What’s the big deal about rebelling?

法庭的突然变化让在场的每一位部长都目瞪口呆.刚才还高歌猛进的杜魏,突然被林枫毫无征兆地斩首了.而且,前来控告林枫是李国南将的小李子,被揭露是杜魏的儿子.还没等任何人反应过来,他和杜伟的儿子都被林正和林荣杀死了.整个法庭都陷入了震惊.然而,当其他人都目瞪口呆时,林枫和他的同伴们仍然头脑清醒.杀死杜魏和小离子后,他们三人像从笼中释放出来的三只凶猛的老虎一样,迅速地朝着龙座冲去.严正风看到林枫向他冲来,惊慌失措,双脚向后倒下,靠在龙座上,大喊道:"保护皇帝!他大声的喊叫吓了大厅里的所有人.一级保镖刘元立即反应过来,跳上前拦截了他们三人.就在刘渊移动的同时,林铮和林荣加速,挡住了刘渊保护林峰.刘远看到他们牺牲的团队合作,心里一颤,但他并没有惊慌失措.他们动作敏捷,眨眼间就交手了五下.刘远吼了一声,双脚狠狠地跺在地板上,拳头如闪电般向前飞去.林铮和林蓉连忙抬起双手迎接这一击.一声巨响回荡,林铮和林荣都踉踉跄跄地向后退去,虽然刘远也后退了几步.刘远的脸色发生了翻天覆地的变化.他没想到,两人虽然只有五品,但合作起来却展现出如此惊人的实力.但真正让他震惊的是,在他与林正,林荣的战斗中,林枫跃身跃升.林铮和林蓉跌跌撞撞地倒在地上,手仿佛被打断了一样,两人都感觉到胸口起伏,当场吐血.整个大厅震惊地陷入了沉默.林铮擦去嘴里的血,缓缓站起身来.看着林枫的背影,他笑着说道:"不错,小主.林蓉也站了起来,嘴唇上还沾满了鲜血,虚弱地笑道:"果然,小少爷.即使我们受伤了,这也是值得的...哈哈...咳咳咳,"他说,把更多的血吐在已经沾满血迹的地毯上.刘远盯着林枫的背影,浑身颤抖,动弹不得.林枫站在那里,表情冰冷,像个死神.他的剑抵在燕正峰的肩膀上.燕正风靠在龙座上,身体颤抖着,盯着衣服被鲜血浸透的林枫.他的嘴唇颤抖着,但什么话也没说出来.过了好一会儿,一位老臣终于回过神来,看到这一幕,惊恐地喊道:"造反!这就是叛逆!抓住叛军林枫!林枫紧握着剑,大喝道:"那如果我造反呢?试着向前走,看看会发生什么!说着,他轻轻地将刀刃划过了燕正峰的脖子,让皇帝害怕地缩了回去,脖子几乎要拉进去,他拼命地喊道:"别动...别动!大臣立刻闭上了嘴,默默地站着,眼中带着恐惧的看着林枫.片刻之后,见没人说话,林枫冷冷地嘲笑道,对惊慌失措的燕正风说道:"我们想杀你,你觉得你还有机会吗?刘元听到林枫的话,正要抢在皇帝开口之前说话,却被林枫打断了,握紧了剑.严正峰的脖子上顿时露出一丝鲜血,林峰面无表情地喊道:"闭嘴!你只是一个保镖,你没有发言权.深深地呼出一口气,目光从未离开过燕正峰,他继续说道:"我只是想证明什么.如果我和我的兄弟们想杀了你,你就活不下去了.但别担心.如果你让我们走,我保证皇帝不会受到伤害.听到不会对自己造成伤害,严正峰顿时松了口气,连忙说道:"好,好,我放你走.我不会追究今天的事情.现在走,你们都走!听到他的命令,所有的守卫都退出了金銮殿.原本被这一幕彻底惊呆的林敖,只是在听到皇帝的命令后才回过神来.然而,当他看到林枫拿着剑对着皇帝时,他跪倒在地,大喊道:"造反!放过皇帝!林枫看了林敖一眼,深吸一口气,道:"父亲,原谅我.我们本来是想报国报国,参加默考的,可这个无能的统治者却想杀了我.你没看到他的态度吗?他甚至不重视你,爸爸.这样的人值得我们效忠吗?怒气冲冲的林敖听到林枫的叛逆话语,尖叫得更大声,在球场上哭泣着咒骂着,"叛逆的儿子!我让林家蒙羞了!我怎么能养育出这样一个忘恩负义的儿子呢?陛下,请惩罚我,赐予我死亡以赎罪!Lin Zheng, seeing Lin Ao crying like this, couldn't bear it and walked over to support him, saying, "Uncle, we are like fish on the chopping board now. We just don't want to die like this. Uncle…"Lin Ao shrugged off Lin Zheng's hand and shouted in fury, "Go away! Go away! I'm no longer your uncle. The Lin family has no unfilial sons like you. The king orders the minister to die, and the minister must die. How have I taught you all?"Lin Zheng, realizing Lin Ao had made up his mind, didn't dare to argue further. He could only watch helplessly as Lin Ao continued crying.Suddenly, Lin Feng, who had been standing on the high platform, let out a cold laugh. He flicked his wrist and sheathed his sword. Glancing at Yan Zhengfeng, he turned and walked down from the platform. As he reached Lin Ao, he suddenly kneeled with a thud, taking a deep breath before saying, "I am unworthy, Father. I have shamed you before the people of the Kingdom of Jin. I have brought shame to the Lin family. I am sorry, Father."Lin Ao froze. He looked at Lin Feng, whose eyes were filled with tears, and after a long while, did not move.Yan Zhengfeng, regaining his composure, had a bodyguard rush forward to help him wipe the blood from his neck.After a moment, Yan Zhengfeng finally recovered. Seeing Lin Feng kneeling before Lin Ao, he immediately shouted, "Seize the rebels, Lin Feng, Lin Zheng, Lin Rong!"Hearing the emperor's command, Lin Feng's face twitched, but he showed no expression, as if he hadn't heard anything. He remained kneeling before Lin Ao, letting the guards rush in and surround them.Lin Feng raised his head and looked at Lin Ao, whose face was streaked with tears. He continued, "Father... Father... I know you can't forgive me. I will die today to repay the twenty years of care you've given me… Father…"As he spoke, he slowly lowered his head and knocked it on the ground with a loud bang."Bang…""Father…""Bang…"With each word, another heavy thud echoed through the hall.Lin Ao's tears flowed down his wrinkled face as his body trembled. Lin Zheng and Lin Rong, watching the scene, also felt tears welling in their eyes.Lin Feng cried out "Father" twenty times, knocking his head twenty times, and each time Lin Ao trembled.Finally, Lin Feng raised his head, his forehead dripping with blood. The blood trickled down his face, mixing with the blood from Du Wei. At that moment, Lin Feng looked like a bloody figure, kneeling there in front of everyone. The surrounding guards, one by one, began to feel a chill in their hearts.As Lin Feng slowly stood up, silver-tipped spears shot towards him, aiming at his shoulders.Seeing this, Lin Ao took a deep breath, looked at Lin Feng with deep sorrow, and, after much struggle, said, "Twenty years, twenty bows, twenty cries of 'Father'. Alright… alright... From now on, you are no longer my son, Lin Ao. You are no longer a member of the Lin family. Your life or death is no longer of concern to me." With that, Lin Ao waved his sleeve and turned away, his back to Lin Feng, Lin Zheng, and Lin Rong.