Second Layer of Strength Training
张欣德微微摇头,道:"好,好,我看得出你的体重.从现在开始,你必须加强训练.再过半年,一年一度的武术比赛就要来了.如果你想脱颖而出,这是一个很好的机会.在你们三个人中,我最担心的就是你.你能否去除二代富家子弟的标签,将取决于这一点.林枫瞬间愣住,悄悄问自己:"我真的有那么糟糕吗?张欣德注意到林枫的心思,笑着说道:"别难过.无论你把自己的健康照顾得多么好,与第二或第三阶段相比,你真的很虚弱.我们晋国的武林气息虽然不浓,但比赛将到处都是国精.如果你只是处于第一阶段,你所要做的就是被揍.好了,现在就停止养生修炼,开始专注于增强你的力量.林枫还是觉得有些不满.他转过头来问道:"我怎么训练?别跟我说,我得做当年林征和林荣做的事.林枫想起了他们双手拿着石头做蛙跳的样子,这让他厌恶地皱起了眉头.张欣德反驳道:"嗯,你觉得什么更好的练功法呢?一步一步来.从 30 磅开始."三十磅..."林枫喘着粗气,不情愿地摇了摇头,朝着训练场走去.林家训练场占地一百多亩,一条湍急的河流从中间切开,将田野一分为二.东侧是凹凸不平的石阶,各种沙袋和沉重的石头.西侧有长短不一的梅花桩和一排排射箭靶.虽然林枫本来就不是这里的人,但既然已经和这个林枫的记忆融合在一起,这些东西对他来说并不陌生.他走到东边,看着凹凸不平的石阶,沙袋和各种沉重的石头,微微皱眉,喃喃自语道:"为什么一个人的实力一定要用力量来衡量?他无奈地叹了口气,弯下腰捡起了一个沙袋.在林枫的记忆里,他一直都在关注这些活动,从来没有亲自参与过.以前,他只看林蓉和林征的表演.林枫弯下腰掀起沙袋,脑海中满是思绪,默默地想着,"不管怎么想,我都做不了那个二代富家子弟.这是怎么回事?雷池真的彻底改变了我吗?林枫将沙袋绑在腿上,被三犬追赶的场景在他的脑海中闪过.对过去屈辱的回忆激增.他咬紧牙关,抓起一块五十磅重的石头,大吼一声,将它高高举过头顶.远远的地方,张欣德,林征,林荣都难以置信地盯着颤抖的林枫.林蓉的脸几乎抽搐了一下,担心林枫头顶的石头可能会掉下来.片刻之后,林枫的双腿停止了颤抖.他慢慢地蹲下,仍然将石头高高举过头顶,只有在完全蹲下后才放下手臂.当石头靠近他时,他大喊一声,扭动身体,像金蟾蜍一样向前跃入水中,突破空气,跳了一小段距离.林铮和林蓉都愣住了,张欣德大喊道:"好!林枫向前迈出了一步.当他这样做时,他感到全身紧绷,腰部仿佛要爆炸,整个身体都在颤抖.尤其是他的手臂,那块五十磅重的石头似乎随时都会掉下来.林铮深深呼出一口气,看着林枫叹了口气,"这难点,至少是我们练功时的两倍.是什么赋予了凤公子如此的力量?这几乎就像他在玩弄自己的生活.林荣也觉得林枫做得太过分了,对张欣德说:"让少爷休息一下.我担心他的身体无法承受这种危及生命的训练.张欣德淡淡摇头,道:"凤儿没错.他的养生修为你们中最好的,气息强大到可以扫山水.别担心.虽然这么说,张欣德心里暗自不解,心想:"他成功地将一种基本的养生方法完善到了这种程度.也许只有他做到了这一点.就算是玉花宗的长老,也不可能有这样的气势.我以前怎么没注意到这一点?见张欣德无端摇头,林荣问道:"师父,怎么了?你为什么摇头?张欣德从思绪中猛然一笑,道:"没什么.只是想想过去.好了,现在你已经看到了凤儿的潜力.如果你不想被超越,你需要更加努力.然后他把注意力转向身后不平齐的梅花桩,说:"你现在应该去练习了.下午晚些时候,林枫,林蓉和林征继续他们紧张的训练.张欣德无事可做,被林敖叫到书房.书房里,林敖一脸愁容.见张信德到来,连忙站起来说:"张大人,请坐.张欣德对这种热情的接待感到有些不自在,不情愿地坐了下来.张欣德一坐下,林傲就赶紧叫来一个仆人端茶,让张欣德心里更加不安.一切安顿好后,仆人离开了书房,关上了身后的门.张欣德察觉到有些不对劲,心想:"大臣想干什么?Lin Ao's expression grew serious as he stood up, walked over to the bookshelf, and pulled out a tightly wrapped object that resembled a long staff.Zhang Xinde was unsure of what Lin Ao was planning, but when Lin Ao took the wrapped object, his hands trembled. Zhang Xinde, surprised, quickly stood up and asked, "Sir, what is this?"Lin Ao stared at the object in his hand, let out a deep breath, and said, "This is a treasure sword."Zhang Xinde was stunned and asked, "A sword? Why is it wrapped so tightly?"Lin Ao didn't speak. Instead, he began unwrapping the cloth around the sword, peeling away about twenty layers before a faint outline of the sword could be seen.Zhang Xinde was growing impatient. After waiting for so long, he wanted to grab the sword from Lin Ao's hands to see what kind of sword could warrant such treatment.After seeing the sword's outline, Zhang Xinde finally relaxed, thinking he would soon see the true face of the sword. However, when all the cloth was removed, he found that the sword was still covered in thick layers of wax.Seeing this, Zhang Xinde knew that the sword must hold some secret. Unable to contain his curiosity, he asked, "What's going on here?"Lin Ao took a deep breath and said, "This is why I asked Master Zhang to come."Zhang Xinde's brow furrowed as he asked, "Could this sword be cursed?"Lin Ao nodded solemnly and said, "This sword was brought out of the Thunderpool by Feng'er. Three months ago, when we found him outside the Thunderpool, he was tightly holding this sword, and he gripped it fiercely..." Lin Ao then described the situation at the time.Zhang Xinde's expression became grave, and he silently thought, "Could it be that the Thunderpool contains a divine weapon? This is truly suspicious." He then asked, "Do you think the sword is dangerous, which is why you sealed it away?"Lin Ao nodded and released his grip on the sword. It fell to the ground with a loud crash, and the wax covering the sword scattered everywhere. The sword on the ground began to shake violently.