to wash away past humiliation

许多人一直在等待这一刻,有些人已经等待了太久,以至于花朵已经枯萎了.他们,围观的人,都想看到林枫在数千人面前难堪,虽然没有一个人敢直接让他难看,生怕和他的厄运扯上关系.尽管如此,他们都希望有人能够羞辱林枫,通过看到他公开丢脸来满足他们的虚荣心.下面的人都在想,三招之内,林枫肯定会跪下求饶,于是都伸长了脖子,急切地想看林枫再次丢脸,人群兴奋得嗡嗡作响.张骞保持冷静,观察着情况.林枫并不觉得自己是浪费,所以他想确认一下自己的想法.韩昊的招式凶猛,每一次攻击都有撼山之力.不过,林枫在前几轮中已经想通了自己的技术,所以无论韩昊再猛烈的攻击,林枫总能巧妙地化解这些打击."以柔胜硬,不简单,"张骞默默地点点头.又交流了几次后,他喃喃自语道:"看来结果很清楚.林峰晋级决赛并不奇怪.他对林枫的好奇心越来越大.韩昊对林枫一击没能打中几个回合后,他开始焦虑起来,攻击变得更加无序.林枫抓住机会,施展了一记"虎跃龙泉",双拳落在韩浩的腹部.韩浩没有及时反应,还没来得及反应,就感觉到一股强大的力量击中了他的小腹.他的身体被迫后退了五步,他踉跄了一下,在擂台边缘摇晃后才恢复平衡.然而,等韩昊稳住自己,林枫已经滑到了他面前,手臂抬起,指尖压在韩昊的脖子上.韩昊喘着粗气,挣扎着喘口气.沉默了很久,他终于开口了,"我...我输了.林枫收回手,笑了笑,抱拳道:"谢谢你的好意.下面的人群都惊呆了.他们眨了眨眼,揉了揉眼睛,不敢相信自己刚刚目睹了这一切.他们花了很长时间才回到现实中,一个个,他们用奇怪的表情看着林枫."第四轮,林枫赢了,"张骞大声宣布,一阵掌声响起.第七回合,林枫轻松击败了对手.最后一场比赛是比赛的最后一场比赛.除了林枫之外,他的死对头杜世龙,是唯一一个能走到这一步的人.林枫从来没有把杜世龙当成有价值的对手.他认为像他这样的人不是他的对手.在赛场上,两人对峙.杜世龙露出自信的笑容,看着林枫.他冷笑道:"哇,真令人印象深刻.你已经走到了这一步.老实说,我真的不想和你打架.这会降低我的地位.林枫笑了笑,平静地回应道:"能找到这么懂我的人,真是难得.如果你现在让步并离开,我会放过这件事,而不会对你不利.杜世龙突然大笑起来,"哈哈哈...既然你这么说了,我就不情愿地插手给你一个教训.林枫只是笑了笑,道:"既然我们这么熟悉,我就尽力而为吧,龙公子.请做我的客人.说着,林枫向两侧迈出了一小步.杜世龙舒展筋来,突然朝着林枫冲去,伸出手臂施展了一记"洪龙尾",瞄准了林枫的脸.这一招,仿佛是杜世龙用过一百遍的招式.当他推出它时,它散发出一种支配感.然而,林枫只是微微向后靠了靠,然后整个身体顺着地面向前滑去,滑到了杜世龙的两腿之间.然后,使用"鹤回巢"招式,他的身体弹了起来,在半空中旋转,膝盖朝着杜世龙的后背飞去.这个复杂的操作赢得了掌声.然而杜世龙并不是个傻子.当他意识到林枫已经躲过了他的"洪龙尾"时,他感应到了袭来的隐藏力量,在林枫的膝盖够到他的背之前,迅速躲开了.杜世龙得意地笑道:"不错,你的软硬技术让人印象深刻.林枫回以微笑,道:"谢谢你.但现在,您将不得不面对后果.正如我所说,今天我将清算新旧分数.说着,林枫迈上了虎姿,用鹤拳击打,软硬结合,朝着杜世龙冲去.两人一时间交锋,各自在短时间内使用了数十招.突然,林枫注意到杜世龙的技巧变得重复起来.他冷笑道:"就这些吗,龙少爷?看来我高估了你.At this point, sweat had begun to bead on Du Shilong's forehead, and his breathing became labored. He had no time to focus on Lin Feng's taunting thoughts. He was thinking that if he had another chance, he would personally deal with Lin Feng, not leave it to the third dog.Lin Feng, however, remained calm. Though Du Shilong was at the fifth level of physical power, which was similar to Lin Zheng's level six months ago, Lin Feng knew his own soft-hard technique could handle Du Shilong's current strength with ease.Suddenly, Lin Feng realized something important. Even though his foundation was solid, it was impossible for him, with his current level of mastery, to force someone with a one-horse strength to this point in such a short time. Then he remembered that in the earlier exchange, by using both crane and tiger techniques, he had kept Du Shilong from fighting back, which forced him to switch from offense to defense. That was why Du Shilong had sweated in just a few moves.Lin Feng understood now. Combining softness and hardness worked well. He would try again, and winning against Du Shilong was already certain.As Lin Feng began mixing his "Cranes Dance Through the Sky" and "Tiger Roar Across the Mountains" techniques again, he found that his movements became awkward, unlike the earlier fluidity. Meanwhile, Du Shilong began his counterattack.The crowd below was still frowning, but when they saw Lin Feng retreating step by step, they relaxed and the frown slowly disappeared.Zhang Qian, who had been observing, looked puzzled. He wondered, "What's this kid doing? Where did that earlier fierce momentum go?"Du Shilong's "Dragon Fist" created a roaring wind in the air, while Lin Feng blocked and retreated with the chaotic air pressure pushing him back.Gradually, Lin Feng found himself at the edge of the ring, but Du Shilong showed no sign of slowing down. At that moment, Du Shilong's face hardened with a murderous intent. If he had the chance, he would disregard the rules and kill Lin Feng outright.Just when Lin Feng had nowhere else to retreat, Du Shilong thought his moment had come. He attacked with both fists and legs, intending to strike Lin Feng in the upper body and sweep his legs to knock