂.他一进林家府,就沉默不语.林敖出来后,才上前递上一封信.林敖正要问候,张欣德把信递了过来.林敖接过来,看完后,立刻皱起眉头,把纸揉成一团.他说,"假装我没有看到这封信.张师傅,请重新考虑.我们的师生关系很难建立.张欣德看到林傲揉搓着辞职信,没有表现出任何反应,仿佛早就预料到了这一点.他平静地说:"主啊,这三个月来,我已经下定决心了.我觉得你比任何人都更了解你儿子的性格,我真的感到很无助.林敖闻言,深深叹了口气,解开信揉搓,仔细阅读,皱起了眉头."唉...凤儿的性格确实很弱.作为父亲,我不想看到他变成这样.谁不希望他们的儿子在生活中有所成就呢?这真的很令人沮丧...叹息...令人沮丧..."林敖摇摇头,露出痛苦的表情.张欣德有些舍不得离开,但他不想再多留下去,怕他软化了,留在林家.鞠躬后,他说道:"主啊,请找一位更有能力的老师.我没有办法报答你对我的救命之恩.我真的很羞愧.就在张欣德准备转身离开的时候,林枫出现了.他对张欣德笑了笑,道:"师父,在您离开之前,请喝一杯我弟子为您准备的茶怎么样?张欣德愣住了.他已经开始转动的身体停了下来.他惊讶地盯着林枫.他面前的这个人,与之前相比,似乎是一个完全不同的人.林枫站在那里,散发着一种义气,让关于他的传闻显得毫无根据.林枫熟练地倒了一杯茶,放在张欣德面前.他说:"师父,您上次来已经四个月零八天了.你现在肯定已经对我失去了所有希望.张欣德愣住了,对林峰的"不寻常"行为感到惊讶.那一刻,他才明白,眼前的林枫,已经不是晋国的废人,也不是人们所说的二代继承人.林枫看到张欣德的表情变化,猜到师父心烦意乱.他继续道:"师父,喝完这茶后,您可以决定是留下还是离开.当然,我们的师生关系由来已久,我不希望它如此突然地结束.俗话说,'一师一父.即使你决定离开,我也会永远记住你.张欣德心里矛盾,接过茶,却不知所措.他没有喝,而是目不转睛地盯着林枫.见张欣德的犹豫,林枫突然砰的一声跪了下来,道:"师父,请留下来.也许我过去让你失望了,但这一次,请放心,我再也不会让你失望了.看着林枫真诚的表情,张欣德惊讶地挑了挑眉.突然,一个念头袭来,他睁大了眼睛.他意识到林枫的身体结构与常人大不相同——他多了六根肋骨,手臂比平时长了五英寸.而且,他的眉间还带着一丝霸气."这...他有成为皇帝的潜力吗?张欣德心想.叹了口气,张欣德笑道:"既然你这么坚决要改变,我就留下来."很好,很好..."林敖见情况转折,爽朗地笑了起来,看着林枫,道:"枫儿,快点谢师父!林枫连忙磕头,道:"多谢师父,不记仇.张欣德爽朗地笑道:"不用这种手续.我们是老师和学生,没有必要这么疏远.好了,我们开始上课吧.在私立学校里,只有三个学生:林峰,林荣和林峰的表弟林郑.林峥是三人中最好的学生,在学术和武术上都表现出色.接下来是林荣,他的学术实力较弱,但是个武林天才.就连张欣德也承认,林荣武功有天赋,短短三年就赶上了林铮.最后是林枫,他既不擅长学术,也不擅长武术,但幸运的是,林荣对他很忠诚.每当他们出去的时候,林枫都会利用林荣的名声来恐吓别人.Zhang Xinde stood at the podium and looked at the three of them, smiling. He nodded and asked, "Do you remember the nine levels of the physical body we talked about last time?"Lin Zheng stood up and answered, "The physical body has ten levels, starting with Level 1, which is cultivation, all the way to Level 10, which is the ability to transform."Zhang Xinde nodded and said, "Correct. Lin Zheng, I remember you're already at the third level of skill, right?"Lin Rong eagerly answered, "Zheng Shao has already reached the level of divine strength.""Divine strength?" Zhang Xinde exclaimed, staring at Lin Zheng. "Is this true, Zheng'er?"Lin Zheng smiled humbly and said, "I've just reached it, but I only have the strength of a horse.""The strength of a horse?" Lin Feng thought to himself in awe. A horse's strength was enormous, and he envied Lin Zheng for achieving that level.Zhang Xinde nodded repeatedly. "In just five years to reach the strength of a horse is incredible. With time, you could very well reach the tenth level of transformation.""The tenth level of transformation..." Lin Feng asked, "Is there anything after that?"Zhang Xinde turned to him and said, "Good question. After reaching the tenth level, your physical body will experience a qualitative leap. It will no longer be just the strength of a horse but the strength of ten horses combined. But I know that not everyone can reach the tenth level of transformation."Lin Feng, confused, asked, "Why is that?"Zhang Xinde explained, "For most people, divine strength is the limit. To surpass it requires luck, like those in our Jin Kingdom who reach the eighth level of divine strength. Reaching the later stages is even rarer."Lin Feng sighed inwardly. It seemed like a dream, out of reach.Zhang Xinde noticed their disappointment and said, "But don't give up. Ordinary people can't do it, but don't underestimate yourselves. Maybe one of you can reach the tenth level of transformation and even break the limit, entering the realm of divine powers."Hearing this new concept of "divine powers," Lin Feng's eyes widened. He looked at Zhang Xinde with awe and asked, "Divine Power Realm... what is that? It sounds amazing.""Divine Power Realm..." Zhang Xinde's expression turned serious. He closed his eyes slightly and, after a long pause, said, "The Divine Power Realm is truly remarkable. It's a realm that only one in tens of millions may reach. To put it simply, even if you have the strength of ten horses, can you lift yourself up?"Lin Feng shook his head, "No, if I could lift myself, wouldn't I be able to fly?"Zhang Xinde nodded. "Exactly. The Divine Power Realm is completely different from the physical body realm. Even if you have the strength of ten horses, you are still limited to physical power."Lin Feng disagreed, "Master, I don't agree. Anyone who can reach the tenth level of transformation is far more than just physical power."Zhang Xinde was taken aback for a moment, realizing Lin Feng had a point. He nodded and said, "That's true, my mistake. Let's focus on the differences between the two realms. The Divine Power Realm has ten levels as well, each level is: 1. Magical Power, 2. True Qi, 3. Astral Qi, 4. Yin-Yang, 5. Heaven and Man, 6. Unity, 7. Golden Core, 8. Wind and Fire Tribulation, 9. Law of Heaven and Earth, and 10. Eternal Life."This was the first time Lin Feng had heard of these realms. He was deeply impressed.