Bloodshed in the Imperial Court


当被押送的人走上楼梯,看到林枫时,他顿时坐立不安.拉住他的两个守卫变得慌乱起来,紧紧地抓住了他.男子看着林枫,喝道:"林大人,救救我...林大人,是我,小李子...林大人..."包括林枫在内的三人,同时愣住了.林枫盯着那个呼救的人,小李子,睁大了眼睛,时而瞥了一眼薛世坤冰冷的表情,又瞥了一眼平台上面无表情的美华公主,最后又瞥了一眼惊讶的林正和林蓉.那一刻,他感到完全失去了平衡,不确定对方想要拉扯什么.看到林正和林蓉盯着他看,林枫后退了几步,无奈地摇了摇头,"我不认识他,真的不认识他...郑少...你..."林铮见林枫惊慌失措,上前抓住林枫的手腕,安慰道:"我知道.我们一起长大,我当然认识你.你甚至都没离开过这个城市,你怎么会是个大人物,或者认识其他国家的人呢?林荣眨了眨眼睛,将目光从小离子转移到林枫的脸上,说道:"冯绍,你看起来好熟悉,我开始怀疑你们俩有什么秘密关系了.您是什么时候成为如此重要的人物的?你应该告诉我的!林正对林蓉翻了个白眼,"在这种时候,你能不能别再胡说八道了?林枫摇了摇头,恢复了往常的平静神态.他冷笑道:"别怪他.这个动作排练得太好了.看来有人提前计划好了一切.林铮眯起眼睛,"是杜伟,不是吗?听到林征的话,林蓉差点跳起来,大喊道:"我杀了那个混蛋!就在这时,小离子已经来到了林枫的面前.林枫抬手阻止林荣再说下去,看着小李子,"我们真的那么熟悉吗?薛世坤上前一步,右手掐住小离子的脖子,冷冷道:"如果你说的是实话,我统帅保证你能活着回到骊国.如果你敢撒谎,我就确保你死在这里.美华公主看了一眼薛世坤,又看了一眼小李子,突然喝道:"荒谬!这是我的皇室,不是你这个单纯的指挥官来决定任何人的命运...我,公主,会问你,你是谁?诚实地说话.听到梅华公主的话,薛世坤沉默了.小离子的双腿开始颤抖,用恳求的眼神看着林枫.他喃喃道:"主啊..."薛世坤的脸色变得苍白.既然背对着梅华公主,他的脸上就浮现出不悦的神色.片刻后,他挥动手臂,小李子被送飞到美华公主面前,跪在那里.薛世坤狠狠地瞪了林枫一眼,然后转向小李子说道:"对不起,公主,我太急了.小李子,公主在问你一个问题.你最好说实话.小离子抬起头,颤抖着看着公主,结结巴巴地道:"我...I..."他转头看向林枫,却不能再说一句话.林枫看着小李子恳求的眼神.他咬紧牙关,深吸一口气,说道:"别再用那双可怜的眼睛看着我了.这让我们看起来好像真的了解彼此.好吧,既然你真的认为你说的是实话,那就说出来吧.尽管林枫这么说,小李子还是一脸惊恐.他盯着美华公主看了许久,才终于说道:"我...我...我来自黎国..."梅华公主沉思片刻,然后轻声说道:"从大骊朝开始...那么你说的那个'林大人',就是林枫吗?小礼子点点头,但随后立即摇了摇头,连忙说道:"没有...不..."梅华公主缓缓闭上眼睛,平静地说道:"是还是不是?她气势磅礴的存在让周围的人都僵住了,小李子的身体开始颤抖,紧张地说道:"是..."美华公主的脸色顿时变得冰冷.她甩了甩袖子,转身道:"带林枫,林正,林荣回宫.这件事事关重大,将由我父亲决定.派人去找首相和审查员.这里不允许任何人离开.任何泄露信息的人都会被毫不留情地处决.林蓉转头看向林枫,道:"冯绍,我们现在该怎么办?林蓉此时焦急起来,问道:"师父,请你不要看起来那么担心!我们该怎么办?我们应该杀出一条血路吗?Lin Zheng clenched his fists, looking at Lin Feng, "Feng Shao, just say the word, and I, Lin Zheng, will die without regret. It seems Du Wei has been plotting this for a long time. This time, he's definitely trying to bring down the Lin family."Lin Feng's lips curled into a faint smile, "Don't act hastily. Even though Du Wei wants to bring down the Lin family, he won't dare to act recklessly in the court. No matter how much power he has."Lin Zheng slightly shook his head, "Feng Shao, you're too naive. This is a world where the strong prey on the weak. As long as someone has power, they can do whatever they want. Haven't you seen that after all these years?"Lin Feng paused for a moment. He gripped his Dragon Sword tightly and thought to himself, "I feel like I don't belong here at all. Could it be that I'm really not one of them?" Just as Lin Feng was deep in thought, a guard approached and said, "Feng Shao, the Princess requests your presence."As Lin Feng entered the main hall, he noticed that the entire hall was filled with silver-armored guards, their swords flashing ominously, causing everyone to feel a sense of dread.Lin Feng observed that everyone entering the court had weapons with them. Something felt off. In the Cloud Dream Continent, no matter how high-ranking someone was, no one would dare to bring weapons to court without permission. But now, everything had changed.Lin Feng thought to himself, "It seems Zheng Shao was right. This is a world where the strong dominate. In that case, I can't just be the prey waiting to be eaten. This time, I'll strike first." As he thought about this, he gripped his Dragon Sword tightly, feeling that as long as he held it, no problem would be too great."The Prime Minister has arrived..."The middle-aged man sitting on the dragon throne, Emperor Yan Zhengfeng of Jin, had been keeping his eyes closed. When he heard the Prime Minister was arriving, he immediately opened his eyes, sitting upright and looking toward the door, saying, "Quickly, invite the Prime Minister in.""The Censor has arrived..."The man's eyes closed lazily again, and he said, "Announce him."Lin Feng was deeply disturbed by the Emperor's attitude. His fists clenched tightly. Lin Rong, even more so, was furious, wanting to rush forward and drag the Emperor off the throne, but he was restrained by Lin Zheng and Lin Feng.Lin Ao entered the court and saw Lin Feng, calling out anxiously, "Feng'er..."Lin Feng, feeling a surge of emotion, hurriedly went to him and said, "Don't worry, father. I'm fine."Lin Feng's gaze shifted to Du Wei, observing his haughty demeanor, and he thought to himself, "It seems that the news of Du Shi Hu's death hasn't spread yet. That's for the best."Yan Zhengfeng, seeing Du Wei, raised his arm and said, "Du Aiqing, please take a seat."Du Wei glanced at Lin Feng arrogantly and said, "Thank you, Your Majesty." He then sat down in the silver chair beneath the Emperor's throne.Yan Zhengfeng opened his eyes and swept his gaze across the hall. Once all the important people had arrived, he straightened up and said, "Lin Feng, I've heard that for many years you've had an unknown identity as the General of the South for the Great Li Dynasty. Is that true?"Lin Ao, upon hearing this, immediately collapsed, his legs giving way. He hastily said, "Your Majesty..."Before Lin Ao could finish, Du Wei immediately stood up, interrupting him. "Traitor Lin Feng! You've committed treason by colluding with the enemy. Today, we have both the witness and evidence. What do you have to say?"The court immediately became tense as everyone began whispering. Lin Ao hurriedly tried to intervene, "Your Majesty, it's all a misunderstanding. My son has never left Jin, how could he be