Victory in First Place (Part One)
林枫冷冷地看了一眼躺在赛场上的杜世龙,冷笑道:"垃圾.这一刻,杜世龙虚弱得无力反驳.他只能感觉到自己的骨头碎裂,手臂和整个上半身都动弹不得."我的骨头...我的骨头..."杜世龙倒抽一口气,直直地盯着林枫.林枫假装没注意到,低头看着人群.所有人都睁大了眼睛,像个怪物一样盯着他.林枫微微动了动嘴唇,转向张骞,问道:"这是...意思是我赢了?张骞皱起眉头,想道:"那有点太苛刻了.停顿了一下,他大声宣布:"决赛,林枫赢了.林枫跳下舞台,笑着走到张骞面前,道:"谢谢你.张骞瞬间愣住,连忙问道:"谢谢你干什么?林枫回答道:"没什么,就说声谢谢你这么玩.张骞一头雾水,不明白,稍作停顿后,才道:"恭喜.林枫笑了笑,说道:"等我拿到第一名再祝贺我.张谦微微眯起眼睛,道:"那很难.这是你进入决赛的门票.他递给林枫一个令牌,上面写着"第一"字.林枫没有再说什么.他拿着令牌,朝着决赛场走去.突然,林枫感觉到一阵风向他冲来.当他反应过来时,一个棕色的身影从他身边飞驰而过.林枫一怔,心想:"什么速度啊!这是谁?他迅速转身,只见那道身影从舞台上大约五六米远的地方跃到空中,直接落在了竞技场上.林枫心想:"好敏捷啊!难道...是的,杜诗虎.我师父以前提到过他.看去,他的修为已经达到了炼体境六层.这是否意味着我将不得不与他竞争第一名?杜诗虎蹲在杜诗龙旁边,问道:"哥,你没事吧?杜世龙的脸因痛苦而扭曲.他瞪着杜诗虎,喊道:"我快死了,你问我还好吗?杜世龙痛苦地呻吟着,继续说道:"看来我的人生已经结束了.我的手被毁了,我的腰也没了..."杜士虎轻轻呼出一口气,看着哥哥的痛苦.他说:"别担心,你还没完.既然林枫这段时间一直在隐藏自己的实力,那他肯定是个聪明人.聪明的人不会做愚蠢的事情.请耐心等待..."杜诗虎握住杜诗龙的手,按在关节处."如果你真的变得没用了,你觉得爸爸会放过林家吗?他只是想给你一个教训.猛地一拉一推,传来噼里啪啦的声音,杜世龙痛苦地尖叫起来.杜世龙推开杜士虎的手,吼道:"你是想打断吗?我是你的兄弟,你..."此时,杜世龙意识到自己的手可以移动,甚至可以施加一些力量来推杜士虎.他的脸色由愤怒转为喜悦,他看着杜诗虎,说道:"好动啊!还有这个..."他指了指另一只手,那只手他动不了.杜诗虎被推了一把,却没有表现出太多的情绪.他走过去,一把抓住杜世龙的手,又拉了一下.在又一声痛苦的尖叫之后,他松开了他哥哥的手臂.杜诗虎默默地想道:"那个关节调整得很完美.如果少了一点点,他的整个脊椎都会碎裂,如果少一点,他就会瘫痪.这种方法,只是将关节脱臼而不造成伤害,令人印象深刻.看起来前方将有一场艰苦的战斗.杜世龙还因疼痛而咬牙切齿,大声说道:"你还在等什么?我已经准备好忍受痛苦了.你还想让我做什么?杜诗虎点点头,将手掌放在杜诗龙的背上,轻轻按摩.裂缝后,脱臼的关节又回到了原位.杜诗虎的动作很平静,但杜诗龙痛苦地尖叫了一会儿,才终于喘口气说道:"你这么做之前没有警告我.你是想杀我吗?杜诗虎回答道:"你不是说你准备好了吗?杜世龙爬上来,看着杜世虎,道:"你有什么常识吗?我当时正在和你说话.我该如何在通话时做好准备?好了,别站在那里了.你已经看到了我的痛苦,所以你知道下一步该怎么做.Du Shihu nodded and said, "Got it. We'll take him down."At this moment, Lin Feng had already left the stage and was heading toward the final match."Brother Feng..."Suddenly, Xue Cai'er's voice came from behind him.Lin Feng paused, turned around, and smiled at Xue Cai'er, saying, "Cai'er, what's the matter?"Xue Cai'er lowered her head, walked up to Lin Feng, and blushed slightly as she said, "Congratulations, Brother Feng."Lin Feng blinked and thought to himself, "Heh... this 'Brother Feng' sounds so sweet. In that case..." He said aloud, "I'll say thank you properly when I win first place."Xue Cai'er looked up at Lin Feng and asked, "Can I congratulate you when you win first place?"Lin Feng smiled faintly and said, "Well... of course, you can."Hearing Lin Feng's agreement, Xue Cai'er happily said, "Then, no matter whether you win first place or not, I'll be waiting for you at Cui Xiang Lou."Lin Feng's eyes twinkled and said, "Ah? Cui Xiang Lou is the most expensive restaurant in the capital. Alright, I'll go sign up for the drawing now."Lin Feng turned and headed toward the final arena, where Princess Mei Hua was watching.Suddenly, Lin Feng's eyes lit up as he spotted Lin Rong, who was sitting dejectedly on the ground, sighing.Lin Feng walked over and squatted beside him, saying, "Ah, I wonder if Zheng Shao can make it into the finals." He didn't ask about Lin Rong's match, nor did he show excitement about his own advancement, just speaking as usual.Lin Rong was stunned, turned around, and hurriedly helped Lin Feng up, saying, "Young Master Feng, you can't just sit on the ground like that!"Lin Feng glanced at Lin Rong and said, "You can sit, so why can't I? By the way, where's Zheng Shao?"Lin Rong, hearing Zheng Shao's name, slumped again and said, "Zheng Shao is preparing for the final drawing. Oh... Young Master, why are you still here? Don't feel down, we'll try again next year." Lin Rong assumed Lin Feng hadn't made it into the finals, so he comforted him first, fulfilling his servant duties.Lin Feng smiled and said, "You'll be coming alone next year. Alright, I'm off to sign up for the drawing."Lin Rong's face instantly turned dark, and he muttered, "What world is this, you're in the finals too?"Lin Feng squinted at Lin Rong and said, "Hey, what's that supposed to mean? I'm also the young master of your family. Do you really think I'm a waste?"Realizing his mistake, Lin Rong quickly shut his mouth and said nothing.Lin Feng saw Lin Rong's reaction, patted his shoulder, and said, "Come on, why are you standing there? Go witness how your young master will make a name for himself in the Jin Kingdom."