Immortal Artifact

林枫从梅花柱上跳下来,走到武器架前,随手拔出一剑.他转向张欣德说:"师父,请.林枫的话让正在修炼剑术的林蓉和林铮目瞪口呆.两人都停下脚步,转头看向林枫.林枫手握剑,自然而然地握住了剑柄,没有任何不必要的姿势,干脆站在那里,仿佛是第二天性.在云梦大陆,林枫对剑法的掌握可以说是历史上无人能及.他已经达到了剑灵修为的第三层,觉醒了天剑灵,可以压制包括法术在内的所有力量,将任何东西化为一把巨剑杀戮不留痕迹.他还将数千种剑法融合成一击.如果不是他的修为失传,他的记忆被抹去,没有人会比他更了解这把剑.虽然林枫已经失去了所有的修为,但当他看到张欣德挥舞着他的剑时,那剑气仍然隐约地与他心中深处的某个东西产生共鸣,让他对这剑有一种理解的感觉,尽管难以捉摸.张欣德看着自然站着的林枫,微微一愣.他之前的信心开始动摇.林枫看起来满身破绽的事实,其实让他很难找到出击的地方,因为这些破绽都会随着林枫站姿的微小变化而消失.权衡了一下,张欣德觉得自己的怀疑没有道理.林枫从来没有学过什么剑法,他又怎么可能懂剑术呢?这只是他想得太多了.然后他开口了,"你确定要我先走一步吗?林枫点点头,道:"我想确认一下我的猜测是否正确.张欣德无奈地摇摇头."枫儿,记住,过度的好奇心有时不是一件好事.一个死得很快的人往往是太好奇的人..."说着这句话,张欣德跃到空中,挥舞着他的剑,一连串错综复杂的动作,瞄准了林枫.林铮和林蓉看到这剑法,不禁倒吸了一口凉气.林蓉再也忍不住了,连忙捂住眼睛,背对着林枫.张欣德为了维护自己的权威,将他所有的剑气都释放了出来.然而,他并没有使用任何真气;他只是在执行自己的动作,确保林枫不会受伤.张欣德的剑尖直接指向林枫的喉咙,仿佛准备一击结束战斗.然而林枫却站在那里,手里拿着剑,没有躲闪也没有回避.见林枫没有改变姿势,张欣德心想:"看来你真的不会挥剑.就算我不改招,你也无处可逃,这直接打在你的喉咙上.张欣德决定让林枫看看什么叫手无寸铁.就在他这么想的时候,向前伸出的剑突然停了下来,他的身体以闪电般的速度移动着.曾经在他右手的剑现在移到了左手,他从腋下向前刺了出去.林铮惊讶地瞪大了眼睛.这是他见过的最精致的剑招.他心想,如果换成林枫的话,他甚至都不知道自己是怎么被打的.终于,张欣德的身体停了下来.因为张欣德的身体挡住了林正的视线,他看不到林枫的表情,但片刻之后,他听到了林枫平静的声音,"原来是真的.张欣德的身体颤抖着,似乎失去了对剑的控制.他深吸了几口气,微微摇了摇头,说道:"难以置信,难以置信..."林征和林蓉交换了一下眼神,然后从梅花柱上跳下来,急忙走过去看看发生了什么.他们所看到的让他们震惊——林枫的剑柄挡住了张欣德的剑,他的剑尖现在正直接指向张欣德的喉咙.林荣和林铮愣住了,许久之后,林荣惊呼道:"哇,这..."林枫出剑入鞘,张欣德却踉踉跄跄地向后退去,大口喘着粗气.几次呼吸后,他说道:"不可能...不可能的...这是玉花宗外门弟子的顶级剑法...这是怎么回事呢?哈哈...我没有什么能教给你的了.林枫见状,突然跪下道:"师父还有很多东西要教我.我今天取得的所有成就,都多亏了您的悉心指导.如果不是你,我怎么能弄清楚你剑的路线?张欣德叹了口气坐下.那把剑还在他身边,皱了很久的眉头,他终于放松了下来,说道:"嗯,没什么.我从来没有想过我会在有生之年接受这样的弟子.现在没有遗憾.哈哈哈..."站在附近,林铮的脸色变得严峻.他沉默了一会儿,然后又开始练习他的剑术.而林蓉则叹了口气坐下,喃喃自语道:"唉,师父不需要我再保护他了...我只是一个没用的废物..."听到林荣叹了口气,张欣德转头看着他,喊道:"别叹了!回去训练吧!眨眼间,六个月过去了.一年一度的武术比赛即将开始,首都熙熙攘攘,来自各地的精英云集.比赛前一天,林峰被林敖和张欣德叫进了书房.Lin Ao took a long-forgotten sword from the bookshelf, unwrapping the cloth layers one by one before smashing the wax seal on the sword.Lin Feng no longer recognized the Dragon Sword, but as soon as the wax seal was broken, the sword began to tremble. Lin Feng felt an uncontrollable urge to reach for it.The sword was in Zhang Xinde's hand, but even he seemed to struggle to hold onto it, placing it on the desk. He looked at Lin Feng and asked, "Feng'er, do you recognize this sword?"Lin Feng gazed at the sword on the desk, feeling a surge of excitement. Though he couldn't remember the sword, he had a vague sense of connection with it. He replied, "I don't recognize it, but it feels familiar somehow."The Dragon Sword began to tremble violently on the desk, making a series of clattering sounds. Zhang Xinde and Lin Ao feared the desk might be destroyed, and both quickly pressed down on the sword. However, before their hands could reach it, the sword suddenly stood upright, causing Lin Ao to stumble back and exclaim, "Ah..."Zhang Xinde was startled, quickly reaching out, but before he could touch it, the sword flashed away, narrowly avoiding his grasp.Zhang Xinde grew angry and tried again, but the sword dodged him once more.And again, and again...After several rounds, within the small space of the study, Zhang Xinde, despite his skills, couldn't catch the sword. He finally stopped, shaking his head and muttering, "A celestial artifact, it must be a celestial artifact. No wonder it's called a celestial artifact..."Lin Feng had been staring blankly, but upon hearing Zhang Xinde mention celestial artifacts, he curiously asked, "What's a celestial artifact, Master?"Zhang Xinde thought to himself that Lin Feng hadn't heard about such things yet, so it was normal for him not to understand. He explained, "In this world, there are all sorts of magical treasures, each with its own ranking. The most common are called magical tools. Slightly better ones are spiritual tools, like flying swords. The next level is treasure-grade items, which are very rare. Above that is the Dao artifact—rare treasures indeed. If an ordinary person possesses a Dao artifact, they could easily overwhelm an army. In the mortal realm, few Dao artifacts exist. As for celestial artifacts... well, those are even rarer. Any sect that possesses a celestial artifact would surely become a major sect."Lin Feng was overjoyed. "Master means this sword is a celestial artifact?" He reached out, extending his hand toward the Dragon Sword.Just as Zhang Xinde nodded, the Dragon Sword seemed to fly into Lin Feng's hand, as if returning to its rightful owner. Lin Feng's eyes widened in shock, as if his very soul was about to be pulled out.