Zhang Xinde's expression gradually became more serious as he secretly thought, "Could it be that there is indeed a celestial-grade weapon in the Thunder Pool? This seems too strange." He then asked, "Is it because you feel this sword is unruly, something odd about it, so you sealed it away?"Lin Ao nodded, released his hand, and the sword fell to the ground with a loud clatter. Immediately, the wax candles on the sword scattered across the floor, and the sword itself began to tremble.The sword in question was Lin Feng's Dragon Sword. It was said that this sword was one of the few divine artifacts left from the formation of the universe. Only Lin Feng could be recognized as its master; no one else could wield it.龙剑在地上颤抖,林敖不禁敬畏地摇了摇头,道:"师父,您游历广泛,知识渊博.你知道发生了什么吗?张欣德神色凝重,目光锁定在颤抖的剑上.他的心跳加速,心想道:"一件天器.这必须是 Thunder Pool 中的工件.枫儿的变化,一定是因为这个...这太不可思议了!就算是十大仙宗,也找不到几件这样的天器.见张欣德沉默不语,林傲急了起来,问道:"师父,您有什么感悟吗?张欣德回过神来,若有所思地点了点头,道:"这一定是雷池里的上古天器.十大仙宗早就觊觎它,但没有人敢跨过雷池.谁能想到会这么容易就落入凤儿的手中?难道,即使是那些拥有神通,可以长生不老的人,也无法改变命运吗?他的最后一句话听起来几乎像是在自言自语.林敖不解.虽然大陆上有很多关于修炼者的传说,但他们作为普通人,只听说过这样的宝物,却从未亲眼见过.即使是普通的飞剑,他也没有真正亲眼目睹过.张欣德弯下腰,捡起了龙剑.当他拿着它时,他本能地皱起了眉头.他想道:"这把剑看起来就像一把普通的剑,没有一丝天界金属的光芒.它从哪里获得了精神精华?这种对比让他感到困惑,他伸手拔出剑.在他试图拔出的那一刻,张欣德睁大了眼睛,仿佛要从他的脑袋里蹦出来.林敖连忙问道:"师父,您没事吧?张欣德松开了握剑的手,叹了口气,"奇怪,我怎么拔不出来呢?林敖点头表示赞同,道:"没错,我也试过了,但出不来.感觉就像一块废金属,但为什么它会那样颤抖?就在这时,张欣德心里一阵矛盾,将龙剑递给林傲,道:"师父,或许您暂时应该封印它.过段时间,我会教凤儿一点剑术,然后我们看看这把剑是真的天器还是废金属.张欣德开始怀疑他的判断.每天晚上下课后,张欣德都会给三个学生每人一颗珍珠大小的药丸.这些丹药是张欣德亲手制作的.他声称它们有助于身体恢复,但实际上,它们是含有少量灵气的灵丹.虽然数量不多,但对于一个普通人来说,却是一件难得的宝物.十天过去了,林枫丝毫没有感到疲倦.就好像他有无穷无尽的能量.最初是举起 50 磅重的石头和两个 30 磅重的沙袋,现在已经发展到 100 磅重的石头和两个 60 磅重的沙袋.林蓉和林铮都愣住了.他们练功的时候,林铮花了六个月的时间,林荣花了五个月的时间才达到林枫现在的水平,但林枫只用了十天时间就达到了.而且,当林荣和林征达到百磅大关时,他们已经筋疲力尽,但林枫却显得充满活力.看到林枫拎着一块巨石,拎着沙袋逆流而上,林荣叹了口气,在梅花桩上坐下,道:"按照这个速度,用不了三个月,少爷就不再需要我的保护了.Lin Zheng, meanwhile, was drawing a bow that weighed 120 pounds, pulling it back to a full moon shape. As Lin Rong sighed, a whoosh was heard, and an arrow shot through the air, hitting the target two hundred paces away.Turning around, Lin Zheng muttered while watching Lin Feng jump energetically, "The second generation heir is getting tired of his position. It's about time he picks himself up."Lin Feng continued jumping with the giant stone, and when he tired of that, he switched to running with a 60-pound stone in each hand, sprinting through the rushing river and causing splashes. He didn't stop, doing all sorts of moves in the turbulent water.A month passed, and the 100-pound stone was no longer enough for Lin Feng. Now, with every movement, he was lifting 300-pound stones, and even Lin Zheng was stunned. Though he was now in the divine strength stage, capable of performing feats of great strength, even he couldn't help but break into a cold sweat seeing Lin Feng lifting three hundred pounds with ease while running with additional weights. When he and Lin Rong were in the strength training stage, they only reached two hundred pounds before moving to the next level.That evening, when it was time for class, Zhang Xinde handed out a spiritual pill to each of them and said, "Feng'er, your strength has now reached its limit. Further training won't yield much improvement. It's time to prepare for the third-level technique."Lin Feng was excited and asked, "Is three hundred pounds the limit?"Zhang Xinde smiled and said, "Don't underestimate that three hundred pounds. Why don't you give your running a try now?"Lin Feng was overjoyed. He had felt changes in his body recently, and after each training session, he would rest. Now, he was eager to see how much he had gained in the past month. With a loud shout, he started running at full speed.Lin Rong and Lin Zheng heard Lin Feng's shout, and by the time they turned around, Lin Feng was already racing like lightning. In the blink of an eye, he had covered hundreds of yards."Wow…" Lin Rong couldn't control his excitement, shouting louder than when he first realized he could perform lightness skills."Jump!" Zhang Xinde called out, watching Lin Feng's back.At the sound of Zhang Xinde's voice, Lin Feng's spirit surged. He leaped, and his body soared like an arrow, heading straight for the sky, reaching a height of five zhang.Feeling himself flying through the air, Lin Feng panicked for a moment, losing his balance. He fell from such a height.Lin Rong, seeing he was about to crash, screamed, "Oh my god…" He quickly covered his eyes, unable to bear seeing Lin Feng fall.After a moment, Lin Rong lowered his hands and opened his eyes. However, he quickly shut them again, his face filled with distress, saying, "Oh, my little ancestor, don't take your anger out on me." He hurriedly hid behind Lin Zheng.