The eve of the competition

就在张欣德点头之际,龙剑仿佛飞回了主人的身边,落在了林枫的手中.他难以置信地瞬间睁大了眼睛,仿佛他的眼球会在那一刻掉出来.龙剑落在林枫手中的那一刻,生锈的剑瞬间闪耀着金光.所有的锈迹都消失了,它散发出一种无与伦比的统治气息.张欣德和林敖都被这一幕惊呆了.林枫抱着龙剑,心中感到一股难以形容的兴奋.他隐约觉得,这把剑是属于他的,仿佛它有自己的生命.张欣德激动得浑身发抖,难以置信地开口道:"一把仙器...不朽的武器...这真是不可思议!万万没想到,在我有生之年,竟然有机会亲眼目睹这样一件神器.上天真的对我很好!说着,张欣德向林枫手中的龙剑伸了出手.顿时,他的脸色一变,他意识到自己的手竟然连那剑都无法靠近.一股强大的排斥力将他的手推开.张欣德连忙点头,道:"好,好...枫儿真的是命中注定的.他未来的成就将是不可估量的.林枫仍然沉浸在获得仙器的兴奋中,没有注意到张欣德的惊讶.握住龙剑,林枫伸出手,打算将剑出鞘.然而,就在林枫准备出剑的时候,他的手却被张欣德拦住了.张欣德一脸严肃,道:"凤儿,先不拔剑.林枫愣住了,疑惑地看着张欣德,问道:"师父,为什么?张欣德一把抓住林枫的手,语气严肃道:"一个没有罪恶感的人,却拥有一件珍贵的物品,就有危险了.你的修为只是软硬境第四阶段.你的整体实力比林蓉和林征弱.想象一下,如果别人发现你拥有不朽的武器会发生什么.就在这时,林敖也意识到了事态的严重性,连忙说道:"枫儿,最好先封剑.等到你足够强大,可以保护自己后再把它拿出来.张欣德立刻摇摇头,道:"那不对.既然这是仙器,又选择了凤儿为师,我相信凤儿应该把剑放在身边,永不离不弃.不朽的武器是有知觉的;有了它,凤儿甚至不需要我的老骨头了.林敖听到这话,最激动的就是.他一直认为他的儿子会是一个彻头彻尾的失败者.令他惊讶的是,这场灾难不仅饶过了林枫,反而把他变成了一个罕见的天才.没有人能理解他的兴奋.张欣德用力拍了拍林枫的肩膀,道:"所以,只要枫儿不拔剑,再加上这把剑的自藏能力,应该没有人能察觉到它是仙器.随身携带它,它会在危险的时候救你.林枫既激动又激动,点点头道:"师父的话,我会记在心里,不会鲁莽出剑.张欣德点了点头好几次,终于松了口气."这很好.我一直担心家人无法参加比赛,但现在似乎没有必要了.明天的武术学生锦标赛,我现在很有信心.嗯...不过,杜家的儿子们...他们应该没事...哈哈...他们应该没事的..."林枫听到张欣德的话,疑惑地问道:"杜家的儿子们?他们有那么强大吗?张欣德点点头,一脸严肃的说道:"杜世龙的体力是神通五段,但林荣能对付他.杜世龙的弟弟杜士虎,一直在隐藏自己的实力.他是杜伟一直努力培养的关键人物.我有机会见过他一次,但那是一年前的事了.当年的他,已经是神通五段了,实力与林正和林蓉不相上下.在过去的一年里我没有遇到他,但可以肯定的是,他的实力已经大大提高了.他很可能会成为杜伟追求权力的王牌.他将成为今年武术学生锦标赛的核心人物.如果你遇到他,要小心.不要和他正面交锋.林枫皱眉问道:"师父,您担心我会面对他吗?放心,师父,我已经准备好了.张欣德点点头,道:"确实如此.如果只是杜诗虎,我就不会那么担心了.但比赛将聚集许多强大的竞争对手.我们国家虽然很小,但仍然有一百多名强者.我担心你可能无法击败他们并进入最终战斗.如果你能进入最后几名,就算输给杜士虎,你还是会有一些名气,这是值得的.林枫笑了笑,道:"师父,您不用担心.我在 Thunder Pool 中幸存下来,这意味着我有运气.别担心我.天色已晚.我会去休息,为明天的比赛做准备.回到自己的房间后,林枫还是放不下龙剑,甚至手里拿着剑躺在床上.他仔细打量着龙剑.林枫盯着那剑看了许久.好几次,他都想出鞘,但每一次尝试,张欣德的话都会在他的脑海中回荡,这让他感到沮丧.他咕哝道,"你到底是什么?不朽的武器?我真的很想看看你的真实形态.林枫接着翻了个身,道:"对了,我该怎么称呼你呢?你有名字吗?...我真傻,你怎么会有个名字呢?好,既然你愿意跟着我,我就给你起个名字.'学坡'怎么样?Lin Feng didn't know why these unrelated words suddenly came to mind. They weren't even one word, and they had no particular meaning, but they seemed to have been buried in his heart for many years.Upon hearing this name, Longjian slightly trembled. Lin Feng was stunned and said, "Do you dislike this name? How about 'Longhun'?"The next day, Lin Feng woke up early, feeling eager to head to Lin Rong's room. He rushed to the door and knocked loudly, shouting, "Hey, Lin Rong, Lin Rong, wake up..."At that moment, Lin Rong had just returned to his room. When he saw Lin Feng knocking, he thought he had seen it wrong. He quickly rubbed his eyes and said, "Young Master, is that really you? Are you calling me?"Lin Feng turned around and saw Lin Rong fully armored. His eyes widened, and he said, "Wow, you're all ready?"Lin Rong grinned and said, "Of course. This is the annual Martial Student Tournament, a great opportunity to change my fate. I can't miss it."Hearing this, Lin Feng's eyes shifted, and he immediately grew angry. "Oh, so you're thinking of leaving the Lin family now? Tell me, what have I, Lin Feng, ever done to you?"Lin Rong shrank a little, chuckled, and said, "Young Master, you've treated me very well." Lin Rong stopped smiling and gave Lin Feng a serious look. With a helpless expression, he said, "It's just that Young Master is too talented. You've advanced so quickly that I'm becoming useless. So, before I can no longer protect you, I need to find a way out. Don't you think so, Young Master?" Lin Rong patted Lin Feng's shoulder and sighed deeply, as though preparing for parting.Lin Feng was stunned for a moment, then burst into laughter, saying, "You're still pretending? Watch me turn you into a turtle."Lin Rong quickly stepped back and said, "Can I be a turtle?"Lin Feng laughed and said, "Sure, get moving. Go and invite Young Master Zheng."At this point, Lin Zheng's voice came from the side, "You're waiting for me? Then I might as well wait until next year's competition. It's getting late. Let's go, what time is it?"Lin Feng lightly tapped Lin Rong's shoulder and said, "Young Master Zheng is more reliable." He followed behind Young Master Zheng, heading towards the gate.Lin Rong followed behind, looking aggrieved, muttering, "Hmph... I think you're the least reliable, truly a young master like no other."