Disaster strikes from the sky
林枫和林铮交换了一个眼神,林铮脸色发绿,轻声问道:"怎么会这样?冯公子,你怎么杀了他?林枫一脸迷茫,深深困惑地摇了摇头,低声说道:"我不知道,我真的不知道.我什至不知道为什么会这样..."说着,他的思绪飘回了他与杜士虎交手的时候,想起了龙剑是如何震动的.突然,他的整个身体都僵硬了起来,他心想:"会不会这样?你真的毁了我.林枫喃喃自语,紧握着龙剑,既无奈又好笑.就在这时,皇家武场爆发出一片狂潮,所有人都朝着杜士虎倒下的位置冲去.梅华公主缓缓站起身来.看着下方汹涌而来的人群,她用手比划了一下,她的一名侍卫大声喊道:"安静,召来太医.听到命令,所有人瞬间静止了下来,可容纳数千人的皇家武斗场陷入了诡异的寂静.只能听到匆忙的脚步声.片刻之后,一位七十多岁的老人急忙朝着美华公主跑来.他不是别人,正是之前为林枫治病的太医李天华.李天华一踏上楼梯,美华公主就开口了:"李太乙,不用敬礼,请先检查杜诗虎.李天华顿了顿,然后回答道:"明白了,殿下,"然后转身向杜诗虎走去.林枫感觉自己的心不受控制地翻腾着.他现在唯一能做的,就是默默祈祷杜士虎没死.如果杜士虎真的死于他的手,杜家和林枫的关系肯定会恶化到不可挽回的程度.杜家在朝堂上拥有很大的权力,到那时,林家未必能免劫.林枫等人很可能被当场处决.林蓉冷汗淋漓,擦着额头看着林枫道:"如果他真的死了,我们该怎么办?林枫沉默了片刻,然后坚决道:"我们突围.林铮脸色一变.他连忙问道:"叔叔呢?而且,皇宫戒备森严.以我们的修为,突破几乎是不可能的.听着——外面是什么声音?林枫皱起眉头,脸色一变."听起来像装甲骑兵.没错,就是杜家的装甲骑兵.林蓉现在焦躁不安,就像热锅上的苍蝇一样,紧张地坐立不安,说道:"这个消息传得太快了吧?看来杜魏不会放过这件事.林铮若有所思地点点头,道:"看来杜魏是有备而来的.他肯定已经知道了.现在,杜士虎的死讯可能还没有被广泛宣布,但他已经提前动员了自己的力量.看来这是针对我们林家的.林枫平静了下来.他回头看了一眼杜士虎的方向,说道:"我只是希望他没有死.只要他没死,我们就还有机会.就在这时,李天华出现了,脸色苍白,急忙跑上楼梯.看到他,林枫,林铮,林蓉全都愣住了.他们所有的希望都在那一瞬间破灭了.李天华冲到林枫等人站的地方,跪了下来,道:"我无能为力.求求你,殿下,惩罚我.梅华公主的脸色黑了下来.停顿了一下,她说道:"你说的无能为力是什么?你不是神医吗?李天华露出愧疚的表情,仿佛要爬到地上一样,道:"杜士虎的经脉彻底切断,五脏六腑碎裂.就算是大仙也无能为力.林枫,林铮,林蓉听到李天华的话,都吓了一跳.他们三个面面相觑,惊呆了,没有反应过来.沉默了很久,林铮终于叹了口气,道:"天啊,你用了多少力气,让他伤得这么重?林枫觉得这情况的一切都很奇怪.他摇摇头说:"这不是我.我的修为只是刚软境四段,而他是气境六段.我怎么可能比得上他的实力呢?林蓉难以置信地瞪大了眼睛.他看着林枫,道:"在座的所有人都看到你把杜诗虎打飞了.少爷,你这话是什么意思?你是想说是我吗?林铮也觉得林枫的解释没有道理,便道:"枫公子,现在不是推卸责任的时候.我们需要考虑下一步该怎么做.听着,杜家的骑兵已经在武斗场外了.如果杜魏发现儿子死了,他会发疯,谁也挡不住他.我们可能会当场被杀.此时,林枫越来越沮丧.他看着林铮,低声说道:"郑邵,你能不能压低声音?我已经在考虑这个问题了.就在这时,杜家的装甲骑兵冲进了皇家武道,所有试图阻止他们的守卫都因恐惧而被推到一边.Princess Mei Hua's face darkened in anger. Her phoenix eyes widened, and with a flick of her sleeve, she stepped forward. The four attendants beside her flinched in fear.Princess Mei Hua walked to the edge of the stairs and looked at the oncoming cavalry. With a slight wave of her hand, two teams of silver-clad guards surged from either side of the Royal Martial Arena to intercept Du family's cavalry.The leader of the silver-clad guards was a tall, strong man in his thirties with sword-like eyebrows, wearing a silver-colored curved blade at his waist. His presence was commanding, and he was none other than the first-class guard of Jin Kingdom, Liu Yuan, who was responsible for protecting the princess and the emperor.Liu Yuan saw that the leader of the cavalry was Colonel Xue Shikun. He raised his hand, and the silver-clad guards formed a line to block the Du family's cavalry.Liu Yuan looked at the grim-faced Xue Shikun and said, "Colonel, what is the meaning of this? Did you know that bringing troops into the palace is a crime?"Xue Shikun, fully armored, did not dismount but instead appeared urgent as he looked at Liu Yuan and said, "I've come here under the command of the Chancellor to capture the traitor Lin Feng. If I've offended anyone, I ask for the princess's forgiveness." Xue Shikun shouted as he raised his head toward Princess Mei Hua on the high platform.His voice boomed like thunder, causing Lin Feng, Lin Zheng, and Lin Rong to freeze. Lin Zheng looked at Lin Feng and asked, "Young Master Feng, when did you become a traitor?"Lin Rong also looked at Lin Feng in confusion and asked, "Yeah, Young Master, what's going on? Could it be that Du Wei, the old thief, is taking revenge for personal reasons?"At this moment, Lin Feng was also confused. He glanced at the large group