a peerless beauty
看到杜诗虎的举动,林蓉和林铮都惊呆了.此刻,林枫和杜诗虎的距离只有两尺左右.随着杜士虎的突然反击,任何站在那里的人都没有防守的机会,肯定会以死亡为代价."不要...""混蛋..."震惊之下,林铮和林蓉同时大声喊道.然后他们恢复了镇定,立即冲向指挥台.当他们跳跃时,他们从背后抽出长剑,将所有的力量都注入了剑刃中.当他们挥舞时,两声尖锐的剑声响起,两道剑光直奔杜士虎而来.这突如其来的事件让下面观看的所有人都感到震惊,尤其是那些认为战斗已经结束的人.他们的脸色变得苍白,盯着小小的指挥台,看着杜士虎的疯狂举动.这一刻,那些希望林枫死的人,又一次充满了兴奋.他们知道,林枫和杜诗虎之间的距离之近,意味着林枫注定要失败.就算林正和林蓉一起行动,也救不了林枫.他们顶多可以杀了杜诗虎来取代林枫的位置,但对于旁观的人来说,这仍然不是一个坏结果.这只会成为林家和杜家的事情,这正是一些人希望看到的.然而,接下来发生的事情让他们彻底失望了.就在杜士虎的剑刺穿林枫的胸口时,林枫的龙剑也颤抖了起来."啊..."随着剑的颤抖,林枫怒吼一声,伸出双臂,用力地挺出胸口.一股力量洪流从他的胸口涌出,穿过杜士虎的剑,进入他的身体.还没等杜士虎反应过来,他的身体就僵住了,剑也无法向前移动哪怕一刻.他的脸上开始浮现出狰狞的神色.五口气(一口气就是正常人呼吸的间隔),杜士虎突然发出一声令人心碎的惨叫,向后飞去.林铮和林蓉的剑气也被这股浓郁的力量吞噬了.就在林征和林荣向上跳跃的时候,他们被杜士虎击中,感觉仿佛有一座压力山砸在了他们身上.他们失去了平衡,被甩了回来,撞上了下面的人群,溅起了三声响亮的水花.人群一片混乱...这个变化,导致那些刚刚开始崛起的人又落下了.有些人刚刚做好准备,现在已经泄气了.此时,他们不再讨厌林枫,而是开始怨恨杜诗虎总是激荡他们的希望,结果却用失望粉碎了他们.林铮和林蓉倒在地.他们站起来后,两人狠狠地踢了杜诗虎一脚.林蓉控制不住怒火,大喊道:"卑鄙,混蛋!我就把你踢死,你这个无耻的混蛋!然而,此时,杜士虎已经处于死亡的边缘,连看林蓉一眼的力气都没有.林蓉和林正都没时间理会杜诗虎.林荣骂骂一声后,林铮一脚蹹离地,跳上指挥台,紧急问林枫:"少爷,你没事吧?你能坚持住吗?"少爷,你能做到吗?"现在也在平台上的林蓉,走了几步,靠近了林枫.林枫胸口沾满了鲜血,他握着那把伤到他的剑,看着剑尖的红点说道:"我没事,放心吧,郑少,荣,我不会死的.见林枫没事,林铮紧绷的脸色缓和了下来.他走到林枫面前说道:"好,我们走吧.我们不再参加这场比赛了.被林铮和林荣的关心所感动,林枫笑着说道:"没有必要再打了,因为已经结束了.哈哈..."林铮苦笑叹了口气,"你看...我头晕.林枫笑了笑,道:"我觉得荣说得非常好.我喜欢它,哈哈..."突然,就在三兄弟开玩笑的时候,一个轻柔而威严的声音从幕后传来:"林枫,林正,林荣,杜士虎,上前授勋.听到他们的名字,林铮和林蓉起初还以为自己听错了,但当他们确认时,却困惑地交换了一下眼神.意识到发生了什么事后,林荣从平台上跳下来,大声回答道:"林荣来了!林征虽然出乎意料的喜悦,但他并没有表现出太多.他扶着林枫,朝着窗帘走去.夏侯剑此时心中疑惑,不明白公主为何要与他商量.但眼看着林三兄弟正朝着上来,他只好跟了上去.当林枫,林蓉,林铮和夏侯剑到达距离公主十丈(约 30 英尺)的地方时,他们被侍卫拦住并站着不动.The curtain was slowly pulled back by the maidens, and a golden light burst forth, lighting up the entire royal arena in a dazzling radiance.What shocked everyone wasn't the golden light, but the woman seated within it—Princess Mei Hua, the unparalleled beauty of the Jin Kingdom, said to be a once-in-a-thousand-year beauty.Princess Mei Hua sat upon a golden throne, resembling a heavenly goddess. Even the four golden-clad attendants beside her seemed to be untouched by the mortal world. The golden light seemed to emanate from her body, making everyone present hold their breath, their eyes fixed on her."Truly celestial..." Lin Feng thought, his eyes unblinking as he stared at Princess Mei Hua. At this moment, he even forgot to breathe. Only when he felt pain from the wound on his chest did he snap back to reality, exhaling deeply and sighing, "I never thought there could be such a beauty in the world..."Hearing Lin Feng's words, Lin Rong also snapped back to his senses. After taking a deep breath, he said, "Hey, Zheng Shao, Feng Shao, do you think we're dreaming? I feel like I've ascended to heaven."Lin Zheng also recovered. He lightly shook his head and said, "This is simply unbelievable. Even angels are gracing our Jin Kingdom. This is truly incredible... too unimaginable..."Just as they were recovering, Princess Mei Hua glanced over the crowd. Her gaze eventually landed on the four of them. Seeing that they were all staring at her without blinking, she parted her lips and calmly said, "Have you had enough of looking? If you're not satisfied, there will be more chances. But why are only the four of you here? Where is Du Shihu?"Lin Feng was taken aback, his thoughts immediately clearing. He shifted his gaze away from Princess Mei Hua and returned to his usual calm demeanor, lowering his head in respect.After a long silence, someone below tremblingly spoke, "Du... Du Shihu... he... he... he's dead..."The moment Lin Feng, Lin Zheng, and Lin Rong heard this, a thunderous sound rang in their ears. Lin Feng gripped his Dragon Sword tightly, his brows furrowed deeply. He thought to himself, "This is truly the end..."