him down. Lin Feng would either be hit by the punches, or he would be forced out of the ring and lose.However, at the moment Du Shilong launched his combined attack, Lin Feng didn't stand there to take the blows. Instead, he executed a "Cranes Drop Pine Branch," his body falling backward, using the edge of the ring as a springboard. He expertly spun around, his foot hooking the ring's edge, and with a tiger leap, he rotated 180 degrees in mid-air and landed behind Du Shilong."Wow..."The spectators were stunned, unable to believe their eyes, and cheered loudly.Du Shilong, who had leaned forward with all his momentum, didn't have time to adjust. Suddenly, he felt his body sink. He staggered and nearly fell off the ring.But he didn't fall; instead, Lin Feng struck him powerfully in the back, forcing him to bend over. As he touched the ground with his knee, he bounced back, extending his arm and punching toward Lin Feng.Lin Feng stepped back with his toe, but suddenly surged forward, meeting Du Shilong's punch head-on.Du Shilong, thinking Lin Feng was walking straight into his trap, secretly rejoiced and thought, "You're walking to your own doom." His punch grew even stronger, as all of his power was concentrated into it.But then, Du Shilong felt something wrong. When his fist hit Lin Feng's arm, Lin Feng's body slid with the force, instantly reducing the power of Du Shilong's punch until it was completely exhausted.The spectators below thought Lin Feng had been sent flying by Du Shilong's punch. Especially the third dog and Xue Cai'er, who cheered as they saw Lin Feng seemingly retreat.But just as Du Shilong's strength was spent, Lin Feng's right foot dug into the ground, and his left shoulder surged with power like a landslide. He grabbed Du Shilong's wrist, while his left shoulder thrust straight into Du Shilong's armpit.Crack...The moment Lin Feng's shoulder hit Du Shilong's armpit, a loud crack echoed, and Du Shilong screamed in agony.The audience, still not fully understanding what had just happened, rose to their feet, trying to see what had occurred. They only saw Lin Feng quickly pulling and pushing Du Shilong's arm, sending him stumbling backward by ten steps, but they couldn't see the finer details.Lin Feng didn't stop there. He had started to find the perfect blend of the "Cranes Dance Through the Sky" and "Tiger Roar Across the Mountains," so he wasn't going to let Du Shilong escape easily—he was the perfect sparring partner for his training.Lin Feng's fists landed on Du Shilong's joints. With each strike, the sound of joints popping filled the air, followed by Du Shilong's howls of pain.In just a few moments, Du Shilong's hands were dislocated, his howls had turned from pain to pleas for mercy.Xue Cai'er, who had been frowning, couldn't believe her eyes as she murmured, "How could this be? In just half a year, how could the change be so great? How... how could this happen?"Du Shilong's voice had shifted from howls of pain to whimpering cries, "I admit defeat! Stop! Please!""What?" Lin Feng pretended not to hear. He continued to target Du Shilong's joints, now moving from his hands to his back. While attacking, he said, "I can't hear you. Speak louder."Du Shilong, tears streaming down his face, screamed, "I admit defeat! Stop! Please!"Lin Feng tightened his fist, aiming for Du Shilong's spine. "Still didn't hear you," he said, before landing a final blow, and releasing Du Shilong's wrist.Du Shilong felt his bones crack and his back collapse. His eyes went wide, and he screamed, "I... I admit defeat! Stop! Please..."With that, Du Shilong collapsed on the arena floor, completely defeated.