of soldiers and said, "Don't rush. Let's see what happens. What exactly is Du Wei up to?"Princess Mei Hua had naturally heard Xue Shikun's words. She murmured, "A traitor… Lin Feng..." Suddenly, Princess Mei Hua raised her arm and said, "Liu Yuan, have Colonel Xue come up and explain."Xue Shikun stepped up to the stairs and stood on the same line as Lin Feng and the others. He first shot a fierce glare at Lin Feng, then coldly sneered. Lin Feng felt a chill run down his spine and thought to himself, "This situation doesn't look good."Princess Mei Hua looked at Xue Shikun and asked, "Colonel Xue, earlier you said that Lin Feng is a traitor. Could you explain that more clearly? I fear I'm a little ignorant."Xue Shikun turned to look at Lin Feng and then back at Princess Mei Hua, saying, "Your Highness, do you know that Lin Feng has long been given an unsavory title?"Princess Mei Hua raised an eyebrow, curiosity flashing across her face. She turned her gaze to Lin Feng and said, "Go ahead, tell me."Xue Shikun replied, "For the past twenty years, Lin Feng has been known as the greatest waste in Jin Kingdom."Upon hearing this, Princess Mei Hua couldn't help but smile, but quickly suppressed it with a serious expression. She stared at Lin Feng, asking, "Is there such a thing? Lin Feng, is what Colonel Xue said true?"Lin Feng looked directly at Princess Mei Hua, unflinchingly replying, "Your Highness, that title is well-known to everyone, especially after the engagement with Xue Shikun's family was broken off half a year ago. Since then, that title has become even more famous, and it's hard to keep it a secret."Princess Mei Hua couldn't help but smile again. "Interesting, interesting..." She turned to Xue Shikun and said, "Colonel Xue, I still don't understand. Lin Feng has already admitted it. Can you explain the connection between this title and being a traitor?"Xue Shikun looked at Princess Mei Hua and replied, "Your Highness, that's exactly the key point. I'm sure you've seen that the terms 'useless' and 'Lin Feng' are completely incompatible. So, based on this, we can be sure that Lin Feng has been hiding his true identity all along."Lin Feng, hearing this, was confused and asked, "Identity? Could it be that I have another identity?"Xue Shikun turned around and looked at the army below, shouting loudly, "Bring him up."At his words, Lin Feng couldn't make sense of what was happening. He exchanged confused glances with Lin Zheng and Lin Rong, saying, "Who are they bringing?"Lin Rong's eyes shifted, and he muttered, "Could it be my father?"Hearing this, Lin Feng's expression changed, and he gritted his teeth, saying, "He dares..."Lin Zheng saw Lin Feng getting agitated and quickly said, "Calm down, Young Master Feng. Even if Du Wei is bold enough, he wouldn't dare to touch Uncle without the Emperor's permission."Just then, two armored men appeared, dragging a man who didn't seem to be from their kingdom. They walked up the stairs.Seeing that the man wasn't Lin Ao, Lin Feng and the others sighed in relief.As soon as the man was brought to the top, he looked at Lin Feng and started to struggle. The guards holding him panicked, tightly grabbing him.The man looked at Lin Feng and shouted, "Lord Lin, save me! Lord Lin, it's me, Little Li!"