The Demon Fox Under the Moon
林铮和林蓉都被眼前的一幕惊呆了.能够召唤天雷为自己使用,是他们从未想过的.刹那间,他们完全被从天而降的刀刃下凝固了.丁玲的脸色也变得苍白,她冷冷道:"紫雷阴雷刃是玉花宗紫雷圣女的秘术.你怎么知道的?说着,丁玲急忙扔出了一个类似金碗的东西.一抛出,顿时散发出金光并扩大,将林枫,林铮,林蓉,以及她自己都笼罩了起来.紫雷阴雷刃击中金碗,使其颤抖.电流从中涌过.林枫回过神来,问道:"这撑得住吗?丁灵掂量了一下,回答道:"如果这枚紫雷阴雷刃是方师姐挥舞的,我相信天下没有人能抵挡得住.但现在,它几乎撑不住了.林枫松了一口气,但听到方师姐如此强大,他的好奇心被激起了.他问道:"方师姐,她有那么厉害吗?她是谁?丁玲道:"方雪晴师姐早已飞升至不朽.紫雷圣女就是她的称号..."就在她这么说的时候,金碗又剧烈地颤抖了起来,吓了林枫他们一慌.丁玲吞下一粒药丸,一抹红光在她的脸上蔓延开来.她的精神振奋起来,她说:"我现在要走.记住,等我回来.说完,她就在一闪而过的光芒中消失了,从金碗中飞了出来.林蓉看着丁灵穿过金碗,没有对它造成任何伤害,顿时惊呼道:"哇,这是怎么回事?林铮道:"这是她的宝贝.我想我们遇到了一位不朽的人.林枫道:"看着她,很明显.她一定是不朽的.她说她是玉华宗的嫡系弟子.什么是玉花宗?哈哈...如果我们能进入,我们的未来将是无限的!林枫大声笑了起来,仿佛他已经是玉花宗的一员了.见林枫如此欢喜,林荣道:"少爷,不要太激动.那个道士可不是个简单的人物.不知道那个仙子吃了什么丹药,虽然看起来好多了,但能不能活着回来还是个不确定.林枫翻了个白眼,道:"你能不能别这么悲观了?就假装你什么都不知道.我不会把你当傻子.让我做个梦吧,没那么难..."林枫还没说完,他突然感觉到面前一片黑暗.当他回过神来时,他发现那个金碗已经不见了.众人一头雾水,面面相觑,终于,林征开口了,问道:"就这样吗?林枫眼神打转,回答道:"我怎么知道?这太不道德了!我还以为它会直接带我们去玉花宗..."就在这时,林蓉从地上捡起了一个碗大小的金碗,道:"这就是刚才让我们飞起来的那个东西吗?他说着,把拳头伸进去,"怎么现在连拳头都装不下呢?林枫急忙抓起它,检查了一下.过了很长一段时间,他都无法弄清楚它的头或反面.他皱起眉头,困惑地说道:"这东西...我觉得这绝对是一件神器.尽管它现在很小,但如果它想扩大,它可能比天空还大.林蓉连忙点头,道:"少爷说得对,但就算是神器,你觉得我们能用吗?林正摇摇头,道:"这有点牵强.我听说神器都有自己的主人.林枫点点头,道:"我也听说过.显然,你需要先把血滴在一件未炼制的神器上,然后才能控制它.林蓉瞪大了眼睛,看着林枫,问道:"少爷,什么是血法炼制?林枫想了想,道:"我觉得就是把你的血滴在一件还没炼制的神器上.这样,你就可以让你的灵魂与神器调和,让它回应你的命令.林铮连忙点头,道:"我听说过.林蓉对使用这件神器的前景感到欣喜,道:"那我们还在等什么?这么好的宝物,我们不是该试着炼制一下吗?啊...少爷,你..."林蓉说话的时候,脸色顿时变得苍白起来.看到林蓉的表情,林枫和林铮都愣住了.他们顺着他的目光,看到林蓉正盯着林枫手中的金碗.林征的脸上也露出了惊恐的神色,道:"少爷,你的手受伤了...你的血,到处都是金碗..."林枫意识到发生了什么事,惊慌失措,将金碗扔掉,道:"我不是故意的...我不是故意的...我什至没有注意到我的手什么时候被割伤了..."Lin Rong spun around in place, nearly panicking as he said, "It's over, it's over! The fairy was kind enough to save us with her treasure, and now we've repaid her kindness with evil! We've accidentally refined her treasure… she might want to kill us now. This is it. We'll never get into the Yuhua Sect."Lin Feng shrank back, looking innocent as he said, "I really didn't mean to. If I'd noticed my hand was cut, I would've avoided touching this broken bowl…"Suddenly, a slow, leisurely female voice called out, "In your eyes, am I less important than a broken bowl?"Lin Feng froze and quickly looked up in the direction of the voice. He saw a woman, elegant and ethereal like a fairy, sitting on a rock, her large eyes staring at them.Lin Rong, seeing her, slightly shook his head and whispered to Lin Feng and Lin Zheng, "Young master, Brother Zheng, a beauty like this in the wilderness at night… I think she's either a fairy or a ghost. What do you think?"Lin Zheng nodded and said, "I think she's probably a demon. Yeah, a moonlit fox demon."Lin Feng, unconcerned, shook his head, blinked a few times, and whispered, "I think she looks like a person."Lin Zheng and Lin Rong exchanged glances and shook their heads simultaneously, saying, "Young master, you're thinking too much. Looks like we're doomed."Lin Feng squinted his eyes, looked at the woman sitting on the rock, and said, "Don't you all see? She looks just like Princess Mei Hua."Lin Zheng and Lin Rong both shook their heads. Suddenly, Lin Rong shouted, "Wow… Princess Mei Hua! We'd better run for our lives!" He immediately turned to run in the opposite direction.Lin Feng grabbed Lin Rong, squeezing his wrist, and looked at Princess Mei Hua, who was still smiling on the rock. He smiled back and, with a bow, said, "Commoner Lin Feng greets the princess."Princess Mei Hua smiled at the three of them and said, "You've been whispering for so long and only just recognized me? Looks like I'm really failing as a princess."