Yuhua Sect
林枫露出羞愧的表情,但还是笑着回答道:"不是公主的失败;就是这个卑微的男人认不出泰山.我希望公主能原谅我.林蓉俯身,在林枫耳边低语道:"少爷,公主似乎不知道我们在朝堂里威胁了她爸爸.事情是这样的:少爷,你应该安慰她,我们会找机会溜走的.林铮扯着林蓉的袖子,低声说道:"我们当初不怕朝堂上千兵,现在你竟然表现得这么没骨气?林蓉抿唇道:"那公主好霸道.当我看着她时,我什至无法鼓起任何力量.我怎么能不害怕呢?你没看到她之前做了什么吗?你忘了吗?林征的脸色微微暗沉,道:"你可能是对的.这位公主...她会不会有什么问题?林蓉目光一转,道:"如果她真的是狐妖的转世呢?不然她怎么能如此迷人呢?就连我,只是看了她一会儿,就觉得我的骨头都变成了糊状.梅华公主注意到,他们三人还在窃窃私语.她脸上一直挂着笑容,看着林枫,道:"你有很多问题吗?如果你知道,请随时询问.如果没有,就别再窃窃私语了.林枫看了林蓉一眼,问道:"你有什么问题吗?林蓉连忙闭嘴,用力地摇头,仿佛像个波浪,对林铮说:"不是我,是郑少.林铮眼神紧张地四处扫视,道:"哎,你怎么能这样?我真的没有任何问题.美华公主看着林枫,问道:"他们一个都没有,你呢?林枫笑道:"你一定是在开玩笑.我怎么会有任何问题呢?梅华公主停止了笑容,变得严肃起来,道:"既然没有问题,林枫,请上前接受您的称号.美华公主的神态变化得如此迅速,以至于林枫等人都愣住了,认真地盯着她.林蓉喃喃道:"本公主翻转情绪比翻书还快.你不能就这样震撼人们的神经.林枫从中猛然抽身,眨了眨眼睛,喃喃自语道:"等等,她说什么?一个头衔?梅华公主脸色一黑,道:"你怀疑我的判断吗?那一刻,林枫感觉自己在她的注视下仿佛要窒息而死.他连忙上前,单膝跪地,道:"这卑微的男人不敢拒绝.求求你了,公主,赐予你这个头衔.美华公主站起身来,双手紧握在身后,散发着优越的气息.她对林枫说:"让天作我证,日月作证,我,梅华,特此授予林枫金国将军的称号,肩负守卫我们王国边界的任务.接受你的命令.梅华公主朝林枫扔出一块令牌,它直接飞向了他.林枫彻底愣住了.他急忙伸手接住它,说道:"谢谢你的恩典,公主..."他低下头,沉默了很久才说道:"但是..."梅华公主打断道:"够了.我已经知道你的行为了.我之所以在这里等着,就是看你会怎么对付大权大户杜魏,还有统帅天下的皇帝.如果你只是投降,那我就承认我错了,我在这里浪费了我的时间.林枫等人倒抽了一口气,美华公主的形象在他们眼中更加威严.但林枫还是露出一丝好奇的表情,问道:"可是公主怎么知道我们竟然还能活着离开皇宫呢?梅华公主的脸色微微一动,她说道:"你不会活着离开的.杜士虎这么年轻,却已经将身体修炼到了凝气六层.这意味着他的支持不是普通的力量.而且他确实有太乙宗的人支持他.幸运的是,丁道人及时赶到.我们在梦中见过几次面.林枫疑惑道:"梦中相遇?你怎么能在梦中遇见人呢?梅华公主微微一笑,道:"说来话长.你一进玉花宗就明白了.丁道人对你们三个都特别感兴趣.你不能在晋国多待太久,所以这次玉花宗之行将是一种逃避的方式..."此时,林枫转身顺着美华公主的目光,只见丁道人策剑向他们飞来.林枫激动不已,惊呼道:"这太不可思议了!她骑着剑飞翔.真是天体.眨眼间,丁道士落在了他们面前.美华公主注意到丁道士苍白的脸色,急忙走近她,问道:"丁大人,你没事吧?丁道士将剑收进储物袋,恭敬地双手合十,道:"公主,我们得在这里分手了.命运会让我们再次相聚.我带这三个去玉花宗.他们能不能成为弟子,就看自己的命运了.然后她转向林枫问道:"玉碗在哪儿?The three of them stiffened, looking at each other in silence. After a long pause, Lin Feng pretended to be confused and asked, "Jade bowl? What is that? It sounds nice!"Taoist Ding replied, "Stop pretending. The golden bowl from earlier."The three of them took a sharp breath, their expressions changing slightly. They turned around to look at the ground behind them.Taoist Ding glanced over and saw the jade bowl lying on the ground. She frowned, saying, "Such a fine treasure, and you didn't even take care of it?" She reached out and tried to grab it.The jade bowl didn't react, and Taoist Ding's expression changed. She tried again, but the bowl remained still.Lin Feng and the others' hearts raced, and they lowered their heads, too afraid to speak.Taoist Ding, feeling puzzled, walked over and picked up the jade bowl. Suddenly, her pupils contracted, and she turned to look at Lin Feng.Lin Feng felt as though an immense pressure was piercing through him from her gaze, and he quickly stepped back.After a long pause, Taoist Ding sighed and coldly said, "Let's go."A massive sword appeared on the ground, and Taoist Ding was the first to step onto it.Lin Rong and Lin Zheng quickly followed. Lin Feng looked back at Princess Mei Hua, who had been silently watching them. He said, "If I, Lin Feng, ever return after mastering my skills, I'll come back in fine clothes and take the princess's hand to rule the world, to repay her kindness."Princess Mei Hua smiled with satisfaction and waved her hand, saying, "I've been waiting for this. Remember, this is something you owe me. Go on. I'll make sure the Minister of Justice will be fine."Lin Feng gave a respectful bow to Princess Mei Hua, his face full of gratitude, then turned back and stepped onto the sword. With a light command from Taoist Ding, the sword soared into the sky, heading toward the clouds.They didn't know how long they had been flying, but Lin Rong and Lin Zheng were starting to feel dizzy, their ears ringing as if they might burst. In contrast, Lin Feng seemed completely unaffected. Taoist Ding, noticing this, thought to herself, "This kid's cultivation seems to be only at the fourth level of the Soft and Hard Realm. He should be uncomfortable at this height. How is he unaffected? Even someone with divine transformation would feel discomfort."Taoist Ding shook her head and said, "The rules of the Yuhua Sect are strict. Since you've just entered the sect, don't cause any trouble."Lin Rong and Lin Zheng, still unable to hear clearly, both asked in unison, "Huh? What did you say?"Lin Feng answered with a grin, "Don't worry. I'm good at not fighting back or talking back. I'm famous for being a useless person. This is easy for me."Taoist Ding glanced toward the distant mountain range, her expression calm as she said, "The young master who slashed the Prime Minister, holding the emperor hostage, has courage that even Supreme Master Fang Han from thousands of years ago might not have had. If this is what you call useless, then we might need to rethink the definition of that word."Lin Feng fell silent. Suddenly, he raised his hand and pointed to the distant mountain range shrouded in mist. He asked, "Is that the Yuhua Sect? I can see the four characters of Yuhua Immortal Gate. We must be close."